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Convicted RFK assassin says girl manipulated him
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:[quote=Kyle Burnett]
That West was an MK-ULTRA mechanic is clear and demonstrated.
Yeah, that's why I'd love to see evidence that had interaction with Sirhan, but having been unable to find anything of the sort, I'm left to suspect it's just a myth which arose through confusion over other psychiatrists who did. Anyway, I thank you for mentioning Operation Mind Control, as that looks to be an interesting read. Also, having searched it, I notice it doesn't mention of Dr. Seymour Pollack's interaction with Sirhan, some recording of which can be heard starting around 37:40 into the full version of Evidence of Revision Part 5 (most copies of the documentary I've found are missing about 20 minutes, but the one I linked to has it).
Kyle Burnett Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:That West was an MK-ULTRA mechanic is clear and demonstrated.
Yeah, that's why I'd love to see evidence that had interaction with Sirhan, but having been unable to find anything of the sort, I'm left to suspect it's just a myth which arose through confusion over other psychiatrists who did. Anyway, I thank you for mentioning Operation Mind Control, as that looks to be an interesting read. Also, having searched it, I notice it doesn't mention of Dr. Seymour Pollack's interaction with Sirhan, some recording of which can be heard starting around 37:40 into the full version of Evidence of Revision Part 5 (most copies of the documentary I've found are missing about 20 minutes, but the one I linked to has it).

Kyle - I couldn't open your link to Bowart's Operation Mind Control - is it the first (print) edition, or the second (samizdat) edition?

Regarding Pollack, Dr Colin Ross writes in "The CIA Doctors":

Quote:The prosecution witnesses included Dr Seymour Pollack. He did his psychiatry training at the New York Psychiatric Institute, where Harold Blauer was killed with an injection of US Army mescaline in 1953. Dr Pollack recommended at trial that Sirhan be sent to the medical facility at Vacaville State Prison, where drug research was conducted under MK SEARCH subproject 3, and where Donald DeFreeze was contacted by Colston Westbrook. MK SEARCH ran from 1964 to 1972, the time period of the Sirhan trial and DeFreeze's imprisonment at Vacaville.

In fact, DeFreeze was transformed into "Cinque", the leader of the Symbionese Liberation Army, at Vacaville's Phoenix-Program-in-America operation.

There's a lot of material on this here at DPF.

Meanwhile, below is an excerpt from an interview with Mae Brussell (MB):

Quote:SC: Where does Donald DeFreeze fit into the Hearst conspiracy?
MB: De Freeze was selected as a patsy several years ago, by the Los Angeles Police Department. He had a long police record of arrests: for stealing 200 guns, for shooting a policeman, and for allegedly making bombs. He never seemed to get put in jail for these crimes. The L.A.P.D. had enough on him to keep him in jail for the rest of his life, if they wanted to. I refer to such men, who have records or are let out on parole, but who are completely at the mercy of the police department as "yo-yos," because they are kept on a string and can be pulled back into jail at any time.
Somebody in law enforcement finally decided to "use" Donald DeFreeze. He was convicted on various charges in 1969, and sent to Vacaville prison on a 6-to14-year sentence.
Donald DeFreeze received extensive psychological testing. He comes from a broken home, has been on the street since he was thirteen, and is divorced. He is highly intelligent; he understands law, and represented himself in court. The L.A.P.D. reports describe him as "a man who lacks an identity."
The criminal conspiracy section of the L.A.P.D., described by Louis Tackwood in his book, "The Glass House Tapes," sent DeFreeze to the California Medical Facility, at Vacaville, which is famous for its behavior modification programs.
Since DeFreeze had been certified by the L.A.P.D. as a man who "had no identity of his own," the behavior modification people at Vacaville decided to give him one. They profiled him after Ruchell Magee, a student of law, a black man who is serving time at San Quentin prison. DeFreeze took the name of "Cinque," a black slave leader, which was also Magee's chosen name for himself.
SC: How would you go about giving a black man a new identity in the California prison system in 1969?
MB: A "Black Cultural Association" (BCA) was formally recognized" by prison officials at Vacaville in 1969, when "tutors" from the community were allowed to come into the program. Various newspaper articles state that the purpose of the "tutors" was "to help inmates with academic subjects--and to introduce new subjects, dealing with black culture, such as black and African history." The "tutors" from the outside community were to help black inmates "understand themselves" and prepare for outside relationships when they were released.
DeFreeze, sent to Vacaviille on a 6-to-14-year sentence, and an important member of the new Black Cultural Association, was hardly thinking about, or eligible for, parole. After his conviction on charges of stealing weapons and shooting a policeman, there is no possible way that DeFreeze would be encouraged or permitted to get revolutionary training while in the California prison system.
In those days, Chief Warden Nelson at San Quentin was saying, "No one can shake hands with a man who has his fist clenched over his head."
And Raymond Procunier, Director of the California State Department of Corrections, proudly announced, "If we've got a group out preaching revolution, and we think it's dangerous, we lock them up."
Why would the California prison system, hell-bent on murdering all radicals and creating conspiracies to separate and segregate potential leaders, begin teaching Maoist doctrine and revolutionary ideas to a new recruit, in Vacaville, of all places? And why bend DeFreeze's and Thero Wheeler's ears with talk about Dr. Marcus Foster, the evil black school superintendent in Oakland, when DeFreeze and Wheeler were not eligible for parole for many years?
Since 1961, J. Edgar Hoover had been sending memos to all the top FBI leaders around the country, ordering them to disrupt any potential racial movements, and to prevent the emergence of a black Messiah who would be able to unite his people.
SC: What kind of tutors would be instructing prisoners in radical politics?
MB: White racists--what other kind? Who are Remiro and Little? Who is "Willie the Wolfe"? Who is Colston Westbrook, the black man who headed the Black Cultural Association at Vacaville? DeFreeze, also known as "Cinque," described Wesbrook, his co-worker and teacher, as "a member of the C.I.A. intelligence, and part of the deadly Phoenix program in Vietnam." The similarities between the terrorization going on in Asia and what is now happening in the San Francisco Bay area are too striking to take this charge lightly. William Colby, now Chief of C.I.A. operations in the United States, formerly headed the Phoenix program in Vietnam. We can expect the planned terrorization of the U.S. population to escalate rapidly.
Westbrook was mistrusted by even the straight press when he met them for an interview. He served seven years in the military: three in the Army, and four in the Air force, including four years in Korea. He told the Daily Californian that in 1965, he went to the American Embassy in Tokyo to "try to get some veterans benefits," and was offered "ten grand to go to Vietnam." He spent five years in Vietnam and Cambodia, "doing all sorts of things." When one reporter asked him exactly what he did in Vietnam, he said, "I was working on contracts for an architectural firm."
The Watergate exposures documented how Miami architects were offered huge amounts of money, all from the C.I.A., to come from the White House, in exchange for crucial plans of room structures, and particularly air conditioning vents, related to the rooms where the 1972 nominations would take place. Governments can be overthrown and regimes toppled if palace entrances are known and sealed off. There are other advantages, from a military point of view, including knowing architectural entrances and exits to buildings, i.e., Robert Kennedy's walk through the kitchen pantry at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.
Westbrook said he had a "personal line of communication with the Premier of Cambodia." Donald DeFreeze and Thero Wheeler, black prisoners, must have been proud of their elite instructor, who chose to visit them every week, twice a week, for two years.
"Newsmen present were puzzled by Westbrook. Some thought it was just an ego trip. Others went away with all sorts of uncomfortable suspicions."

Enter Claude Kirk
Willie Wolfe came from Pennsylvania in 1971, but was not known to have any interest in blacks before he went west. Russell Little and Robyn Steiner migrated to Berkeley in the fall of 1972, from Florida. Watergate didn't begin to expose the extent of espionage operations from that state. Florida's former governor, Claude Kirk, ran a campaign a few years ago from Miami, which included threats to "break the University of California."
The day after Ronald Reagan and Claude Kirk were elected Governors of the two states, they met for lunch in Los Angeles. On the following day, Clark Kerr, President of the then-outstanding University of California, was fired, with absolutely no notice, and no severance pay.
Kirk was also the first Governor in the United States to hire a private police force. He used the same Wackenhut group whose contracts have increased following the Hearst kidnapping. A spokesman for the Wackenhut Corporation said that thirty-eight requests for information about protection had been received in a 24-hour period, as of February 25.
In Lauderhill, Florida, on February 22, as a result of the kidnapping of Reg Murphy in Atlanta, Georgia, "uniformed police and armed members of the Lauderhill Police Department walked with several golfers in the Jackie Gleason Inverrary Classic." Plainclothes policemen were also reported circulating in the galleries at the golf tournament.
George Wachenhut, head of the Wackenhut Corporation, put it so well: "Those days of the open, relaxed American way of life are over."
SC: Is that what the Patricia Hearst kidnapping is all about?
MB: Exactly. There was a mass migration of at least eight out-of-state people to Berkeley. Emily and Bill Harris, college graduates, migrated to Berkeley from Indiana, in the fall of 1972. Angela and Gary Atwood also migrated to Berkeley from Indiana at the same time. California prisons were exploding with racial violence and imported provocateurs. Why were out-of-state agents allowed to stir up more trouble? What social and political background did these people have to enter the prisons? What were their qualifications? What were their motives? All these white "migratory birds" were involved in helping DeFreeze get his black education." After the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, they split, leaving homes and jobs, and have not been seen since. Incredible -- and impossible -- and identical to all previous conspiracies I have studied. They suddenly cropped up in the California prisons; they all lived near each other; and after their assignment was over, they simply melted back into the woodwork, going on to other cities, other jobs, other schools. The media said they "vanished."
This reminds me of another white "do-gooder" who was involved in the untimely and tragic death of prisoner George Jackson at San Quentin. Stephen Bingham provided the excuse for what was to be a big shoot-out, following his visit with Jackson. Bingham was last seen, after leaving San Quentin, visiting with his uncle, Woodridge Bingham....who served in the U.S. Navy, with Naval Intelligence, and the O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Services), the forerunner of the C.I.A., from 1943-1945. Were there military connections behind the long imprisonment of the victims of this conspiracy? Louis Tackwood, in "The Glass House Tapes," tells of the role of the L.A.P.D., military, and law enforcement agencies in prison conspiracies.
Now, a few years after George Jackson's death, the military and the Department of Corrections are once more bringing in white people, under the guise of friendship. When they all go back to where they came from, minority and other prisoners are left with the painful loss of the few privileges they had.
While in prison, Donald DeFreeze was told he could become a hero to the poor, oppressed minorities. He was surrounded by military intelligence.
When Jack Ruby was arrested in Dallas, Texas, following the murder Lee Harvey Oswald, a document was found on the seat of his car. It was a pitch on "heroism," written by Warren Carroll of the C.I.A., for H.L. Hunt's Dallas radio program, "Lifeline."
Around the time that Kennedy died in Dallas, Jack Ruby had been in the company of two known hypnotists. One of them was CIA agent David Ferrie, from New Orleans. The other was Billie Del Mar, who was then entertaining in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. Del Mar fled from Dallas the day of the Kennedy assassination, and was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. With the help of Carroll's script on heroism, Ruby could believe that by killing Oswald, he was performing a heroic act. His explanation was, "I wanted to show them that a Jew had guts." It seems Ruby was performing for genuine anti-semites. He obviously wanted their approval.
SC: Are mind control, psychosurgery, or hypnotism used in political assassinations and conspiracies?
MB: The extent and scope of these methods of ordering behavior and erasing memory, following these acts of murder, has to be exposed. You can erase the memory of a murder from a person's mind through hypnosis. You can also implant the conviction that a man has committed a murder, when in fact, he has not.
This happened in the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, where it was suggested to Sirhan Sirhan, by his psychiatrist, how he killed Robert Kennedy. Evidence exists to disprove this theory.
It is vital that we scrutinize what sort of "treatment" is going on in our hospitals and prisons. If the "King Alfred" and "Heliotrope" plans are to be put into effect, they require secrecy. Including the prison system in the race-war kidnapping script provides an excuse to keep "outside visitors" out of the prison system. The official excuse will be that they are causing violence inside the prison, or that violence from inside the prison is "spilling out on the streets." Through the planned use of selected provocateurs, the Department of Corrections can now screen prisoners' mail, visitors, media interviews, and accessibility to medical records.
SC: DeFreeze and Wheeler both escaped from California prisons within a short time of each other. That seemed a little peculiar to me. Do you find any similarities between the prison escapes of DeFreeze, Wheeler, and James Earl Ray?

a staged escape
MB: After two years of heavy programming, DeFreeze's mentors at Vacaville apparently decided that he was ready for the next step in the script: his "escape." DeFreeze was transferred from Vacaville to Soledad Prison, near Salinas, California, in December, 1973. Four months later, in March, 1974, DeFreeze "escaped" from Soledad. But using the word "escape" is misleading; the facts are, that DeFreeze was placed in a situation at Soledad where all he had to do was walk away from the prison.
DeFreeze's escape from Soledad parallels James Earl Ray's "escape" from the Missouri penitentiary. Eighteen months later, Ray became the alleged assassin of Martin Luther King. Ray was a patsy too. Now Ray seems to want to tell the truth about the assassination of Martin Luther King, and one of the things he said, in a recent press conference, was, "Ask them how I got out of jail."
A prisoner from Soledad has stated, "While Donald DeFreeze was here, I had a few conversations with him. I have always questioned his departure as being a simple walk-away. I didn't come in contact with him personally until his last couple of weeks here. There weren't many who would associate with him. He tried to give the impression of being super-cool, and he came across as cold. When I met him, he was working in the maintenance shop. I asked him if he was happy on his job, because if not, I might be able to find him something else. He replied that within a few days he was going to be assigned to work in the boiler room at the South Facility.
"On his first night, he was dropped off at midnight, and given a few instructions. His job was automatic; it only required an overseer. Then he was left to himself, and when an officer returned an hour later to check on him, he was gone."
SC: First night on the job.
MB: He went right over the fence, and a change of clothing was provided by a still anonymous friend. I might add that most of the residents around Soledad are families of prison guards. They are not noted for giving changes of clothing to black convicts who come to their doors between midnight and 1:00 a.m. A car gave him a lift to the Bay area. Another convenience: Amanda de Normanville, who reportedly visited DeFreeze at Vacaville, "was suspected of giving him refuge after he escaped from Soledad."
An intelligent man escapes from prison. Ordinarily, he would assume that the authorities would be looking for him. He would certainly not associate with people who had been known to visit him in prison. He would try to avoid contact with these people. Russell Little and Robyn Steiner had corresponded with the Department of Corrections about DeFreeze.
DeFreeze did just the opposite of what you might expect. He phoned his pals in the Berkeley-Oakland area immediately. They housed him. He associated with his "tutors" from Vacaville, who had various part-time jobs in the Berkeley area. All of them were "underemployed" in terms of their educational background. Two of them worked in adjacent food stalls near the U.C. Berkeley campus--yet supposedly they did not know each other.
After DeFreeze's escape, the police made no attempt to contact any of the people he had spent so much time with while he was at Vacaville. This indicates police collusion.
DeFreeze escaped from Soledad in March, 1973. Patty Hearst was kidnapped one year later. During the year in between, DeFreeze tried to join Los Venceremos, offering himself as a "hit man." Venceremos turned him down. They did not trust him; they were not into killing and violence. The radical groups in the Bay area wanted nothing to do with DeFreeze.
SC: I can't understand where DeFreeze's head was at this time. Did he know he was acting as a government agent? Had he accepted the role of Spy, in order to get out of jail? If so, then he couldn't really believe he was going to be a hero; he would know the whole operation was staged to hurt black people. He must have been aware that his jail break had been planned and engineered for him.
MB: DeFreeze was probably given a large hero pitch--probably something to the effect that the abduction of Patricia Hearst would rally the radical groups, and cause them to be socially involved once more. Violence by provocateurs had broken up all political movements following the Kent State killings and the bombing of Cambodia.
He accepted the favors given to him by the L.A.P.D. and the Department of Corrections. I am sure "Cinque" thought there was a large army of sympathetic people who would back him up.
The L.A.P.D. had fore-knowledge of the Marin County Courthouse shoot-out, where Judge Haley was killed and others were wounded--and I don't mean fore-knowledge of the psychic variety. Jonathan Jackson, the patsy, had been promised a back-up, and another truck to assist him to free the captive prisoners. But when the action started, nobody was there to help him, and Jonathan Jackson was slain. So-called "friends" leave their patsies in the lurch, as in the case of Lee Harvey Oswald and other unsuspecting victims of espionage operations. (See "Jailbreak" in BSN No. 10, p. 2. From the above, it would appear that Jackson, Judge Haley, and other escapees and hostages were all patsies in what was essentially an attempt to convict Angela Davis of murder for having procured the guns used by Jackson.)
Eight months after the killing of Oswald, Jack Ruby begged Chief Justice Earl Warren, Representative Gerald Ford, and C.I.A. attorney Leon Jaworski to give him a chance to tell what happened in Dallas. Ruby realized that he had been double-crossed, and warned that if he were not heeded, "a whole new form of government would take place." He said, "Because of the act I committed," there would be massive killings and violence. Needless to say, Jack Ruby was never given the chance to tell his story; he died shortly after the interview.
DeFreeze was fully aware of how to get out of jail, where to go, and how to live for almost a year, without being arrested. He was provided with homes, food, weapons, transportation, and companions. At the Berkeley Library they copied drawings of a seven-headed cobra, used in S.L.A. literature, which had also been used as a symbol by black C.I.A. agent Ron Karenga and the L.A.P.D. (BSN note: This scenario appears in the 1969 novel, "The Spook Who Sat By the Door," by Sam Greenlee. In the story Dan Freedman, the first black C.I.A. agent, defects to organize a secret guerrilla army, known as the Cobras.)
Russell Little, a close associate of DeFreeze, and well-known by the Department of Corrections, both at Vacaville and Soledad, was arrested on charges of killing Dr. Marcus Foster on January 11, 1974. The law enforcement officials had three weeks in which to link suspect Little to escapee DeFreeze.
The proof of a giant conspiracy in this case, is the fact that no police went to search for Little's or DeFreeze's other contacts in the weeks before the Hearst kidnapping. They had talked frequently about Dr. Marcus Foster while "instructing inside the prisons." Yet nobody broke into the various Bay area dwellings where their companions were getting ready for "America's first political kidnapping."
These military agents presented themselves to DeFreeze as romantic Robin Hoods. When the heat was on, they split.
After two months of anxiety regarding Patricia Hearst's kidnapping, a photograph and tape were sent out to further outrage middle America. This lovely girl, who only two months before was happily selecting her china in anticipation of a traditional marriage, was calling her father, publicly, a "liar," holding a machine gun, promising to fight alongside of her brothers and sisters in the S.L.A., and denouncing her fiance and family.
Tension was building in the Bay area. Was Patty a member of the S.L.A.? Had she been forced to renounce her background? Was she making love to DeFreeze? How far would the establishment go in allowing such a display of arrogance? And how dumb can the American people be?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
The Operation Mind Control link is a PDF file, which you should be able to open if you install Adobe Reader. I get the impression that it a copy of the first edition, but can't rightly say for sure. Does the samizdat version have any notable changes?

As for what you quoted, interesting stuff. I've never rightly looked into the SLA thing, but that's sure to change soon.
Kyle Burnett Wrote:The Operation Mind Control link is a PDF file, which you should be able to open if you install Adobe Reader. I get the impression that it a copy of the first edition, but can't rightly say for sure. Does the samizdat version have any notable changes?

As for what you quoted, interesting stuff. I've never rightly looked into the SLA thing, but that's sure to change soon.

Acrobat opens the link for me today. Not sure why it didn't yesterday.

The link is to the first edition of Walter Bowart's "Operation Mind Control". The second edition was sold personally and privately, produced via photocopier and binder, is much expanded, and was limited to 500 copies.

Two DPF threads on the history and visible tentacles of the mind control programmes can be found here and there.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Charles Drago Wrote:How are doppelgangers "created" -- within a "military-allied" corporation or anywhere else?

Well-cited within Armstrong's book 'Harvey & Lee'. O'Sullivan documented Bulova's having General Omar Bradley as its CEO and doing 40% of its business with the government. O'Sullivan says Bulova was well-known as a "CIA front". I'm sorry, what exactly were you having difficulty with?

Charles Drago Wrote:How would the doppelganger "creators" choose the agents to be "look-liked" sufficiently early in their careers so as to anticipate future significant roles and mount doppelganger operations, find physical twins in the world, train them to assume high-level posts in corporations, place them ...

Something there seems to be a curious lack of investigation over in the RFK case. Surely, if they could do it so effectively in the JFK case, it shouldn't be such a surprise in the RFK case.

Charles Drago Wrote:One you understand the nature of doppelganger operations throughout the histories of intel and warfare -- and, for that matter, the literary and dramatic functions of "twins" going back to the Greeks -- you'll have as hearty a laugh at your previous post as have I.

Sheer lunacy!

I mean that's nice ridicule but it seems to contradict itself. Seeing how we've established a purely relevant case of CIA doubles with Oswald I don't see where you justify your position? You seem to be pointing to a history of using doubles in order to mock a case of doubles being used (???).
Among my many faults is the impatience that precludes me from the teacher's life.

I've banged up against this form of impenetrable illogic more than a few times in the past; when it manifests in a good person with noble intent, it is all the more distressing to contemplate.

In reading you, Albert, I'm reminded of the scientist who trained a flea to fly. "Fly, flea," said the scientist, and the flea would fly. "Fly, flea." Flying flea.

Then the scientist surgically removed the flea's wings. "Fly, flea," he said. But the flea did not fly.

Which prompted the scientist to note, "When one removes the wings from a flea, the flea becomes deaf."
kathy ainsworth;

Attached Files
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Interesting. Needs more attention. I have NO doubt that the woman in the polka-dot dress who was heard saying 'we killed him, we killed him' was Sirhan Sirhan's 'trigger' ,'guide', and perhaps more. The LAPD knew exactly who she was and worked very hard to NOT find her and and to torture those who claimed they had seen or heard her. Not much work has been done on her read identity. Of all the major assassinations the RFK is the easiest to solve, followed by MLK, followed by Malcolm-X, followed by JFK, followed by about a few hundred others........much work to do - or we wind up [soon.....less than a handful of fingers for years, IMHO] as a neo-fascist police state with 3rd Reich-like features in full play [they are in medium-play now].

That's pretty much what Jim DiEugenio was saying on Black Op Radio recently. Jim even suggested that the polka dots were meant to reinforce a hypnotic suggestion that Sirhan was at a shooting range.

What really amazes me about this case is the coroner's report that placed the fatal gunshot at the back of Kennedy's neck at point blank range. It takes an awful lot of chutzpah to ignore something that obvious.
Steve Franklin Wrote:What really amazes me about this case is the coroner's report that placed the fatal gunshot at the back of Kennedy's neck at point blank range. It takes an awful lot of chutzpah to ignore something that obvious.

There are certain coroners and pathologists whose careers reveal that their appointment to particular, signficant, cases is perhaps less than accidental.

London's Metropolitan Police's onetime coroner of choice, Dr Mohmed Saeed Sulema "Freddy" Patel, is a case in point. Freddy was the first pathologist to examine the corpse of Ian Tomlinson, an entirely innocent man, struck by an overly aggressive and uncontrolled copper during London's 2009 G20 protests.

For an introduction to Freddy's, ahem, glorious career, see here.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Steve Franklin Wrote:What really amazes me about this case is the coroner's report that placed the fatal gunshot at the back of Kennedy's neck at point blank range. It takes an awful lot of chutzpah to ignore something that obvious.

There are certain coroners and pathologists whose careers reveal that their appointment to particular, signficant, cases is perhaps less than accidental.

London's Metropolitan Police's onetime coroner of choice, Dr Mohmed Saeed Sulema "Freddy" Patel, is a case in point. Freddy was the first pathologist to examine the corpse of Ian Tomlinson, an entirely innocent man, struck by an overly aggressive and uncontrolled copper during London's 2009 G20 protests.

For an introduction to Freddy's, ahem, glorious career, see here.

I wasn't saying that the coroner ignored it. I was saying that everyone else ignored the coroner's report. The coroner, Thomas Noguchi, did a good job, even going so far as to telephone Cyril Wecht about the case.

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