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New Pentagon video
You're really a piece of work too Charlie. To say that describing JJ & Carter's experience is peddling foolishness ranks with some of the most paranoid of your delusions you peddle here. What did the govt . do to you to piss you off to the point where everything they do is just another nefarious plot.
Cool it guys. I don't think is going any where useful. Whip

Clearly some thing hit the pentagon on 911. What it was is up for debate. It may have been a plane as the government, JJ and TC claim. Or it may have been something else. I could identify a plane seat too but it doesn't mean I am able to identify other more informative items which may lead to a better picture of what happened at the pentagon. And where are all the videos? This one turns up 10 years later from who know where.....Why now? They can plant air plane seats as easily as they can a Mannlicher-Carcano.

As for what the government has done to piss Charles off, it's pissed me off too and I am not even American. Ponzi banking schemes facilitated by the Treasury. Wars for oil in all sorts of places. Installing US friendly dictators where ever it can while telling the world it is a freedom loving democracy. Failing to investigate in any meaningful way the assassination of its own president. Failing to acknowledge it is the victim of a coup d'etat. Failing to prosecute those behind it while all sorts of resources were put into COINTEPRO and killing innocent citizens. Fake elections. Corporate personhood. Committing war crimes of the most heinous nature and telling everyone there will be no justice no accountability like it is just a parking offence and that what we need to do is to look forward, not backwards and everything will be just fine and dandy. With that sort of record it is only sensible to expect anything they say and do to be yet another nefarious plot and part of endless cover up for multiple crimes. What's not to be pissed off about? And if you aren't pissed off why not?

BTW we are not part of the JFK Research forum. Unfortunately that forum is no longer in existence but we do archive the documents and research of Rich DellaRosa and other fine researchers from that forum as respect for them all and for the historical record.

Now, back to the grind stone. Carry on.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda, thank you for articulating the feelings of some of us Americans who have a logically functioning brain and aren't afraid to use it. Everything that you mentioned continues to piss me off, and I think it should piss every American off. Too many people accept what our government says as the gospel truth without looking deeper for the actual reasons that a particular thing or event happened. As George Seldes once said, once you learn to look for the truth and accept it, you will largely be immune from propaganda. That, and when you find the socio-ecomonic reasons behind an event, you will understand why it happened the way it did.

Magda Hassan Wrote:As for what the government has done to piss Charles off, it's pissed me off too and I am not even American. Ponzi banking schemes facilitated by the Treasury. Wars for oil in all sorts of places. Installing US friendly dictators where ever it can while telling the world it is a freedom loving democracy. Failing to investigate in any meaningful way the assassination of its own president. Failing to acknowledge it is the victim of a coup d'etat. Failing to prosecute those behind it while all sorts of resources were put into COINTEPRO and killing innocent citizens. Fake elections. Corporate personhood. Committing war crimes of the most heinous nature and telling everyone there will be no justice no accountability like it is just a parking offence and that what we need to do is to look forward, not backwards and everything will be just fine and dandy. With that sort of record it is only sensible to expect anything they say and do to be yet another nefarious plot and part of endless cover up for multiple crimes. What's not to be pissed off about? And if you aren't pissed off why not?
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Magda, you say cool it and then take Charles' side by pouring more fuel on the fire by suggesting I don't know what there is to be pissed off about. And I was asking what the govt. did to Charles personally not about the things you list that effect everyone.
Well, Charles is part of everyone. And he takes it personally. Very. As we all should. And sorry, didn't mean to pour oil on the fire just pointing out that there is no good purpose served by any one here going at each other. Stick to the ideas, research, stories etc. Charles is Charles and Gary is Gary. That's not going to change.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
James Lewis Wrote:Magda, thank you for articulating the feelings of some of us Americans who have a logically functioning brain and aren't afraid to use it. Everything that you mentioned continues to piss me off, and I think it should piss every American off. Too many people accept what our government says as the gospel truth without looking deeper for the actual reasons that a particular thing or event happened. As George Seldes once said, once you learn to look for the truth and accept it, you will largely be immune from propaganda. That, and when you find the socio-ecomonic reasons behind an event, you will understand why it happened the way it did.

Magda Hassan Wrote:As for what the government has done to piss Charles off, it's pissed me off too and I am not even American. Ponzi banking schemes facilitated by the Treasury. Wars for oil in all sorts of places. Installing US friendly dictators where ever it can while telling the world it is a freedom loving democracy. Failing to investigate in any meaningful way the assassination of its own president. Failing to acknowledge it is the victim of a coup d'etat. Failing to prosecute those behind it while all sorts of resources were put into COINTEPRO and killing innocent citizens. Fake elections. Corporate personhood. Committing war crimes of the most heinous nature and telling everyone there will be no justice no accountability like it is just a parking offence and that what we need to do is to look forward, not backwards and everything will be just fine and dandy. With that sort of record it is only sensible to expect anything they say and do to be yet another nefarious plot and part of endless cover up for multiple crimes. What's not to be pissed off about? And if you aren't pissed off why not?
There is no reason that we should have to live with that level of cognitive dissonance even if the US administration is content to live in their fantasy world.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Gary Severson Wrote:Magda, you say cool it and then take Charles' side by pouring more fuel on the fire by suggesting I don't know what there is to be pissed off about. And I was asking what the govt. did to Charles personally not about the things you list that effect everyone.

Hey Gary, I think CD was a little quick with the lash myself concerning your comments vis a vis the Pentagon (I relate to that I am much the same animal lol) but I do see his James and Magdas point on this issue. Theres a ton to get angry about as Magda says and look she's an Aussie and I'm a Kiwi. Political assassinations and dodgy intelligence antics have massive repercussions the world over.

Trust me I've been on the recieving end of CD's wrath and some of the time I've deserved it lol (CD will say 'all' but hey this is his show and I won't push the envelope). There's actually a lot of humour in CD's comments and he loves picking a scrap. If you confront CD in a mood like this with good humour and an admission you respect his opinion, he'll respect yours. In fact he respects mine so much he totally ignores most of my posts and barely replies to my emails ROFL. In fact to get attention from him I may do something naughty like pick a fight with Dawn again............
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
No, Magda there is no reason to have to live with that. Unfortunately, so many people are brainwashed by our media that we almost have no choice but to live with it. I have damn near gotten into fistfights by merely suggesting that someone other than Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. The mere thought of the government...our government, slaughtering its own citizens for political purposes is verboten here. Never mind the Tuskegee Experiment, slavery, or other examples of American deceit and past evil. If someone on TV behind a news desk says it, it must be right. It's truly ridiculous.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Gary Severson Wrote:I was asking what the govt. did to Charles personally not about the things you list that effect everyone.

Among other things, it sends touts to peddle its lies and wave its bloody flag.

The data is insufficient for me to make a determination as to the motivations for your advocacy for the forces that "did things" -- terrible "things" -- to all men and women of conscience. Are you their witting or unwitting stooge? In the final analysis, the question is moot.

Detectable in your posts is a pattern all too familiar to those of us who have been exposed to and/or targeted by disinformation games. You appear on the blog with blazing guns aimed at our common enemy. And then you begin a subtle pull-back. It begins with the use of ambiguous language sufficient to permit you to engage in semantic games.

Gary Severson Wrote:Magda, you [suggest] I don't know what there is to be pissed off about.

WRONG! YOU asked the question in the most provocative and bellicose and inartful of manners. You chose the language -- you or, perhaps, your handlers.

(How's that for paranoid!)

Then you get personal.

Gary Severson Wrote:I was asking what the govt. did to Charles personally[.]

You pick prime targets. You choose a thread on which at least two of those targets have engaged in heated argument, and you proceed to pour gasoline by offering a poorly composed series of posts (Sorensen) begging for clarification. Clarification is politely sought and politely provided. End of story?

Not quite.

Your next move is to post the Judge/Carter story in such a fashion as to make it clear to every seasoned observer of deep politics that you are endorsing a tale so absurd on its face (magically appearing airplane seats and jewelry that would support the official GOVERNMENT 9-11 conspiracy theory, extraordinary access to a crime scene, etc.) as to provoke belly laughs.

When you are sternly taken to task for your fatal lapses in judgment, you immediately cry FOUL. You plaintively ask after the whereabouts on DPF of polite, "I'm OK, you're OK" discourse.

And all the while you invite more of the same by posting the most poorly reasoned and ill-informed deep political "analyses" this side of the 9-11 Commission Report.

Gary Severson Wrote:Magda, you say cool it and then take Charles' side[.]

You bet your ASS Magda took a side! She is a warrior for truth and justice, and all of us are morally obliged to take sides in this war in which we are engaged.

To be charitable, you seem content to sit around campfires and tell sad tales of the deaths of kings.

To be analytical, you default to the side of your "government" -- whatever the hell that is -- for reasons that remain obscure. For now.

You're in over your head. Your endorsement of the Judge/Carter story is prima facie evidence for your inadequacies as an analyst of deep political events. You have been called out.
Seamus Coogan Wrote:In fact he respects mine so much he totally ignores most of my posts and barely replies to my emails ROFL. In fact to get attention from him I may do something naughty like pick a fight with Dawn again............

Not so, Seamus. I see in you a comrade in arms, and I'm impressed not just by your work, but by your ability to punch and be punched and all the while know that what unites us is stronger than what separates us.

Stay in touch, and I'll be a more responsible correspondent!

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