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Venezuela: WikiLeaks confirms US plans
Venezuela: WikiLeaks confirms US plans

Sunday, January 30, 2011

By Eva Golinger
[Image: william_r_brownfield.jpg]

Former US ambassador to Venezuela William Brownfield said the international community also needs to work and speak out more to contain Chavez'.

A fair portion of the more than 1600 United States State Department documents WikiLeaks had published by mid-December referred to the ongoing US efforts to isolate and counter the left-wing, anti-imperialist Venezuelan government.
After Hugo Chavez was elected president in 1998, Washington engaged in numerous efforts to overthrow him. These have included a failed coup d'etat and an oil industry lock-out in 2002, worldwide media campaigns, and various electoral interventions.
The State Department has also used its funding agencies, USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), to channel millions of dollars annually to anti-Chavez NGOs, political parties, journalists and media organisations in Venezuela.
These groups seek to undermine the Chavez administration and force him from power.
Washington has repeatedly denied it seeks to isolate or act against Chavez. However, the State Department cables published by WikiLeaks clearly show Washington has been actively funding anti-Chavez groups in Venezuela and has worked to convince governments worldwide to adopt a hostile position toward Chavez.
In June 2007, a secret document authored by deputy assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemispheric Affairs Craig Kelly was sent by the US Embassy in Santiago in June 2007 to the Secretary of State, CIA and Southern Command of the Pentagon, and a series of other US embassies in the region.
Kelly proposed "six main areas of action for the US government (USG) to limit Chavez's influence" and "reassert US leadership in the region".
Kelly, who played a primary role as "mediator" after the June 2009 coup d'etat in Honduras against President Manuel Zelaya, wrote: "Know the enemy: We have to better understand how Chavez thinks and what he intends ...
"To effectively counter the threat he represents, we need to know better his objectives and how he intends to pursue them. This requires better intelligence in all of our countries."
Further on in the memo, Kelly confessed that Chavez is a "formidable foe", but, he added, "he certainly can be taken".
In 2006, Washington activated a Director of National Intelligence Mission Manager for Venezuela and Cuba.
The mission, headed by clandestine CIA veteran Timothy Langford, is one of only four such intelligence entities of its type. The others were created to handle intelligence matters relating to Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan/Pakistan.
This shows the clear priority Washington has placed on Venezuela as a target of increased espionage and covert operations.
In the secret cable, Kelly recommended increasing US presence in the region and said: "We should continue to strengthen ties to those military leaders in the region who share our concern over Chavez."
Kelly recommended US officials make more visits to the region to "show the flag and explain directly to populations our view of democracy and progress".
Kelly also advocated exploiting differences among South American governments to isolate Venezuela: "Brazil … can be a powerful counterpoint to Chavez's project ... Chile offers another excellent alternative to Chavez ...
"We should look to find other ways to give Chile the lead on important initiatives, but without making them look like they are our puppets or surrogates. Argentina is more complex, but still presents distinct characteristics that should inform our approach to countering Chavez's influence there."

Kelly also revealed that Washington had applied pressure to Mercosur (Market of the South a trade bloc involving Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) to not accept Venezuela as a full member.
Kelly said the US "should not be timid in stating that Venezuela's membership will torpedo US interest in even considering direct negotiations with the trading bloc".
Secret documents authored by the US Embassy in Colombia also reveal efforts by former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe to convince Washington to take action against Venezuela including via military force.
In December 2007, the US ambassador in Colombia recounted a meeting between Uribe and a delegation of US congress members. The cable said Uribe "likened the threat Chavez poses to Latin America to that posed by Hitler in Europe".
A report summarising a January 2008 meeting between Uribe and the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen stated: "The best counter to Chavez, in Uribe's view, remains action including use of the military."
One cable also revealed how, during a meeting between a Venezuelan Archbishop Baltazar Porras and the US ambassador, the religious leader asked for Washington to act against his own government.
At the meeting, which the document said took place in January 2005, Porras told then-ambassador William Brownfield that the "US government should be more clear and public in its criticism of the Chavez administration" and that the "international community also needs to work and speak out more to contain Chavez".
The plans and strategies revealed through these official documents confirm the evidence has already been corroborated regarding Washington's increase in aggression towards Venezuela and its democratically elected government.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Hugo Chavez.

A man, with all the imperfections of humankind.

A leader, who spread education and healthcare to the poor funded by the geographical accident of oil.

For which he was hated and slaughtered by those who care nothing for their fellow human beings.

Hugo Chavez RIP.

Attached Files
.jpg   Hugo-Chavez-with-his-daug-008.jpg (Size: 33.89 KB / Downloads: 5)
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Tariq Ali on Hugo Chavez:

Quote:Tariq Ali: Hugo Chávez and me

The late president of Venezuela, who I have met many times, will be remembered by his supporters as a lover of literature, a fiery speaker and a man who fought for his people and won

The Guardian, Wednesday 6 March 2013 17.07 GMT

Once I asked whether he preferred enemies who hated him because they knew what he was doing or those who frothed and foamed out of ignorance. He laughed. The former was preferable, he explained, because they made him feel that he was on the right track. Hugo Chávez's death did not come as a surprise, but that does not make it easier to accept. We have lost one of the political giants of the post-communist era. Venezuela, its elites mired in corruption on a huge scale, had been considered a secure outpost of Washington and, at the other extreme, the Socialist International. Few thought of the country before his victories. After 1999, every major media outlet of the west felt obliged to send a correspondent. Since they all said the same thing (the country was supposedly on the verge of a communist-style dictatorship) they would have been better advised to pool their resources.

I first met him in 2002, soon after the military coup instigated by Washington and Madrid had failed and subsequently on numerous occasions. He had asked to see me during the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil. He inquired: "Why haven't you been to Venezuela? Come soon." I did. What appealed was his bluntness and courage. What often appeared as sheer impulsiveness had been carefully thought out and then, depending on the response, enlarged by spontaneous eruptions on his part. At a time when the world had fallen silent, when centre-left and centre-right had to struggle hard to find some differences and their politicians had become desiccated machine men obsessed with making money, Chávez lit up the political landscape.

He appeared as an indestructible ox, speaking for hours to his people in a warm, sonorous voice, a fiery eloquence that made it impossible to remain indifferent. His words had a stunning resonance. His speeches were littered with homilies, continental and national history, quotes from the 19th-century revolutionary leader and president of Venezuela Simón Bolívar, pronouncements on the state of the world and songs. "Our bourgeoisie are embarrassed that I sing in public. Do you mind?" he would ask the audience. The response was a resounding "No". He would then ask them to join in the singing and mutter, "Louder, so they can hear us in the eastern part of the city." Once before just such a rally he looked at me and said: "You look tired today. Will you last out the evening?" I replied: "It depends on how long you're going to speak." It would be a short speech, he promised. Under three hours.
Link to video: Chávez's death provokes mixed reactions across the Americas

The Bolívarians, as Chávez's supporters were known, offered a political programme that challenged the Washington consensus: neo-liberalism at home and wars abroad. This was the prime reason for the vilification of Chávez that is sure to continue long after his death.

Politicians like him had become unacceptable. What he loathed most was the contemptuous indifference of mainstream politicians in South America towards their own people. The Venezuelan elite is notoriously racist. They regarded the elected president of their country as uncouth and uncivilised, a zambo of mixed African and indigenous blood who could not be trusted. His supporters were portrayed on private TV networks as monkeys. Colin Powell had to publicly reprimand the US embassy in Caracas for hosting a party where Chávez was portrayed as a gorilla.

Was he surprised? "No," he told me with a grim look on his face. "I live here. I know them well. One reason so many of us join the army is because all other avenues are sealed." No longer. He had few illusions. He knew that local enemies did not seethe and plot in a vacuum. Behind them was the world's most powerful state. For a few moments he thought Obama might be different. The military coup in Honduras disabused him of all such notions.

He had a punctilious sense of duty to his people. He was one of them. Unlike European social democrats he never believed that any improvement in humankind would come from the corporations and the bankers and said so long before the Wall Street crash of 2008. If I had to pin a label on him, I would say that he was a socialist democrat, far removed from any sectarian impulses and repulsed by the self-obsessed behaviour of various far-left sects and the blindness of their routines. He said as much when we first met.
Chavez crowd Chávez greets supporters during a political gathering in 2006. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

The following year in Caracas I questioned him further on the Bolívarian project. What could be accomplished? He was very clear; much more so than some of his over-enthusiastic supporters: ''I don't believe in the dogmatic postulates of Marxist revolution. I don't accept that we are living in a period of proletarian revolutions. All that must be revised. Reality is telling us that every day. Are we aiming in Venezuela today for the abolition of private property or a classless society? I don't think so. But if I'm told that because of that reality you can't do anything to help the poor, the people who have made this country rich through their labour and never forget that some of it was slave labour then I say: 'We part company.' I will never accept that there can be no redistribution of wealth in society. Our upper classes don't even like paying taxes. That's one reason they hate me. We said: 'You must pay your taxes.' I believe it's better to die in battle, rather than hold aloft a very revolutionary and very pure banner, and do nothing … That position often strikes me as very convenient, a good excuse … Try and make your revolution, go into combat, advance a little, even if it's only a millimetre, in the right direction, instead of dreaming about utopias."

I remember sitting next to an elderly, modestly attired woman at one of his public rallies. She questioned me about him. What did I think? Was he doing well? Did he not speak too much? Was he not too rash at times? I defended him. She was relieved. It was his mother, worried that perhaps she had not brought him up as well as she should have done: "We always made sure that he read books as a child." This passion for reading stayed with him. History, fiction and poetry were the loves of his life: "Like me, Fidel is an insomniac. Sometimes we're reading the same novel. He rings at 3am and asks: 'Well, have you finished? What did you think?' And we argue for another hour.'"

It was the spell of literature that in 2005 led him to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Cervantes's great novel in a unique fashion. The ministry of culture reprinted a million copies of Don Quixote and distributed them free to a million poor, but now literate, households. A quixotic gesture? No. The magic of art can't transform the universe, but it can open up a mind. Chávez was confident that the book would be read now or later.

The closeness to Castro has been portrayed as a father-son relationship. This is only partially the case. Last year a huge crowd had gathered outside the hospital in Caracas, where Chávez was meant to be recuperating from cancer treatment, and their chants got louder and louder. Chávez ordered a loudspeaker system on the rooftop. He then addressed the crowd. Watching this scene on Telesur in Havana, Castro was shocked. He rang the director of the hospital: "This is Fidel Castro. You should be sacked. Get him back into bed and tell him I said so."

Above the friendship, Chávez saw Castro and Che Guevara in a historical frame. They were the 20th-century heirs of Bolívar and his friend Antonio José de Sucre. They tried to unite the continent, but it was like ploughing the sea. Chávez got closer to that ideal than the quartet he admired so much. His successes in Venezuela triggered a continental reaction: Bolivia and Ecuador saw victories. Brazil under Lula and Dilma did not follow the social model but refused to allow the west to pit them against each other. It was a favoured trope of western journalists: Lula is better than Chávez. Only last year Lula publicly declared that he supported Chávez, whose importance for "our continent" should never be underestimated.

The image of Chávez most popular in the west was that of an oppressive caudillo. Had this been true I would wish for more of them. The Bolívarian constitution, opposed by the Venezuelan opposition, its newspapers and TV channels and the local CNN, plus western supporters, was approved by a large majority of the population. It is the only constitution in the world that affords the possibility of removing an elected president from office via a referendum based on collecting sufficient signatures. Consistent only in their hatred for Chávez, the opposition tried to use this mechanism in 2004 to remove him. Regardless of the fact that many of the signatures were those of dead people, the Venezuelan government decided to accept the challenge.

I was in Caracas a week before the vote. When I met Chávez at the Miraflores palace he was poring over the opinion polls in great detail. It might be close. "And if you lose?" I asked. "Then I will resign," he replied without hesitation. He won.
TOPSHOTS Venezuelan President Hugo Chav Chávez on the streets of Cabimas in September last year. Photograph: Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images

Did he ever tire? Get depressed? Lose confidence? "Yes," he replied. But it was not the coup attempt or the referendum. It was the strike organised by the corrupted oil unions and backed by the middle-classes that worried him because it would affect the entire population, especially the poor: "Two factors helped sustain my morale. The first was the support we retained throughout the country. I got fed up sitting in my office. So with one security guard and two comrades I drove out to listen to people and breathe better air. The response moved me greatly. A woman came up to me and said: 'Chávez follow me, I want to show you something.' I followed her into her tiny dwelling. Inside, her husband and children were waiting for the soup to be cooked. 'Look at what I'm using for fuel … the back of our bed. Tomorrow I'll burn the legs, the day after the table, then the chairs and doors. We will survive, but don't give up now.' On my way out the kids from the gangs came and shook hands. 'We can live without beer. You make sure you screw these motherfuckers.'"

What was the inner reality of his life? For anyone with a certain level of intelligence, of character and culture, his or her natural leanings, emotional and intellectual, hang together, constitute a whole not always visible to everyone. He was a divorcee, but affection for his children and grandchildren was never in doubt. Most of the women he loved, and there were a few, described him as a generous lover, and this was long after they had parted.

What of the country he leaves behind? A paradise? Certainly not. How could it be, given the scale of the problems? But he leaves behind a very changed society in which the poor felt they had an important stake in the government. There is no other explanation for his popularity. Venezuela is divided between his partisans and detractors. He died undefeated, but the big tests lie ahead. The system he created, a social democracy based on mass mobilisations, needs to progress further. Will his successors be up to the task? In a sense, that is the ultimate test of the Bolívarian experiment.

Of one thing we can be sure. His enemies will not let him rest in peace. And his supporters? His supporters, the poor throughout the continent and elsewhere, will see him as a political leader who promised and delivered social rights against heavy odds; as someone who fought for them and won.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Some one wake me up! I must be dreaming? President Pinera of Chile has declared a national day of mourning for Chavez and has suspended all political activity. He is flying to Caracas for the funeral. Or maybe meeting with what is left of the US embassy there.....
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
New WikiLeaks cable reveals US embassy strategy to destabilize Chavez government

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Published time: April 04, 2013 23:56

In a secret US cable published online by WikiLeaks, former ambassador to Venezuela, William Brownfield, outlines a comprehensive plan to infiltrate and destabilize former President Hugo Chavez' government.
A newly released document posted by Wikileaks has revealed concrete evidence that William Brownfield, a current US Assistant Secretary of State and former Ambassador to Venezuela, actively sought to destabilize former President Hugo Chavez's administration.

The new cable, which was classified Secret and dispatched in November of 2006 by Brownfield during his tour in Venezuela, outlined his embassy's five core objectives in the country since 2004, which included: "penetrating Chavez' political base," "dividing Chavismo," "protecting vital US business" and "isolating Chavez internationally."

The memo, which appears to be totally un-redacted, is plain in its language of involvement in these core objectives by the US embassy, as well as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), two of the most prestigious agencies working abroad on behalf of the US.

According to Brownfield, who prepared the cable specifically for US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), the "majority" of both USAID and OTI activities in Venezuela were concerned with assisting the embassy in accomplishing its core objectives of infiltrating and subduing Chavez' political party:

"This strategic objective represents the majority of USAID/OTI work in Venezuela. Organized civil society is an increasingly important pillar of democracy, one where President Chavez has not yet been able to assert full control."

In total, USAID spent some one million dollars in organizing 3,000 forums that sought to essentially reconcile Chavez supporters and the political opposition, in the hopes of slowly weaning them away from the Bolivarian side.

Brownfield at one point boasted of an OTI civic education program named "Democracy Among Us," which sought to work through NGOs in low income regions, and had allegedly reached over 600,000 Venezuelans.

In total, between 2004 and 2006, USAID donated some 15 million dollars to over 300 organizations, and offered technical support via OTI in achieving US objectives which it categorized as seeking to reinforce democratic institutions.

Much of the memo details efforts to highlight instances of human rights violations, and sponsoring activists and members of the political opposition to attend meetings abroad and voice their concerns against the Chavez administration:

"So far, OTI has sent Venezuelan NGO leaders to Turkey, Scotland, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Chile, Uruguay, Washington and Argentina (twice) to talk about the law. Upcoming visits are planned to Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia."

In his closing comments, Brownfield remarked that, should President Chavez win re-election during the December 2006 elections, OTI expected the "atmosphere for our work in Venezuela" to become more complicated.

Ultimately, it seems that the former ambassador's memo wisely predicted a change in conditions. Following his re-election, President Chavez threatened to eject the US ambassador from Venezuela in 2007, amid accusations of interfering in internal state affairs.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote:The new cable, which was classified Secret and dispatched in November of 2006 by Brownfield during his tour in Venezuela, outlined his embassy's five core objectives in the country since 2004, which included: "penetrating Chavez' political base," "dividing Chavismo," "protecting vital US business" and "isolating Chavez internationally."

An unusually succinct and honest description of the real objectives of US foreign policy.

Quote:The memo, which appears to be totally un-redacted, is plain in its language of involvement in these core objectives by the US embassy, as well as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), two of the most prestigious agencies working abroad on behalf of the US.

USAID: spooks and propagandists posing as humanitarian relief workers.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
While we were fixing the hack Maduro's plane was denied air space by the US as well as no visa to attend the UN General Assembly. Apparently for his offer of asylum for Snowden. But we know for many other things too. Like not allowing Venezuela to be a US client state.


Was the Venezuelan President Banned From Flying Over U.S. Territory?

[TABLE="align: right"]






Posted on Sep 21, 2013
[TD="align: right"]


En route to China to discuss loans, oil and what have you, President Nicolas Maduro meant to fly over Puerto Rico on Thursday night. That is until Washington denied him permission to do so. Venezuela did not take well to this slap in the face, and there was some speculation the incident had to do with Maduro offering whistle-blower Edward Snowden asylum. But, caught between a rock and an irritated South American country, U.S. officials retracted their initial ban, claiming it was all simply a miscommunication. According to The Associated Press via The Washington Post on Friday:
The U.S. Embassy in Caracas said in a Friday statement that Venezuela had requested diplomatic clearance to fly over Puerto Rico en route to China with one day's notice. Such clearances usually require three days' notice, it said.
There was also confusion because the aircraft did not actually require diplomatic clearance because it was a commercial Cubana de Aviacion jet on loan, said the embassy's acting chief of mission, Gregory M. Adams.
He said that while he didn't have the details, his impression was that U.S. officials were "caught short" and initially denied overflight permission.
Venezuela's top diplomat in Washington, Calixto Ortega, said the U.S. had reversed itself following "intense conversations."
Ortega told state TV that the U.S. government had approved a similar overflight route for the same plane a few months ago without question and that Venezuela was concerned because Maduro planned to arrive in New York on the same plane on Sept. 24 or 25 for the U.N. General Assembly.
In its statement, the U.S Embassy said: "Although the request was not properly submitted, US authorities worked with Venezuelan officials at the Venezuelan embassy to resolve the issue. US authorities made an extraordinary effort to work with relevant authorities to grant overflight approval in a matter of hours."
"We advised Venezuela on the correct way to get the clearance, and as a result we were able to notify the Venezuelan authorities last night that permission was granted."
On Thursday afternoon, Foreign Minister Elias Jaua aired the first complaint, saying that prohibiting the flight amounted to an "aggression."
Maduro later complained about the airspace issue and said the United States had refused to grant a visa to retired Gen. Wilmer Barrientos, his chief of staff, who was to accompany him to the United Nations next week.
"I am not going to accept any type of aggression," he said, stressing that the U.S. is obliged to grant visas to whomever he chooses to include in his delegation to the world body.
On Friday evening, Adams said Barrientos had received a visa on Friday.
Confusion or not, clearly Maduro is trying to stand up to American bullying. And it appears to be working.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:While we were fixing the hack Maduro's plane was denied air space by the US as well as no visa to attend the UN General Assembly. Apparently for his offer of asylum for Snowden. But we know for many other things too. Like not allowing Venezuela to be a US client state.

Quote:Was the Venezuelan President Banned From Flying Over U.S. Territory?

[TABLE="align: right"]
Posted on Sep 21, 2013

[TD="align: right"][/TD]
En route to China to discuss loans, oil and what have you, President Nicolas Maduro meant to fly over Puerto Rico on Thursday night. That is until Washington denied him permission to do so. Venezuela did not take well to this slap in the face, and there was some speculation the incident had to do with Maduro offering whistle-blower Edward Snowden asylum. But, caught between a rock and an irritated South American country, U.S. officials retracted their initial ban, claiming it was all simply a miscommunication. According to The Associated Press via The Washington Post on Friday:
The U.S. Embassy in Caracas said in a Friday statement that Venezuela had requested diplomatic clearance to fly over Puerto Rico en route to China with one day's notice. Such clearances usually require three days' notice, it said.
There was also confusion because the aircraft did not actually require diplomatic clearance because it was a commercial Cubana de Aviacion jet on loan, said the embassy's acting chief of mission, Gregory M. Adams.
He said that while he didn't have the details, his impression was that U.S. officials were "caught short" and initially denied overflight permission.
Venezuela's top diplomat in Washington, Calixto Ortega, said the U.S. had reversed itself following "intense conversations."
Ortega told state TV that the U.S. government had approved a similar overflight route for the same plane a few months ago without question and that Venezuela was concerned because Maduro planned to arrive in New York on the same plane on Sept. 24 or 25 for the U.N. General Assembly.
In its statement, the U.S Embassy said: "Although the request was not properly submitted, US authorities worked with Venezuelan officials at the Venezuelan embassy to resolve the issue. US authorities made an extraordinary effort to work with relevant authorities to grant overflight approval in a matter of hours."
"We advised Venezuela on the correct way to get the clearance, and as a result we were able to notify the Venezuelan authorities last night that permission was granted."
On Thursday afternoon, Foreign Minister Elias Jaua aired the first complaint, saying that prohibiting the flight amounted to an "aggression."
Maduro later complained about the airspace issue and said the United States had refused to grant a visa to retired Gen. Wilmer Barrientos, his chief of staff, who was to accompany him to the United Nations next week.
"I am not going to accept any type of aggression," he said, stressing that the U.S. is obliged to grant visas to whomever he chooses to include in his delegation to the world body.
On Friday evening, Adams said Barrientos had received a visa on Friday.
Confusion or not, clearly Maduro is trying to stand up to American bullying. And it appears to be working.

Not allowing a state official to attend the United Nations by declining to issue a visa, only weakens the United Nations. Silly me, I thought the UN must've had some sort of agreement in place that allowed state officials access without the need for the US to give permission...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Evidence is a destabilization plan against Venezuela

Posted: November 5th, 2013 | 17:01 GMT

[URL=""]Eva Golinger
lawyer and writer


In recent months, the Venezuelan government, led by President Nicolas Maduro has reported many incidents of sabotage of the electrical system with a sustained campaign to subvert the nation's economy. A media most internationally well as private media in Venezuela, made ​​fun of the serious allegations by Venezuelan President, and instead have tried to blame the Government for any damage caused to the country. However, an internal document of three organizations in Colombia and the United States reveals a sinister plan against the Venezuelan State to provoke violence-even killed-with the intent to justify international intervention before the municipal elections of December 8. The document , entitled 'Strategic Plan Venezuelan', was prepared by the Democratic Internationalism Foundation of Colombian president Alvaro Uribe Velez, along with First Thought Center Foundation Colombia and the U.S. firm of consultants FTI Consulting . His time of writing was the June 13, 2013, during a meeting between representatives of these three organizations, leaders of the Venezuelan opposition, as Maria Corina Machado, Julio Borges and Ramón Guillermo Avelado, psychological warfare expert, JJ Rendon, and in charge of the Agency for International Development (USAID) for Latin America, Mark Feierstein. strategic plan to destabilize Venezuela has the primary purpose of weakening the Government as part of the municipal elections of December 8, such as articulated in the text: "The objectives in this plan essentially fall into the municipal scheduled for December 8 at the same time including accelerated wear gradual easing the government's supreme triumph of the opposition to this event. " They add: "but if it was before, much better." This document also details the strategy to sabotage the electrical system in Venezuela in order to hold the Government of the weaknesses of the country's infrastructure and thereby project an image of crisis of Venezuela internationally. As part of the plan, the authors propose to "maintain and increase sabotage affecting services to the population, particularly to the electrical system, allowing government to blame the alleged inefficiency and negligence". Since then, blackouts and other power outages have affected different regions throughout Venezuela, causing great discontent, and resulting in a negative perception of government. Recently, Venezuelan authorities arrested several people involved in sabotage the electrical system and in late September, President Maduro expelled three officials from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas for his alleged role in the destabilization plans. In the section entitled "Actions "the authors of the document detailing your next steps to destabilize the Venezuelan government. In addition to "perfect the complainant confrontational discourse and Henrique Capriles" presidential candidate defeated by Maduro, refer to "generate excitement with short messages but they reach more people, which resume social problems, causing social unrest. Increase problems with shortages of basic food basket. " In recent months, Venezuela has experienced problems of shortages of basic goods such as toilet paper, sugar, milk, oil, butter and flour, among others. Venezuelan authorities have seized tons of these products in stores belonging to businessmen associated with the opposition. They have also seized large quantities of these products at the border with Colombia, where they are sold as contraband. According to the document, "The 'Venezuelan Strategic Plan', agreed with worthy representatives of the opposition to the government of Nicolas Maduro, focuses on these goals with the continued strong support of several global personalities function to be returned to Venezuela true democracy and independence have been kidnapped for over 14 years. " During the 14 years of democratic administration of President Hugo Chavez threats his Government abounded and destabilization plans never ended. After the failure of the coup against him in 2002, which was organized and supported from the U.S. government, there were numerous attempts to overthrow him through economic sabotage, electoral intervention, assassination attempts, psychological warfare, the billionaire funding opposition forces from outside and international isolation plan that ultimately failed. One of the visible faces of the attempts to destabilize the Chavez government was the former President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe Velez. The Colombian former president ended his presidency in 2010 calling for international intervention in Venezuela with the intention of destroying President Chavez and his Bolivarian Revolution. Uribe he spent the years following defaming President Chavez and his government and to strengthen ties with anti-Chávez sectors inside and outside Venezuela. The death of President Chavez in March 2013 did not prevent Uribe continue their actions against Venezuela. With the election of Nicolas Maduro to the presidency and the continuation of the process begun by socialist Chavez, Uribe continued with his plans to attack Venezuela. now this internal document, the product of a meeting of right-wing sectors of Colombia and Venezuela, along with U.S. government representatives, demonstrates the ongoing destabilization plans against the Government of Maduro. As part of this dangerous plot against Venezuela, the authors propose to "create crisis in the streets to facilitate U.S. intervention and NATO forces, with the support of the Government of Colombia. Whenever possible, should provoke violence killed or injured ". Venezuelans, opposition representatives, are working together with external forces to cause the death of innocent citizens in their own country with the intention of promoting a military invasion of their nation. This represents a serious threat-and-a vile crime against the sovereignty of Venezuela. Finally, besides promoting the momentum of an international campaign to marginalize, delegitimize and discredit the Maduro government through media and spokesmen of the right The document recommends "a military insurrection" against "Venezuelan". They propose "contact groups active military and retirement status to expand the campaign to play down the Government prestige within the Armed Forces. (...) It is vital to prepare the military for from a scenario crises and social unrest spearhead the insurrection against the government, or at least to support foreign intervention or civil uprising. " This document evidence and confirms the truth-and severity-of the allegations made ​​by President Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela is under attack, as it has been for the past 14 years since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution and the rescue of the sovereignty, independence and dignity of the country. Do not forget that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. The powerful interests that want to control these rich resources will not stop until achieving your goal.

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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Documented: US Coup Plan for Venezuela 2013

Posted by: Contributing Author in Breaking News 12 hours ago

By Les Blough and Arturo Rosales
It will come as no surprise to most Axis of Logic readers that there has been a Rolling Coup against the government of Venezuela since former President Chavez was first elected 14 years ago in 1998. The US-backed coup attempt in April, 2002 followed by the managers' lockout of the nation's petroleum industry in 2002-2003 are well-known throughout the world. Since then there have been weekly acts of sabotage of the country's infrastructure and food supply along with acts of violence andassassinations.
On a regular basis we have been reporting ongoing efforts to overthrow the democratically elected government and to destabilize Venezuela since Axis of Logic was first launched over 10 years ago. This report however stands out with yesterday's revelation of a document by RT News in Spanish. Because of it's import and critical bearing on the future of Venezuela and all Latin American countries, we have translated it into English for Axis of Logic readers.
Throughout the years, the opposition forces in Venezuela have been in disarray with infighting for power amongst their various political parties and in 2005 they abstained from voting in the parliamentary elections altogether and lost all the deputies seats to the chavista parties.

It was a tactic that failed miserably. In 2008 they attempted to unite by forming Mesa de Unidad Democratica (MUD) but the divisions and conflicts within their ranks only increased when Primero Justicia(First Justice) took control of MUD alienating other political opposition parties. Increasingly frustrated with their inability to win an election democratically, they stepped up their attempts to overthrow the government by other means. After President Chavez trounced their candidate for president, Capriles Radonski in October 2012 and they failed to gain control of the National Assembly (congress), the opposition stoked their fires of what we call the "Rolling Coup."
When Capriles Radonski suffered his second defeat by Nicolas Maduro on April 14 of this year, he claimed election fraud and the heads of the opposition refused to recognize Maduro as president. Likewise, the United States was the only country in the world who would not acknowledge his presidency. On April 15, the day after the election, Radonski called for members of the opposition to go to the streets and incite riots which resulted in 9 Chavistas being murdered execution style, one of them a 9 year old child and others being wounded.
Increased Attacks for Destabilization
Since then treasonous acts by the US-backed opposition are commonplace. Assassination plots against President Maduro revealed and foiled; the US blocked President Maduro from flying over Puerto Rico on his recent trip to China; threats were made against his life, preventing him from delivering his first speech as head of state at the UN General Assembly in October; since around August 1 of this year the opposition hasincreased their attacks on the Venezuelan infrastructure, electrical system and food supply & distribution systems. This increase in attacks is occurring in context with the December 8 elections when 335 mayors of towns and cities will be elected across the country. Over the last 3 months electricity to swaths of Venezuela have been cut by saboteurs and basic foods and other household products have been hoarded or destroyed to give the appearance of shortages. We are now experiencing this on a daily basis.
Yesterday the secret document was made public by the Venezuelan government and published in RT News with commentary by Eva Golinger. The document explains in detail, the sources and careful planning behind the Rolling Coup. Titled, Plan Estratégico Venezuela (Strategic Plan Venezuela), the plan outlines objectives, goals and methods and identifies the December 8 elections as the enemy's target for destroying the country. The plan was prepared in a meeting on June 13, 2013 with leaders of the Venezuelan opposition and representatives of the following 4 organizations:
  • Fundación Internacionalismo Democrático of former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez,
  • Fundación Centro de Pensamiento Primero Colombia (The Center of Thought Foundation Colombia First)
  • and the US firm, FTI Consulting (Forensic Technologies International), headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida, FTI Consulting employs more than 4,000 professionals in 24 countries across six continents with a Latin American division.
  • USAID The United States Agency for International Development for Latin America
[TD]Mark Feierstein, Head of USAID for Latin America[/TD]
Three key opposition leaders involved are
Maria Corina Machado and Julio Borges, both members of the Venezuelan National Assembly;
Juan José (J.J.) Rendón Delgado, a psychologist, political strategist and expert in psychological warfare and
Ramón Guillermo Avelado, the president of MUD. [URL=""]
Mark Feierstein, responsible for USAID, the US Agency for International Development for Latin America also participated in Plan Estratégico Venezuela for the destabilization of the country.
[TD]Maria Corina Machado, Member of the National Assembly[/TD]
[TD]Jorge Borges, Member of the National Assembly[/TD]
[TD]Juan José (J.J.) Rendón Delgado, Psychologist and expert in psychological warfare.[/TD]
[TD]Ramón Guillermo Avelado, Politician and Executive Secretary of Mesa de Unidad Demorcratica (MUD)[/TD]
[TD]Alvaro Uribe, former president of Colombia is a central figure not only in the development of this plan but in many attempts to sabotage and overthrow the Venezuelan government from the earliest days when President Chavez was first elected 14 years ago.[/TD]
Rather than describing the evidence against those who would overthrow the Venezuelan government and instead of providing the reader with excerpts from the document, we decided to translate it into English for you to read and form your own conclusions. We have also been preparing an article that lists well documented, specific attacks and the government's response in Maduro Fights Back, a detailed report which will be featured next week on Axis of Logic.
[TABLE="align: center"]
Plan Estratégico Venezuela
13 de junio de 2013
(Translated by Axis of Logic)
Democracy in Latin America has suffered a setback and is kidnapped by populist governments that prohibit, violate and intimidated the liberal thinking, freedom of expression and human rights in the region.El Centro de Pensamiento Primero Colombia (The Center of Thought First Colombia) supports free and open discussion of the liberal thought in Latin America to disarm the expanded threat in the region with the violation of Human Rights and of the Popular Will.
By such facts in conjunction with the FTI Consulting and with the Fundacion Internacionalismo Democratico (Foundation Democratic Internationalism), we work to restore democracy in Latin America that has been aggrieved by the pseudo-progressive regimes led by Venezuela.
The Venezuelan Strategic Plan, agreed with worthy representatives of the opposition to the government of Nicolas Maduro, and is geared toward these objectives with the strong and constant support of several leading personalities in work to return Venezuela to true democracy and independence that has been held hostage by more than 14 years.
We have 185 days to reach the goals set for Venezuelan Strategic Plan and to execute the action designed to achieve the objective.
In the entire territory of the Republic of Venezuela, to all the sectors of Venezuelan citizenship and to all the government and administrative institutions of the country.
  • To refine the confrontational speech and complainant, Henrique Capriles. That is more fresh and attractive but at the same time to show resolution and consistency in its lines. Clearly establish the motto "We are a better alternative."To generate excitement with short messages but ones that reach greater numbers of people, returning to the social problems, causing social discontent. To increase the problems with shortages of basic products of the food basket.
  • To maintain and increase the sabotage that affect services to the population particularly to the electrical system, that allows for blaming the government for alleged inefficiencies and negligence.
  • To support the normalization of US-Venezuelan relations. This, will dilute the campaign of the government on the interference of the United States and justify the direct contact between our related forces.
  • To create crisis situations in the streets to facilitate the intervention by the United States and NATO forces, with the support of the government of Colombia. When possible, the violence must cause deaths and injuries. Encourage hunger strikes of several days, mass mobilizations, problems in universities and other sectors of society already identified as governmental institutions.
  • To move all available forces to compile a dossier of disrepute and weakening of the government that will give greater credibility to the opposition. With the support of the United States government, manipulate the involvement of the government and senior officials with drug trafficking and money laundering.
  • To enhance the actions of lobbying governments in Latin America, mainly in those countries that may be more sensitive to the pressures of our allies, namely Colombia, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Costa Rica Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico and Honduras. At the same time depressing the governments of countries allied to the regime, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua generating discredit in both regions.To increase the supply of financial funds that Venezuelan opposition receives, aiming to reach at least 55% of the mayors in the municipal elections.
  • To maintain and increase the campaign against Cuban interference; to affect the main social missions and diminish popular support for the government. To especially treat the presence of Cuban soldiers in the Venezuelan Armed Forces.
  • To prepare and disseminate printed and audiovisual materials that expand the matrices of opinion in our interest, with the slogan, "We are a better alternative." In addition to identify and reattribute identified problems that point to the opposition. Hire journalists and reporters from 9 international media: CNN, The New York Times, The New York Post, Reuters, AP, EFE, The Miami Herald, Time, BBC, and Venezuela's Clarín, ABC, among others. To these ends make the necessary contacts with the Foreign Press Association in Caracas.
  • To promote the pronouncements of opinon leaders and personalities around the world who identify with the feeling of our plans and actions in favor of Venezuela.
  • To extend the image of a severe crisis in Venezuela to more external media and possible countries as a means of managing international public opinion.
  • To work from now on in the formulation of the legal conditions necessary for a future institutional transition in Venezuela.
  • To coordinate the specific tasks that run the representatives of the Mesa de Unidad Demorcratica (MUD)* in the United States, in alliance with the opposition forces against the Castro regime that lie in that country. To strengthen the work of the mayor of the City of Doral [Florida], its mayor, Luigi Boria, and the Organización de Venezolanos Perseguidos Políticos en el Exilio (Organization of Persecuted Venezuelans in Exile VEPPEX), with the support of the congressmen and senators of Cuban origin and the Cuban American National Foundation, among other organizations that support our Strategic Plan.*NOTE: Mesa de Unidad Demorcratica or "MUD" is the alliance of oppositin political parties in Venezuela
  • To contact military groups, active and retired who have already been identified; to extend the campaign to delegitimize the government's prestige within the [Venezuelan] Armed Forces under the principle that the Armed Forces must take on the role of guarantor of democracy in Venezuela. We must achieve, by any means, the reestablishment of the constitution. It is vital to prepare the military for that from a scenario of crisis and social unrest championing insurrection against the government, or at least support of a foreign intervention or a civil uprising.
The objectives posed in the present plan is essentially to target the municipal scheduled for 8 December, at the same time they include the gradual accelerated wearing down of the management of the government by providing the supreme triumph of the opposition in that event, but it will be much better if this can be achieved earlier [before December 8 Mayoral Elections]
Source for Plan Estratégico Venezuela (in Spanish): RT News
Many thanks to Axis of Logic Columnist, Arturo Rosales for contributing to this report.
Read Arturo Rosales' October 11, 2013 report, Venezuela. Focusing on disaster by ignoring the facts in which he covers the various forms of sabotage, the Economic War and provides information on the Venezuelan economy that will surprise you.
Biography, Analysis and Essays by Arturo RosalesBiography, Essays and Poetry by Les Blough
Source: Global Research
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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