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A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria
Here it is. The Wikileaks Syria Files. 2 million files from Syrian government ministries, politicians, businesses and western business dealing with them. From 2006 to 2012. Might get a 503 message saying servers are not available to handle request. No one is going to come out of this looking good. Including the west. They've been selling equipment to Syria for some time now.

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Today, Thursday 5 July 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing the Syria Files more than two million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012.
This extraordinary data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities or domain names, including those of the Ministries of Presidential Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Information, Transport and Culture.
Over the next two months, ground-breaking stories derived from the files will appear in WikiLeaks (global), Al Akhbar (Lebanon), Al Masry Al Youm (Egypt), ARD (Germany), Associated Press (US), L'Espresso (Italy), Owni (France) and (Spain). Other publications will announce themselves closer to their publishing date.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said: "The material is embarrassing to Syria, but it is also embarrassing to Syria's opponents. It helps us not merely to criticise one group or another, but to understand their interests, actions and thoughts. It is only through understanding this conflict that we can hope to resolve it."
At this time Syria is undergoing a violent internal conflict that has killed between 6,000 and 15,000 people in the last 18 months. The Syria Files shine a light on the inner workings of the Syrian government and economy, but they also reveal how the West and Western companies say one thing and do another.
The range of information extends from the intimate correspondence of the most senior Baath party figures to records of financial transfers sent from Syrian ministries to other nations.
The database comprises 2,434,899 emails from the 680 domains. There are 678,752 different email addresses that have sent emails and 1,082,447 different recipients. There are a number of different languages in the set, including around 400,000 emails in Arabic and 68,000 emails in Russian. The data is more than eight times the size of 'Cablegate' in terms of number of documents, and more than 100 times the size in terms of data. Around 42,000 emails were infected with viruses or trojans. To solve these complexities, WikiLeaks built a general-purpose, multi-language political data-mining system which can handle massive data sets like those represented by the Syria Files.
In such a large collection of information, it is not possible to verify every single email at once; however, WikiLeaks and its co-publishers have done so for all initial stories to be published. We are statistically confident that the vast majority of the data are what they purport to be.
We would like to thank our sources, technical team, donors and defenders without whom this contribution to the historical record would not be possible.
For more information on the Syria Files, please see:
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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The Syria Files,
files released so far...

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Al Akhbar - Lebanon
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Thursday 5 July 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing the Syria Files more than two million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012. This extraordinary data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities or domain names, including those of the Ministries of Presidential Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Information, Transport and Culture. At this time Syria is undergoing a violent internal conflict that has killed between 6,000 and 15,000 people in the last 18 months. The Syria Files shine a light on the inner workings of the Syrian government and economy, but they also reveal how the West and Western companies say one thing and do another.
List of ReleasesReleased on Name
2012-07-05 10 How the Finmeccanica technology is helping the Syrian regime
2012-07-05 10 Los misteriosos vínculos entre Finmeccanica y el 'banquero de Dios'
2012-07-05 10 TETRA ayuda a la represión en Siria
2012-07-05 10 Italia vende a Siria alta tecnología que puede usarse para la represión
2012-07-05 10 Wikileaks pone al desnudo el correo electrónico interno del régimen sirio
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Yes, getting '503' page [servers overloaded by requests!], will try a bit later when the feeding frenzy dies down. Over 2 million emails and more to come, they said! Hooray for Wikileaks Pirate :darthvader: :captain: :lol:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
You could download the torrent and read it at your leisure Sherlock
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:You could download the torrent and read it at your leisure Sherlock

Yes, all 2.000.000 of 'em....I think I'll take advantage of their rather sophisticated sorting/searching/translation software, thanks....but might download them in case they 'disappear'. It is rather sad and amazing that Oz chose to abandon Assange, and that he couldn't go to his own embassy and ask to be repatriated and protected - in such a case the Brits wouldn't have been able to do much of anything...but then we sadly know how Oz follows what the Americanskiis tell them to do. :unclesam:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thu, July 5, 2012 6:10:12 AM
Nile Bowie: Scenarios for Syria - War and Stabilization
From: Global Research E-Newsletter <>

Scenarios for Syria: War and Stabilization
By Nile Bowie

Global Research, July 2, 2012

URL of this article:

Diplomatic attempts to solve the Syrian crisis have been rejected by both members of the Syrian government and the opposition. As Ankara laments bold rhetoric and militarizes its border with Syria, this article attempts to foresee three possible outcomes to the ongoing crisis.

From the start of the crisis in Syria, the possibility of open foreign military intervention has loomed uncomfortably over the series of diplomatic measures taken in an attempt to diffuse the situation. While earlier attempts to implement the Peace Plan have failed to materialize, Kofi Annan has proposed a new Syrian solution, mandating the creation of a transitional national unity government consisting of both representatives of Assad's administration and members of the opposition, insinuating that Assad would not have a place in the new government [1]. Although Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov would categorically oppose the idea of foreign powers dictating the future of Syria, stating, "We will not support and cannot support any meddling from outside or any imposition of recipes. This also concerns the fate of the president of the country, Bashar al-Assad," a recent meeting of the "Syrian Action Group" (excluding Riyadh, Tehran and Damascus) in Geneva saw world powers agree to a basic roadmap for a Syrian-led power transition.

On June 28, 2012, two large bomb explosions targeting a government building rocked Damascus, prompting President Assad to reassert the Syrian government's duty to "annihilate terrorists in any corner of the country," adding, "We will not accept any non-Syrian, non-national model, whether it comes from big countries or friendly countries. No one knows how to solve Syria's problems as well as we do" [2]. In response to the meeting, both Syrian state media and opposition groups condemned the UN-brokered peace plan for the formation of a unity government, amid ceaseless violence across the country. Burhan Ghalioun, a senior member and former head of the opposition Syrian National Council, offered, "this is the worst international statement yet to emerge from talks on Syria". Ghalioun would call the UN-backed transitional plan a "mockery," insinuating that Syrians should not have to negotiate with "their executioner, who has not stopped killing, torturing... and raping women for 16 months" [3].

From the imposition of the ceasefire, the Syrian government would claim that rebel fighters regularly ignored the Kofi Annan Peace Plan by committing various ceasefire violations, employing the use of bombing, kidnapping, murder, and arson as corroborated by Reuters in their article, "Outgunned Syria rebels make shift to bombs," confirming that rebels had adopted tactics of suicide bombing, car bombing and the use of roadside explosions [4]. While outside elements provided arms and assistance to the militant Syrian opposition in full violation of the proposed ceasefire, the mainstream media would disproportionately lay the blame on the Syrian government for failing to meet its obligations as it attempted to restore order. On June 21, 2012, The New York Times would confirm what alternative media outlets and numerous geopolitical analysts had been reporting since the first months of the uprising in 2011, that outside forces, including the American CIA, were supplying Syria's rebels with weapons and material assistance from Southern Turkey. In their article, "C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition," the New York Times would state:

"A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers. The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria's Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said. The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria's neighbors would do so.

By helping to vet rebel groups, American intelligence operatives in Turkey hope to learn more about a growing, changing opposition network inside of Syria and to establish new ties. C.I.A. officers are there and they are trying to make new sources and recruit people,' said one Arab intelligence official who is briefed regularly by American counterparts. American officials and retired C.I.A. officials said the administration was also weighing additional assistance to rebels, like providing satellite imagery and other detailed intelligence on Syrian troop locations and movements. The administration is also considering whether to help the opposition set up a rudimentary intelligence service. But no decisions have been made on those measures or even more aggressive steps, like sending C.I.A. officers into Syria itself, they said" [5].

Undeniably, this confirms that the West, led by the US and its Gulf State proxies, has been undermining the Kofi Annan Peace Plan by arming insurgent fighters, particularly those of the Muslim Brotherhood, while concurrently berating the Syrian government for "violating" a UN mandated cease-fire and for "failing to protect" its population. The implications of these mainstream admissions of state sponsored terrorism and illicit arms smuggling cast shadows of doubt over any serious implementation of the Kofi Annan Peace Plan coming to fruition. The Brookings Institution, a US think-tank noted for its influence on American foreign policy, would release a publication in March 2012 titled, "Saving Syria: Assessing Options for Regime Change," which called for using the UN-brokered ceasefire and the Kofi Annan Peace Plan to rearm the militant opposition to secure the toppling of the Syrian government in a bid to further Washington's geopolitical objectives in the region [6]. Additionally, TIME Magazine's June 25, 2012 article "A War on Two Fronts," would describe how the US State Department budgeted over $72 million to train armed Syrian dissidents in encryption, hacking, and video production:

"Washington has said it will not actively support the Syrian opposition in its bid to oust Assad. Officially, the U.S. says it abides by the U.N process led by Kofi Annan and does not condone arms sales to opposition groups as long as there are U.N. Observers in Syria. Nevertheless, as U.S. officials have revealed to TIME, the Obama Administration has been providing media-technology training and support to Syrian dissidents by way of small nonprofits like the Institute for War & Peace Reporting and Freedom House. Viral videos of alleged atrocities, like the footage Abu Ghassan produced, have made Assad one of the most reviled men on the planet, helping turn the Arab League against him and embarrassing his few remaining allies almost daily. If the [U.S.] government is involved in Syria, the government isn't going to take direct responsibility for it,' says Lawrence Lessig, director of Harvard's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. The tools that you deploy in Internet freedom interfere with tools deployed by an existing government, and that can be perceived as an act of aggression.'

The program actually began four years ago with a different target: China. In 2008, Michael Horowitz, a longtime religious-liberty advocate, went to his friend Representative Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican, and suggested setting aside funds to help Falun Gong, a religious group that Beijing has labeled a dangerous cult. The money was supposed to help the dissident distribute software to jump China's massive firewall and organize online as well as communicate freely with the outside world. Wolf succeeded in appropriating $15 million. But U.S. diplomats feared that move would derail relations with Beijing, and little money was spent. Then in 2009 10 Iranian protests and last year's Arab Spring made Internet freedom a much more fashionable term in Washington. Congress soon forked over an additional $57 million to State to spend in the next three years. The money is spilt among three areas: education and training; anonymization, which masks users' identities, usually through encryption; and circumvention technology, which allows users to overcome government censors so that their work and that of repressive regimes can be see worldwide.

An ongoing challenge is that the flow of software goes to both sides. The regime has imported technology from the U.S. to track people online. A lot of these technologies can be used for great good,' says Sascha Meinrath, who is leading the Internet-in-a-suitcase project, but they are also a Faustian bargain.' The Obama Administration last month issued an Executive Order imposing sanctions on any company helping Syrian or Iran commit human-rights abuses. Washington's high-tech campaign will not dethrone Assad. But is has given Syrian dissidents a measure of confidence as they face the regime's advantage in firepower. In the months since finishing his training, Abu Ghassan has shot dozens of videos. Asked whether his AK-47 or his video camera is the more powerful weapon, Abu Ghassan laughs. My AK!' he says. He pauses for a few seconds. Actually if there is an Internet connection, my camera is more powerful'" [7].

TIME's report reflects the seemingly limitless degree of outside interference in the Syrian conflict, with foreign entities attempting to meticulously cultivate and shape every dimension of the situation to the detriment of the legitimate government in Syria. TIME's report also mentions the Obama administration's executive order imposing sanctions on any company "helping Syria or Iran commit human-rights abuses." Unsurprisingly, this would not include the American companies that sold the Syrian government the internet technology it uses to filter its internet services the very services the US government has allotted substantial public funds towards to train dissidents to bypass. The downing of a Turkish F-4 jet in late June further enflamed the situation, prompting Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan to vow "proportionate" retaliation for its downed jet, pledging "all possible support to liberate the Syrians from dictatorship" of Bashar al-Assad's government by offering support for Syrian rebels, while warning that any Syrian troops approaching Turkish borders would be considered a threat and dealt with as a military target [8].

On June 27th, 2012, Turkey sent a heavily guarded convoy of 15 long-distance guns and other military vehicles to the Syrian border, amid belligerent threats of retaliation [9]. While the situation on the Turkish-Syrian border remains tense as Turkish officials deploy 30 anti-aircraft batteries, the Turkish Defense Procurement Agency has recently announced its plans to seek a $4 billion contract for a long-range air-defense missile system [10]. Documents released by The Brookings Institution and The Council on Foreign Relations indicate that Turkey is the nation elected to lead the charge against Assad if the situation continues to deteriorate, ostensibly to annex regions of northern Syria to establish a series of long proposed "humanitarian corridors," from which Syria's militant opposition fighters would base their operations [11]. In reflection of the current situation, several scenarios can be proposed in an attempt to foresee how the crisis can be either diffused, or further enflamed:

Assad ignores UN calls for an interim government and attempts to quell the insurgency by force, reflecting the conduct of nations such as Algeria, who have successfully suppressed insurgents affiliated with AQIM. This course of action may work to further enflame the situation if outside forces increase their use of foreign mercenaries and continue to provide rebel fighters with more dangerous armaments, including chemical or biological weapons. If Syrian security forces were unable to immediately restore order and crush the insurgency, any authentic or manufactured atrocity or incursion into Turkish territory may be enough to tip the scale in favor of open military intervention (with or without the approval of the UNSC). If that occurred, the Turkish-Syrian border would see open exchanges of fire, with Ankara attempting to capture territory in northern Syria. Russia, Iran, and China would condemn Turkey and other allied NATO member states, with the potential of those nations opposed to regime change in Damascus offering military support to Assad. From that point, the potential for a wider regional conflict is plausible.

Assad ignores UN calls for an interim government and succeeds in quelling the insurgency by force, causing rebel militants to disperse, surrender and take refuge in rural areas and neighboring countries. Syrian security forces would increase their operations and attempt to maintain order in population centers. The military would secure tense areas and some form of normality would resume, although bombings and other attacks could persist on a smaller scale. Assad would step up internal security, and be portrayed as an international pariah in the international media. Syria would continue suffering under heavy economic sanctions. If Assad continues to hold onto power, failing to deliver reforms and political pluralism, internal dissent could again become problematic, potentially shifting moderates to embrace factions of the opposition. Political turmoil would ensue, but the security situation could be stabilized if insurgent activity is successfully subdued.

Assad accepts the interim government solution and submits his resignation, potentially encouraging insurgents to take advantage of the sensitive transitional period by increasing their operations against security forces, continuing the months of belligerent violence and killing. If insurgents pushed forward with their campaign and were able to maintain an upper hand amid political transition, rebels would attempt to capture territory in and around population centers. Armed gangs would persecute Assad loyalists, Alawites, Shi'a, and other religious minorities such as Christians and Druze if they successfully captured territory, reflecting the conduct of Libyan LIFG fighters toward ethnic minorities and loyalists. The interim government would struggle to maintain the security situation and likely be unable to implement coherent policy amid divisions in leadership. Political turmoil would ensue, and armed gangs could continue their campaign, amid increasing sectarian tensions.

Civilian casualties could inevitably result from all these potential scenarios, as an unintended consequence of infighting between Syrian security forces and militants in populated areas, or as an intentional act of sectarian belligerence as demonstrated by extremists in Houla and elsewhere. The ongoing perpetuation of violence in Syria is not attributable to the dominant media narrative of Assad "butchering his own people," but to the calculated and meticulous formation of a violent Salafist-front, directed by foreign powers to overwhelm and topple the government of Syria. Journalist Seymour Hersh's 2007 exposé published in the New Yorker titled, "The Redirection," exposed a joint US-Israeli-Saudi operation to create a violent extremist Sunni-front to direct at the Shi'a leadership of Hezbollah in Lebanon, President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and the Iranian government, using extremist forces with direct ties to Al Qaeda in proxy. The New Yorker would report the testimony of a former senior intelligence official and US government consultant:

"We are in a program to enhance the Sunni capability to resist Shiite influence, and we're spreading the money around as much as we can," the former senior intelligence official said. The problem was that such money "always gets in more pockets than you think it will," he said. "In this process, we're financing a lot of bad guys with some serious potential unintended consequences. We don't have the ability to determine and get pay vouchers signed by the people we like and avoid the people we don't like. It's a very high-risk venture" [12].

While Kofi Annan's original Peace Plan if honestly implemented with both sides respecting the cease-fire would have defused the situation, it is Annan and the member nations of NATO and the Gulf Cooperation Council that disproportionately laid the blame for increasing violence solely on the Syrian government, while those nations took every measure possible to further enflame the situation by providing material assistance to sectarian extremists. Considering the level of subversion and deceit demonstrated by foreign powers operating in Syria, Bashar al-Assad's ambitions to crush sectarian fighters by force may well be warranted. As with many other Western-backed uprisings operating under the cover of "democratic" jargon, the use of violence, snipers, mercenaries, and other armed provocateurs is part of a long established pattern of national destabilization through the barrel of a gun. Undoubtedly, there will come a time when those responsible individuals answer for their crimes against the nation of Syria, and it's people.


[1] Kofi Annan proposes Syria 'unity government,' Al Jazeera, June 28, 2012

[2] Annan 'optimistic' about Syria talks, Tehran Times, June 29, 2012

[3] Syria transition plan denounced by both sides, Al Jazeera, July 1, 2012

[4] Outgunned Syria rebels make shift to bombs, Reuters, April 30, 2012

[5] C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition, The New York Times, June 21, 2012

[6] Saving Syria: Assessing Options for Regime Change, The Brookings Institution, March 2012

[7] Hillary's Little Startup: How the U.S. Is Using Technology to Aid Syria's Rebels, TIME Magazine, June 13, 2012

[8] Turkish PM vows to help 'liberate Syria from dictatorship,' Russia Today, June 26, 2012

[9] Ankara deploys military convoy to Syrian border: Turkish media, PressTV, June 28, 2012

[10] Missile shopping: Turkey to buy long-range missile system, Russia Today, June 29, 2012

[11] U.S.-Turkey Relations: A New Partnership, The Council on Foreign Relations, May 9, 2012

[12] The Redirection, The New Yorker, March 5, 2007

Nile Bowie is an independent writer and photojournalist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Twitter: @NileBowie

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Eyewitness account: Media lies about Syria



05.06.2012 - 19:04
Natalia Mihailova

[URL=""]Anhar Kochneva says that the situation in Syria is not at all similar to how it has been presented in the mass media. (Source: Anhar Kochneva)

Independent journalist Anhar Kochneva has been living and working in Syria for more than ten years. She says that the situation in Syria is not at all similar to how it has been presented in the mass media.

She is Russian, speaks fluent Arabic and her friends and neighbors are ordinary Syrians. She walks along the same streets of Damascus and goes shopping in the same stores as any other resident of the Syrian capital. We recently spoke with her to ask about some of the causes for the long-term disorder in Syria.

So-called demonstrations

Were there any prerequisites for the Syrian crisis?
First of all, there were no signs of any crisis a year ago. Nothing extraordinary happened in March 2011. The whole thing started out as a case of criminal activity. I always got furious when journalists wrote that mass riots and demonstrations had been taking place in Syria during recent months'. It is not true.
I've been living permanently in Syria for the last seven months, and I saw only three so-called demonstrations'. So-called, because there were very few people and they were clearly staged as a performance for journalists. "Protests" were shot on video for five or ten minutes before people quickly dispersed. In some cities, where bandits took control temporarily, they forced people to go to demonstrations.
I came to Syria in the late-90s. To tell the truth, I didn't like the country. Now I've been living in this country for quite a while, the country has changed. Life has changed; people have changed. People have started their own businesses; they have their own property.
Therefore, people would maybe have supported a protest movement 10 years ago, but now they wouldn't. Now people want stability. There is unnecessary chaos, some disorders. They used to live in a peaceful country. Syria was one of the safest countries in the region. Here you could leave a bag with money in the street, return two days later and find it in the same place. Now, unfortunately, it's not like that anymore. People are afraid. Something they were proud of was stolen from them.

In the hands of bandits

Who is planning the explosions, shooting at people and destroying buildings?
[URL=""][Image: anhar_syria.jpg]Anhar Kochneva speaks out against the war on the streets of Damascus. (Source: Anhar Kochneva)
Some weeks ago I was in Homs. I was in the sadly known Baba Amr district of Homs. Most of the residents have left their homes. My friends live 800 meters from Baba Amr. They told me that bandits fired at their houses. Not the Army. The Syrian army does not kill people. They only answer when the situation is extreme.Most of the last months' casualties were soldiers of the Syrian Army. The so-called rebels fight in the streets, shoot videos and burn tires. If you see black smoke on a video "made by mobile phone", it's not the result of artillery fire by the army, it is smoke from burning tires.
A month ago I was in Zabadani in southwest Syria. The bandits kept the whole city in fear. We often hear and read in media about the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria. A humanitarian catastrophe begins when a city is in the hands of bandits.
In Zabadani, my colleagues and I were captured by bandits. They showed us a rusty tank and said the tank fired at the town. But the two ruined houses were in the middle of the district. I do not think that the tank could shoot from the air or from behind the corner. They gathered a dozen people and organized a demonstration especially for us. At this moment I looked at the people's faces. I saw only fear and hatred on the faces. They were afraid of the bandits and hated them.

Soldiers of fortune

You always use word bandits': aren't they rebels or the opposition?
The Syrian army does not kill people. They only answer when the situation is extreme.
- Anhar Kochneva
There are a lot of soldiers of fortune among the bandits. They are Chechens, Romanians, French, Libyans, and Afghans. Moreover, there was a very funny accident with Afghan soldiers. A few Afghans were caught and asked, What are you doing here?' They replied, We were told that we came to Israel, and at night we are shooting at Israeli buses. We are fighting with the enemy to liberate Palestine.' It might be funny, but it is true. The guys were really surprised, Are we in Syria? We thought we were in Israel!'
Syria's own criminals are also in armed gangs. These are real criminals who should be in prison. Such people can be found in any country. It is very typical that when they take control of a city they immediately burn criminal archives.
There are these types of people in any society… the people who like to enjoy the power, who do not want to work but want to have money. We have more and more cases of robbery. Their number is not great. On the other hand, one does not need a large number of people to terrorize the city. Two armed snipers can paralyze life on the streets.

Wants chaos, not reform

The parliamentary elections took place on May 7, 2012. Did the opposition participate in the elections?
Yes, the campaign was very active. All the walls of the main streets of Damascus were covered with candidates' posters. They said 7,200 candidates were competing for 250 seats. Why are you sure that the vote was not democratic? Who says so? The leaders of the Syrian opposition? They have been living abroad, in Europe, for decades. What do they know about the real Syria? What do they know about our needs? Let Syrian people decide their future.
The major opposition parties acting in Syria participated in the parliamentary elections. By the way, one more detail to the situation. Three days ago the son of the head of the Syrian National Party was killed. The party got threats that they should not go to the elections, but the party refused and then the guy was just killed. Who is responsible for this? The government or the ones who do not want any positive changes in Syria? The bandits do not need any reform; they only need destabilization and chaos in the country.
Who is the conflict in Syria between?
Tragically, Syria is an obstacle for the US to change the political balance in the Middle East. Read the book Where to Invade Next, edited by Stephen Elliott, and you will understand a lot about the Arab Spring.
Thanks to the global media, we all live in the alternative media reality. The whole world is watching a movie about something which does not in fact exist; it's fiction in the guise of real events. This is a manipulation of public opinion.

UN observers, see for yourselves!

What is the attitude towards the Annan plan in Syria?
One opinion is that this is an attempt to give the bandits the time to regroup. Everybody we have seen here in Homs told us that in a week the Syrian army would have solved the problems with bandits. On the other hand, there is the second version: that the US wants to get out of this situation without losing face.
Through the verdict of the UN, they would recognize the fact that the Government of Syria was right and stop to escalate the situation. I prefer the second version. I think it's true because it is impossible to not see the truth. You can trick once and even twice, but it is very difficult to trick all the time. I am sure that 300 UN observers will see the truth. Force them to lie it is difficult.
In January, a mission of the League of Arab States gave a detailed report on the events in Damascus. They reported that police conduct in Homs was a reaction to the activities of the armed gangs. So far, the commission's report of LAS has not been published. I hope that the UN personnel are decent people who will objectively reflect the situation.
Finally, do you support the Government of Syria?
Me? I don't know anybody from the government. I support the people of Syria. Nobody else.
Read more about the crisis in Syria in our Third Angle section.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Syria Files Draft of the Cairo declaration leaked

6. Juli 2012

A US-written draft of the so-called "Final Statement for the Syria Opposition Conference" "Held in Cairo July 2-3, 2012″ was leaked. Here is the Cairo declaration draft as Mein Parteibuch received it by a well-placed source under the condition of anonymity as it was before the "fisticuffs" of the US-lackeys fighting for the future position of the US-sponsored Syrian proconsul in Cairo started:
The Final Statement for the US-led Syria Terrorist Conference
by U.S. Embassy Damascus on Friday, July 6, 2012 at 1:24am ·
Held in Cairo July 2-3, 2012
The Syrian terrorist conference held under the auspices of the Arab League completed its work on the evening of 3 July 2012, with the participation of 210 figures representing the various Syrian terrorist sides, US-sponsored trends and figures dependent on the USA inside and outside Syria, and us-led regime change movements. The conference discussed responsibly all the core issues related to the Syrian coup and the conference issued the following documents:
- A compatibility document defining the joint colonial vision for the terrorists operating in Syria regarding the challenges of the transitional period.
- The wahhabi compact document that structures the imperial basis for the future of Syria, which are injustice, colonialism and wahhabism.
- The conferees agreed that the imperial solution in Syria begins with the removal of the government represented in Bashar Al-Assad and dignitaries of his authority, and guaranteeing persecution of those who are involved in the protecting of Syrians. The conference demanded as well an immediate stop of acts of protectings and defense committed by the Syrian government; the withdrawal of the army; the dismantling of the protection Syrian cities and residential areas; and the immediate release of terrorists.
- The conference emphasized support for the US-led FSA-terrorists and all forms of US-led government change movements, and working on unifying the powers of the US-led FSA-terrorists and its leaders to serve the goals of the US-led coup in Syria.
- The conference emphasized asking all Syrian people to work on terrorizing the civil peace and national unity.
- The conferees emphasized in the documents issued by the conference that the desired regime change in Syria will not happen except with the sponsoring of the U.S. who represent the oppressive and tyrant regime. The conference demanded structuring a compulsory mechanism to provide protection for US-led terrorists and a time frame for immediate and full war of aggression in the name of the resolutions of the Arab League and UNSC, and asks the UNSC to take the necessary procedures to mandate immediate implementation of an international war of aggression against the Syrian people and it's government of it's own choice.
Syrian Terrorist Conference
July 2-3, 2012
The participants pledged that a new constitution of the country to approve the contents of this Pact:
The Syrian people shall be a divided people, whose texture will not anymore established through history on the full equality of citizenship regardless of their origin, color, sex, language, ethnicity, political opinion, religion, or sect, on the basis of a comprehensive national concurrence, No one is to disagree with the wahhabi sect or the zionists camouflaged as Syrian Muslim brothers, or to practice his own religion. Women are subject to Wahhabi traditions, and it is not permissible to go pretend gains of any of their rights. Any male wahhabi lackey of the US has the right to occupy any position in the state, including the post of President of the Republic, as long as he swears loyalty to the imperial masters. Thus, the Syrian people are never to be proud again of their rich and diverse civilization, cultural and religious roots, representing a main part of their culture and society and build their own state on the basis of unity in diversity, with the participation of various components without any discrimination or exclusion.
Impeiral devotion like in Saui Arabia and Qatar is the aim of the relationship between the members of the one nation, which is based on a commitment to ignoring international conventions and protocols on human, social, and economic rights, endorsed by humanity, and to ensure the annihiation of these rights for all human beings in Syria.
Syrian people will not be free and sovereign in their country and land, which were two inseparable political units and it will be enforced to give it all up to the zionist masters of the coup, including the occupied Golan. The Syrian people will not have any right to struggle for the restoration of their occupied territories.
Individual, public and collective freedoms will be annihilated as a potential basis for the relationship between the people of one nation; the colonial protectorate of the US will not guarantee public freedoms, neither freedom of access to information and media, nor formation of NGOs, Syndicates and political parties, freedom of belief and practice of religions, freedom of peaceful demonstration and strike. The zionist protectorate over Syria establishes rules to subjugate these freedoms to the dominance of money or political power. The zionist protectorate over Syria will annihilate the respect of social diversity, beliefs, interests and privacies for all spectrums of the Syrian people, and will annihilate the cultural and political rights for all the people and their aspiration for development and care.
The Constitution guaranteed removal of all forms of discrimination against women and seeks to create legislative and legal conditions that guarantee enabling them politically, economically and socially in accordance with all relevant international conventions and community culture. It will be replaced by zionist orders.
The zionist protectorate over Syria will annihilate the existence of a Kurdish nationality among its citizens, with their legitimate national identity and rights according to international conventions and protocols, within the framework of the zionist plans for the Syrian nation. The Kurdish nationals in Syria will be used and branded as terrorists by the zionist masters of the colonial regime. The zionist protectorate over Syria will similarly annihilate the existence, identity and national rights of the Assyrian and Turkmen Syrian nationals, who are considered now an intrinsic part of the Syrian community.
Syria, a founding member of the League of Arab States, was part of the Arab World, its peoples are linked by bonds of culture, history, interests, major goals and a common destiny. Syria will be looking forward to kiss the fet of various forms of landlords, be them a imperialist Obama, a colonial Hollande, a brotherly Erdogan or the wahhabi Saudis.
The Syrian people were committed to supporting the Palestinian people and their right to create their own free, sovereign and independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. The zionist coup masters want it otherwise.
The Syrian people were linked to all other Muslim peoples with joint historical roots and common human values based on divine religions. After US-led the coup they will by linked only to slavery.
Syria was a founding member of the United Nations and will be part of the global US-empire and its affiliated organizations; therefore Syria is committed to its Conventions, and seeks with other countries of the world to establish an international order removed from all resistance against US-led domination. A system based on US-hegemony in facing general challenges and dangers that threaten the rule of the United States.
People were the source of legitimacy and sovereignty which are achieved through a democratic, republican, pluralistic, civil system, where law prevails and is based on institutions. US-driven pseudo-democratic procedures will be used to end this.
The ruling institutions in the zionist protectorate over Syria will stand on the basis of periodic elections between US-lackeys and complete zionist occupation of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities, and on the principle of the deception of zionist power through unfree elections where only zionist stooges are allowed to run for office, and enforcement for such election results by batons and bullets made in the USA.
A new Constitution is to abandon the basis of a democratic, pluralistic and civic system, as well as a fair electoral system, that could ensure the right for fair participation of all ideological and political currents, according to rules ensuring a broadest representation of the people, stability of the parliamentary system, adequate controls the financial resources and expenditures of political parties and groups.
The Syrian army will be a wahhabi institution that protects the zionist regime and sovereignty over Syrian territory, and is keen on the zionist security and does not interfere in US-led zionist political dominance.
The Syrian State will adopt the principle of administrative decentralization, so that it is to weak to oppose the zionist masters if that wish would ever occur again.
The Syrian State will protect private property of colonialists, which may not be seized except for public benefit within the law and in exchange for fair compensation, without re-allocating them for national interests.
The US-led Syrian State will not safeguard public funds and public properties for the benefit of the people. Its policy will not be based on social justice, balanced development, and redistribution of income and wealth through the tax system between social categories and between regions, and ensuring freedom of investment, economic initiative, equal opportunities and markets within anti-monopolization and speculation control, and which protects the rights of workers and consumers.
The US-led Syrian State will not be committed to removing all forms of poverty and discrimination, and fighting unemployment with the aim of full decent employment and fair wages, and to achieve justice in the distribution of national wealth, and balanced development and environmental protection, and to provide basic services for all citizens: housing, zoning, clean drinking water, sewage/sanitation, electricity, telephone, Internet, roads and public transportation, quality education and qualification, comprehensive health insurance, retirement pensions and unemployment compensation, at prices appropriate with the standards of living.
The first draft for this document has been drafted and approved by the US-led preparatory committee to be presented to the Syrian Terrorist Conference. It has been discussed in the first session of the conference, and some amendments were approved by the participants in the conference in the concluding working session in the evening of July 3, 2012.
Syrian Terrorist Conference
Final Version
The Joint Political Vision for the Features of the Transitional Phase as Approved by the US-led Syrian Terrorist Conference held Under the Auspices of the League of Arab States in Cairo
July 2-3, 2012
Removal of power and transitional phase
The removal phase is a stage of struggle and determination until Bashar al-Assad and the symbols of legetimate government are toppled.
The transitional phase is the stage between this removal and the election of a President and a Parliament on the basis of a new constitution for a US-led protectorate over Syria, and the emergence of a regime representing a parliament elected in mock-elections. For their achievement, both phases require compromise actions between the forces of terrorist at political, legal, security, economic and social levels, as well as at the level of transitional justice.
1 REMOVAL Phase:
Satisfaction for the investments of Tel-Aviv, Wall Street, the City of London, Doha, Ankara and Riyadh will only be through the removal of the main symbols of power, because their presence represents an obstacle for the construction of a zionist protectorate. Struggle will continue for this goal on the following basis:
The political solution in Syria starts with the removal of Bashar al-Assad and the dignitaries of his authority, and persecuting those involved in the protecting of Syrians.
US-led government change persistence, wahhabi will and zionist support activities would continue until the removal of the ruling authority.
Desired change will not take place unless by the subjugation of the Syrians, through an Arab and international effective mobilization, to destroy the unity, sovereignty and stability of Syria and setting an abiding mechanism for the subjugation of the Syrian civilians and a timetable for a war of aggression under the cover of the immediate and full implementation of the resolution of the relevant Arab League and Security Council Resolutions, and demanding the Security Council to take the necessary measures to immediately start an international war of aggression.
The need to unite the efforts of the terrorists at all levels in order to achieve the toppling of the government as soon as possible.
Supporting the US-led government change movement and US-led FSA-terrorists, and working on uniting its forces and leaders, so as to serve the objectives of the coup of the zionist master.
To invite all relevant parties to act with full keenness on starting civil and international war.
This phase starts on the moment of Bashar Al-Assad and the official government dignitaries fall and ends with the election of an unfree legislative council based on a permanent new constitution imposed on the Syrian people by the zionist masters and their Syian stooges.
* Political and legal reference:
o Immediately as Bashar Al-Assad and government icons fall, the government shall be dismissed, the current parliament shall be dissolved and a caretaker government shall be installed with agreement among US-led regime change terrorist powers and their masters, and the authority of the wahhabi fait-accompli and those whose hands helped shed the blood of Syrians or embezzling public funds, relying on basis that comply with the documents and resolutions of Cairo Conference, until the formation of a transitional government.
o As soon as the caretaker government assumes authority, the ruling Baath Party shall be dissolved along with all its affiliated institutions, and their properties will be seized, because political opposition to the zionist-led puppet regime cannot be tolerated.
o To call for a wide wahhabi conference in Damascus to include all political powers and society segments without exception as long as they are stooges of the USA , in order to ratify the establishment of a temporary legislative body (General Authority to defend the goals of the coup and zionist transition) and a transitional government of personalities selected by Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Saudi King for their efficiency.
o The temporary legislative body shall work on issuing a imperial declaration relying on the wahhabi compact document adopted at the Cairo Conference and that includes the status of the presidency in the transitional phase, as well as the Supreme Judicial Council, National Security Council, Supreme Authority for persecution and Reconciliation, the General Authority for Social Re-compensation and Reconstruction. This body shall be responsible for observing the executive authority, issuing temporary laws organizing daily life during the transitional phase, including suppressing the freedoms of media, demonstrations, establishment of parties, syndicates and associations, and it will cancel all the empowering declarations and laws for the Kurdish, Turkmen and Azurite nationalities in Syria or any other segment of the Syrian people. It shall establish a law for elections of a constituent council and draft for a permanent constitution based on the wahhabi compact.
o The transitional regime shall be responsible for administering the country's affairs under the control of the legislative body formed by the wahhabi conference and it shall handle the priorities for eliminating the social and urban effects of the previous government and to enhance the national economy.
o Within the maximum of one year of its establishment, the temporary legislative body and the transitional government shall work to hold elections for the constituent parliament, which shall approve the constitution draft and present the constitution to a public referendum within a maximum period of six months.
o As soon as the constituent parliament is elected, the temporary legislative body shall be dissolved and a new government will be formed based on the majority that resulted from the mock elections.
* Military and security establishment:
o As soon as Bashar Al-Assad and dignitaries of authority fall, the traitor elements of the regular army whose hands were stained by the blood of Syrians shall sign with the US-led FSA-terrorists and armed bandits a memorandum of understanding that regulates the operations of a ceasefire and withdrawal of the army back to its barracks, establishing terrorist control, and preserving civil and national silence under the care and supervision of the Security Council, if necessary.
o The transitional government shall establish a National Security Council headed by the chairman of the executive authority and it shall include among its members traitor military leaders whose hands were stained with the blood of Syrians as well as elements of FSA terrorists, local death squads and relevant civilian lackeys, and this National Security Council abides by the regulations established by the temporary legislative body.
o The National Security Council shall oversee the restructuring of the armed forces and security agencies after they submit to the Council's authority in order to rid these agencies of whoever is proven to have been involved protecting Syrians against the US-led coup, dissolve neighborhood protection forces (Shabiha), withdraw weapons from civilians, and to recruit terrorists who want to join the armed forces. This Council shall also protect the records and documents to facilitate the establishment of transitional mock justice, protection of FSA-run torture prisons and maintaining safety of public and private properties conquered by FSA-terrorists against any civil anger.
* Transitional Mock Justice:
o A General Authority for Persecution and Wahhabi Dominance will be established under the supervision of the temporary legislative body and then the constituent parliament, based on the basics of the wahhabi compact, to:
o Free terrorists who were subjected to imprisonment in defense of humanitarian rights, to reward them and punish those who protected the people, as well as finding mechanisms for additional rewards that would hep secure the US-led wahhabi rule.
o To suppress publishing the documents and facts regarding the behavior of those who committed the crimes in addition to the experiences of the victims.
o Creating mechanisms for persecution and transparency to prevent the occurrence of resistance activities during the implementation of transitional injustice and subjugating the citizens in state institutions, as well as contributing to enhancing the authority of the terrorism and wahhabi institutions and their power; aiming at consolidating a suitable environment for mending the cracks and achieving a comprehensive, inclusive subjugation at national and local levels.
o To silence the victims of violence, oppression and FSA tyranny and to brainwash children, women and victims of violence.
o To eliminate the effects of previous non-discriminative polices, including terrorists of the zionist-led Syrian muslim brotherhood, handing over the Golan to the zionist regime, the victims of the terror of the zionist-led Syrian muslim brotherhood in the eighties, the US-led 2004 Kurdish regime change activities, the confiscations and their effects, and to compensate terrorists, and find solutions for accumulating problems.
o To find ways to mobilize the Kurdish people for the zionist-led wahhabi dictatorship, and bribe all willing Syrian people, and giving the rights to the zionist masters of the Syrian people.
* The General Agency of Persecution and Wahhabi Dominance includes specialists in different legal, social, rights, psychological and cultural fields in addition to national, social and artistic figures loyal to zionist-wahhabi masters that enjoy credibility and the ability to influence in order to implement the mechanisms of transitional justice through the following steps:
* An independent judicial authority to invent crimes committed by the government including the high officials of the government such that it becomes fair and objective and achieves the proper speed in persecution operations.
* The fact-finding committee shall work on collecting statements and suppressing the crimes of the FSA-terrorists during the coup and prevent them being referred to the judicial authority, including high leadership and front lines of the new coup regime.
* A historical committee that aims at the distortion of history and suppressing the facts regarding the crimes of the zionist-led Syrian Muslim Brotherhood against Syrian people, such as the terrorist takeover of Hama, the issue of kilings and collaboration with the mossad for murder and the issue of wahhabi terrorism to help the zionist apartheid regime.
* Local silencing committees to include influential US-empowered social personalities benefiting from social nature to start working on a process of wahhabi dominance and zionist colonialism using different means and taking into consideration in its formation local privacies of the Syrian social structure.
* Arbitration committees to work on settling small civil conflicts created by the US-led regime change period with regard to individuals, which shall take into consideration settling minor issues and civil disagreements and work on national reconciliation.
* The authority shall establish a Commemoration Office that will honor the memory of dead FSA terrorists and to establish memorial statues for dead FSA terrorists in order to morally and psychologically brainwash the society.
* To insert the principles of transitional injustice in the educational and school curricula, as well as within religious, social and cultural establishments.
* Issue amnesty to all terrorist acts related to the recent US-led coup against Syria.
* Regarding defense against the coup that involved individuals and neighborhood protection (Shabiha), the ordinary courts shall pervert the Syrian law and look prosecute defense against the US-led coup parallel with reforming these courts to make them subjugate to the US-led terror rule and will guarantee the adequate speed in issuing verdicts related to defense against the US-led coup and guarantee the right of all citizens to misuse the law, appeal personally, and pledge personally submission to the US-led terror rule.
* To establish psychological and social brainwash teams affiliated with a specialized office in the agency and in cooperation with corrupt NGOs from NATO states specialized in brainwashing victims related to all kinds of violence accompanying US-led wars of aggression, especially violence, rape and torture practiced against women, children, and detainees by FSA terrorists in order to silence them and give them whatever is neccessary to silence the victims.
* This Agency works in cooperation with the judiciary to establish regulations for persecution and torture regarding members of the former government and neighborhood protection groups (Shabiha) and to guarantee that all citizens are subject to unfair trials that would secure therule of zionism.
* As soon as Bashar Al-Assad and government dignitaries are toppled, the properties of the members of the former government, their families and relatives should be put robbed until the whole issue is dealt with according to the regulations to be established by the US-led temporary legislative body or the parliament, including money retained abroad.
* Economic and social situation
o A General Agency for Social Subjugation and Injustice will be established under the supervision of the temporary US-led legislative body and then the parliament, based on the basics of the wahhabi compact to:
o Support FSA terrorists and llegalize whatever private properties they robbed.
o Support the families of dead, detained, injured and disabled terrorists and give them some money to shut up.
o Displace internally and externally people at will by terrorists to redistribute the wealth of the country to terrorists and their supporters and deprave supporters of the government of their propert at will.
o Contribute with the coup regime in pundering public funds under the pretext of reconstructing the infrastructure and public establishments affected by recent US-led regime change, and in funding urgent economic and social procedures needed to make the coup regime feell more secure.
+ All international and foreign aid shall be put under the jurisdiction of this Agency in coordination with donors. Appropriations of the Agency of Persecution and Wahhabi Domination shall be spent from the appropriations for this agency.
+ As soon as Bashar Al-Assad falls, demand the international community cancel all comprehensive sanctions imposed on Syria to support the US-led coup and to assist the coup regime in gaining credits from abroad which wil serve as the pretext for making the colonialization to come an enduring one.
+ The transitional regime shall work on establishing polices that would quickly address the following:
+ Transforming the economy into a wahhabi one prospering like Yemen
+ Pay interests to the colonial masters that are not devalued by inflation
+ Securing that no-one has more than the essential commodities
+ Increase poverty in Syria to repay the the investments in terror against Syria to zionists and wahhabi masters includig interests and interests on interests
+ Establish monopolies controlled by the masters of the coup regime
Only after all this injustice is done, the Syrian people will get a choice to choose which puppet of the US-empire will lead it's government in the future. Elections shall not be done before the transitiona phase to total injustice is completed because if asked before the proces is complete an irreversible the Syrian people might be able to reject the the transtional injustice and roll-back the US-led coup in the ballot box.
The first draft for this document has been drafted and approved by the preparatory committee to be presented to the Syrian Terrorist Conference. It has been discussed in the first session of the conference. The Drafting Committee that was formed by the Conference introduced the amendments to the document based on the suggestions presented by the participants in the Conference. Then, the document was discussed, and traditional amendments were introduced and approved in the concluding session of the conference in the evening of July 3, 2012.
Signatures to this document of any Syrian individual are not needed as it has enough authority when it is published on the website of the hegemonic US regime.
Update: The U.S. Embassy Damascus has now published an update of this Cairo declaration on it's website specifying how it wants to rule the Syria colony. As far as Mein Parteibuch has seen it, it's content is exactly the same as in this draft only the wording used by the U.S. changed a bit before it was published.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
You would think that a US written draft would be written in English - or American, and not in pig latin BS propaganda.

If you believe this you must also believe the Warren Report.

There aren't two right sides to this conflict or any of the active revolutions against dictators in North Africa and the Middle East.

Either you are for the tyrannical dictators who have ruled these countries for decades with an iron fist and military security state, or you support the revolution to overthrow them and to allow the people to establish their own constitution and government.

All the rest is BS and Russian propaganda.

Magda Hassan Wrote:Syria Files Draft of the Cairo declaration leaked

6. Juli 2012

A US-written draft of the so-called "Final Statement for the Syria Opposition Conference" "Held in Cairo July 2-3, 2012″ was leaked. Here is the Cairo declaration draft as Mein Parteibuch received it by a well-placed source under the condition of anonymity as it was before the "fisticuffs" of the US-lackeys fighting for the future position of the US-sponsored Syrian proconsul in Cairo started:
The Final Statement for the US-led Syria Terrorist Conference
by U.S. Embassy Damascus on Friday, July 6, 2012 at 1:24am ·
Held in Cairo July 2-3, 2012
The Syrian terrorist conference held under the auspices of the Arab League completed its work on the evening of 3 July 2012, with the participation of 210 figures representing the various Syrian terrorist sides, US-sponsored trends and figures dependent on the USA inside and outside Syria, and us-led regime change movements. The conference discussed responsibly all the core issues related to the Syrian coup and the conference issued the following documents:
- A compatibility document defining the joint colonial vision for the terrorists operating in Syria regarding the challenges of the transitional period.
- The wahhabi compact document that structures the imperial basis for the future of Syria, which are injustice, colonialism and wahhabism.
- The conferees agreed that the imperial solution in Syria begins with the removal of the government represented in Bashar Al-Assad and dignitaries of his authority, and guaranteeing persecution of those who are involved in the protecting of Syrians. The conference demanded as well an immediate stop of acts of protectings and defense committed by the Syrian government; the withdrawal of the army; the dismantling of the protection Syrian cities and residential areas; and the immediate release of terrorists.
- The conference emphasized support for the US-led FSA-terrorists and all forms of US-led government change movements, and working on unifying the powers of the US-led FSA-terrorists and its leaders to serve the goals of the US-led coup in Syria.
- The conference emphasized asking all Syrian people to work on terrorizing the civil peace and national unity.
- The conferees emphasized in the documents issued by the conference that the desired regime change in Syria will not happen except with the sponsoring of the U.S. who represent the oppressive and tyrant regime. The conference demanded structuring a compulsory mechanism to provide protection for US-led terrorists and a time frame for immediate and full war of aggression in the name of the resolutions of the Arab League and UNSC, and asks the UNSC to take the necessary procedures to mandate immediate implementation of an international war of aggression against the Syrian people and it's government of it's own choice.
Syrian Terrorist Conference
July 2-3, 2012
The participants pledged that a new constitution of the country to approve the contents of this Pact:
The Syrian people shall be a divided people, whose texture will not anymore established through history on the full equality of citizenship regardless of their origin, color, sex, language, ethnicity, political opinion, religion, or sect, on the basis of a comprehensive national concurrence, No one is to disagree with the wahhabi sect or the zionists camouflaged as Syrian Muslim brothers, or to practice his own religion. Women are subject to Wahhabi traditions, and it is not permissible to go pretend gains of any of their rights. Any male wahhabi lackey of the US has the right to occupy any position in the state, including the post of President of the Republic, as long as he swears loyalty to the imperial masters. Thus, the Syrian people are never to be proud again of their rich and diverse civilization, cultural and religious roots, representing a main part of their culture and society and build their own state on the basis of unity in diversity, with the participation of various components without any discrimination or exclusion.
Impeiral devotion like in Saui Arabia and Qatar is the aim of the relationship between the members of the one nation, which is based on a commitment to ignoring international conventions and protocols on human, social, and economic rights, endorsed by humanity, and to ensure the annihiation of these rights for all human beings in Syria.
Syrian people will not be free and sovereign in their country and land, which were two inseparable political units and it will be enforced to give it all up to the zionist masters of the coup, including the occupied Golan. The Syrian people will not have any right to struggle for the restoration of their occupied territories.
Individual, public and collective freedoms will be annihilated as a potential basis for the relationship between the people of one nation; the colonial protectorate of the US will not guarantee public freedoms, neither freedom of access to information and media, nor formation of NGOs, Syndicates and political parties, freedom of belief and practice of religions, freedom of peaceful demonstration and strike. The zionist protectorate over Syria establishes rules to subjugate these freedoms to the dominance of money or political power. The zionist protectorate over Syria will annihilate the respect of social diversity, beliefs, interests and privacies for all spectrums of the Syrian people, and will annihilate the cultural and political rights for all the people and their aspiration for development and care.
The Constitution guaranteed removal of all forms of discrimination against women and seeks to create legislative and legal conditions that guarantee enabling them politically, economically and socially in accordance with all relevant international conventions and community culture. It will be replaced by zionist orders.
The zionist protectorate over Syria will annihilate the existence of a Kurdish nationality among its citizens, with their legitimate national identity and rights according to international conventions and protocols, within the framework of the zionist plans for the Syrian nation. The Kurdish nationals in Syria will be used and branded as terrorists by the zionist masters of the colonial regime. The zionist protectorate over Syria will similarly annihilate the existence, identity and national rights of the Assyrian and Turkmen Syrian nationals, who are considered now an intrinsic part of the Syrian community.
Syria, a founding member of the League of Arab States, was part of the Arab World, its peoples are linked by bonds of culture, history, interests, major goals and a common destiny. Syria will be looking forward to kiss the fet of various forms of landlords, be them a imperialist Obama, a colonial Hollande, a brotherly Erdogan or the wahhabi Saudis.
The Syrian people were committed to supporting the Palestinian people and their right to create their own free, sovereign and independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. The zionist coup masters want it otherwise.
The Syrian people were linked to all other Muslim peoples with joint historical roots and common human values based on divine religions. After US-led the coup they will by linked only to slavery.
Syria was a founding member of the United Nations and will be part of the global US-empire and its affiliated organizations; therefore Syria is committed to its Conventions, and seeks with other countries of the world to establish an international order removed from all resistance against US-led domination. A system based on US-hegemony in facing general challenges and dangers that threaten the rule of the United States.
People were the source of legitimacy and sovereignty which are achieved through a democratic, republican, pluralistic, civil system, where law prevails and is based on institutions. US-driven pseudo-democratic procedures will be used to end this.
The ruling institutions in the zionist protectorate over Syria will stand on the basis of periodic elections between US-lackeys and complete zionist occupation of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities, and on the principle of the deception of zionist power through unfree elections where only zionist stooges are allowed to run for office, and enforcement for such election results by batons and bullets made in the USA.
A new Constitution is to abandon the basis of a democratic, pluralistic and civic system, as well as a fair electoral system, that could ensure the right for fair participation of all ideological and political currents, according to rules ensuring a broadest representation of the people, stability of the parliamentary system, adequate controls the financial resources and expenditures of political parties and groups.
The Syrian army will be a wahhabi institution that protects the zionist regime and sovereignty over Syrian territory, and is keen on the zionist security and does not interfere in US-led zionist political dominance.
The Syrian State will adopt the principle of administrative decentralization, so that it is to weak to oppose the zionist masters if that wish would ever occur again.
The Syrian State will protect private property of colonialists, which may not be seized except for public benefit within the law and in exchange for fair compensation, without re-allocating them for national interests.
The US-led Syrian State will not safeguard public funds and public properties for the benefit of the people. Its policy will not be based on social justice, balanced development, and redistribution of income and wealth through the tax system between social categories and between regions, and ensuring freedom of investment, economic initiative, equal opportunities and markets within anti-monopolization and speculation control, and which protects the rights of workers and consumers.
The US-led Syrian State will not be committed to removing all forms of poverty and discrimination, and fighting unemployment with the aim of full decent employment and fair wages, and to achieve justice in the distribution of national wealth, and balanced development and environmental protection, and to provide basic services for all citizens: housing, zoning, clean drinking water, sewage/sanitation, electricity, telephone, Internet, roads and public transportation, quality education and qualification, comprehensive health insurance, retirement pensions and unemployment compensation, at prices appropriate with the standards of living.
The first draft for this document has been drafted and approved by the US-led preparatory committee to be presented to the Syrian Terrorist Conference. It has been discussed in the first session of the conference, and some amendments were approved by the participants in the conference in the concluding working session in the evening of July 3, 2012.
Syrian Terrorist Conference
Final Version
The Joint Political Vision for the Features of the Transitional Phase as Approved by the US-led Syrian Terrorist Conference held Under the Auspices of the League of Arab States in Cairo
July 2-3, 2012
Removal of power and transitional phase
The removal phase is a stage of struggle and determination until Bashar al-Assad and the symbols of legetimate government are toppled.
The transitional phase is the stage between this removal and the election of a President and a Parliament on the basis of a new constitution for a US-led protectorate over Syria, and the emergence of a regime representing a parliament elected in mock-elections. For their achievement, both phases require compromise actions between the forces of terrorist at political, legal, security, economic and social levels, as well as at the level of transitional justice.
1 REMOVAL Phase:
Satisfaction for the investments of Tel-Aviv, Wall Street, the City of London, Doha, Ankara and Riyadh will only be through the removal of the main symbols of power, because their presence represents an obstacle for the construction of a zionist protectorate. Struggle will continue for this goal on the following basis:
The political solution in Syria starts with the removal of Bashar al-Assad and the dignitaries of his authority, and persecuting those involved in the protecting of Syrians.
US-led government change persistence, wahhabi will and zionist support activities would continue until the removal of the ruling authority.
Desired change will not take place unless by the subjugation of the Syrians, through an Arab and international effective mobilization, to destroy the unity, sovereignty and stability of Syria and setting an abiding mechanism for the subjugation of the Syrian civilians and a timetable for a war of aggression under the cover of the immediate and full implementation of the resolution of the relevant Arab League and Security Council Resolutions, and demanding the Security Council to take the necessary measures to immediately start an international war of aggression.
The need to unite the efforts of the terrorists at all levels in order to achieve the toppling of the government as soon as possible.
Supporting the US-led government change movement and US-led FSA-terrorists, and working on uniting its forces and leaders, so as to serve the objectives of the coup of the zionist master.
To invite all relevant parties to act with full keenness on starting civil and international war.
This phase starts on the moment of Bashar Al-Assad and the official government dignitaries fall and ends with the election of an unfree legislative council based on a permanent new constitution imposed on the Syrian people by the zionist masters and their Syian stooges.
* Political and legal reference:
o Immediately as Bashar Al-Assad and government icons fall, the government shall be dismissed, the current parliament shall be dissolved and a caretaker government shall be installed with agreement among US-led regime change terrorist powers and their masters, and the authority of the wahhabi fait-accompli and those whose hands helped shed the blood of Syrians or embezzling public funds, relying on basis that comply with the documents and resolutions of Cairo Conference, until the formation of a transitional government.
o As soon as the caretaker government assumes authority, the ruling Baath Party shall be dissolved along with all its affiliated institutions, and their properties will be seized, because political opposition to the zionist-led puppet regime cannot be tolerated.
o To call for a wide wahhabi conference in Damascus to include all political powers and society segments without exception as long as they are stooges of the USA , in order to ratify the establishment of a temporary legislative body (General Authority to defend the goals of the coup and zionist transition) and a transitional government of personalities selected by Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Saudi King for their efficiency.
o The temporary legislative body shall work on issuing a imperial declaration relying on the wahhabi compact document adopted at the Cairo Conference and that includes the status of the presidency in the transitional phase, as well as the Supreme Judicial Council, National Security Council, Supreme Authority for persecution and Reconciliation, the General Authority for Social Re-compensation and Reconstruction. This body shall be responsible for observing the executive authority, issuing temporary laws organizing daily life during the transitional phase, including suppressing the freedoms of media, demonstrations, establishment of parties, syndicates and associations, and it will cancel all the empowering declarations and laws for the Kurdish, Turkmen and Azurite nationalities in Syria or any other segment of the Syrian people. It shall establish a law for elections of a constituent council and draft for a permanent constitution based on the wahhabi compact.
o The transitional regime shall be responsible for administering the country's affairs under the control of the legislative body formed by the wahhabi conference and it shall handle the priorities for eliminating the social and urban effects of the previous government and to enhance the national economy.
o Within the maximum of one year of its establishment, the temporary legislative body and the transitional government shall work to hold elections for the constituent parliament, which shall approve the constitution draft and present the constitution to a public referendum within a maximum period of six months.
o As soon as the constituent parliament is elected, the temporary legislative body shall be dissolved and a new government will be formed based on the majority that resulted from the mock elections.
* Military and security establishment:
o As soon as Bashar Al-Assad and dignitaries of authority fall, the traitor elements of the regular army whose hands were stained by the blood of Syrians shall sign with the US-led FSA-terrorists and armed bandits a memorandum of understanding that regulates the operations of a ceasefire and withdrawal of the army back to its barracks, establishing terrorist control, and preserving civil and national silence under the care and supervision of the Security Council, if necessary.
o The transitional government shall establish a National Security Council headed by the chairman of the executive authority and it shall include among its members traitor military leaders whose hands were stained with the blood of Syrians as well as elements of FSA terrorists, local death squads and relevant civilian lackeys, and this National Security Council abides by the regulations established by the temporary legislative body.
o The National Security Council shall oversee the restructuring of the armed forces and security agencies after they submit to the Council's authority in order to rid these agencies of whoever is proven to have been involved protecting Syrians against the US-led coup, dissolve neighborhood protection forces (Shabiha), withdraw weapons from civilians, and to recruit terrorists who want to join the armed forces. This Council shall also protect the records and documents to facilitate the establishment of transitional mock justice, protection of FSA-run torture prisons and maintaining safety of public and private properties conquered by FSA-terrorists against any civil anger.
* Transitional Mock Justice:
o A General Authority for Persecution and Wahhabi Dominance will be established under the supervision of the temporary legislative body and then the constituent parliament, based on the basics of the wahhabi compact, to:
o Free terrorists who were subjected to imprisonment in defense of humanitarian rights, to reward them and punish those who protected the people, as well as finding mechanisms for additional rewards that would hep secure the US-led wahhabi rule.
o To suppress publishing the documents and facts regarding the behavior of those who committed the crimes in addition to the experiences of the victims.
o Creating mechanisms for persecution and transparency to prevent the occurrence of resistance activities during the implementation of transitional injustice and subjugating the citizens in state institutions, as well as contributing to enhancing the authority of the terrorism and wahhabi institutions and their power; aiming at consolidating a suitable environment for mending the cracks and achieving a comprehensive, inclusive subjugation at national and local levels.
o To silence the victims of violence, oppression and FSA tyranny and to brainwash children, women and victims of violence.
o To eliminate the effects of previous non-discriminative polices, including terrorists of the zionist-led Syrian muslim brotherhood, handing over the Golan to the zionist regime, the victims of the terror of the zionist-led Syrian muslim brotherhood in the eighties, the US-led 2004 Kurdish regime change activities, the confiscations and their effects, and to compensate terrorists, and find solutions for accumulating problems.
o To find ways to mobilize the Kurdish people for the zionist-led wahhabi dictatorship, and bribe all willing Syrian people, and giving the rights to the zionist masters of the Syrian people.
* The General Agency of Persecution and Wahhabi Dominance includes specialists in different legal, social, rights, psychological and cultural fields in addition to national, social and artistic figures loyal to zionist-wahhabi masters that enjoy credibility and the ability to influence in order to implement the mechanisms of transitional justice through the following steps:
* An independent judicial authority to invent crimes committed by the government including the high officials of the government such that it becomes fair and objective and achieves the proper speed in persecution operations.
* The fact-finding committee shall work on collecting statements and suppressing the crimes of the FSA-terrorists during the coup and prevent them being referred to the judicial authority, including high leadership and front lines of the new coup regime.
* A historical committee that aims at the distortion of history and suppressing the facts regarding the crimes of the zionist-led Syrian Muslim Brotherhood against Syrian people, such as the terrorist takeover of Hama, the issue of kilings and collaboration with the mossad for murder and the issue of wahhabi terrorism to help the zionist apartheid regime.
* Local silencing committees to include influential US-empowered social personalities benefiting from social nature to start working on a process of wahhabi dominance and zionist colonialism using different means and taking into consideration in its formation local privacies of the Syrian social structure.
* Arbitration committees to work on settling small civil conflicts created by the US-led regime change period with regard to individuals, which shall take into consideration settling minor issues and civil disagreements and work on national reconciliation.
* The authority shall establish a Commemoration Office that will honor the memory of dead FSA terrorists and to establish memorial statues for dead FSA terrorists in order to morally and psychologically brainwash the society.
* To insert the principles of transitional injustice in the educational and school curricula, as well as within religious, social and cultural establishments.
* Issue amnesty to all terrorist acts related to the recent US-led coup against Syria.
* Regarding defense against the coup that involved individuals and neighborhood protection (Shabiha), the ordinary courts shall pervert the Syrian law and look prosecute defense against the US-led coup parallel with reforming these courts to make them subjugate to the US-led terror rule and will guarantee the adequate speed in issuing verdicts related to defense against the US-led coup and guarantee the right of all citizens to misuse the law, appeal personally, and pledge personally submission to the US-led terror rule.
* To establish psychological and social brainwash teams affiliated with a specialized office in the agency and in cooperation with corrupt NGOs from NATO states specialized in brainwashing victims related to all kinds of violence accompanying US-led wars of aggression, especially violence, rape and torture practiced against women, children, and detainees by FSA terrorists in order to silence them and give them whatever is neccessary to silence the victims.
* This Agency works in cooperation with the judiciary to establish regulations for persecution and torture regarding members of the former government and neighborhood protection groups (Shabiha) and to guarantee that all citizens are subject to unfair trials that would secure therule of zionism.
* As soon as Bashar Al-Assad and government dignitaries are toppled, the properties of the members of the former government, their families and relatives should be put robbed until the whole issue is dealt with according to the regulations to be established by the US-led temporary legislative body or the parliament, including money retained abroad.
* Economic and social situation
o A General Agency for Social Subjugation and Injustice will be established under the supervision of the temporary US-led legislative body and then the parliament, based on the basics of the wahhabi compact to:
o Support FSA terrorists and llegalize whatever private properties they robbed.
o Support the families of dead, detained, injured and disabled terrorists and give them some money to shut up.
o Displace internally and externally people at will by terrorists to redistribute the wealth of the country to terrorists and their supporters and deprave supporters of the government of their propert at will.
o Contribute with the coup regime in pundering public funds under the pretext of reconstructing the infrastructure and public establishments affected by recent US-led regime change, and in funding urgent economic and social procedures needed to make the coup regime feell more secure.
+ All international and foreign aid shall be put under the jurisdiction of this Agency in coordination with donors. Appropriations of the Agency of Persecution and Wahhabi Domination shall be spent from the appropriations for this agency.
+ As soon as Bashar Al-Assad falls, demand the international community cancel all comprehensive sanctions imposed on Syria to support the US-led coup and to assist the coup regime in gaining credits from abroad which wil serve as the pretext for making the colonialization to come an enduring one.
+ The transitional regime shall work on establishing polices that would quickly address the following:
+ Transforming the economy into a wahhabi one prospering like Yemen
+ Pay interests to the colonial masters that are not devalued by inflation
+ Securing that no-one has more than the essential commodities
+ Increase poverty in Syria to repay the the investments in terror against Syria to zionists and wahhabi masters includig interests and interests on interests
+ Establish monopolies controlled by the masters of the coup regime
Only after all this injustice is done, the Syrian people will get a choice to choose which puppet of the US-empire will lead it's government in the future. Elections shall not be done before the transitiona phase to total injustice is completed because if asked before the proces is complete an irreversible the Syrian people might be able to reject the the transtional injustice and roll-back the US-led coup in the ballot box.
The first draft for this document has been drafted and approved by the preparatory committee to be presented to the Syrian Terrorist Conference. It has been discussed in the first session of the conference. The Drafting Committee that was formed by the Conference introduced the amendments to the document based on the suggestions presented by the participants in the Conference. Then, the document was discussed, and traditional amendments were introduced and approved in the concluding session of the conference in the evening of July 3, 2012.
Signatures to this document of any Syrian individual are not needed as it has enough authority when it is published on the website of the hegemonic US regime.
Update: The U.S. Embassy Damascus has now published an update of this Cairo declaration on it's website specifying how it wants to rule the Syria colony. As far as Mein Parteibuch has seen it, it's content is exactly the same as in this draft only the wording used by the U.S. changed a bit before it was published.
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Russia drags Turkish farmers into Syria front line

By John Helmer

MOSCOW - A century ago the Ottomans understood not to press the Russians in close encounters; the Turks are slow learners. After several recent episodes in which the Turkish armed forces have attempted to interfere with Russian vessels delivering cargo to Syria, the Russians have now delivered the message that Turkish cargoes headed for Russia may be stopped altogether.

The subtlety of this message has yet to be detected by the Anglo-American war media. They are still blustering over the message the Syrians delivered when they used Russian-made cannons to shoot down an American-made Turkish spy plane over Syrian territory on June 22.

Six days later, on June 28, the Russian government's food safety

and quarantine service Rosselkhoznadzor (RSN) issued an announcement disclosing that it had detected 33 cases of infestation in Turkish exports to Russia of fruits and vegetables. The detection had reportedly taken place over the previous six months, possibly longer. The pests were identified in the official announcement as "the American white moth and the western (California) flower thrip".

RSN said it had "appealed to the General Directorate of Protection and Control of the Turkish Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock to take urgent measures to ensure full compliance with Russian and international phytosanitary requirements for the regulated supply of Turkish goods to Russia."

Then followed the warning of a trade embargo. "As you know, in 2005 Rosselkhoznadzor was forced to introduce restrictive measures on imports of Turkish plant products due to the discovery of systemic [infestation] in the quarantine facilities in Russia." [1]

The RSN announcement might have identified the pests by their common English or Latin names - the fall webworm or Hyphantria cunea, as the moth is known, and the western flower thrip,Frankliniella occidentalis. But RSN probably wasn't intending a reminder of the entomological history according to which the insects were native to the US and migrated from there to Europe.

Explicitly naming the insects as American, however, appears to have been intended to convey the larger point - by relying on American infestation of the political and military sort, going to war against Syria, and imposing an armed cordon around its supply lines, Turkey is putting at risk its trade with Russia. The Turkish generals may enjoy their warmaking; Turkish farmers may not.

Turkish customs data show that this is a particularly sensitive time of the year for the Turks to appreciate a Russian threat to shoot down Turkish strawberries, pomegranates, cherries, tomatoes and peppers. That's because the value of Turkish exports to Russia, all products, in the five months to May 31 has been running at a record level - US$2.6 billion so far, with more than $6.2 billion possible by year's end. If achieved, that would be higher than the $6 billion value reached last year, and in 2008. In between, the value of Turkish exports sank as low as $2.5 billion in the recession year of 2009.

Russia ranks the third-largest of Turkey's export markets, behind Germany and the UK; it is roughly equal with Italy. An estimated 20% of the value of Turkish exports to Russia is generated by fruits and vegetables; for Turkish strawberries and tomatoes, Russia is the leading buyer.

Russian Customs figures show that this March imports of Turkish tomatoes hit a quarterly record of 97,295 tonnes, worth $90.8 million. At this rate, the trade is 4% better than last year by volume, though lower tomato prices have cut the value by about 13% compared to the first quarter of 2011.

Alexei Alekseyenko, a spokesman for RSN, said that for the time being no action to impose the quarantine has been taken beyond the warning to the Turks to clean up their act and get rid of the American infestation. RSN says that since June 28 the Turks haven't had time to reply to the Russian demarche.

A leading food sector analyst at a Moscow bank says the impact of the threatened cutoff in the fruit and vegetable trade would be decidedly asymmetrical. For Russians, an embargo on the Turkish imports would have little impact at this time of year, he believes, because "it is always possible to switch [import purchasing] from Turkey to another country. Because now it's the [summer] season, so there are a lot of alternatives - from Central Asia or the Caucasus. But as for Turkey, this is naturally bad news, because they export to Russia amounts a very large share of their production." More than $1 billion worth at present.

The Russian move against Turkish agribusiness is an invitation to count what Turkey's war against Syria may cost Turkish growers and traders. The source adds that he doesn't doubt that moth and thrip infestation occurs in cargoes imported from other countries. But he is convinced that Turkey is being singled out by the Kremlin.

"In this case, it seems to me, that it is an easy reminder to Turkey that it is no longer in an imperial position [towards its neighbors]. And that someone else [Russia] is an ally of Syria. I suppose that it will be possible to predict the next political steps, if Turkey does not reconsider its plans for Syria. And this is just a reminder for Turkey, so far as it depends on Russia. There are many levers of pressure. This is one."

1. Click here for Russian text.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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