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Donald P.Norton then and now ?? Oswald double
FW: Donald P Norton then and Now? (Oswald double) 6

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Here is some first-hand info from one of our group that went to an Oswald High School Reunion and interviewed his buddies and friends. We have Dr. Kurian on video attesting to his statement. This is not heresay from some book, but first person narrative. Donald Norton, whom I spoke with briefly when buying a hat at "Red's Fishing Tackle Store" in Avon Park Florida fits the larger profile. This kind of verification below is extremely rare in the JFK case.

"one Oswald (small, scrappy, undernourished) sees Dr Kurian, the same kid is in Dorrit Wolf's art class in NYC....another Oswald, a big kid is seen by Dr. Hartogs at the Youth House.....the kid that moved from Ft Worth to NYC was the big one remembered by the school friends I talked to at the Arlington Heights class reunion.....the "official, historic Oswald" the little runt is pictured in the Bronx Zoo photo ....none of Lee Harvey Oswald's class mates recognised that photo, all I got from them was, big, husky, the girls said he was "a hunk" gal remembered him as having his own gang of followers, always wearing a black leather jacket......not the little runt photographed by his "brother" in front of the Bronx Zoo....this is where the dual personalities first emerge....this was legend building par excellence....when the KGB checked someone out inside the U.S....they were thorough, read John Barron's book KGB.... but the.Oswald legend would all check out.....".

Here is what I sent out in 2007 regarding the book "Harvey & Lee" and it's importance to the JFK case.

In his classic definitive work on the two Oswalds by John Armstrong, "Harvey & Lee", now available from Andy W at the Last Hurrah Bookshop in Williamsport PA, Donald P Norton is discussed as a double for Lee Harvey Oswald. The attached story by John Judge is a very good perspective from his days in Dayton Ohio.
When one member of the South Florida Research Group tracked Donald P Norton from Jupiter Florida to Avon Park Florida 3 years ago, some of our group made a visit to his Fishing Tackle store called "Red's" to see if he fit the profile. Armstrong believes that Norton dyed his hair red. John visited his home in Jupiter, posing as a buyer, several years ago. When John returned to the house on the following Monday, it was completely empty, and Norton had moved to Avon Park. In my opinion, the one in Avon Park fit the profile, from both age and build, hair is red. John Armstrong believes that the Oswald shot in Dallas was the Middle Eastern double that spoke fluent Russian, while the real Oswald has been moving about ever since the Dallas event.
Several people have requested to see the photo of Norton from the recent 2005 Avon Park newspaper interview, and it is attached here.For further information on Donald P Norton, see pages 187, 412, 491, 521 and 617 in Armstrong's book. There are hundreds of pages on Harvey Lee Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Here is an updated piece by Jack White December 2010....

12-11-2010 04:45 AM #23
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[Image: download?mid=1%5f121421%5fAKXbi2IAAUi1Tu...x&inline=1]
[Image: download?mid=1%5f121421%5fAKXbi2IAAUi1Tu...x&inline=1]
From a 2007 posting by the late Rich DellaRosa on his forum:

Norton for beginners...(posted with permission from Rich DellaRosa.)


Just a brief recap for the newbies:

A person who identified himself as Donald Norton introduced himself to researchers
Mae Brussell and John Judge in the early 1970s and told them he was Lee Oswald.

For a more detailed account see: http://jfkresearch.c...topic,38.0.html

(Mae later told Judge that "Norton had been supporting her radio show by sending
contributions he called CONSCIENCE MONEY...jw)

Several, let's call them researchers, have been muddying the waters regarding this
individual. I have a problem with folks who are careless with research and it has been
demonstrated that when erroneous information gets on the internet it takes on a life
of its own.

In his comprehensive research on the 2 Oswalds, John Armstrong investigated Donald
O. Norton. He spoke to people claiming to know Norton when he was growing up in
Stowe, Ohio, outside of Akron and John traveled to a variety of locations where Norton
had lived and was employed. Armstrong has done more research on Norton than
anyone else I know.

The question, as yet unanswered conclusively, is "Can Donald Oreste Norton be
the man who was born Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939 in New Orleans??"

In 2003, John Armstrong decided not to include Norton in his book Harvey & Lee
because although his research was exhaustive he felt he was less than 100%
certain that Norton is Oswald. John established high standards in performing
his research. I wish all researchers followed suit.

When last we left Lee Oswald in John's book, Lee Oswald was mistaken for Harvey on
11/22/63 by Officer J.D. Tippit. Tippit ostensibly was supposed to locate and kill
Harvey. Lee, in an act of self defense, shot Tippit before Tippit could shoot him.
Lee then walked off into history.

He then seemed to reappear to Judge and Brussell. When news of that encounter
became known, various researchers began a search for Donald O. Norton. Some
tracked him to various locales from Ohio to Florida.

In a case where we find two Oswalds, two Marguerites, two Judyth Bakers (??),
we have two Don Nortons. A Donald P. Norton turned up during the
Garrison investigations in the late 1960s. Donald P. was a homosexual
plant who performed a series of assignments for the CIA and who, while
performing those duties, encountered Oswald and Clay Shaw. Donald P. was
mentioned in Paris Flammonde's book on the Garrison investigation and
it appears that Flammonde has written further about him in subsequent books
and in an upcoming, yet to be released, book. Please note: Donald P. and
Donald O. Norton are 2 separate people, unrelated except for similar names.

John Armstrong last tracked Donald O. Norton to a residence in Jupiter, FL
on the east coast area of Ft Lauderdale. Though John attempted numerous
times to confront Norton, he never came face-to-face with him. It seemed
that Norton kept one step ahead of Armstrong.

In 2003 I ran a People Search report on Donald O. Norton. At that time,
his current residence was listed as Avon Park, FL, about a 45 minute drive
from here. When Armstrong was in my office, I asked him if he was aware
that Norton had apparently moved from Jupiter to Avon Park. He wasn't.

It is important to note that in the report, there was more than one residence
listed for Norton in the past but where Norton never actually resided. One
notable one was in Nevada which curiously had been a residence for
Art Swanson, a self-admitted former CIA employee. That house was owned
or financed by Boatman's bank in St Louis which is believed to be a CIA
front company. Although Norton never actually lived at that address, he
apparently listed that residence on a credit application. Armstrong discovered
another address in Seattle but where neither Norton, nor his wife Lexie,
ever resided.

Now when we came upon this information, we shared it on the forum and a
few individuals began to follow up on some leads and some began to post
on other venues and mis-stated much of the above.

One or two discovered that the Avon Park Norton had colored his hair red
and had adopted the nickname "Red." They further discovered that Red
operated a bait & tackle shop and booked deep sea fishing charters
(a bit strange since Avon Park is not on either of Florida's coasts).

Now one of those guys found an email address for Red and he sent him an
email asking if he was Lee Harvey Oswald? And Red wrote back "No."

Case closed, huh? If nothing else ol' Red knew we found him. Just imagine
someone denying they had a part in a capital offense. Duh.

Add to all this strangeness the fact that recently Red closed his tackle shop
and left Avon Park almost literally over night. Norton has done that before.

Donald O. Norton of Stowe, Ohio was born in 1949 -- which makes him
10 years younger than Lee Oswald. And, it would have made him 14
in 1963. That would seem to rule out Norton being the birth Oswald,

Hmmmmmm, well no, not exactly. Suppose for a moment that a
Donald O. Norton was born in 1949 in Stowe, Ohio in a dysfunctional
family. He went to school there, and he had a real birth certificate and
a real Social Security #. Then something happened -- perhaps he
was killed or MIA in Viet Nam.

If after Lee Oswald killed Tippit, he was to be given a new identity
(name, birth certificate, SS#, etc) rather than given him a bogus,
made up identity what if they gave him Donald O. Norton's ID? All
"they" would need to do was obscure the details of Norton's death.

Few researchers, it seems, are able to grasp this possibility.

That being said, I think there are a few important issues:

* Donald P. Norton and Donald O. Norton are not the same person and they should
not be confused. There is no evidence presented that Donald P. ever impersonated Oswald.

* I t has not been proven that the Avon Park Norton (Red) is the same Norton that
Armstrong tracked to Jupiter, FL.

* John Armstrong chose not to mention Donald O. Norton in his book Harvey &
Lee. Any references to Donald Norton in Harvey & Lee are for Donald P. Norton.

All of this was developed on 'another Forum' to which I don't have access to and wonder if any of it is there any longer, anyway. Be careful about potential operatives 'birthdates' and other such documents, as they can be [and often are] forged. I do remember one member at the 'other' Forum listed the physical address for Norton and I looked at it on Google Earth. I posted the image. It was MOST strange. It showed neighboring homes as normal, but this house had a double-sized roof, that was obviously computer generated and not a photo, as were the other neighbor homes'. The roof covered much of the yard, driveway and any parked cars there. It is the same kind of Google Earth distortions one gets if one looks at a military base or, say Area 51, Interesting.
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The casualness of "Oswald" leaning against Tippit's patrol car and talking to him doesn't indicate any mission to kill Oswald by Tippit. No officer sent to assassinate an individual would ever have given him the drop so badly. They're too experienced to let that happen. There's another explanation to the Tippit scenario.

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