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Convicted RFK assassin says girl manipulated him
LOS ANGELES Convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan was manipulated by a seductive girl in a mind control plot to shoot Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and his bullets did not kill the presidential candidate, lawyers for Sirhan said in new legal papers.
The documents filed this week in federal court and obtained by The Associated Press detail extensive interviews with Sirhan during the past three years, some done while he was under hypnosis.
The papers point to a mysterious girl in a polka-dot dress as the controller who led Sirhan to fire a gun in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel. But the documents suggest a second person shot and killed Kennedy while using Sirhan as a diversion.
For the first time, Sirhan said under hypnosis that on a cue from the girl he went into "range mode" believing he was at a firing range and seeing circles with targets in front of his eyes.
"I thought that I was at the range more than I was actually shooting at any person, let alone Bobby Kennedy," Sirhan was quoted as saying during interviews with Daniel Brown, a Harvard University professor and expert in trauma memory and hypnosis. He interviewed Sirhan for 60 hours with and without hypnosis, according to the legal brief.
Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney, said prosecutors were unaware of the legal filing and could not comment.
The story of the girl has been a lingering theme in accounts of the events just after midnight on June 5, 1968, when Kennedy was gunned down in the hotel pantry after claiming victory in the California Democratic presidential primary.
Witnesses talked of seeing such a female running from the hotel shouting, "We shot Kennedy." But she was never identified, and amid the chaos of the scene, descriptions were conflicting.
Through the years, Sirhan has claimed no memory of shooting Kennedy and said in the recent interviews that his presence at the hotel was an accident, not a planned destination.
Under hypnosis, he remembered meeting the girl that night and becoming smitten with her. He said she led him to the pantry.
"I am trying to figure out how to hit on her.... That's all that I can think about," he says in one interview cited in the documents. "I was fascinated with her looks .... She never said much. It was very erotic. I was consumed by her. She was a seductress with an unspoken unavailability."
Brown was hired by Sirhan's lawyer William F. Pepper.
Pepper's associate, attorney Laurie Dusek, attended the interviews. and Brown said in the documents they both took verbatim notes because prison officials would not let them tape record nearly all the sessions.
Sirhan maintained in the hypnotic interviews that the mystery girl touched him or "pinched" him on the shoulder just before he fired then spun him around to see people coming through the pantry door.
"Then I was on the target range ... a flashback to the shooting range ... I didn't know that I had a gun," Sirhan said.
Under what Brown called the condition of hypnotic free recall, he said Sirhan remembered seeing the flash of a second gun at the time of the assassination. Without hypnosis, he said, Sirhan could not remember that shot.
Pepper, a New York lawyer with an international practice, previously tried to prove that James Earl Ray was not the assassin of Martin Luther King Jr.
The lawyer said he is convinced that Sirhan was a victim of a mind control project such as those used by the CIA in the 1960s. He is seeking an evidentiary hearing to exonerate Sirhan in Kennedy's killing.
Dusek said in an interview that Sirhan was hypnotized for perhaps 30 percent of the interviews, most of which had to be done through a glass partition with Brown talking to him on a phone.
Only when Sirhan was moved from the state prison at Corcoran to his current location at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga were they allowed face-to-face visits, she said, and a few of those were recorded.
Other portions of the motion allege suppression of ballistics evidence and the autopsy report, and claim ineffective assistance of counsel. It contends previous lawyers for Sirhan accepted from the start that he was the lone shooter, settled on a defense of diminished capacity and did not seek other avenues of defense.
During the trial, Sirhan tried to confess to killing Kennedy "with 20 years of malice aforethought," but the judge rejected the blurted statement.
A large portion of the new documents seek to prove the bullets that hit Kennedy came from a different direction than the spot where Sirhan was standing. The papers do not name any other possible shooter.
Sirhan was denied parole in March by a panel that said he had not shown sufficient remorse for the killing.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
That would be wonderful if we got justice in this case. How the autopsy can be ignored has always amazed me. What a corrupt country this is.
An interesting web site where Wernerhoff puts forward an interesting case of the polka dot dressed girl as being Kathy Ainsworth an active (terrorist) member of White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan by night and a school teacher by day. According to her mother she had a role in the MLK assassination as well. Weeks after the RFK assassination she was killed by the FBI in a sting operation with her boyfriend Thomas Tarrants. He is also identified as possibly involved in the RFK assassination.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I first learnt of "the girl in the polka dot dress" from John Judge many years ago - either his writings or spoken words.

This new testimony from Sirhan Sirhan is compelling. Intel assets, mockingbirds and MSM idiots will quickly dismiss it as "false memories" retrieved or implanted by "dodgy shrinks" using hypnosis, and therefore "unrelaible", and feeding the "fantasies" of "conspiracy theorists".

However, the truth is that Sirhan Sirhan was almost certainly a victim of narco-hypno-trauma programming, (perhaps conducted through Rosicrucian cutouts). Once Sirhan was imprisoned for the assassination of RFK, MK-ULTRA senior mechanic Louis Jolyon West visited him on several occasions. Given that Jolly was an expert in implanting false and screen memories, it is entirely likely that the purpose of West's prison visits was either to ensure that Sirhan's implanted screen memories were holding up and/or to create new false/screen memories.

The best way of getting beyond the garbage implanted in Sirhan's consciousness and retrieving his real memories probably involves an ethical shrink placing him in a hypnotic trance and trying to clear away the garbage. Judging by the article in the original post, this may have now been done by Sirhan's defence team - leading directly to the "polka dot girl" revelations.

But the big obstacle is the MK-ULTRA cover up organisation known as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) - stocked full of MK-ULTRA shrinks and paedophiles, but regarded as a scientific and legitimate body by the useless idiots of MSM.

I strongly suspect that the faux science of the FMSF will be used by intel assets, mockingbirds and MSM idiots to discredit this new testimony from Sirhan Sirhan.

For the truth about FMSF as an organisation whose purpose is to cover up the crimes against humanity of MK-ULTRA, see here.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Joyland [Jolly] West, was the head of the Neuropsychiatric Dept at UCLA at the end of his life [last few decades]. At some of that time, I was a graduate student here and later living in Venice and Santa Monica [for those who know L.A.]. I wanted very much to interview West about S.S. and J. Ruby and others -and some programs many here know about....but was too well known to do so with him. I used a VERY knowledgeable [but not publicly known] cut-out to question West in his office in UCLA. It was not many weeks [if memory serves, 3-4] after my friend Jack Adriance interviewed West with my [and his own] questions, that Jack died of 'heart failure'. I was devastated. Jack was not young, but in extraordinary health for his age and the timing was more than suspicious. West was very hesitant to talk about much more than is publicly known [LSD-25 killing elephant, et al.], but we did get a few good the cost, I fear, of Jack's life. Spy I put this out for the record. I draw no definitive can draw your own.

R.I.P. Jack! I have yet to meet any other person who knew so much of Deep Politics and yet had no 'standard' home; only a bike, a highly 'non--standard' place to stay, and thousands of books on Deep Politics and history. Jack......a story and legend in his own right....I'll save for another time. Jack was NO FOOL, like those in power. He knew every dirty trick, black op and false-flag happening WWII until his death. I miss you Jack, and hope my mission for you didn't cause you harm.................
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Interesting. Needs more attention. I have NO doubt that the woman in the polka-dot dress who was heard saying 'we killed him, we killed him' was Sirhan Sirhan's 'trigger' ,'guide', and perhaps more. The LAPD knew exactly who she was and worked very hard to NOT find her and and to torture those who claimed they had seen or heard her. Not much work has been done on her read identity. Of all the major assassinations the RFK is the easiest to solve, followed by MLK, followed by Malcolm-X, followed by JFK, followed by about a few hundred others........much work to do - or we wind up [soon.....less than a handful of fingers for years, IMHO] as a neo-fascist police state with 3rd Reich-like features in full play [they are in medium-play now].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The presumed "girl in the polka dot dress", Kathy Ainsworth, was herself killed by police and FBI gunfire on June 30, 1968, whilst engaged on a Ku Klux Klan mission to dynamite the house of a leading Jewish businessman.

According to LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review - an always interesting but not to be taken at face value source - Ainsworth was lured to her death as a result of collusion between the Anti-Defamation League and the KKK:

(Typos are as per the original):

Quote:One of the most shocking instances of racist violence
during the civil rights battles in the South of the U.S.
during the 1960s was the execution-style murders of
three civil rights workers in Philadelphia, Miss, in 1964.
The murders of Andrew Goodman, Robert Cheney and
Mitchell Schwerner sent shock waves across America
and the world, as many people began to realize for the
first time that the Confederacy, far from being dead, was
very much alive and very much committed to rolling
back the tide of equal rights for all races at least in the
Deep South.

True to its historical roots in the Southern Jurisdic-
tion of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry and in the original
Confederate secessionist plot, the ADL contrary to its
own published propaganda lined up squarely with the
Klan where it counted the most: with its checkbook.

One particularly sordid instance of collusion be-
tween the ADL and the KKK came to light in a hail of
bullets on the night of June 30, 1968 in Meridian, Miss.,
outside the home of ADL official Meyer Davidson.

When the smoke cleared, a local schoolteacher
named Kathy Ainsworth lay dead, and a second man,


Thomas A. Tenants III, lay dying after being hit with
over 70 bullets fired by 22 local police and FBI agents.
Miraculously, Terrants survived the attack.

Terrants and Ains worth, both local Klan members,
had been set up. They went to Davidson's home that
night to plant a bomb on his doorstep, not knowing that
the leader of their own KKK chapter had betrayed them,
and that a small army of police and FBI sharpshooters
was waiting in the bushes to ambush them.

The entire affair had been staged by the ADL. The
agent provocateur inside the local KKK chapter who set
up Terrants and Ainsworth was one of the killers of
Goodman, Cheney and Schwerner. Alton Wayne Roberts
was out on bail awaiting his trial, along with six other
members of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, for
the Philadelphia, Miss, murders when, in the early spring
of 1968, he cut a deal with the ADL's regional director,
Adolph Botnick. The New Orleans-based Botnick had
been a longstanding friend of the late Guy Bannister, the
former FBI special agent implicated by District Attorney
Jim Garrison in the assassination of President John F.

Botnick, with the blessings of Meridian-based FBI
Special Agent Frank Watts and Meridian police detective
Luke Scarborough, agreed to pay Alton Wayne Roberts
and his brother Raymond Roberts $69,000 to become
the League's paid agents provocateur. $25,000 in un-
marked twenty-dollar bills was hand-delivered from New
Orleans to the Roberts brothers just days before the
Ainsworth-Terrants ambush.

At the time the deal was struck, the White Knights,
led by the two Roberts brothers, had been on a nine-
month bombing spree. The brothers were prime sus-


pects in ten separate acts of racist violence, in addition
to the Philadelphia murders. Three of these attacks were
directed against synagogues and Jewish leaders in Missis-

The Roberts brothers, as per their deal with Botnick,
ordered two of their Klan underlings to deliver the bomb
to Davidson's home. They then tipped off the FBI and
the local police about the exact time the attack would

In return for their continuing services to the ADL
after the Davidson incident, the brothers were given slap
on the wrist sentences and placed in the FBI's witness
protection program. For his part in the Goodman,
Cheney and Schwerner murders, Alton Wayne Roberts
spent less than three years in jail.

The Meridian incident was classic ADL. The League
used the "racist attack" against Meyer Davidson as a scare
tactic fundraising ploy. The money they raised more than
covered the costs of buying up the two KKKers as their
permanent agents provocateur inside the Klan. The
League parlayed their financing of the Roberts brothers
into an ever-closer relationship with the FBI, which was
delighted to have the ADL finance and deploy two of the
Klan's most violent terrorists.

Guy Banister?!? :hitball:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan, I've seen it said that West had contact with Sirhan quite a few times over my years, but I've yet to find any actual documentation of it. Can you point me in the right direction?
Once you realize CIA used an Oswald double in the JFK Assassination the similarity between the Bulova executives and three major CIA players becomes less than coincidental. I think Shane O'Sullivan stumbled upon a real CIA operation but not in the way he first assumed. It is possible the three Bulova executives were other people however they were plausibly deniable doubles designed to cover the three CIA agents who looked like them. Those Bulova men could have been sent to the Ambassador hotel by Bulova under the guidance of CIA, however with no knowledge of what they were being used for. It is possible that any of the three, Johannides, Campbell, or Morales could have been in LA that night involved with the assassination. What the Bulova men were there for was just in case one of them got caught and needed to be switched-in. Knowing the use of doubles by CIA the whole purpose of those three executives could simply be as dopplegangers for those hot operatives.
A country dance was being held in the garden ...

In re Ainsworth as the girl in the polka dot dress: Welcome to Chauncy Holt country.

In re the Bulova execs as CIA look-alikes placed in the Ambassador Hotel "in case one of [the real CIA superstars] got caught and needed to be switched-in": utterly preposterous on about a dozen levels -- starting with the proposition that purely by coincidence there were two doppelgangers of meta-officers employed by the same company and ...

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