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The Military and Those Strange Threats to Obama;and as we approach the 50th anniversary o Russ Baker

The Military and Those Strange Threats to Obama; Russ Baker

Yet there's a disturbing military/security thread running through it alland as we approach the 50th anniversary of JFK's demise, we'd be smart to err on the side of caution.''
Lots of lessons to learn from history.....

Adele Edisen
Thin soup by Russ Baker. He might better have mentioned Gabrielle Giffords. Very Hinckley-like.

In a world where the USGOV is eager to classify the Ft. Hood massacre by a man in a Muslim suit shouting Muslim phrases "workplace violence" it's only normal to speculate on nebulous peril to a tool of supranational interests placed on his fencepost by the most powerful.

The current temporary occupant has been completely malleable hence quite safe.

He kept 43's SecDef and kept 43's Iraq timetable, Gitmo, Patriot Act, and so on and so forth and scooby dooby do.

Besides which the author presumes an autonomy of thought and action on the part of the actor impossible.

And as for lithium--a far more obvious raison d'être for continued U.S. presence in Afghanistan is access to the poppy crop.

Besides which, there is something brewing vis-à-vis Iran for which this POTUS is fully committed.

When Brzezinski and Gates coauthor a CFR paper (2004) "Iran: Time for a New Approach" and the Arab Spring is orchestrated to enhance its security and projection, there is an overarching plan.

And as Kennedy insisted upon integrity, and Johnson bowed when Cronkite delivered the pink slip from Langley, the extant executive knows he's just LBJ's schoolteacher:

Johnson, remembering a desperate man: "The schoolteacher came to apply for a job during the Depression in my little town of Johnson City. The school board was divided on whether the world was flat or round, and they asked him how he taught it. The poor fellow needed a job so much he said, 'I can teach it either way.' ",,20095549,00.html

Now, if the Grand Cabal decides to rebrand, then firing a drunken FAA commissioner would be a prudent preventative:


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