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Petition for Congressional Oversight of JFK Act
To: U.S. Congress
To: U.S. Congress House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20513
(202) 225-5074(202) 225-3974 (Fax)
Re: Congressional Oversight of JFK Act

To: Rep. Darrel Issa (R. Calf.), Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and Rep. James Lankford (Rep. Ok.5) Chairman of the Sub-committee on Technology, Information Policy, Governmental Relations and Procurement Reform and members of the relevant sub-committee - Vice Chair Rep. Mike Kelly (R. Pa.3), Jason Chaffetz (UT. 3), Tim Walberg (MI-7), Paul Labrador (ID-1), Pat Meehan (PA.7), Blake Farentold (TX-27), Gerald Connolly (D. Va.), Christopher Murphy (D. Conn.), Stephen Lynch (D. Mass)].

Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992, requiring the release of all government records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in order to regain the public's confidence in government, which has been in steady decline since November 1963. That has not happened.

The House Oversight Committee has not held one hearing on this issue in nearly 15 years (June 1997), despite the destruction of Secret Service documents, the loss of national security records and the continued wrongful withholding of records that Congress has ordered released to the public.

It is imperative that Congress take some action to ensure that the law is enforced, the work mandated by the JFK Assassination Records Act is completed, and the government regain the confidence of the American public.

Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens of the United States and the free world, do hereby request the House Oversight Committee do its duty and hold public oversight hearings on the JFK Act.


William Kelly

and others,

(BK Notes: If anyone defaces this petition I will personally identify you and take necessary counter-measures)
Bill, Can I respectfully suggest you change term 'Free World' [cold war term that never had any rational meaning, IMO] with 'World' or 'Rest of the World'. I can't imagine anyone from anywhere, under whatever form of government or situation that would be problematic. Also, having problem getting to the petition server, but sure that is out of your control. Best of Luck with this. It has been all too long a wrong unaddressed!!!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Bill, Can I respectfully suggest you change term 'Free World' [cold war term that never had any rational meaning, IMO] with 'World' or 'Rest of the World'. I can't imagine anyone from anywhere, under whatever form of government or situation that would be problematic. Also, having problem getting to the petition server, but sure that is out of your control. Best of Luck with this. It has been all too long a wrong unaddressed!!!

Hi Peter,

That's so those who are not US citizens can sign the petition.

I think it should be changed because it infers the US is also "free".

Obviously, the fact the government itself is complicit in preventing real investigation into its murder of president Kennedy means the US itself is not free by definition.

William Kelly Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Bill, Can I respectfully suggest you change term 'Free World' [cold war term that never had any rational meaning, IMO] with 'World' or 'Rest of the World'. I can't imagine anyone from anywhere, under whatever form of government or situation that would be problematic. Also, having problem getting to the petition server, but sure that is out of your control. Best of Luck with this. It has been all too long a wrong unaddressed!!!

Hi Peter,

That's so those who are not US citizens can sign the petition.


Uuuuuh, Bill. America is nearing a Police State, IMO...but, OK, lets not broadcast that and alienate the members of Congress....but then put 'and NON-U.S. Citizens'. In the height of the Cold War the phrase had NO meaning - only propaganda values - and now it has less than NO MEANING - only 'DEMEANING' to many. So, someone from N. Korea, China, Cuba, Libya etc. can't sign?! Why not, if not. The phrase is an oxymoron. The phrase offended me...and I'm sure it will others....except rightwingers and stuck coldwarriors. However, I don't think they'd be offended or turned off by my alternative[s]. America, IMO, is not a part of the 'free world, so 'the rest' has no meaning...never did....if it did we'll not be fighting to investigate all we investigate....and try to keep afloat as the rich rob the rest of us blind, steal or buy elections, buy Congress and influence, hire mercenaries [including the CIA and all sister agencies], perpetrate wars the American people don't need or want - only the Oligarchs want...etc. :mexican:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Albert Doyle Wrote:I think it should be changed because it infers the US is also "free".

Obviously, the fact the government itself is complicit in preventing real investigation into its murder of president Kennedy means the US itself is not free by definition.


Then don't sign the petition.
Besides giving the Oversight Committee chairmen the petition over Sunshine Week (Mid-March), hopefully with a few hundred signatures, if a dozen or more people personally fax the number on the petition, requesting to be personally informed when JFK Act Oversight Hearings are scheduled, that will get their attention, and maybe even embarrass them into scheduling a hearing.

If a hundred people fax them, requesting to be notified of a scheduled hearing on the JFK Act, I know they will schedule one, and that it will be heavily attended and watched on CSPAN because of the huge public interest in this subject.

Thanks to all who have signed the petition, and to those who send them a fax requesting to be notified of a scheduled hearing.

If any of the committee's or subcommittee members are your representative, you are considered a constituent, and a potential voter, so your letter and fax means a lot and carries more weight.

And you don't have to be an American to sign the petition or to fax them a request to be notified of a scheduled hearing, as your interest can be a factor.

Thanks to all who participate in this campaign,

Bill Kelly
Sunshine Week is Underway and the Congressional Oversight Committee will be holding a full committee hearing (2157 Rayburn HOB) from 9am-11am on St. Patrick's Day - Thursday, March 17, 2011 on the subject of "The Freedom of Information Act: Crowd-Sourcing Government Oversight."

Also see: JFKcountercoup

Those scheduled to testify include: Miriam Nisbet - NARA; Daniel Metcalfe Collaboration on Government Secrecy; Tom Fitton Judicial Watch; Rick Blum Sunshine in Government; Angela Canterbury Project on Open Government Oversight.

This hearing may be televised in the USA on CSPAN live or delayed at another time.

It will be a good time to view the committee at work and see how such hearings are conducted, so when they finally get around to holding a hearing on the JFK Act we know what to expect.

The two on-line petitions we have going requesting the committee hold hearings - include the original petition to the Democrats (with over 350 signatures JFK ACT Oversight Hearings - Signatures) and the more recent one (with nearly 200 JFK Act Oversight Hearings - Signatures), which will be presented to the Committee chairman and subcommittee chairmen and other members of the committee this week.

Many thanks to all those who have signed on. To petition the government for such requests is one of the basic rights of a citizen in a free and open society, and one that we need to use in this case.

If you have yet to sign the petition you can do now or within the next week JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition, and send the link to those friends you know who would like to sign it.

We also are requesting that people privately fax a letter to the Chairman of the Committee (Issa) requesting to be notified when a JFK Act Oversight Hearing is scheduled so arrangements can be made to attend or review the proceedings on CSPAN.

Here's my one-page letter that will give you an idea of what to day. If the committee gets 100 such faxes or letters mailed to them, they will hold a hearing, and you can be one who makes a difference. While some people may be shy about signing a public petition, your confidentially will be maintained and you can still have an impact by sending a one-page, polite fax and mailed letter to the Committee, as I have done.

Open Letter to the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee of the US Congress Rep. Darrell Issa (R. Calf.)

2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-5074 /Fax: (202) 225-3974

Dear Rep. Issa,

As chairman of the House Oversight Committee, you are responsible for holding public hearings that oversee the laws of the United States, including the JFK Act of 1992 and the work of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), that has yet to be given any oversight since the Review Board was dissolved over fifteen years ago.

The last time the Republicans controlled the Committee they didn't conduct any oversight at all for over a decade, and the few years that the Democrats were in control they appeared sympathetic but "didn't want to rock the boat." Well now you are in the driver's seat, and are threatening to hold oversight hearings every week, and if you do, then oversight of the JFK Act should be given a top priority.

It is an important subject that many Americans are concerned about, and there will be an increase in interest with the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy administration. There are many questions that deserve to be addressed, including why Secret Service records rwere intentionally destroyed after they were requested by the ARRB, why other important assassination records were destroyed, how national security records could go missing without any investigation of their disposition, and why significant numbers of records are still wrongfully and illegally being with held.

This is a non-partisan issue supported by both Democrats and Republicans, liberals or conservatives, conspiracy and non-conspiracy advocates alike, and is of serious concern to the majority of Americas who have lost their confidence in the government.

I believe you will take this issue seriously and request to be notified, if and when you decide to schedule an oversight hearing on the JFK Act, so I can make arrangements to attend and review the proceedings that will be of interest to all Americans.

Thank you for your time in this matter,

William Kelly

If this doesn't work, the next step is to take out a full page display advertisement in the Congressional Weekly and publish the petition and try to embarrass them.

Let me know if anyone will be in Washington on Thursday and is interested in attending the meeting, which is open to the public.


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