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Government investigations confirm no conspiracy in JFK assassination, so it must be true
"It is our opinion that the deceased died as a result of two perforating gunshot wounds inflicted by high velocity projectiles fired...from a point behind and somewhat above the level of the deceased." -- Via Page #6 of JFK's Official Autopsy Report, signed by Drs. James J. Humes, J. Thornton Boswell, and Pierre A. Finck in November 1963 [See Page 543 of the Warren Commission Final Report] These guys were almost certainly perjuring themselves and are contradicted by MANY other witnesses both at Parkland and Bethesda.


"The Commission has concluded that the shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally were fired from the sixth-floor window at the southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository Building. Two bullets probably caused all the wounds suffered by President Kennedy and Governor Connally." -- Page 117 of the Warren Commission Final Report
Complete Rubbish


"In the final analysis, the committee based its finding that the shots that struck President Kennedy were fired from the Texas School Book Depository on the quantity and quality of the evidence, to wit: The findings of forensic pathologists that the shots that hit the President came from behind..." -- Page 51 of the HSCA Final Report
Complete Rubbish


"It is the firm conclusion of the [forensic pathology] panel members...that beyond all reasonable medical certainty, there is no bullet perforation of entrance any place on the skull other than the single one in the cowlick...and we find no evidence to support anything but a single gunshot wound of entrance in the back of the President's head." -- Dr. Michael Baden; 1978 HSCA Testimony [at 1 HSCA 301]
Complete Rubbish


"The evidence indicates that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were taken of President Kennedy at the time of his autopsy and that they had not been altered in any manner." -- 7 HSCA 41
Complete Rubbish. For one thing many of the autopsy photos are missing.

"Examination of the clothing and of the photographs and X-rays taken at autopsy reveal that President Kennedy was struck by two bullets fired from above and behind him, one of which traversed the base of the neck on the right side without striking bone and the other of which entered the skull from behind and exploded its right side." -- Summary of the Clark Panel in 1968
Complete Rubbish

"On the basis of the investigation conducted by its staff, the Commission believes that there is no evidence to support the claim that President Kennedy was struck by a bullet fired from either the grassy knoll or any other position to his front, right front or right side, and that the motions of the President's head and body, following the shot that struck him in the head, are fully consistent with that shot having come from a point to his rear, above him and slightly to his right." -- Page 264 of the Rockefeller Commission Final Report
Complete Rubbish


"There was no defect or wound to the rear of Kennedy's head other than the entrance wound in the upper right part of his head." -- Dr. Michael Baden; January 8, 2000; Via telephone conversation with Vincent Bugliosi [See Source Note #168 on Page 408 of Bugliosi's 2007 book, "Reclaiming History: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy"]
Complete Rubbish

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