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The Franklin cover-up. Child abuse, Satanism and murder in Nebraska 2nd edition
David Guyatt Wrote:More power to Kris's elbow. TrineDay just keeps getting better and better.

Yes. Thanks Linda, I will pre-order this as well. I also cut and pasted the link to some others who I thought would be interested.

Magazine article by Nick Bryant posted at
Boys Town, Pedophilia, and Blackmail--includes photos and documentation.

Thanks to those who pre-ordered from publisher at TrineDay:
Quote:Book is at Printer — expected ship date August 3, 2009, which means we will be shipping signed copies by the first week of August, and the book should show up in stores by August 15, 2009.
Sorry it has taken so long. The book is 672 pages.
Some current notes from TrineDay.
Quote:Our most controversial and suppressed books are at the printer, and suddenly TrineDay gets hit with outrageous returns from a Skull & Bones related company. Why would "the boys" own the largest book distributer to libraries and be in the position to cause financial harm to book publishers that print suppressed material?

The Franklin Scandal is at the printer, and we were expected to ship first week of August, but the struggle continues, we just received word from printer--their press went down last week for several days--and they are hoping to have it to us by the 12th. Nick will sign the copies as they arrive and then the pre-orders will be shipped out. Priority mail orders hopefully will be received by the August 17th, media mail orders should be received by August 24th.

Paradise Lost? is also at the printer, will be shipping around August 15.

More news of other titles next week.

Below find our latest from detailing our "returns problem" with Baker & Taylor, who have effectively taken $25,000 out of our cash flow affecting our ability to promote and print our books. Please, if you are able, order a book or two from TrineDay, to help us through.

Kris MIllegan

Baker & Taylor, touting itself as “the world’s largest distributor of books and entertainment,” declares:
“We are shaping the future and delivering it for you.”

Baker & Taylor began in 1828 as bookbindery in North Carolina, and the firm grew steadily, becoming the largest supplier of books to libraries and one of the main book distributors in the U.S. In 1970, the family-owned company was bought by conglomerate W.R. Grace and Company, which then in 1992 sold it to the world’s largest private equity firm, The Carlyle Group.

Carlyle, an investment front for unknown investors, sold it to the private equity firm Willis Stein & Partners in 2003.

Then in 2006, another private equity firm, Castle Harlan Partners acquired Baker & Taylor.

Baker & Taylor has definitely had a hand in shaping what TrineDay’s future will be, as the announcements above concerning publication obstacles clearly indicate.

TrineDay, an Oregon company, has had to face many challenges. The firm founded early in 2002 — on a borrowed $5,000 shoe-string — had its first “trouble” after our third book, an encyclopedic volume of over 700 pages, Fleshing Out Skull & Bones began selling well, enabling our small company to really grow. Our first book, Anthony Sutton's America’s Secret Establishment had also been about the secret society, the Order of Skull & Bones. We were finding a niche--publishing suppressed material.

Our second book, Expendable Elite, written by retired Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, about covert operations during the Vietnam War, became the focal point of a trial in Federal District Court in South Carolina, where we defended the publication in a lawsuit bankrolled by the Special Forces Association--and won a unanimous verdict! As chronicled in the Expendable Elite, the Victory Edition, the lawsuit was a “steamroller” operation designed to flatten both Colonel Marvin and TrineDay. The lawsuit did take much of the wind out of our sails, sucking up money and time which cost TrineDay and Colonel Marvin over $170,000 (of which we still owe over $40,000). This burden didn’t stop us, but it has so far kept Fleshing Out Skull & Bones from being reprinted.

Several times, juust as we were looking at enough positive cash flow to allow TrineDay to reprint, huge returns of published books would hit us and force repayment of thousands of dollars, thus wiping out tens of thousands of expected cash flow. How is that for shaping the future of truth?

The book business, constructed as it is upon a consignment model, is not recommended for the faint-hearted. Planning and financing are difficult because of the uncertainty that result from the ability of stores and distributors to return an unlimited amount of merchandise.This is the nature of the business; we budget accordingly and set aside a certain percent for returns.

But then, some things happen that seem beyond the pale. Let me elucidate, two instances.

In late 2006, Baker & Taylor began returning large quantities of Sinister Forces, Volume Three, The Manson Secret, the culmination of Peter Levenda’s magnificent thesis about intelligence agencies and their involvement with mind-control, the occult, assassinations and other strange activities. Just as the author was appearing on national radio shows, and the book was getting some traction, TrineDay’s licensed distributer, IPG, ran out of books. Booksellers were calling TrineDay looking for stock, and we were scrambling for funds to reprint since it takes four months after shipment for payment to be received.

Our distributor began racking up back-orders, for which it would take our printer at least 6 weeks to print, and TrineDay would have to pre-pay half the cost to start the print-run. With no books in stock the title’s momentum slowed to a standstill. Then over then next six months Baker & Taylor returned a total of 802 books out of 1041 ordered, for a return rate of 77%. All other accounts had a return rate of 12%

Rephrasing the scenario:
First, during the first two months of the book’s availability B&T took delivery of over one-half of our books, keeping us from selling to other potential buyers.
Then the third month, B&T returned some of those it had taken, and returned
a few more the next month, but also took delivery on others.
By the time our main distributor was out-of-stock, we were trying to obtain the $5,000 to start a new printing.
Then B&T began returning books en masse.
Yes, IPG was able to ship some of those returns to other accounts, but by then the buzz on the book had died down and sales, though steady, slowed.

TrineDay was charged 10% for all books returned by B&T, thus taking more than $1000 right out of TrineDay’s pocket and removing an anticipated $10,000 from our cash flow.

The reason B&T gave was that they expected to be shipping for Amazon. When I considered not shipping books to B&T, I was told such an action would constitute "restraint of trade" or some such thing. And since TrineDay carries little clout and has plenty else on its plate, we made do.

Recent actions by B&T implore us to speak out. TrineDay has been very fortunate to be the English language publisher of Daniel Estulin’s international best-seller, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.The success of that title has helped TrineDay bring to press some of the most suppressed stories out there. Just as the first of these books are about to come out, B&T has another “ordering problem” costing TrineDay thousands of dollars, curtailing our capabilities.

The Bilderberg book has been a worldwide phenomenon, beginning in Spain, the book has been translated in almost 50 languages and sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Here in the United States, the book is our best-selling title, we have sold around 40,000 and have brought out a second edition. The first edition had a return rate of just under 5%. (Books may be returned—for any reason—by stores and sub-distributors to our distributor for up to several months after they go-out-of-print. You never know what is sold until the time expires for their return. Book publishing can be a very rough business!) A 5% return rate is very good, especially when there has been a second edition to shake inventories up and draw books out of supply.

TrineDay brought out the second edition the end of March 2009. The new edition contains new information concerning the proposed North American Union. The book was well received and shipped out its first printing of 10,000 in about two months. So, TrineDay had to get more printed — before we had been paid for the first batch. Then B&T returned several hundred copies, just days before the new printing was delivered to our distributor, IPG, and where 1,400 back-orders had accumulated.

And then B&T returned another 600 at the end of the month. In total they ended up returning 859 copies, and then during the first week of July they returned another 1025 copies. B&T has as of today returned 1844 out of 3003 copies they ordered, a return rate of 62%. All other accounts have returned 29 copies out of 7,896 ordered for a return rate of under 0.4%, an amazing disparity of over 61%. The practical effect upon TrineDay is to take almost $2,500 directly out of our revenue, and reduce our cash flow by almost $25,000, money that would be spent in promoting and producing our suppressed works.

Now, TrineDay will survive, we’re stubborn and will inure to endure with perseverance, hard work, luck, the help of our dedicated staff and authors, and the forbearance of our friends and family.

Again, maybe B&T is just bad at what they do, or they just have bad luck. I do not know, but the situation is definitely interesting. A firm passes through the hands of the politically super-connected Carlyle Group, and is currently owned by a firm, Castle Harlan Partners, whose chief officers, before they started Castle Harlan Partners were the chief officers at Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette, whose main principal is former SEC chairman William H. Donaldson, a co-member with Carlyle’s George H.W. Bush in the Skull & Bones secret society, and then that firm appears to negatively impact the financial fortunes of company that publishes books critical of The Order of Skull & Bones and other politically sensitive topics. Or maybe Baker & Taylor is simply shaping the future.

Kris MIllegan
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
Thanks Linda..I've ordered a couple more books from them..Always liked the Levenda series...
What 'strange' business practices Baker and Taylor use. And what an interesting history. Thanks for posting Linda. I will buy a book or two this week.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:What 'strange' business practices Baker and Taylor use. And what an interesting history. Thanks for posting Linda. I will buy a book or two this week.

My copy of Nick Bryant's book arrived today. This should keep me busy for awhile.
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
"The Franklin Scandal" with former Nebraska State Senator, author and attorney, John DeCamp
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
It's hard to imagine a more scandalous story than this, but other than the original front page item in The Washington Star during Bush the Elder's administration, there has been complete silence about this in our supposed "free" press.

The tie-in to Bohemian Grove is apparently there, as well. One of the main characters in Conspiracy Of Silence described being taken to a ceremony that was obviously that little yearly get together (he mentioned the huge owl they worship, and claimed there was real human sacrifice, not the ritualistic one that is the cover story).

It's really impossible to overestimate the depravity of our corrupt leaders.
Don Jeffries Wrote:The tie-in to Bohemian Grove is apparently there, as well. One of the main characters in Conspiracy Of Silence described being taken to a ceremony that was obviously that little yearly get together (he mentioned the huge owl they worship, and claimed there was real human sacrifice, not the ritualistic one that is the cover story).

I'm afraid that this must be considered as a possibility. It seems clear to me that there is an intense occult ritual being undertaken and, as I mentioned in an earlier thread, occult rituals always have a purpose. While the thousands look on thinking it merely pageantry and a piss up, behind the scenes someone being burned alive would enable the high priests to harvest the vast amounts of psychic energy that have been aroused, cleverly concentrated by the psycho-drama and then suddenly released.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
First off all, I encourage everyone to BUY The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant. Bryant spent 7 years researching the Franklin case and he confirms it and nails it down to the floor. Nick Bryant’s Book, Franklin Scandal

Documentary trailer about this 1980’s pedophile ring:

Eulice Washington, age 40 today, has been saying for 25 years that she saw George Herbert Walker Bush being pandered an 18 year black gay prostitute named Brandt Thomas, at one of Lawrence E. King's pedophilic parties in Chicago in fall, 1984. Google Alicia Owen, Troy Boner, Paul Bonacci, ... other child abuse victims by the pederasts/pedophiles.
Richard Thornburgh at Justice - 1989-1991 was INTEGRAL to covering up this scandal and protecting the elite pedophiles like George Herbert Walker Bush among others. This pedophilic ring rang all through the 1980's for about 10 years. Nick Bryant’s Book, Franklin Scandal

Documentary trailer about this 1980’s pedophile ring:

Conspiracy of Silence: This web page is a good summary of the Franklin case. another good summery of Franklin.

This book The Franklin Scandal (2009) by Nick Bryant is about an elite PEDOPHILE RING of the 1980's that operated at the highest levels of the REPUBLICAN PARTY. It was run by the GOP's rising black star of the 1980's Larry King (not the man on CNN, a man from Omaha, NE) and Craig Spence, a man who was the elite GOP lobbyist of his day in the 1980's. Larry King (not CNN's tv personality) and Craig Spence were running a CIA pedophilia blackmail ring where mainly young boys were used as sex toys and prominent politicians, media folk, business leaders were often photographed as they engaged in their pedophilic perversions.
Although Nick Bryant makes a point of not mention some of these prominent pedophiles by name, one of the was GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH, who was pandered a young man Brandt Thomas (age 18) in 1984 by Larry King at one of Larry King's perverted pedophilic sex parties. JACK KEMP - also not directly mentioned by Bryant as a pedophile - is thought to have been both a closet homosexual as well as being blackmailed over pedophilia:
When the scandal of King/Spence's child prostitution ring started to become public in 1988-89, Bush's Attorney General Richard Thornburgh instituted a massive COVER UP to protect the pedophiles and crush the child abuse victims coming forward. In sum, GHW Bush, Thornburgh used the FBI and the Justice Dept. to protect a pedophile ring from Justice. Also, corruption was in the Omaha, NE police whose chief Robert Waldman had been having sex with a 14-15 year old girl Alisha Owen, who later went to jail on perjury conviction for telling the TRUTH. That gives you an example of how evil things got.
Other child abuse victims include Paul Bonacci, born in 1970, who was being sexually abused by pederast Harold Anderson, the publisher of the local paper the Omaha World Herald, and also an man with intelligence ties to his pedophile friend George Herbert Walker Bush.
Another key player - not directly mentioned by Bryant - was Lt. Col. Michael Aquino who was an openly practicing satanist in the US military and how Paul Bonacci talks about in John De Camp's book The Franklin Cover up. Aquino was into child abuse, satanism and his specialty was the "mind control" program which destroyed many people's minds in attempts to make them Manchurian Candidate type robots for the intelligence agencies. Aquino, although never convicted, is thought to be behind the rash of child molestations at Presidio in the 1980's.
Other victims include Troy Boner and Danny King who were both broken by a corrupt FBI as they suborned perjury in order to convict Alisha Owen in order to PROTECT THE ELITE PEDOPHILES.
Another person NOT mentioned by Bryant is Warren Buffet who was friends with ultra pervert child molester Larry King in the 1970's and 1980's. You can read about that in the Franklin Cover Up. Anyone that close to Larry King might either be a homosexual or even worse a pederast, as folks speculate.
Also, there was a very visible media high flyer from the Washington Post - whose name you would probably recognize - who was a heavy user of gay prostitutes according to Vinson, one of Bryant's sources. Vinson was a gay pimp in Wash DC in the 1980's. The Washington Post helped to cover up this story in 1989.
Journalist Ted Koppel is also mentioned as a friend of Craig Spence, with all the baggage that comes with being closely associated with some one so perverted as Craig Spence and Larry King.

Excellent chapter on the Bush connection to Franklin: (from George Bush: the Unauthorized Biography)

Paul Bonacci, a child abuse victim, describes George Herbert Walker Bush getting with boys to have “sex” on several occasions from boys in 1980’s -- towards the end of the interview at the 7 minute mark:

The first book The Franklin Cover Up by John De Camp (1992):

The online version of The Franklin Cover Up:

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino: pedophile, massive child molester, supposedly kidnapped Johnny Gosch. I do not think Aquino (in this case) directly kidnapped Johnny Gosch, despite what the article says.;

1989 News: Call boys in Bush Sr's Whitehouse

1989 #2 News: Call boys in Bush Sr's Whitehouse

George Herbert Walker Bush and his pedophilia/pederasty:

Where pedophile Larry King is today:

George W. Bush, probably a closet homosexual, just like his dad:

George W. Bush:

Greenbaum speech:
Franklin Scandal book review:

Jack Kemp was probably being blackmailed over homosexual pedophilia:

The real reason Trent Lott resigned in 2007 (after being re-elected in 2006) was that his affair with a gay prostitute Benjamin Nicholas was about to be made public:

Larry Flynt helped to expose Trent Lott:

William Cohen of Maine – former Republican senator, friend of GHW Bush, also Defense Secretary under Clinton – Willam Cohen is ALSO a pedophile. I have heard this (Cohen’s pedophilia) from another VERY credible source as well as this account by Michael Boren Williams:

Michael Boren Williams, who was Senator Gary Hart’s 1988 presidential campaign manager, tried to expose “George Bush’s rampant criminal activity” when Bush “sought revenge” against him. He believes Bush personally ordered the FBI to terrorize him and his family. As Williams states: “I met a young lady named Jennifer Dingle who was working as a bartender in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany at the Hotel Victoria’s very elegant bar. As it turns out, she was raised next-door to the Cohens, and William Cohen’s son was her close friend.... Yes, William Cohen is most definitely a pedophile.... Now, what is going to surprise you is that Bush and Cohen are, indeed, friends.”[
Fabulous overview of this stuff:

Ted Gunderson overview of Franklin scandal:




Michael Aquino and his child abuse at the Presidio:

Tunnels at McMartin:

Child abuse victim Paul Bonacci:

More Franklin Scandal info:
See also here:

A word of warning, which I've written about elsewhere on DPF.

I spoke with John DeCamp, a central protagonist in publicizing the Franklin horrors, and Ted Gunderson, during the 1990s whilst this was breaking.

DeCamp had earlier worked with William Colby as part of the Vietnam-era death squad operation known as Phoenix. Colby was rewarded for his deep black Phoenix efforts with the Directorship of the CIA in September 1973.

My own judgement is that nothing good came out of Phoenix. Only horror.

DeCamp's involvement in Phoenix, and the fact that DCIA Colby was his patron, has always caused me to pause, reflect, and dig deeper.

There were horrors in Franklin. But it is a tangled and deep black cesspit.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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