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Ruby-Oswald Shooting Photographer ( Robert JACKSON) Says 'No Blood Anywhere'
Calm down, everyone.

As the 50th anniversary approaches, the accessories to JFK's murder will engage in ever more sophisticated disinformation campaigns. Among them will be efforts to lure respected researchers onto paths that lead not to significant evidentiary discoveries, but only to ridicule sufficient to maintain our cultural marginalization.

Speaking of lures: From the Rense story we have this quote --

"'When growing up in Irving, Texas (suburb of Dallas) my neighbor was Dr. Charles Baxter M.D., the Parkland Hospital coordinating surgeon on John Kennedy,' said ["long time JFK truth advocate" Brian David] Andersen. 'On November 23 1974, while I was photographing a hand surgery being conducted by the doctor, Baxter explicated and thoroughly detailed all of the events that occurred related to him regarding the treatment of Kennedy that was purposely excluded from the Warren Commission Report. The truth is so more outlandish than any kind of fiction.'"

Where are our instincts? Does this not all stink?

A certain weakness of our "community" is being exploited here. I speak of a shared tendency to over-complicate scenarios to the point where they are indistinguishable from Hollywood script pitches.

At least one regular poster on DPF -- a person whose intentions are, to my mind, noble -- is disastrously prone to such acts.

As stated elsewhere, I understand that intelligence operations by their nature not only are impervious to dissection by Occam's razor, they are in fact designed to be enhanced by applications thereof.

(To my knowledge, this perspective originates with me. Why has it taken so long to appear? Why has the Occam's razor canard not been previously challenged? Is the struggle more desireable than the victory? But that's a story for another campfire.)

And so we have been handed two new mysteries sure to consume vital energy and taint reputations.

Calm down, everyone.
I have wondered, how could Ruby kill Oswald in cold blood when they knew each other before the assassination? If Ruby thought, I'll just shoot him with a rubber bullet then we'll take care of him later, it would be a much easier act to carry through. The reason I say a rubber bullet is because on that one picture of Oswald sewn up after the autopsy there is a circular bruise on his left lower rib area. A gunshot leaves a puncture wound not evidence of blunt force trauma.
That would be the rubber bullet that was seen and captured on camera bouncing around the basement?

By the same token, what's all this I hear about American sausages in Iran?


American hostages ... ?

Never mind.
Charles Drago Wrote:That would be the rubber bullet that was seen and captured on camera bouncing around the basement?

By the same token, what's all this I hear about American sausages in Iran?


American hostages ... ?

Never mind.

Your sarcasm is well taken. The rubber bullet thought was far fetched but was trying to think what else would explain the blunt force trauma mark. Maybe an upclose shot would do that.
Thanks all for your comments, like i mentioned, i had never thought of this aspect, the no blood, some like Gary macaroni, assumed of course i believed it blah blah, as he does assume soooo much, sorry poo bear..i have just read also of a medical intern or it was a police officer who gave him, what they thought a respiration technique, but he pushed upon his abdomen, which was the worse thing that could have been done, as it pumped out most of his blood, sorry no link, which would have helped kill him, so much faster, it was backed by a docs information also...:cleanears:thanks..b
Bernice Moore Wrote:Thanks all for your comments, like i mentioned, i had never thought of this aspect, the no blood, some like Gary macaroni, assumed of course i believed it blah blah, as he does assume soooo much, sorry poo bear..i have just read also of a medical intern or it was a police officer who gave him, what they thought a respiration technique, but he pushed upon his abdomen, which was the worse thing that could have been done, as it pumped out most of his blood, sorry no link, which would have helped kill him, so much faster, it was backed by a docs information also...:cleanears:thanks..b
I have heard about the person who pumped on the abdomen, but if you're pumping on the abdomen shouldn't that have pushed the blood out of the puncture wound plus the increase in internal bleeding that it must have obviously caused?

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