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LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy: A Coalescence of Interests
You can say what you want about my stuff but it isn't guff, and I didn't get it from Morrow or anyone else. I started it with a three-part series in Tom Valentine's The National Exchange in 1977, and provided their essentials to Congressman Henry Gonzalez for his investigation but it never got a mention in the HUAC investigation, even in its massive bibliography of mostly guff.

As for Jim D. and his associates, especially Jim Marrs, they tried to make out in its speical edition in January 1996 that I was the one who claimed that the FBI memo, linking Nixon and Ruby, was actually genuine, thanks to my extensive research of them.

I wish it were true that I helped get the bastard out of the White House, but I never had any role in obtaining the fake memo or testing it despite Marrs lies in Crossfire. And I would have sued him for so claiming if I had known about it but it was way too late by the time I discovered their plotting.

Actually, it was all an effort to set me up for murder when I kept complaining to Clinton and his Justice Department, cozying up to not only Nixon but also Helms and Haig, fellow conspirators - what almost succeeded when I was poisoned during the period March 1995 to July 1996 in Portugal, thanks to the efforts of people like the American Ambassador there, CIA resident Michael Thomas, and others.

For more, see the two articles I wrote recently about the Agency's efforts to kill and/or entrap me.
Trowbridge H. Ford Wrote:You can say what you want about my stuff but it isn't guff, and I didn't get it from Morrow or anyone else. I started it with a three-part series in Tom Valentine's The National Exchange in 1977, and provided their essentials to Congressman Henry Gonzalez for his investigation but it never got a mention in the HUAC investigation, even in its massive bibliography of mostly guff.

As for Jim D. and his associates, especially Jim Marrs, they tried to make out in its speical edition in January 1996 that I was the one who claimed that the FBI memo, linking Nixon and Ruby, was actually genuine, thanks to my extensive research of them.

I wish it were true that I helped get the bastard out of the White House, but I never had any role in obtaining the fake memo or testing it despite Marrs lies in Crossfire. And I would have sued him for so claiming if I had known about it but it was way too late by the time I discovered their plotting.

Actually, it was all an effort to set me up for murder when I kept complaining to Clinton and his Justice Department, cozying up to not only Nixon but also Helms and Haig, fellow conspirators - what almost succeeded when I was poisoned during the period March 1995 to July 1996 in Portugal, thanks to the efforts of people like the American Ambassador there, CIA resident Michael Thomas, and others.

For more, see the two articles I wrote recently about the Agency's efforts to kill and/or entrap me.

Im cool with it being removed I think my poke at Ron was probably a little on the nose. But as for Trowbridge.

Adios sucker.

I hope this doesnt get me in trouble but the guy was totally unhinged. Good job Magda and CD. Did you read the crap about him almost being killed lol! Its a shame this mythical happening failed.:fullofit:
It might have been taken to the bear pit Seamus. Check there. I remember putting some of Trowbridge's over there and yours probably went for the ride. We had to ban him last night as........well....... you know why. :wirlitzer::noblesteed:Shrug:popworm::danceing:
We did try though lol!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:It might have been taken to the bear pit Seamus. Check there. I remember putting some of Trowbridge's over there and yours probably went for the ride. We had to ban him last night as........well....... you know why. :wirlitzer::noblesteed:Shrug:popworm::danceing:
We did try though lol!

I haven't tried to do background on Trowbridge, but out of curiosity, what was he 'all about'? According to his articles about himself, one would think one would have heard about him in his struggles against the 'Beast'. And why was he then bashing everyone who differed even a hair from his 'theses'? Strange....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Think the "Three 'D's'", Peter:

Disinform, Distract, Divide.

This thread, which if memory serves was created to expose the "LBJ Did It" disinformation campaign and its current primary agent, Phil Nelson, has been flooded by Ford with disinformation, thus distracting us from the original goal and dividing us -- or at least fostering the illusion of division among "our" ranks -- along the way.
There are nice photos and other graphics, if I can figure out how to post them.

Date: Mon, 9 May 2011 07:52:56 -0600 [08:52:56 AM CDT]
From: "Ronald Regehr"

Subject: Re: LBJ Articles

Another icon of American liberalism bites the dust! Is nothing holy?


On May 8, 2011, at 8:44 PM, bill urban wrote:

> "If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."
> --JFK
> Jerry Pippin,
> You want to see some eye-opening stuff about LBJ? Read what I've pasted below. When Professor Marrs told me about LBJ having his sister's boyfriend murdered, he wasn't joking. Not to mention a few other's murdered, in fact ANYBODY who posed a threat to LBJ's political career and "power". Further down is a photo of a newspaper headline, from the Daily Texan:
> That was the guy who was a "hitman", or one of LBJ's "goon squad" boys. Mac Wallace. You noticed the jury returned an indictment against Wallace, NOT Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson sure as hell wasn't going to prison for a murder that was carried out on his orders. He sacrificed his "hitman" instead. Professor Marrs told me all about this "hitman" on LBJ's payroll. I did a little in-depth research and came up with the below articles.
> There is also a photo below of Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover holding "hands" with his second-in-command, Clyde Tolson, (i.e. Hoover's "lover"). This of course is not the most incriminating photo of Hoover & Tolson, but it says volumes eh Jerry?
> The photo of Hoover giving Tolson a "blow-job" was held by the Mafia. And THAT.. is why Bobby Kennedy was frustrated with Hoover dragging his feet, when it came to prosecuting the Mafia. Hoover couldn't. The Mafia had Hoover compromised.....
> .......AND HOW! Bobby Kennedy kept trying to light a fire under Hoover's ass and force him to go after the Mafia, but Hoover couldn't. All the Mafia had to do, was threaten to release that photo to the press and Hoover's career would have been over decades ago
> The more I read this stuff, the more it makes me want to vomit. All those good boys killed-in-action in Vietnam, on orders of creeps like the like LBJ, whose greed for Power, exceeded his responsibility to the American People and the American Nation. And Hoover, "Guardian" of America's morals....Mr. "Law & Order", who was himself arrested by New Orleans Police, in the same city where Lee Harvey Oswald was born.....(years before Lee Harvey Oswald was even born), for engaging in a homosexual act, back in the early 1920's, when Hoover was head of the BI....(Bureau of Investigation). The letter "F" for Federal was later added by Hoover making it, what would ultimately become the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
> Professor Marrs has never led me wrong, when it comes to the subject of Kennedy's Assassination and how crooked Lyndon Baines Johnson really was.
> On saturday morning, November 23, 1963, I was assisting a girl in opening mail in the telegraph room, of the Head Post Office, where I worked in Swindon, Wiltshire, England. I was in a glum mood. Everybody knew I was American and I was mourning the death of my President, in Dealy Plaza, the previous afternoon....(12:30 PM Dallas time, 6:30 PM England time). If I had known all this shit then, as I know NOW....I would have seriously considered not returning to this country and MOST certainly not have served in the US Army, or the US Navy....or went to Vietnam.
> Bottom line? We've been LIED to and that filthy, foul, deed carried out in Dealy Plaza WAS covered up at the highest levals of our government. Just look at some of the members of the Warren Commission itself. Allan Dulles, head of the CIA, FIRED by President Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Gerald Ford, a Congressman elected to Congress with help from Hoover's FBI, who, on Hoover's orders, dug up dirt on Ford's political oppenent, thus assuring Ford's election to Congress. For which in repayment, Ford was "leaking" minutes of the Warren Commission's closed door hearings, to his friend, Hoover.
> When Commission head, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Earl Warren found out, he was furious and blew up at the next meeting, demanding to know WHO was leaking information to Hoover, (who was not included in the Warren Commission hearings). Gerald Ford calmly leaned back in his chair, lit up his pipe and sat puffing silently.
> The list goes on. It is sickening.
> Just like we were LIED to by daddy's spoiled, little "rich", college "frat-boy" Bush Jr. Cheney, Condi Rice et al, about "Weapons of Mass Destruction", which was used as a pretext for the US invasion of Iraq.
> No wonder young people don't trust the government anymore. I sure as hell don't. I gave a goodly portion of my life to this government, through two wars, but now, after reading Professor Marrs book: "Crossfire" and reading the articles which I'm enclosing below, I not only believe we've been betrayed......I KNOW....we've been betrayed.
> Bill
> Vote Early, Vote Often by Kay Daly
> While voter fraud is not new in this nation, it seems to be gathering steam in recent years with the absentee voting explosion, loosened voting registration requirements and fewer controls, not to mention the enormous incentives for successful practitioners.
> A scant 87 votes changed the course of world history in 1948. Out of one million votes cast, an 87-vote margin caused a young Texas congressman named Lyndon Baines Johnson to become a United States senator. What the history books neglect to tell us is that, but for widespread vote buying and shameless ballot box stuffing in the corrupt barrios of South Texas, LBJ would not have become a senator, then vice president and ultimately president. The rest is history.
> In the fall of 1948, my grandfather, J.K. Ray, was working at the San Antonio office of the Alcohol Tax Unit when he received a phone call from Texas Ranger Frank Hamer. My grandfather and Hamer had worked on the infamous Bonnie and Clyde case years earlier and trusted each other implicitly.
> My grandfather joined Hamer on a mission that took them to Alice, Texas, to look into reports of voter fraud that marked the famed Senate race between former Gov. Coke Stevenson and LBJ. The corruption and voter fraud they witnessed is well documented in Robert Caro's award winning biography entitled Means of Ascent.
> When they arrived at a bank in Alice, my grandfather and Hamer found it surrounded by armed pistoleros, thugs, and other assorted henchmen committed to an LBJ victory. With guns brandished, Hamer and my grandfather, who were not small men, made their way through the crowd and into the building.
> They discovered men burning ballots and altering the voter rolls. According to my grandfather, he witnessed the crux of the scam that permitted sympathetic sheriff's deputies and election officials to steal the election for LBJ. Even direct vote buying reared its ugly head that year when LBJ allies at the government-contract dependent Brown and Root construction firm spread a bundle of money across South Texas. To hear my grandfather tell it, Hispanics in selected South Texas precincts were paid $5 each for their votes.
> While pages out of history like these may make for great family lore and political intrigue, sadly, the plague of voter fraud is very much alive and well. Indeed, it still thrives to this day. One favorite example took place during John F. Kennedy's pivotal victory in the 1960 presidential primary in West Virginia. No less an authority than former House Speaker Tip O' Neill, D-Mass., recalls that one of Daddy Joe Kennedy's bagmen went through West Virginia with pockets stuffed with cash. He would visit sheriffs doling out thousands of dollars with the promise of more money should the county end up in Kennedy's column.
> Then, of course, there are the mafia-union payoffs that led to the unprecedented ballot box stuffing in Mayor Daley's Chicago giving JFK his razor thin, winning margin over Nixon in 1960's general election. The scandal is so infamous that there is now a standard joke on the rubber chicken circuit for candidates that goes, "I want to be buried in Chicago so that I can stay politically active after I die."
> While motor voter programs, early voting schedules, and Internet voting plans offer convenience for today's busy, on-the-go voter, the increased opportunity for fraud is undeniable. Currently, 47 states do not require any form of identification to vote. It practically takes an act of Congress and a blood sample to write a check these days, but voting on Election Day requires only the utterance or mere presentation of a name and address, any name and address will do, to cast a ballot.
> To be sure, modern day election rigging takes all forms from the absurd to the sublime. North Carolina, for example, has been the locale for a variety of unscrupulous games in recent years. A 1996 state senate race and a 1998 state house race actually had to be redone with special elections when egregious irregularities could no longer be ignored. Several board of elections supervisors have been forced to resign, fired, indicted and even imprisoned. Just last week, a Democrat city councilman in Dunn was indicted on 11 counts of election fraud.
> Consider the 1990 U.S. Senate race between Senator Jesse Helms, Republican-North Carolina, and Democrat Harvey Gantt.
> Democrat lawyers went so far as to find a liberal, black Democrat Superior Court Judge who ordered predominantly black precincts in Greensboro and Durham to be held open for several hours after all the other polls closed. After church buses bearing the words A.M.E. Zion on their sides delivered full loads of voters, Gantt still couldn't muster the votes he needed to win. But the damage was done. Two Republican statewide judicial candidates narrowly lost their races because of the illegal votes that were thrown in the mix.
> Also in North Carolina, Cleveland County election officials only recently discovered that a 14-year-old chocolate Labrador has been on the voter rolls for over a decade. He's even gotten votes in his two candidacies for mayor of Kings Mountain. Perhaps he would have fared better had he run for dogcatcher instead.
> The Democrat party of North Carolina has not quite cornered the market on voter fraud, however. In 1990, the North Carolina legislature made it a crime to intimidate voters after the North Carolina GOP mailed postcards to hundreds of thousands of black voters telling them they would go to prison if they voted improperly. Indeed, to this day, the Republican Party of North Carolina continues the shameful tradition of the poll tax by illegally charging for convention participation via registration fees.
> Bogus absentee ballots became commonplace in Miami's municipal races. In 1998, the abuses caused the Florida Court of Appeals to take the extraordinary step of removing the Republican mayor and installing his opponent. In this case, 46 people were indicted, 12 were convicted. Incidents of fraud included forged signatures, voting more than once, and fictitious names and addresses on absentee ballots.
> In the 1996 race for U.S. Senate in Louisiana, Democrat Mary Landrieu beat Republican Louis "Woody" Jenkins amidst charges of vote purchasing, multiple voting and the casting of fraudulent votes. An investigation revealed that "large-scale violations of federal and state election law have occurred." Attorneys for Woody Jenkins put together more than 8,000 pages of affidavits and exhibits, alleging 7,454 illegal or "phantom" votes. Although the effort was impressive, Jenkins still lost the election by 5,788 votes out of more than 1.7 million votes cast.
> In the 1994 Maryland gubernatorial race, Republican candidate Ellen R. Sauerbrey lost a very tight race against Democrat Parris N. Glendening. Interestingly, Sauerbrey lost by exactly 6,000 votes. The Sauerbrey campaign cited numerous cases of substantial voter fraud, but fell short in their challenge.
> This year's election cycle is no different. Evidence of widespread irregularities and abuses continues to pour in from across the nation.
> Vote selling on the Internet became a hot commodity this year. "Nader-Traders" sought to pledge their votes for Gore in competitive states in exchange for Gore supporters casting their votes for Nader in states Gore would almost certainly win. ran into legal troubles when it provided a forum for more than 15,000 people to sell their votes to the highest bidder. It truly boggles the mind to imagine that the direct purchase of voting rights is still with us today.
> Milwaukee was the site of an interesting exercise in democracy. Gore campaign volunteers were caught on video distributing packs of cigarettes to homeless people after they' d been given rides to the polling places. Maybe Gore is getting his tobacco allotment back after all. The local district attorney is already conducting a criminal investigation as a result.
> Democrat backed "motor voter" legislation has given rise to the appearance of millions of phantom voters on the voter rolls across the country. The prohibition of periodic voter purges means dead people, convicted felons and people who have moved pollute the pool of genuine eligible voters. Consider what happened in St. Louis this past Tuesday. Taking a page out of Harvey Gantt's playbook, Congressman Dick Gephardt's former chief of staff-turned-judge pulled off a fantastic stunt. The judge kept the polls open until midnight Tuesday night so that Democrat-heavy precincts could turn out the vote. Voila! Senator John Ashcroft and gubernatorial nominee Jim Talent came up a little short when all the votes were tallied. Can litigation be far away?
> In New Jersey, the pay was better for the homeless. In a stunning new twist in electioneering, Senator-elect Jon Corzine invented a new jobs program even before he's sworn in. In a $2 million effort to "get out the vote," Corzine "hired" numerous homeless individuals and drug addicts. In Broward County, Fla., several ballot boxes "disappeared." Just disappeared. Unlike 1948, the ballot boxes reappeared. Numerous reports from across the country reveal an all out effort to register convicts to vote. In a particularly innovative twist, even those not yet convicted of felonies, but incarcerated and awaiting trial dates were registered in droves.
> The Immigration and Naturalization Service in Florida conveniently established a program entitled the "Backlog Reduction Program" in which INS examiners were given an extra 40 hours paid time off and other bonuses for expediting the naturalization process for illegal aliens and reaching specified numeric goals. The "goals" of the program had to be met between October 1, 1999, and October 1, 2000. In Florida, a new citizen can register to vote up to October 10. Thousands of aliens, many with criminal backgrounds, were rushed through the citizenship process and registered to vote.
> The list goes on.
> The ramification of election irregularities and outright voter fraud is an increasingly cynical voting public. As noble and lovely as it may sound, campaign finance reform is not going to fix this part of the system. The liberal media continues to stop the presses over the mere mention of campaign finance reform by Bradley, McCain and Nader. They would be well served instead, to focus the public's attention on the most dangerous threat to the very essence of democracy. Voter fraud poses a far greater threat to the republic than people exercising free speech with their own money.
> We send armies of election watchers across the globe to Third World countries and feel superior in our democratic evolution. But we would be better served to take a close look at our own election shenanigans lest we become a banana republic. If professional poll watcher Jimmy Carter is really looking for election fraud, he need not buy a plane ticket abroad. We have plenty right here at home.
> Kay Daly is the vice president of the Washington office of The Signature Agency, a public relations/advertising firm headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina.
> So why was LBJ on the JFK ticket? With their politics often in opposition, it seems odd that Kennedy chose Johnson to be his running mate in 1960. In fact, John Kennedy and his brother Robert didn't want any part of Johnson. But there was a problem.
> John Kennedy had his personal demons. He was addicted to IV "meth" methamphetamine) and steroids because of his severe back pain and chronic Hodgkins disease. He was also a womanizer. He had many affairs while a Senator and these were well documented by J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover, who had his own sexual demons (he was a closet homosexual), was himself blackmailed by organized crime and big oil interests into threatening the Kennedys with exposure of JFK's sexual activities unless he allowed Johnson a place on his ticket. Hoover played his card and the Kennedys reluctantly folded. According to Kennedy's personal secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, both Bobby and John Kennedy were extremely upset about the decision.
> In the room at the Biltmore Hotel... they were huddled together closely, on the bed, discussing about LBJ... Bobby would get, look out the window and stare. John would sit there and think. It was an intense 30 minutes... How to maneuver to get it so he (Johnson) wouldn't be on the ticket..."
> It was blackmail... the malicious rumors were fed to LBJ by J. Edgar Hoover about his (Kennedy's) womanizing... LBJ and Hoover had boxed him into a hole."
> It was a short lived victory for LBJ. Johnson has been on the top of the heep as a Texas senator. But as Vice-President, he was demoted to cutting ribbons and performing ceremonial tasks around the globe. His huge ego was limited to handing out pens with his autograph printed on them but his autthority was severely limited. Once, while traveling to Scandinavia, the US embassy sent an uncoded telegram, for all eyes to read, warning that anything Johnson said should not be taken as representing the views of the American government.
> This kind of humiliation accelerated the hostility of Johnson for the Kennedys and drove him to take action. But Johnson couldn't get rid of Kennedy as easily as he had made his Texan opponants disappear. JFK was, after all, the President of the United States. This job would require more than his trigger-man, Wallace. It would require a person who could coordinate the intelligence community, the FBI and organized crime. Fortunately for Lyndon Johnson, such a person existed.
> LBJ Killed JFK
> by Dan Eden for Viewzone
> The Del Charro -- a melting pot of evil.
> Clint Murchison [above] was an oil millionaire whose wealth was made in the wildcat oil business, nurtured and preserved by the Oil Depletion Allowance. He owned about 500 different companies and controlled just about everything and anything in Texas. He extended his influence to Washington DC and other powerful venues through a very special hotel that he ran -- the El Charro Hotel -- in La Jolla, California.
> As you probably guessed, the Del Charro was no ordinary hotel. In the 1950's the room rate officially started at $150 per night. Murchison, a multi-millionaire, certainly didn't run it to make a profit. No. If you stayed at the Del Charro your food and lodging were usually pro bono.
> The frequent guests were all power figures like J. Edgar Hoover (Director of the FBI), Carlos Mossello (New Orleans Mafia head), Richard Nixon (who lost the 1960 presidential election to Kennedy), Bobby Baker (Johnson's right hand man and secretary of the US Senate) and a wealthy man named D.H. Byrd (the owner of the Texas Book Depository).
> With a partner named Sid Richardson, Murchison also owned the Del Mar Race Track. Since Hoover was fond of gambling, Murchison set him up with a box seat at the finish line. He also let Hoover invest in his oil ventures and would give him his money back if a well didn't strike oil.
> The Del Charro was quid pro quo and provided a social atmosphere where organized crime, the FBI chief, big oil money and political power could mingle.
> Behind the scenes there was an "understanding." The mob had obtained photographs of J. Edgar Hoover engaging in oral sex with his male partner, Clyde Tolson. Mafia boss, Mossello, "controlled" these photographs and blackmailed Hoover into avoiding any action against the "mob." In fact, until the early 1960's, the FBI had no formal training or divisions that addressed organized crime. From the top down it was known that this was "hands off."
> All of this was about to change in the fateful year of 1963. JFK's brother and now Attorney General Robert Kennedy, as Hoover's new boss, had declared war on the mob. This put Hoover in an extremely anxious predicament. Gradually, organized crime, Hoover and big oil were becoming frustrated with JFK. Nixon also had his axe to grind, having been defeated by Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.
> Kennedy not only talked about change -- he made it happen. The Oil Depletion Allowance was to be slashed, organized crime had begun to be prosecuted by a zealous Justice Department, even the CIA was upset with Kennedy.
> Kennedy had made it clear that the CIA was to gather intelligence, as described in their charter, but were not to propose or promote policies. He was so angry with their performance in Vietnam and Cuba that he openly talked about dissolving the organization.
> "If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."
> --JFK
> Yes, a storm was brewing. Guests of the Del Charro were ready to do something. Then, one evening just before Kennedy was invited to Dallas, they did it.
> LBJ Killed JFK
> by Dan Eden for Viewzone
> "Get rid of him!"
> The evening before Kennedy's assasination there was a dinner party at the Murchison mansion in Dallas, Texas. The special guest was J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI. Other high level guests included Richard Nixon, H. L. Hunt (of Hunt Oil) and other special "guests" from the roster of the Del Charro Hotel.
> H. L. Hunt [align=right] was likely the richest American in 1963. His estimated worht was about 5-billion dollars. He was especially interested in preserving the Oil Depletion Allowance and disliked the social programs proposed by the Kennedy administration. He told the gathering of compatriots that the only way to get Communists like the Kennedy brothers out of office is to "shoot 'em out."
> Ironically, Hunt Oil benefited from Johnson's rise to power and, in more recent times, stands to benefit from the War in Iraq. In September 2007, Hunt Oil signed a deal with the Iraqi Kurds to develop their vast oil reserves. It is the just first big oil company to reap the plunders of Bush's war. Yes, the rich get richer.
> The Merchison Mansion guests ate quail for dinner and, shortly after they finished, Lyndon Johnson arrived. The male members quickly assembled behind closed doors.
> One of the female guests wasMedeline Brown, LBJ's girlfriend. Brown had met Johnson right after he won the Senate seat and following the "Box 13" scandal. He was celebrating his victory in a Texas hotel and first danced with Medeline, then handed her his hotel room key. The two had an affair spanning many years and their "meetings" were often arranged with the help of Johnson's assistants.
> That night, Madeline remembers being surprised to see Johnson, as he was not scheduled to be at the dinner party.
> "When Lyndon arrived they all went into a conference room and you could just feel the atmosphere. When Lyndon came out... he was red in the face... he took my hand and said, 'Those god damned Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That's not a threat. That's a promise!'"
> Years later, Madeline saw how troubled Johnson seemed, as if harboring some psychological demons. Throughout Texas there were rumors that he had been responsible for the death of JFK. One evening, Madeline Brown asked the question she had always wanted to ask. Johnson became extremely angry and used foul language and eventually blamed the assassination on "big oil" and the CIA.
> The "Arranger" -- Edward Clark
> If the decision to murder Kennedy was made that night at the Murchison mansion, the plans must have been ready much earlier. This meeting in Dallas, the night before the assassination, was merely the failsafe point where the crafted and pre-meditated murder was given the "go ahead." It was a done deal.
> From the testimony of Billy Sol Estes, a close associate of Johnson, we learn that the plot was coordinated by a man named Clark.
> Edward Aubrey Clark [align=right] was born San Augustine, Texas on 15th July, 1906. He obtained his first degree from Tulane University in New Orleans. In 1927 Clark married Anne Metcalfe of Greenville, Mississippi, and heir to the largest cotton plantation system in the South.
> Clark received a law degree in 1928 from the University of Texas. After leaving law school, Clark became a county attorney in San Augustine. In 1932 he moved to Austin and served as assistant attorney general of Texas.
> In 1935 Clark became assistant to Governor James Allred. Soon after he met Lyndon B. Johnson and the two men became close friends. The governor appointed Clark secretary of state in 1937. The following year Clark opened a private law practice with Everett Looney. He also worked as a political lobbyist for the oil industry. One of his main clients was Big Oil, a company owned by Clint Murchison. He was one of the "guests" at the Del Charro Hotel, owned by Murchison, and was known as the "arranger."
> A few years after the assassination, Clark's law firm partner couldn't resist bragging about Clark's involvement in the affair. He told Barr McClellan, who worked at the firm, "I'm the only living man who knows what happened in Box 13..."(Referring to Johnson's rigged senate election) "But Clark took care of things in Dallas."
> Clark planned the assassination for many possible cities, finally deciding that the murder would be best done on their own turf. Through his many contacts and the "guests" of the Del Charro Hotel, Clark had access to the mafia, the FBI and the CIA. The latter was involved through the mob's association with William K. Harvey, [align=right] a former FBI man who worked with the CIA's foreign assassination projects. The plans were elaborate but, as history shows, very effective.
> Not only did they succeed in killing Kennedy but they also achieved their financial goals, political goals and covered their tracks.
> So, what about the stories we were told... the anti-Castro fanatic, Lee Harvey Oswald and the single shooter theory... Get ready for some more surprises.
> LBJ Killed JFK
> "Oswald?"
> In the following memorandum from the Director of the CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald is clearly identified as a CIA agent.
> Edward Clark, acting on orders from Lyndon Johnson, had arranged for all the parties who wanted Kennedy killed to contribute either cash or manpower. It was like a poker game with each player putting his chips in the pot. Oswald was the CIA's contribution. Malcolm Wallace was Johnson's chip. The mob contributed two expert hit men to take the head-on shot as a back-up to Oswald and Wallace. Big oil, namely Murchison, put up the cash.
> In return, big oil got their Oil Depletion Allowance and the Military Industrial economy they dreamed about; the CIA maintained their stonghold on power and escalated the Vietnam conflict to a full blown war, the mob silenced Attorney General Robert Kennedy's pressure on Hoover to combat their criminal activities; Lyndon Johnson avoided being indicted for his corruption with Billy Sol Estes and Bobby Baker, almost certain imprisonment, and gained his zenith as the president of the United States. Not bad- eh?
> Did it end there? See the next page...
> LBJ Killed JFK
> "Bush?"
> In the following memorandum from the J. Edgar Hoover, we see that the information about anti-Cuban activity, which was supposedly the motivation for Oswald, was given verbally to Hoover by none other than George Bush!
> Many people involved in this crime were highly successful in the years that followed. It was the reward for their complicity and silence. Nixon and Bush (Senior) went on to become President. Hoover continued his position and avoided revealing his homosexuality. Gerald Ford, appointed to the Warren Commission by Lyndon Johnson, that found Oswald the "lone crazy shooter," also eventually became President. The Hunt Oil Company stands to benefit from the the new war in Iraq. Bush senior became head of the Carlyle Group, a cabal of arms and weapons dealers profiting from the war on terror... And Robert Kennedy, the Attorney General who likely knew what really happened - was himself assassinated on the brink of continuing the policies of his brother, JFK.
> Has anything changed? Do we have wars to maintain a Military Industrial economy? Does the government keep huge secrets from the people? Do corruption and evil get rewarded? Is the Pope an ex-Nazi? You tell me...
> Addendum:
> Unknown to the general American public and never mentioned in history books is the fact that a Texas Grand Jury has officially indicted and found Lyndon Johnson guilty as a co-conspirator (from his association with Malcolm Wallace, Billie Sol Estes and Edward Clark) in the following nine (9) murders:
> * The killing of Henry Marshall (the Agriculture Secretary)
> * The killing of George Krutelnik (an FBI informant who worked for Estes)
> * The killing of Ike Rogers and his secretary
> * The killing of Harold Orr (an FBI informant who worked for Estes)
> * The killing of Coleman Wade (an FBI informant who wqorked for Estes)
> * The killing of Josefa Johnson (LBJ's own sister!)
> * The killing of John Kinser (Josefa's boyfriend)
> * The killing of President John Kennedy
> John Douglas Kinser was the owner of a miniature golf course in Austin, Texas. He was also having an affair with Josefa Johnson, the sister of Lyndon B. Johnson. Josefa was also having a relationship with Mac Wallace, who worked for Johnson at the Department of Agriculture.
> According to Barr McClellan, the author of Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, Kinser asked Josefa if she could arrange for her brother to loan him some money. Johnson interpreted this as a blackmail threat (Josefa had told Kinser about some of her brother's corrupt activities).
> On 22nd October, 1951, Mac Wallace went to Kinser's miniature golf course. After finding Kinser in his golf shop, he shot him several times before escaping in his station wagon. A customer at the golf course had heard the shooting and managed to make a note of Wallace's license plate. The local police force was able to use this information to arrest Wallace. Wallace was charged with murder but was released on bail after Edward Clark arranged for two of Johnson's financial supporters, M. E. Ruby and Bill Carroll, to post bonds on behalf of the defendant. Johnson's attorney, John Cofer, also agreed to represent Wallace.
> On 1st February, 1952, Wallace resigned from his government job in order to distance himself from Lyndon B. Johnson. His trial began seventeen days later. Wallace did not testify. Cofer admitted his client's guilt but claimed it was an act of revenge as Kinser had been sleeping with Wallace's wife.
> The jury found Wallace guilty of "murder with malice afore-thought". Eleven of the jurors were for the death penalty. The twelfth argued for life imprisonment. Judge Charles O. Betts overruled the jury and announced a sentence of five years imprisonment. He suspended the sentence and Wallace was immediately freed.
> According to Bill Adler of The Texas Observer, several of the jurors telephoned John Kinser's parents to apologize for agreeing to a "suspended sentence, but said they did so only because threats had been made against their families."
> On 9th August, 1984, the lawyer of Billie Sol Estes, Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Clifton C. Carter had been involved in the murders of Henry Marshall, George Krutilek, Harold Orr, Ike Rogers, Coleman Wade, Josefa Johnson, John Kinser and John F. Kennedy. Caddy added: "Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders."
> In 2003 Barr McClellan published Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK. In the book McClellan argues that Lyndon B. Johnson and Edward Clark were involved in the planning and cover-up of the murder of John Kinser. One of the most controversial aspects of Billie Sol Estes' "confession" is the claim that LBJ was behind the death of his sister, Josefa Johnson.
> Josefa Johnson was born in 1912. She was a student at San Marcos and after marrying early was divorced in 1937. Three years later she married a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army. The marriage ended in divorce in 1945. Josefa took a keen interest in politics and helped her brother in his successful 1948 senatorial campaign. She had a reputation for wild behaviour and was said to work for Hattie Valdez's private club. Josefa was also an alcoholic and was admitted to hospital several times with health problems.
> It was rumoured that Josefa Johnson had affairs with John Kinser and Mac Wallace. Kinser opened a golf course in Austin. According to Barr McClellan, the author of Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, Kinser asked Josefa if she could arrange for her brother to loan him some money. Johnson interpreted this as a blackmail threat (Josefa had told Kinser about some of her brother's corrupt activities). On 22nd October, 1951, Mac Wallace went to Kinser's miniature golf course. After finding Kinser in his golf shop, he shot him several times before escaping in his station wagon. A customer at the golf course had heard the shooting and managed to make a note of Wallace's license plate. The local police force was able to use this information to arrest Wallace.
> Wallace was charged with murder but was released on bail after Edward Clark arranged for two of Johnson's financial supporters, M. E. Ruby and Bill Carroll, to post bonds on behalf of the defendant. Johnson's attorney, John Cofer, also agreed to represent Wallace. On 1st February, 1952, Wallace resigned from his government job in order to distance himself from Lyndon B. Johnson. His trial began seventeen days later. Wallace did not testify. Cofer admitted his client's guilt but claimed it was an act of revenge as Kinser had been sleeping with Wallace's wife.
> The jury found Wallace guilty of "murder with malice afore-thought". Eleven of the jurors were for the death penalty. The twelfth argued for life imprisonment. Judge Charles O. Betts overruled the jury and announced a sentence of five years imprisonment. He suspended the sentence and Wallace was immediately freed. According to Bill Adler of The Texas Observer, several of the jurors telephoned John Kinser's parents to apologize for agreeing to a "suspended sentence, but said they did so only because threats had been made against their families."
> Josefa Johnson died of a cerebral hemorrhage on 25th December, 1961. Despite state law, no autopsy was conducted. Twenty-three years later the lawyer, Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Billie Sol Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of several people including Josefa Johnson.
> LBJ Killed JFK After 44 years the sad truth is revealed...
> by Dan Eden for Viewzone
> "It is the meloncholy law of human societies to be compelled sometimes to choose a great evil, in order to ward off a greater evil."
> -Lyndon Baines Johnson
> Some months ago, I received a package containing several CDs. There was no letter or note enclosed and there was no return address. Thinking it was a book promotion or some other commercial product for me to review, I gave it a low priority. The CDs remained on a corner of my desk for several weeks until I finally played them.
> Instead of some commercial video describing the usual topics of "Cosmic Consciousness" or the "Hall of Records in Egypt," the CD had a number of somewhat rough segments containing interviews with some famous individuals. It also had some files containing scans of a variety of documents which were supported by the narratives in the interviews.
> The topic of the collection was familiar to me -- the assassination of president John Kennedy. But the evidence and conclusion of the data was new to me. As I reviewed the CDs and checked the validity of the documents it became obvious to me that the murderer of JFK was known. Most surprising was the realization that the guilty party had been known for some time, but aggressively supressed. It was Lyndon Baines Johnson!
> I spent a couple of weeks checking the sources and validity of the facts presented on the CD. Sadly, they are all true. It's a shocking story and a sad one. It reveals not only the evil that once existed, but reminds us of the evil that still exists in our country. It's a story about power, greed, sex and drugs. It's an American story. Here is what it told:
> The Smoking Gun?
> When president Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas in 1963, police and the FBI stormed the Texas Book Depository and located a rifle near an open window. The so-called "sniper's nest" had been made by arranging several cardboard boxes so as to both hide the shooter from anyone who might have been on the 6th floor at the time and also to support the rifle while the shooter took aim from the window overlooking the president's motorcade.
> Investigators scoured the scene for fingerprints but the rifle and the boxes had apparently been wiped clean. The only forensic element that could possibly identify the killer was a partial fingerprint that was lifted from one of the cardboard boxes. In an attempt to identify this print, officials took the prints of everyone who worked at the Book Depository, including the main suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald. They also compared this print to police and FBI agents who had access to the crime scene, but the print remained an enigma.
> The print, as it turns out, belongs to Malcolm Wallace, the long time friend and associate of president Lyndon Baines Johnson. Those unfamiliar with the methods of matching fingerprints may want to quickly review the protocols in a recent viewzone articleon the subject. Unlike the visual convergence that is shown on TV shows like CSI [and the image above], most prints are not matched by this method.
> Fingerprints can become distorted, bent and stretched by the surface of various objects. The science of fingerprint analysis instead examines many unique features found in the fingerprint patterns. It is an exact science. A match is given a score based on the number of elements that are identical on any two sets of prints. A "match" is usually confirmed if there are at least 12 identical elements.
> The prints from Dallas and Wallace match on 14 unique points. What's more intriguing is that a recent documentary on the subject obtained the analysis of a fingerprint expert who had done this type of work for 35 years. Upon his examination he found a correlation of 34 points. There's no doubt -- it's Wallace.
> Who exactly is Malcolm Wallace?
> Malcolm Wallace was born and educated in Texas. He was an intelligent man who graduated from the University of Texas and was quickly recruited by Lyndon Johnson and given a job at the Federal Department of Agriculture. He first came to the attention of authorities when he was arrested in 1951, tried and convicted of killing a professional golfer named John Douglas Kinser.
> At the time, Kinser was having an affair with Lyndon Johnson's sister, Josefa -- and was also involved with Wallace's wife. Josepha was an alcoholic and drug user. She had a reputation for being promiscuous and, especially when she was high, she disclosed personal information and stories about Lyndon. It was feared that she might have already disclosed some illegal acivities about Johnson to Kinser, specifically certain activities he had engaged in during his race for the Senate.
> Kinser was gunned down in his golf club. Shortly after, Wallace was arrested and found guilty of First Degree Murder. During his 10 day trial, Wallace was represented by LBJ's own lawyer. Johnson took a room near to the courthouse and had runners keep him updated on the testimony and proceedings. To everyone's surprise, the trial concluded with Wallace receiving a 5 years suspended sentence!
> Later, in 1961, Wallace again was implicated in another murder for Johnson. This time the victim was Henry Marshall, an official with the local Agriculture Department who had been investigating an illegal source of Johnson's funding. In 1961, State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation official Henry Marshall was investigating a broad series of fraudulent government subsidies -- amounting to figures in the seven or eight digit range -- allotted to Billie Sol Estes, a close personal friend of Senate Majority Leader then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson. Marshall had uncovered a paper trail that was leading him closer and closer to Johnson himself. It is reported that all the guilty parties held a meeting at which Johnson gave the order, "Get rid of him."
> On June 3, 1961, Mac Wallace knocked Henry Marshall unconscious with a blunt object, fed the unconscious man carbon monoxide from a hose attached to Wallace's pick-up truck, then shot him five times with a bolt-action .22 caliber rifle and dumped him in a remote corner of Marshall's farm near Franklin, Texas. Justice of the Peace Lee Farmer pronounced the death a suicide and ordered Marshall buried without an autopsy -- over the protests of Marshall's widow. Despite this, the local authorities, under the influence of the Johnson gang, declared that he had "committed suicide."
> Fearing that his sister might pose a threat to his political career, LBJ had more work for Wallace. On December 25, 1961, LBJ's sister, Josefa Johnson, was found dead in bed at her Fredericksburg, Texas home at 3:15 am. The cause of death was stated to be a brain hemorrhage. Josefa Johnson had returned home at 11:45 pm from a Christmas party at Lyndon Johnson's ranch. There was no autopsy and no inquest; the death certificate was executed by a doctor who was not present to examine the deceased. Ms. Johnson was embalmed on Christmas Day and buried on December 26th
> We'll return to Wallace later in this article. But first, let's take a closer look at the "boss" -- LBJ.
> Editor's note: I want everone to know that I'm in excellent health, I'm not suicidal and I do not plan to have any accidents following the publication of this story. Just for the record. Also, I don't know how long this page will remain up (for a variety of reasons) so please e-mail it to someone so the facts will be "out there." Thanks, friends. -- Dan Eden
> The following internet posting describes LBJ's probable involvement in the Kenndy assasination and an interesting 'gathering'. Attendees included oil billionaire H. L. Hunt, who has been linked to the MLK assassination in the book 'Orders to Kill' by William F. Pepper, and Richard Nixon. The party was to honor J. Edgar Hoover.
> ** Written 10:12 PM Oct 1, 1996 by in cdp:alt.conspi.jfk **
> (Robert Harris) wrote: >Glen,
> Do you have any evidence at all that LBJ was involved in the assassination?
> Bob Harris
> I present the following:
> #1 - The accout of Madeleine Brown:
> On Thursday night, Nov. 21, 1963, the last evening prior to Camelot's demise, I attended a social at Clint Murchison's home. It was my understanding that the event was scheduled as a tribute honoring his long time friend, J. Edgar Hoover (whom Murchison had first met decades earlier through President William Howard Taft), and his companion, Clyde Tolson. Val Imm, the society editor for the now-defunct Dallas Times Herald, unwittingly documented one of the most significant gatherings in American history.
> The impressive guest list included John McCloy, Richard Nixon, George Brown, R. L. Thornton, H. L. Hunt and a host of others from the 8F group. The jovial party was just breaking up when Lyndon made an unscheduled visit. I was the most surprised by his appearance since Jesse had not mentioned anything about Lyndon's coming to Clint's. With Lyndon's hectic schedule, I never dreamed he could attend the big party. After all, he had arrived in Dallas on Tuesday to attend the Pepsi-Cola convention. Tension filled the room upon his arrival. The group immediately went behind closed doors.
> A short time later Lyndon, anxious and red-faced, re-appeared. I knew how secretly Lyndon operated. Therefore I said nothing... not even that I was happy to see him. Squeezing my hand so hard, it felt crushed from the pressure, he spoke with a grating whisper, a quiet growl, into my ear, not a love message, but one I'll always remember: "After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise."
> The next morning (November 22, 1963) Madeleine tells of another brief discussion that she had with Lyndon:
> I had barely eked out the words, "About last night..." when his rage virtually went ballistic. His snarling voice jolted me as never before - "That son-of- a-b---- crazy Yarborough and that g- - - - - - f - - - ing Irish mafia bastard Kennedy will never embarrass me again!"
> Madeleine has stuck by her story for many years and continues to this day to say that Lyndon Johnson knew what was coming and when.
> #2 - The account of Billie Sol Estes: (through his attorney)
> August 9, 1984
> Mr. Stephen S. Trott
> Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division
> U.S. Department of Justice
> Washington, D. C. 20530
> RE: Mr. Billie Sol Estes
> Dear Mr. Trott:
> My client, Mr. Estes, has authorized me to make this reply to your letter of May 29, 1984. Mr. Estes was a member of a four-member group, headed by Lyndon Johnson, which committed criminal acts in Texas in the 1960's. The other two, besides Mr. Estes and LBJ, were Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace. Mr. Estes is willing to disclose his knowledge concerning the following criminal offenses:
> I. Murders
> 1. The killing of Henry Marshall
> 2. The killing of George Krutilek
> 3. The killing of Ike Rogers and his secretary
> 4. The killing of Harold Orr
> 5. The killing of Coleman Wade
> 6. The killing of Josefa Johnson
> 7. The killing of John Kinser
> 8. The killing of President J. F. Kennedy.
> Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders. In the cases of murders nos. 1-7, Mr. Estes' knowledge of the precise details concerning the way the murders were executed stems from conversations he had shortly after each event with Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace.
> In addition, a short time after Mr. Estes was released from prison in 1971, he met with Cliff Carter and they reminisced about what had occurred in the past, including the murders. During their conversation, Carter orally compiled a list of 17 murders which had been committed, some of which Mr. Estes was unfamiliar. A living witness was present at that meeting and should be willing to testify about it. He is Kyle Brown, recently of Houston and now living in Brady, Texas.
> The account of Loy Factor:
> Loy reached for the photographs and began studying them, slowly, one by one. After a full forty seconds, Mark broke the silence -
> "Do you know who that is Loy?"
> "Yeah..."
> "Who is it?"
> "It's Wallace."
> "You're sure?"
> "I'm sure."
> "This is the man that you first met at the funeral of Sam Rayburn," I stated.
> "That's him."
> "The same man who later hired you to assist in President Kennedy's assassination."
> "That's right."
> Loy's face expressed volumes. There was no doubt in our minds at all - he recognized the photographs as the man known to him only as "Wallace".
> I have three witnesses.......two of which are still living.
> Glen Sample - Co-author: "The Men On The Sixth Floor."
> Check out my web site: "The Men On The Sixth Floor"
> A fresh approach to the JFK assassination mystery.
Charles Drago Wrote:Think the "Three 'D's'", Peter:

Disinform, Distract, Divide.

The peddling of JFK disinformation is but the tip of the iceberg.

Disinform, Distract, Divide.

This MO was directed towards matters of great concern to the British national security state: such as the running of military intelligence death squads across the island of Ireland.

Chess players will Sacrifice Pawns, and even Rooks or Knights, to Protect the Queen and Win the Game.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Good post on LBJ and Mac Wallace. I know of AT LEAST one more Mac Wallace 'hit' for LBJ [or one of his close associates]. It took place in the Sportatorium in Dallas, just past [West of] the Triple underpass and just before the JFK 'hit'. Have some documentation on this...

What the MSM and 'history' [sic] records is the narrative of those in power...not the Truth!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Magda Hassan Wrote:It might have been taken to the bear pit Seamus. Check there. I remember putting some of Trowbridge's over there and yours probably went for the ride. We had to ban him last night as........well....... you know why. :wirlitzer::noblesteed:Shrug:popworm::danceing:
We did try though lol!

Excellent and those icons certainly sum that headcase up! What a unit!

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