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Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Remote filming equipment makes absolute sense seeing how being in the autopsy room would be a distraction and physical obstruction of the procedure.

Having spent more than 20 years of my life making broadcast television, the notion of using "remote filming equipment" in this context, doesn't make much sense to me.

Jan, I believe Alan just confirmed below that Bethesda had a Closed Circuit Television recording system in the autopsy room that the people Alan spoke to confirmed was used to record autopsies.

Where the hell do you get this twaddle? I confirmed nothing of the kind.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Now maybe Doyle/Rago wants another Roscoe White on his hands, or a Madeleine Brown perhaps.

Jim you haven't answered my points. I can't believe you would do this of all people. "Doyle/Rago"??? Honestly. You need to practice what you preach. You've gotten the adversarial conflict you're trying to contrive, but you haven't answered the questions. That's where I stand. God help anyone who attempts to honestly discuss objective points in this battle of assassination research egos.

If the other photographic evidence from Bethesda like the x-rays, Stringer's photos, etc showed signs of direct intel alteration then why didn't Pitzer's frames of frontal shots he showed Dennis David exhibit this same pattern? Fair question that doesn't deserve witch-hunting personal accusations. I'm raising a very fair point. Why this gross reaction? I don't understand it.
The charade continues.

And instead of the "Albert Doyle" entity being banned, I am chastised for fighting the provocation.

This is madness.
Allan Eaglesham Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Remote filming equipment makes absolute sense seeing how being in the autopsy room would be a distraction and physical obstruction of the procedure.

Having spent more than 20 years of my life making broadcast television, the notion of using "remote filming equipment" in this context, doesn't make much sense to me.

Jan, I believe Alan just confirmed below that Bethesda had a Closed Circuit Television recording system in the autopsy room that the people Alan spoke to confirmed was used to record autopsies.

Where the hell do you get this twaddle? I confirmed nothing of the kind.

"Twaddle" -- of the misrepresentation variety -- is the agent provocateur's stock-in-trade.

On it goes.
Allan Eaglesham Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Remote filming equipment makes absolute sense seeing how being in the autopsy room would be a distraction and physical obstruction of the procedure.

Having spent more than 20 years of my life making broadcast television, the notion of using "remote filming equipment" in this context, doesn't make much sense to me.

Jan, I believe Alan just confirmed below that Bethesda had a Closed Circuit Television recording system in the autopsy room that the people Alan spoke to confirmed was used to record autopsies.

Where the hell do you get this twaddle? I confirmed nothing of the kind.

I agree with Allan Eaglesham that this appears to be a gross misrepresentation of his comments.

Allan Eaglesham Wrote:I traced two men who worked in television with Pitzer. Neither Mr. "A" nor Mr. "B" had any knowledge of a role played by William Pitzer in the autopsy on President Kennedy's body. And neither had any knowledge of a CCTV system permanently installed in the autopsy room at the BNH in 1963. Most of the CCTV feeds at the National Naval Medical Center went out from the television studio in Building 144 (where LCDR Pitzer's body was found); but feeds were generated at other locations within the hospital. Mr. A had no recollection of feeds from the autopsy room. Mr. B recalled CCTV generation from the autopsy room on a regular basis, not of autopsies however; the autopsy room was used for routine teaching purposes. This is consistent with CDR Humes' statement to the ARRB:
[The autopsy room] would accommodate maybe 20 or 30 people, because we used to have conferences in there. Routinely, at the end of each week, we would retain the organs from the autopsies of that week. In fact, not only did we review them there, there was a closed-circuit television. They went to Andrews Air Force Base, NIH, and it was a closed-circuit instruction program. Mr. B told me that for CCTV feeds from the autopsy room to elsewhere in the hospital and beyond, "we wheeled in a television camera."

We need to be very clear about terminology here.

Firstly, what is closed circuit television?

Quote:Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point to point (P2P), point to multipoint, or mesh wireless links. Though almost all video cameras fit this definition, the term is most often applied to those used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports, military installations, and convenience stores

However, video cameras were not in widespread use in the 1960s. Nearly all cameras used film.

Let's dig a little into the history.

Quote:The first CCTV system was installed by Siemens AG at Test Stand VII in Peenemünde, Germany in 1942, for observing the launch of V-2 rockets.[4] The noted German engineer Walter Bruch was responsible for the technological design and installation of the system.

In the U.S. the first commercial closed-circuit television system became available in 1949, called Vericon. Very little is known about Vericon except it was advertised as not requiring a government permit.[5]

CCTV recording systems are still often used at modern launch sites to record the flight of the rockets, in order to find the possible causes of malfunctions,[6][7] while larger rockets are often fitted with CCTV allowing pictures of stage separation to be transmitted back to earth by radio link.[8]

The history of CCTV in the United States varies from that of the United Kingdom. One of its first appearances was in 1973 in Times Square in New York City.[9] The NYPD installed it in order to deter crime that was occurring in the area however crime rates did not appear to drop much due to the cameras.[9] Nevertheless, during the 1980s video surveillance began to spread across the country specifically targeting public areas.[10] It was seen as a cheaper way to deter crime compared to increasing the size of the police departments.[9] Some businesses as well, especially those that were prone to theft, began to use video surveillance.[9]


In September 1968, Olean, New York was the first city in the United States to install video cameras along its main business street in an effort to fight crime.[11]

If there was Closed Circuit Television in Bethesda in 1963, I suspect it would have been used to transmit fuzzy wide shots from one room or building to another. There must also have been some means of network transmission to enable the footage to get from Bethesda to Andrews Air Force Base, NIH - especially if this was real time.

Quote:Mr. B told me that for CCTV feeds from the autopsy room to elsewhere in the hospital and beyond, "we wheeled in a television camera."

This suggests firstly that the technology was not remote CCTV, and secondly that it was probably a studio TV camera - those big old things with a massive tripod on a base with wheels which looks something like a Dalek. Such a camera would need a trained operator and a team of technicians to capture and trasmit the imagery.

This is not a one-man show. Also, the Dalek Camera would be highly visible - anyone near the President's body must have noticed it.

Is there any witness evidence of a TV camera on wheels being in the autopsy theatre?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Allan Eaglesham Wrote:I traced two men who worked in television with Pitzer. Neither Mr. "A" nor Mr. "B" had any knowledge of a role played by William Pitzer in the autopsy on President Kennedy's body. And neither had any knowledge of a CCTV system permanently installed in the autopsy room at the BNH in 1963. Most of the CCTV feeds at the National Naval Medical Center went out from the television studio in Building 144 (where LCDR Pitzer's body was found); but feeds were generated at other locations within the hospital. Mr. A had no recollection of feeds from the autopsy room. Mr. B recalled CCTV generation from the autopsy room on a regular basis, not of autopsies however; the autopsy room was used for routine teaching purposes. This is consistent with CDR Humes' statement to the ARRB:
[The autopsy room] would accommodate maybe 20 or 30 people, because we used to have conferences in there. Routinely, at the end of each week, we would retain the organs from the autopsies of that week. In fact, not only did we review them there, there was a closed-circuit television. They went to Andrews Air Force Base, NIH, and it was a closed-circuit instruction program. Mr. B told me that for CCTV feeds from the autopsy room to elsewhere in the hospital and beyond, "we wheeled in a television camera."

First of all Alan answered Jim's post. He did not answer mine and simply dealt with it by saying I put words in his mouth. Hmm. Could that be because Alan could not answer the obvious dilemma I pointed-out that all confirmed photographic evidence from Bethesda like the x-rays and Stringer's photos showed signs of tampering yet the frames Dennis David saw were not tampered with because they showed a frontal wound to the temple? The point I'm trying to make (and I feel Alan is dodging) is that this is evidence that Pitzer did indeed film the autopsy remotely and the plotters were not aware of it. Even if Pitzer did not film the autopsy himself there's enough evidence here that he ended-up in possession of film that came from the autopsy. I don't think Alan has made any attempt to honestly answer the obvious conflict between all known forms of photographic evidence from the autopsy showing signs of tampering yet this drastically-condemning recording of frontal wounds was left untouched for Pitzer to assemble and Dennis David to witness. What does that tell you of the plotters knowledge of this film and where it was recorded from?

Furthermore if we look at Mr DiEugenio's methods he is not a person known for shying away from stuff like this. I ask all readers openly if the tables were turned and a Lone Nutter tried to get away with unnamed "Person A" and "Person B" if Mr DiEugenio would shrink back from this? I ask, with the template we are aware of from assassination research, if Mr DiEugenio would tolerate a researcher going to a den of government authority like Bethesda and taking the word of unnamed interviewee's without question? Would he tolerate an analogue location like the FBI or Dallas Police Station having such a trusting and unquestioning application of inquiry done to it as Alan does here with Bethesda?

I think a better line of inquiry would ask, if they wheeled-in a television camera for autopsies as they admitted, did they do that for the Kennedy autopsy? While practicing a strict line of devil's advocacy, does Alan ever stop to wonder if they indeed did that very thing for the most important autopsy in Bethesda history? Did Alan ask his anonymous source if that wheeled-in camera was wired to Pitzer's office? If it wasn't then what was it wired to? Or did they decide to skip recording the most important autopsy and Dennis David is a kooky liar? Or do normally highly-scrutinizing Jim and Alan just not ask about the filming of the autopsy? Does Alan show any place at all in his offerings of wondering, since Dennis David said Pitzer had such films, that maybe that camera was working that day and Pitzer was recording it? Did Alan even ask? Does Alan ever allow or wonder that his anonymous sources might have been as forthcoming as Humes since they all worked for the same outfit? Forgive me, but I don't think Jim would let people get away with this. What strikes me the most from Alan's offering is there is nothing in it that precludes Pitzer doing that very thing, as all the known evidence points towards. I ask the readers to honestly look at a template of all the information gotten from Bethesda and ask themselves if one can just go in and take its members at their word as Alan does?

Also, I don't think Alan made any honest attempt to answer who called Pitzer in that day and what he was doing? Nor do I see any attempt to go to the best source for this, Dennis Davis, and ask him these fair and simple questions. What's never gotten around to in all these bellicose protests is that in the long run Alan is calling Dennis David a liar. I don't think he is.

You asked,

>Is there any witness evidence of a TV camera on wheels being in the autopsy theatre?<

Not on the evening of 11/22/63.

As I mentioned, a TV camera was wheeled into the autopsy room on a weekly basis from Building 144 for reviews of the results of the previous week's autopsies.

Some years ago, I formulated the idea that if Dennis David did, indeed, see a movie film in William Pitzer's possession it must have been generated via a permanently installed CCTV system. Harold Rydberg, who frequently visited the autopsy room, assured me in certain terms that I was wrong with this theory -- i.e. that the autopsy room was not so equipped. When I made contact with Mr. A and Mr. B and was told that they wheeled a bulky TV camera into the autopsy room, it was as close to proof as one could get -- I felt -- that no permanently installed video system existed. Otherwise, why go to the considerable inconvenience of wheeling a bulky TV camera around? I formulated a new theory: a CCTV feed from Walter Reed of the pre-autopsy (per "Best Evidence") was recorded by William Pitzer at the NNMC.

When Doug Horne provided evidence that the pre-autopsy was done at Bethesda, this raised a more likely scenario: William Pitzer or a colleague (possibly Stringer) filmed the pre-autopsy.

Thanks Messrs. Drago, DiEugenio, Eaglesham and etc. for input to this question.

I am of mixed opinion as to the murder or suicide of Cmdr. Pitzer. Only by getting the views can I settle the quandary.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:Thanks Messrs. Drago, DiEugenio, Eaglesham and etc. for input to this question.

I am of mixed opinion as to the murder or suicide of Cmdr. Pitzer. Only by getting the views can I settle the quandary.

Continue they do -- with the long-winded, relatively eloquent "Albert Doyle" trying like mad to disrupt the proceedings.

This thread, thanks to Allan and Jan especially, is of extreme interest and value -- hence the "Doyle" entity's fevered interjections.

When Allan writes, "When Doug Horne provided evidence that the pre-autopsy was done at Bethesda, this raised a more likely scenario: William Pitzer or a colleague (possibly Stringer) filmed the pre-autopsy," he provides a classic "third alternative" for consideration.

Jan brings logic and common sense to the inquiry -- as usual.
I was afraid I would offend by misspelling the name. I added it to an off line address book/dictionary now.

These questions go far beyond the Pitzer death. The whole 'confusicated' situation with the photos/films of alleged postmortem (or postmortems) and such. Who recorded - what - when - where and with what.

I do tend to believe Chief Denis David USN (ret.) It an impression thing, but like Officer Roy Vaughn, I feel the truth in those words he spoke on video or audio recordings I have seen/heard. Proof? No, but still ...

Many times I have concluded one thing in this case to be later compelled to alter my view because of new data or docs and such from researchers like those here. Established veracity and lacking an agenda besides TRUTH, no matter where it leads, goes a long way in my private estimations of other researchers. I rely on the things I learn from these kinds of people to draw more accurate conclusions about Deep Political events past, present and future.

To those seeking to advance the TRUTH and educating me and each other I send many thanks. Some are living and some are not, but they all shared an agenda of seeking truth.


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