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Guns and Butter - "Demolition Access To the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan.
Guns and Butter, for January 12, 2011 - 1:00pm
Guns and Butter - "Demolition Access To the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan.
"Demolition Access To the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan.
WTC tenants, both companies and employees; security and design firms and their board members involved in redesigning and implementing the new security system after the 1993 basement bombing; companies and individuals involved in the clean-up of ground zero. Who had the means, access, motivation and who profited.
Guns and Butter -

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Guns and Butter, for January 12, 2011 - 1:00pm
Guns and Butter - "Demolition Access To the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan.
"Demolition Access To the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan.
WTC tenants, both companies and employees; security and design firms and their board members involved in redesigning and implementing the new security system after the 1993 basement bombing; companies and individuals involved in the clean-up of ground zero. Who had the means, access, motivation and who profited.
Guns and Butter -

Its GREAT, packed with information, names, connections, leads.....DO LISTEN and take notes! Four detailed articles on same subject, with references below. Do download! Almost a book [nearly 100 pages] covering this IN DETAIL...the connections and connections of persons, events, corporations, etc. are CHILLING and enlightening. The Truth will set us FREE!...nothing else will!

Attached Files
.pdf   Ryan on Demolition WTC Access 1-4.pdf (Size: 537.37 KB / Downloads: 5)
.doc   Ryan on Demolition WTC Access 1-4.doc (Size: 291.5 KB / Downloads: 10)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I don't know that these connections prove that these people and those corporations actually did 9/11, but it shows how few corporations and individuals are "placed" to exert power and control. It's like a club where all the members are helping each other out - but it's the economy and foreign policy that these guys play with.

This is a view into a shadow government which is answerable to no citizen who steps into a voting booth. And these fellas get placed INTO the US government.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:I don't know that these connections prove that these people and those corporations actually did 9/11, but it shows how few corporations and individuals are "placed" to exert power and control. It's like a club where all the members are helping each other out - but it's the economy and foreign policy that these guys play with.

This is a view into a shadow government which is answerable to no citizen who steps into a voting booth. And these fellas get placed INTO the US government.

There's a quote and a story, while not directly involving 9/11, gets at the same issue. "This is why prominent lawyers and other high level fixers earn as much as they do. They have ongoing personal relationships with influential figures and can pull strings when they need to."The relevant link for the story about SEC enforcement is here:

Let us not forget, however, that the story of 9/11 also deeply involves computers, high-speed trading, funky software programs, hard disk recovery squelched by acquisition, operations involving AIG, the destruction of offices and files of the SEC and other massive destruction of evidence in dozens of crimes, insurance fraud, and... and, oh yes, murders collective and singular.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Since 9/11 was planned it had to involve some high tech firms and their CEOs and so fore knowledge and profitting from trades - giving "stock tips" to friends is expected. One good turn deserves another and these guys are always scratching each other's backs figuratively.

I tend to think that the conspiracy core was smaller rather than larger, but drew in others after the fact or in a compartmentalized manner so they were doing a favor but not understanding the big picture. But they figured it out soon enough and all cashed out and helped each other in that sense.

All the airport scanner gear came after the fact and it's likely that the companies which make it didn't participate in the planning, but benefited big time and the old boys made sure who got those contracts... or even that the need for such a contract was "manifest".

The conspiracy itself may have been a pyramid structure with few at the top and compartmented so that the many firms/interests/operative involved didn't know or see what the big picture was.

Simple makes more sense than complex.

Just a guess.
Jeffrey, you and I are privy to and involved in discussions behind the scenes about creating and putting forth mechanisms here or elsewhere that will allow for more extended and extensive discussions; perhaps we are getting ahead of ourselves or will need to come back and re-capture and re-invigorate this discussion with others. I appreciate what you say about the size and the nature of the conspiracy and its processes. The DPF management team is also aware of and will eventually bbecome involved in our table-setting discussions; one of them includes Charles Drago and we can copy, drag and paste his Evica/Drago model of sponsorship, mechanics and facilitators, as well as the SCAD research template published by Witt et al, and perhaps others. My own bias or perspective recognizes the term "maestro" in the meaning of an orchestration pace-setter and conductor and in the meaning of the overall conductor of a series of interlocked exercises, and it is demonstrably clear that Vice President Cheney was given that role and command of all relevant exercises, drills and agencies pre-9/11. This is documented. I am familiar with the design and development of emergency management exercises which, in some senses like a film or video production script, allow for an over-arching "script" that will run on its own in great part based on known and pre-exercised responses (those were tested in the months before 9/11) but also allows for what are called "injects". These are wild cards. This process is well-described and well-honed in years prior to 9/11 in the fields of military simulation with which Cheney was intimately familiar as former Secretary of Defense; they were used in the run-up to Desert Storm and were highly computerized. Again, documentation exists. Cheney, as has been previously described by me, was also familiar with both military and computer applications of the very complex OODA loop process which operates at times in milli-seconds. It is postulated that a sub-command and implementation center was built into the NYC OEM operations center (built and designed by Jerome Hauer) whose offices were close to those of the Secret Service, commanded by Cheney, at that time operating its own computer/video circuitry linked into the White House. These were, of course, all destroyed in the collapse of WTC7. Where is the debris now? The hard drives in the WTC towers were recovered and sent to a company in Germany called Convar, which was promptly bought up by the Marsh and McLennan/Kroll/AIG nexus, never to re-appear again. The command center of the Secret Service itself was activated early on the morning of 9/11, well before any known events had occurred, as reported in a National Geographic documentary. MITRE was linked in, along with the FAA. It is also documented that Cheney and his underling David Addington, along with others, conducted a "lessons learned" de-briefing of the processes involved in the Iran-Contra gambit which also involved banking, money, covert ops and more. As Cheney had control of the Secret Service, the national process of exercises and drills, etc. and more, he was privy to the "lessons learned", de-briefings, and AAR's (After Action Reports) of all relevant agencies. Someone with this kind of command access and knowledge, as well as having become an expert in the use and application of the OODA loop, who was also tied into countless "good ole boy" networks through his neo-con networks, the CIA, and numerous other intel agencies, could surely keep a mental script or flow-chart. This is all handled by computer programming built into military simulations; at any point, one with access and knowledge could "open the hood" of the simulation engine and see the programming that ran the spark plugs, the carburetor system, the camshafts, etc. The maestro can trigger the injects if they are not already pre-programmed.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Excellent Ed! Indira Singh has an interesting angle on the software used to manage huge operations from things such as banks, air lines, DOD, NORAD, Amazon, PayPal, ATC. etc. All of these organizatons are too large to "micro manage" and so it is left to computers to monitor and run "routines" and sub routines. And of course make these organizations interoperable so that they can "transact" business.

The key to running such a complex operation as 9/11 was to have access to the "back door" of this software which would enable altering the sub routines or inserting them. And ironically people effectively take "orders" or actions or no action from this software when a human "approval/intervention" is required.

One company has developed this software and the are only game in town - PTECH. And if this is true, it explains how one or a few people could completely pull off much of 9/11 especially the response to "attack".

The attacks themselves likely involved a series of substitute planes, planted explosives and if there were actual commercial flights hijacked... they might have conveniently been flown into the military exercises planned that day and shot down by our military thinking they were launching missiles at "inserted radar targets" as part of the exercise.

Once the "cover story" was issued to the "lamestream" media with a bunch of "generals" and "experts" on the toob it went viral and we were off to a Brave New World in no time flat.
The "back door" element of things has been well-documented in the many tales of PROmis by Mike Ruppert, Kelly O'Meara, Cheri Seymour, Ed Encho and others (much of which is already linked in here). Yes, Indira Singh was a critical contributor as well. Less well-known perhaps is Richard Andrew Grove, appearing on the Maria Heller show:

"A Grand Master Chess Player can think 20 or more moves deep- in essence calculating a Googol of possibilities in his or her mind before making a move. Now, if I were to contend that I could sit down with 8 of the world's master chess players, and using the aid of only a pencil and paper- or less- play them simultaneously, guaranteeing that I could win at least 4 out of the 8 games, and that I could repeat this feat at will, anytime… Would you bet for me, or against me?" (my blog)

Keep in mind too an article linked in here recently on the surveillance and data-reading, data-crunching capacities inside private military contractors and remember that, on the morning of 9/11, the Secret Service were detailed in part to rush a private citizen, a member of the board of directors on one of these companies, from her home in the Naval Observatory to the PEOC bunker in the White House to sit next to her husband.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I'm trying to locate a transcript of Indira Singh's interview about P-Tech, referenced by Jeffrey Orling above.

I can't see there is a copy available? But if there is could someone post it here please.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
For interests sake, this is the logo of Ptech:

[Image: 611_ptech_logo.jpg]

This is essentially a Triskelion contained - apparently - - within what appears to be an equilateral triangle. But closer scrutiny shows the triangle to be simply extended legs of the Triskelion.

It clearly suggests (to me anyway) a cipher for neo-nazis. For example, the white supremacist South African AWB (Afrikaner Resistance Movement) has this as their flag:

[Image: za%7Dawb.gif]

Other examples of the Triskelion broken down appear as triple 7's thus:

[Image: za%7Dawbtv.gif]

As a curiosity, the London 7 7 2005 bombings can be rendered as a triple seven by the simple expedient of adding together 2+5 of the year.

But this exotic speculation can only ever be a minor sideline to the principle thrust of this thread, which really is very interesting.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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