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More on the Huffington Post and JFK
^ Very informative post.

Thank you.
Where Angels Tread Lightly, 2015, John M. Newman
State Secret, 2013, Bill Simpich
Oswald and the CIA, 2008 ed., John M. Newman
Deep Politics and DP ll, 2003 ed., Peter Dale Scott
Our Man In Mexico... 2008, Jefferson Morley
Wilderness of Mirrors, 1980, David C. Martin
JFK and Vietnam, 1992, John M. Newman
Enemy of the Truth...2012, Sherry P. Fiester
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I have a couple of decades of insider MSM experience - as a science, history, business and current affairs documentary maker for the likes of the BBC, Discovery and National Geographic. NatGeo even has a "fact checking unit", known colloquially as "the Gestapo", who pore over every word and comma of the final scripts of documentaries.

National Geographic did a long piece backing the official center fuel tank explosion story behind TWA Flight 800's missile shootdown.

That really puts the "National" in National Geographic doesn't it?


Like many liberals/progressives in this country, I was very happy when The Huffington Post was launched on the web in 2005. The left needed a voice on the internet and Huffpo provided it. Being a writer, I also engaged in posting my opinions on many articles at Huffpo over the years as the site became a force on the internet.
But then I started to see some troubling practices at Huffpo. For one, out of every five posts I would submit, I would only have two posted after the moderators at the site looked at my posts. The subject matter involved usually was about the JFK assassination or the events of 9/11. It got me to the point that where I stopped posting at all on the site and rarely visited the site anymore.
In addition to that, I started to see articles in Huffpo that were very disturbing and very similar to the way the mainstream media has reported events like the JFK assassination. Articles like this one for instance. What a bunch of malarkey. That particular story was torn apart by many experts including this excellent retort by Jim Fetzer and Jim Marrs.
At the same time I also read this article by Jim DiEugenio and a pattern was evolving. Then earlier this year I heard Governor Jesse Ventura and Dick Russell on Black OpRadio with Len Osanic. Jesse had been promoting his great book American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, and he told another very troubling story about what happened with Huffpo. Ventura and Russell wrote a story for Huffpo asking for a new investigation about what really happened on 9/11/01.
The story was posted by Huffpo and then was removed. The post was removed because according to Editor at Huffpo, "The Huffington Post's editorial policy, laid out in our blogger guidelines, prohibits the promotion and promulgation of conspiracy theories -- including those about 9/11. As such, we have removed this post." This is rather astonishing when you consider that the "official account" of 9/11 involved a conspiracy (among 19 alleged hijackers and their control and command by a guy off in a cave in Afghanistan). So Huffpo appears to be telling the world that 9/11 is "off limits"!
Are we seeing a pattern yet folks? Then recently, I saw this outrageous article in Huffpo as well. Shermer doesn't have much credibility as he proved when he debated Fetzer in September of 2007 talking about 9/11 as you can listen tohere. I have also written about how ridiculous the "lone nut" theory is. But Shermer's"expert"opinion ended up in Huffpo. Why? Because Huffpo doesn't want to get out the REAL truth about what happened on 11/22/1963 OR what really happened on 9/11/2001.
More insight about Shermer's "agenda" can be found in a recent column he wrote for, of all places. Shermer suggests that conspiracies involve superhuman powers and the knowing involvement of large numbers of persons. That scenario did not take place when John Kennedy was assassinated. It also didn't take place when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. In addition, it also didn't take place when Robert Kennedy was assassinated. And it certainly didn't take place with the events of 9/11.
These conspiracies involved human powers and varying numbers of participants. Each case has to be evaluated on its own terms. Shermer is offering an exaggerated conception of what it takes to have a "conspiracy", while also trying to minimize the chances that they actually take place. It's an old trick folks. It's called disinformation. While he comes across as a personable fellow, most of his comments about conspiracies are simply wrong. As one of his commentators observes, they are factually challenged and poorly reasoned.
That is why he was given the forum of Huffpo to state his "opinion". Because when it comes to the JFK assassination and 9/11, Huffpo only allows people that side with the government explanation as to how those events transpired. It is truly astonishing that a publication like this would "moderate" those who have important points to make that are contrary to its tacit positions. Perhaps they don't want Huffpo to advance understanding of these issues as the commentaries in have turned into a tutorial about 9/11!
Yes...I know that Huffpo does some nice work. In the world of politics, it exposes a lot of the lies that permeate the United States and the world today. That is good. But Huffpo also keeps the lid on the two biggest lies ever perpetrating on the American people. That is NOT good.
The MSM (including The Huffington Post)as a whole does not want the truth of the JFK assassination or the events of 9/11 ever to come out. Why? Because they are almost as guilty as the forces that truly committed those heinous crimes. Why? Because they helped cover up the true facts about what really happened during those events. It's too late now to come clean. That is why the Discovery Channel has put out their attempt at disinformation with recent shows about the JFK assassination on the network.
Luckily, these feeble attempts have been ripped to pieces by criticshere, here and here. Those are just three examples. There are many more. So why is the Discovery Channel and why is Huffpo covering up the truth about the JFK assassination and also the events of 9/11. Demographics baby! The Huffington Post and the Discovery Channel fall into the demographic group that includes many younger people in this country. My 19 year old son is included in that group, as he is an avid viewer of Discovery Channel (though not the JFK assassination junk thankfully).
The MSM is trying to infiltrate into the younger minds via Huffpo and Discovery, as they know they are losing the battle with the American people as a whole regarding the JFK assassination and the events of 9/11.Only about25% of Americans believe that the Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone nut assassin in the JFK murder. Even FOX News said that. At least a third of the American public believe that the events of 9/11 happened because of an inside job by the U.S. government as well. That group is growing everyday.
The internet is the reason why the truth is growing in this country. Sites like Black Op Radio and The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer educate people about real facts and not the disinformation that many in the MSM try to feed you. The government and the MSM are trying very hard to suppress the internet as well. Examples are here and here. This past week we also saw the FCC rule on Net Neutrality, which will not help things at all.
I have faith that most of the people in the United States see through this charade, especially the young people. Yes, FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and others will continue to "dumb down" America with their disinformation and rhetoric, but most see through their efforts. What isn't so easy to see are the efforts by Huffpo and the Discovery Channel as they and so many in the MSM try to hide and lie away the two darkest secrets that have ever occurred in America. That is almost as criminal as the events that actually occurred on 11/22/1963 and 9/11/2001.
Bob Fox has been a writer for, has done work regarding the JFK assassination:, and has been on Black Op Radio with Len Osanic and The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer. He is currently a moderator at JFK Murder
Jim, your indictment of Markos' attack on Caroline Kennedy is eloquent, passionate and thought-provoking.

From your references to his CIA history, I became suspicious.

Dismissing the Kennedysparticulary by one so young and so conflicted as Markosis antihistorical.

The stuff of Orwell's future where those who control history control the world.

JFK and RFK were murdered as part of the coup d'etat of the 'sixties.

I do not think we accept Markos and Zsa Zsa the Huff on the basis of their cover legend.

If Markos evinced infatuation with CIA, and Zsa Zsa makes a lap for Epstein, perhaps they are false-flagged.

Gates the former DCI coauthored with Brzezinski the likely Columbia mentor of Obama the 2004 CFR paper Iran: Time for a New Approach.

Gates appointed by Bush, retained by Obama; the Afghan war, ditto.

The French have a saying for it.

What was the real reason Caroline Kennedy was unacceptable: she was a threat to the conduct of business as usual.

Hence, establishment types no matter their location on the spectrum will fail to acknowledge any validity to arguments for conspiracy.

Eric Hoffer's True Believer, Stalin's New Soviet Man, Orwell's Inner Party member will present as so many Markoses, Zsa Zsas, Walker Bushes, Rodhams, et cetera.

You observe JFK saw Algeria as striving in the manner of nationalism, not communism.

So, too, is it said by some, of China today.

It has been a long time since John Kennedy or Robert Kennedy provided a transcendent vision.

Therein lies the power available only to those who insist upon the conspiracy explanation for the nation's plight.

Untying that knot is the only clear path ahead.

I have to admit, when I learned that Markos was a former CIA "intern" so to speak, I did entertain the thought that he was part of the controlled opposition to Bush.

You know, after the Agency's battles with Bush and Cheney over Iraq, they knew that there would be a backlash themed around that nutty war. So they may have sent Markos in and set him up to catch and organize that backlash.

If so, he has done a good job

Edward Epstein - (CIA asset and tool):

The endless tangle of questions about bullets, trajectories, wounds, time sequences and inconsistent testimony that has surrounded the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and has obsessively fascinated, if not entirely blinded, two generations of self-styled assassination investigators, probably never will be satisfactorily resolved. Each new release of documents from the various bureaucracies involved in the nearly half century old investigation may only deepen the apparent contradictions.

Within this morass of facts. however, there is a central actor, Lee Harvey Oswald. His rifle, which fired the fatal bullet into the president, was found in the sniper's nest at the Texas Book Depository. So was his palm print. He had also bought the ammunition. His cartridge cases were found near the body of a murdered policeman on the route of his flight. In light of such evidence, the issue that ought to have concerned Americans was not Oswald's technical guilt but whether he was involved with others in the assassination. Oswald was not a "loner" in the conventional sense. Ever since he was handed a pamphlet about the Rosenberg prosecution at the age of 15, he was a joiner, seeking affiliations with groups at home and abroad. When he was only 16, he wrote the Socialist Party, "I am a Marxist and have been studying Socialist Principles for well over five years," and he requested information about joining their "Youth League." He subsequently made membership inquiries to such organizations as the Socialist Workers Party, the Socialist Labor Party, The Gus Hall-Benjamin Davis Defense Committee, The Fair Play for Cuba Committee and the Communist Party, USA-- correspondence that brought him under surveillance by the FBI.
0swald also joined the Marine Corps. And after a two-year stint as a radar operator, Oswald sought still another affiliation: in October 1959 he became the first Marine to defect to the Soviet Union. In Moscow, he delivered a letter stating: "I affirm that my allegiance is to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." Not only did he publicly renounce his American citizenship, but he told the U.S. consul that he intended to turn over to the Soviet Union military secrets that he had acquired while serving in the Marines, adding that he had data of "special interest" to the Russians. Since he indeed had exposure to military secrets such as the U-2 spy plane, his defection had serious espionage implications. Oswald thus had not only compromised the secret data he had come in contact with in the Marines, but put himself firmly in the hands of another country. He was now completely dependent on Russia for financial support, legal status and protection.
Before disappearing into the Soviet hinterland for a year, Oswald spelled out his operational creed in a long letter to his brother. From Moscow, he wrote presciently of his willingness to commit murder for a political cause: "I want you to understand what I say now, I do not say lightly, or unknowingly, since I've been in the military .... In the event of war I would kill any American who put a uniform on in defense of the American Government --", and then ominously added for emphasis, "Any American." His willingness to act as an assassin was now known to anyone who read this letter, which included not only his Russian hosts but American intelligence, since his letter was intercepted by the CIA and microfilmed.
Oswald returned from the Soviet Union in June 1962, joined by his Russian wife Marina, and settled in Dallas. He then acquired the means for killing. He purchased a rifle with telescopic sights and a revolver from a mail-order house under a false name. He also lectured a small circle of friends on the need for violent action rather than mere words. His particular focus was General Edwin A. Walker, an extreme conservative, who had been active in Dallas organizing anti-Castro guerrillas. For example, he suggested to a German geologist, Volkmar Schmidt that General Walker should be treated like a "murderer at large." He did not stop at fierce words. For weeks, he methodically stalked Walker's movements, photographing his residence from several angles. He then had his wife photograph him, dressed entirely in black, with his revolver strapped on a holster on his hip, his sniper's rifle in his right hand, and two newspapers, The Worker and The Militant, in his left hand. He made three copies of the photograph--one of which he inscribed, dated "5--IV-63" and sent to a Dallas acquaintance, George De Mohrenschildt (who had also seen his rifle). He then left with his rifle wrapped in a raincoat, telling his wife he was off to "target practice," but his target, General Walker, was out of town that night. Five nights later, Oswald returned to Walker's house, and fired a shot at him that missed his head by inches, demonstrating to those that saw the photograph that he had the willingness to kill.
After the failed assassination, another friend, Ruth Paine, drove Oswald and his family to New Orleans, where he became the organizer for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which opposed the efforts of the Kennedy administration to overthrow Castro. Aside from printing leaflets, staging demonstrations, getting arrested and appearing on local radio talk shows in support of Castro that summer, Oswald attempted to befriend leaders of and infiltrate anti-Castro groups that were organizing sabotage raids against Cuba. By this time, he apparently considered himself a sleeper operative, writing in August 1963 to the central committee of the Communist Party USA, and asking, "Whether in your opinion, I can compete with anti-progressive forces above ground, or whether I should always remain in the background, i.e. underground." During this hot summer, while practicing sighting his rifle in his backyard, according to his wife, he told her about his plan to hijack an airliner to Cuba, saying he might earn a position in Castro's government. Then, on September 9th, in a report that appeared on the front page of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, Castro, who had been the target of a number of assassination attempts by the CIA, warned that if American leaders continued "aiding plans to eliminate Cuban leaders ... they themselves will not be safe."
The implication of this warning was not lost on Oswald. Telling his wife that they might never meet again, he left New Orleans two weeks later, headed for the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. To convince the Cubans of his bona fides-- and seriousness--he had prepared a dossier on himself, which included a 10 page resume, outlining his revolutionary activities, newspaper clippings about his defection to the Soviet Union, documents he had stolen from a printing company engaged in classified map reproduction for the US Army, his correspondence with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee executives, and, as if to demonstrate his lethal capability , the photographs linking him to the Walker shooting.

Oswald applied for a visa at the Cuban Embassy on the morning of September 27, 1963. He said that he wanted to stop in Havana en route to the Soviet Union. On the application, the consular office who interviewed him noted: "The applicant states that he is a member of the American Communist Party and Secretary in New Orleans of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." Despite such recommendations, Oswald was told that he needed a Soviet visa before the Cuban visa could be issued. He argued over this requisite with the Cuban counsel, Eusebio Azque, in front of witnesses, and reportedly made wild claims about services he might perform for the Cuban cause. During the next five days, he traveled back and forth between the Soviet and Cuban embassies attempting to straighten out the difficulty. When he telephoned from the Cuban embassy to arrange an appointment at the Soviet Embassy with an officer called Valery Vladimirovich Kostikov, he set off alarm bells at the CIA, which had been surreptitiously monitoring the phone line. Kostikov was a KGB officer who had been under close surveillance in Mexico by the FBI. By the time the CIA had identified Oswald, and notified the FBI, he had left Mexico. When he returned to Dallas, Oswald assumed a different identity--"O.H.Lee"--and, separating himself from his family, he moved to a rooming house. He also forbade his wife from divulging his whereabouts.
On October 18th, Oswald's visa was approved by the Cuban Foreign Ministry despite the fact that he had not officially received a Soviet visa, as required. Apparently unaware of this development, he wrote another letter to the Soviet Embassy, referring to his meeting with Kostikov in Mexico, and adding cryptically: "Had I been able to reach the Soviet Embassy in Havana as planned, the embassy there would have had time to complete our business." When FBI counterintelligence intercepted this letter in Washington. it urgently requested its field agent in Dallas to question him.
The FBI agent, James Hosty, unable to locate Oswald, warned his wife she could be sent back to Russia. When his wife told him about the FBI warning he threatened to bomb its Dallas office. By this time, Oswald had a menial $1.50 hour job at the Texas Book Depository, which overlooked the convergence of the three main streets into central Dallas.
On November 22nd, at 12:30 pm, as the President's car passed the book depository, a burst of rifle fire fatally wounded him. Less than two hours later, a Dallas policeman had been shot and killed, and, near the shooting, Oswald was arrested with the murder weapon in his hand. He was charged with killing the policeman and, shortly afterwards, assassinating the President. Then, on November 24th, Oswald was shot to death in Dallas police headquarters by night club owner Jack Ruby.
The Warren Commission concluded--rightly I now believe--that Oswald fired all the shots that killed the President. But conspiracies do not necessarily require multiple rifleman to accomplish their purpose. And what the Warren Commission could not absolutely rule out, as two of its members pointed out to me, was the possibility that Oswald had acted at the behest of others. After all, he had advertised his willingness to undertake a high-profile assassination by circulating photographs connecting himself to the shooting of General Walker. Any party who was monitoring his activities in Dallas, New Orleans or Mexico City could have discerned from them that he was a potential assassin awaiting a mission. With his mind set on such violent actions as hijacking a plane, blowing up the FBI office, or killing "any American," not much would be required to prod him to violence. He had sought liaisons in dangerous quarters and someone could have provided him with an inducement. But with Oswald forever silenced by Ruby, and intelligence services capable of expunging embarrassing data about their contacts with a Presidential assassins from their files, it is doubtful that we will ever know who, if anyone, influenced Oswald to act on November 22, 1963.

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