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The Rise of the Naifs: The Attack, Phase Two, Begins
As I predicted in the thread titled "The Rise of the Naifs: Fostering and Exploiting False Perceptions of DPF Vulnerabilities," DPF is being set up, via what by all appearances is a hostile operation, to be characterized as "home of closed and paranoid minds" -- and worse -- and subsequently marginalized.

( )

Within the past 24 hours, the operation has entered into its second phase.

Remember that, over the past few months, DPF has been penetrated by a series of posters who either pose as JFK assassination neophytes and then begin the processes of relentlessly challenging long-settled issues, demonstrating knowledge of the case that a neophyte could not be expected to possess, and/or miring the forum in useless, repetitive, violently espoused arguments about nothing, and/or pitting experienced and honorable researchers against each other as a way to shatter this community.

Phase Two -- attacks on DPF founders based upon our outing and banning of real and de facto agents provocateur -- began earlier today when former member Trowbridge H. Ford sent the DPF founders the following message (in bold italics):

Just dropped by to see how the site is doing, and I believe it is doing very badly. making me think that IT is run by disinformation agents.

Your continuing fights with Fetzer, Cinque, and now Ortiz makes me think that you are too busy getting mirrors of yourself rather than really naming who plotted JFK's and other assassinations.

Makes me think that you had a profile on me, explaining why David Guyatt, Peter Presland and Charles Drago immediately picked fights with me, and decided that I was just another one - what is certainly not true.

Won't even attempt to come back anytime soon.

You people are just problems, not solutions, as I suggested to Charles when he went after me for stating that Marks apparently showed that LHO had been unsuccessfully hypnotized in July 1963 to kill JFK.

Bye, goons!

As Jan Klimkowski reminds us, Ford is "'former' Counter- and Military Intelligence."

Watch this carefully. Form your own opinions. Learn.
My, what a temporal coincidence.....a few new and potentially problematic posters; Ford's revisit and the Pope speaks for the Unspeakable - ALL in the same week. Fasten your seatbelts!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:Makes me think that you had a profile on me, explaining why David Guyatt, Peter Presland and Charles Drago immediately picked fights with me, and decided that I was just another one - what is certainly not true.
That's not what happened at all and the written record will show clearly who picked fights with whom first.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Quote:Makes me think that you had a profile on me, explaining why David Guyatt, Peter Presland and Charles Drago immediately picked fights with me, and decided that I was just another one - what is certainly not true.
That's not what happened at all and the written record will show clearly who picked fights with whom first.

Revisionism with evil intent.

Another agent provocateur tactic.
With all good deference to the posters in this thread (and others) who have participated and who proceed me chronologically, I rise in simple solemnity on a point of personal privilege both to make a point, and ask a question.

The point which I wish to make is that the preceding posts in this thread (as well as many others in other threads) positively reek of a quiet, slightly-smarmy inside smugness of sly meaning decipherable perhaps to those privy to side-channel communications.

Point having been made, I state my personal privilege and question because the inference, possibly, given the fact that the predecessor thread terminated on a discussion of my suggestion, is that somehow I am indicated, involved in, a pass-through for, a backide blocking pulling guard, or otherwise seen in some questioning or disregard on this potent question of folks being at war on the matter of a certain conspiracy or conspiracies and active psy ops, propaganda, and disinformation.

The facts that the posts and the side-channel communications are underway/ongoing and which involve "titular" members of DPF as moderator, founder, administrator and/or other, beg the question -- especially given the phoenician history of this web site, let alone the events (known and or unknown, spoken and clarified or forever mysterious) at other web sites (and their players).

Having been approached by one to participate in an encounter from which I demurred, but having participated in several similar events at non-DPF discussion boards -- I am compelled to ask publicly for a statement of intent and perception with regard to my participation here.

I say that not out of some kind of bravado or in a way that ought to suggest that I am a heavyweight to be contended with. It's just that, given the backdrop in which the US government and its many allies are moving clearly in a way which -- with quite nasty and threatening consequences -- suggests that participation if seen in the wrong light can have serious consequences.

But in recognition that I am indeed small potatoes, I still feel compelled also to state that any discussion -- especially by moderators and administrators -- about members that is suggestive of their complicity as agents in an active way in a discussion about conspiracies demands the same kind of precision and clarity of language that is demanded of scientific, forensic, logical or other forms of evidence.

This thread and many of its comments, along with predecessor comments, should be drawing a penalty flag or a whistle for a foul, or be relegated to an abyssmal chasm.

[size=12]There's a saying in the world of aikido: "Put it on the mat."
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
A simpler re-statement of the above would be appreciated, Ed.

I would ask that you elaborate clearly on the following portion of your post:

"Having been approached by one to participate in an encounter from which I demurred, but having participated in several similar events at non-DPF discussion boards -- I am compelled to ask publicly for a statement of intent and perception with regard to my participation here."

Are you asking us to bless you, or to clear you of some sort of charge?

Also, you note that,

"the predecessor thread terminated on a discussion of my suggestion[.]"

I am unaware of any thread "termination" to which you may be referring. Please elaborate. To which "suggestion" do you refer?

Also, I'm troubled by the inference you would have us draw that somehow you are being targeted for unfair treatment at DPF. I speak for myself and my partners when I tell you that your contributions to DPF are of immense value to our shared goals. You are a prized member of this forum.

Finally, you have the right to express dissatisfaction with the way DPF does business. Doing so not only does not diminish you in my eyes; it in fact enhances my respect for your mind and heart.

But if you are looking for a Columbo-style investigation of the attacks described herein and/or a Grand Jury-worthy bill of indictment against their perpetrators, then you need to enhance your understanding of how hostile operations such as those targeted against DPF are designed and executed.

Events are transpiring behind the scenes -- events which, for many valid reasons, owners of DPF must keep to themselves. You may doubt the veracity of this claim, and you may express that doubt here without fear of retribution.

But in the final analysis, DPF owners reserve the right to act in accordance with the dictates of our best, deep politics-informed judgment.
Charles Drago Wrote:...I would ask that you elaborate ... our best, deep politics-informed judgment.

Thanks, Charles, for your well-spoken and prompt reply. I will respond as follows:

Listen now tolerably-full sound; watch in full-screen HD later.


1) A simpler statement is not possible under the circumstances; I thought, knowing full well of my own propensity for elongation of text, I had sharpened that more precisely than it appeared. But that is what dialogue is for....

2) You asked for my elaboration with regard my having been approached... I decline to do so for the same reason you decline to disclose back-channel communications among DPF leaders. [To do so would be to possibly betray a confidence when there was no clear incentive or reason for betraying it.] But I also have a propensity for communicating with people indirectly and prior experience in similar but not the same kinds of discussion board intrigue.

3) "I am unaware of any thread "termination" to which you may be referring. Please elaborate. To which "suggestion" do you refer?"

Well, my bad choice of word, as the open thread at that time certainly was not terminated in any sense. My own assumption is that I see you jumping into a new thread started by you and directly linking and referencing that thread whose last posts were about my suggestion -- which, having made it here in at least two other posts, I think has tremendous -- albeit difficult to produce -- merit as a thinking tool. [It, especially if compiled openly and transparently,would out a lot of information and people in a hurry.] That, coupled with the open processes and statements inside US government and jurisprudence, as well as having been the target personally here and elsewhere, suggested I'd best clarify things. Sometimes we who seek something of honor or justice have our own paranoia skip to a Brubeckian rhythm.

4) "Are you asking us to bless you, or to clear you of some sort of charge?"

In a word, yes. But there's a hell of a lot of distinction that has to be made.

I don't need anyone's blessing -- I have been blessed in so many ways it is hard to keep track of them all -- and "charge" is far too strong a word. "Suspicion" might not be, especially given my stated opinions and POV's here, at other sites, in blogs (dead, new, or proposed). But your further statements made it more clear.


A) "the inference you would have us draw that somehow you are being targeted for unfair treatment at DPF"

If you drop the personalization that you think I inserted, as reflected in your use of the word "you", then you have it precisely. Is someone here is being targeted or is under suspicion? As long as it's not me, I'll go back to my little tome of Zen instructions for the monastery's cook.

B) "I speak for myself and my partners when I tell you that your contributions to DPF are of immense value to our shared goals. You are a prized member of this forum."

That one will get framed and hung along side the plaques for rookie and MVP awards as an umpire, or the one from the organization that employed me that says "thanks for putting us on the map".

That was not what I asked for, so I appreciate it deeply. It suggests I may continue doing something more of what I am doing. It's almost right out of "A Passion for Excellence" or that TV show where the CEO goes undercover.

6) "the right to express dissatisfaction with the way DPF does business"

No dissatisfaction to express except perhaps that I see a troubling slippage of your own [CD's] recent expressions to something that is more fitting for a lower road than the one you usually attain and urge others to do so. But if there is rough sailing that is agitating your rudder, I'll shift my weight.

7) "a Columbo-style investigation of the attacks"

Not interested, so long as I am not the focus. That's among the reasons I demurred on the offer of collaboration and why I demur on talking about it. That's not narcissistic; that's simply an overactive scanning system brought to a higher pitch because of others' surveillance. [This gets to be Freudian or Jungian or something.]

8) "you need to enhance your understanding of how hostile operations such as those targeted against DPF are designed and executed"

I'd be very interested in learning about the topic in a way, time and manner best chosen by the DPF leadership.

9) "Events are transpiring behind the scenes -- events which, for many valid reasons, owners of DPF must keep to themselves."

I lack sufficient clearance for that knowledge.

And there is a whole kaleidoscope of events going down.

10) "DPF owners reserve the right to act in accordance with the dictates of our best, deep politics-informed judgment."

I don't dispute that and stipulate to it. Just consider me one of the many rotating blades that likes to see that best judgment kept regularly sharpened.

I have the utmost respect for DPF leadership, especially you and that fair sheila down in Oz way and the now-retired David Guyatt. His membership still serves as a reminder (or ought to) of keeping to the high road. I lift my cup...


So, in summary, CD, as my life turns in already-stated directions, my visits here will be less frequent. There are certain interests for which I act as a gatherer, but these can be more automated in the future.

And since, by existential issues, my presence here will be less frequent or different, I wanted to insure that I was practicing "safe camping" and not leaving behind either trash or embers.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed, I echo what CD wrote about your contributions here...and read your two latest posts with ....ah ..dismay to say the least.
No-one here is out to get you in any fashion, or disrupt any of your threads. I have no clue who asked you to "conspire" or why.
Simply put I do not understand what prompted these posts...
Surely you understand that we, the owners of DPF, do have private email exchanges and have some problem posters from time to time; that we
must make judgement calls as to their purpose here at DPF. But none of this has ever been about you, there has never been a question
about your purposes.
I am baffled.

Myra and everyone else:

I don't think DPF is a forum where anyone should be targeted unless what they are doing is anathema to life and love, to human right, functionality, knowledge acquisition, comprehension, and right action.

An explanation arrived by e-mail.
I will keep that to myself and not speak of it to anyone.
I understand now.

I am afraid I upset the apple cart by asking a question which makes me appear paranoid and makes it appear that I feel I am being picked on, targeted, etc. I apologize for that; nothing could be farther from the truth once a simple denial or statement that I am not under suspicion has sufficed. I can drop it now. I was pretty sure, but now am certain with the explanation, that I'm not interested in digging into those details or that intrigue, and have no contact with it or any of the people noted.

I was concerned about me because of my prior experiences on this board and more importantly at two other boards where my anti-Zionist views are more strongly known and expressed, where I was busy "outing" the current US administration as a Zionist tool, where I had already "outed" five people as "agents" (three of them openly published and past history in terms of 9/11, two of them not yet disclosed, one clearly a foreign military asset, to say nothing of the usual coterie of ex-elite soldier and less well-armed types) but which is now a moot point as that discussion board [CGCS] was brought down by means and method not yet clarified or understood but for which I am/was/probably still are seen as the primary indirect source by posting anti-Zionist material on a consistent basis. [Furthermore, my nemesis there followed me to a re-energized E Pluribus Unum where I will no longer be active because the man is anathema to me; I have had three personal human interactions with him (lunch, a phone call, a visit during my rehab process)(it was the phone call that allowed the full flavor of the individual to emerge).

Inside the US polity, any discussion or debate about AIPAC/Zionist or Jewish influence on domestic Presidential, congressional or other politics, to say nothing of US foreign/military policy, draws immediate attention, some degree of back-talk, intimidation, or even threat. I have been intimidated frequently, been called "crazy", and have been threatened physically, and have been generally "targeted". [It's minor stuff given the totality, and others here have suffered far worse.] [I am also deeply informed about the degree of US and Israeli surveillance and penetration of the US Internet/social media.] It's not a mystery to anyone paying attention that I have done my own deep reading and history into Zionist history and internal American awareness of it and speaking out against it since the very early 1900's if not earlier. These Zionists and their friends are knowingly active in covert assassination of perceived enemies, and the White House information tzar and others suggest that discussion of conspiracy theory can warrant extrajudicial detention, unlimited detention without rights, or even assassination. My visible presence here, elsewhere, for years before DPF even existed, as a "9/11 Truther" has identified me as a potential terrorist and y'all are familiar with the NDAA etc. If I appear to be over-reactive, perhaps I have good cause as my internal mind scans the known universe for threats to its safety and that of others. So, as long as whatever is going on in the background of DPF doesn't involve me, Zionist issues or histories, I'll relax and rest more easily.

As has been expressed on my blog, my life seems to be turning more towards creativity through writing and music. There have to be at least two dozen short stories on a range of topics, plus the early forms or "chapters" of two major ones, and on top of that, I am still [perpetually, on a daily basis] discovering my iMac, its GarageBand, and my own predilections toward music and music composing. The book I just bought ("the one that should have been in the box") says that GarageBand is like having a word processor for music. That blog clearly indicates a recent radical shift in life's emphases and documents the interface in the human mind/body of music, mobility and movement, and ways in which the corpus callosum can be set to humming at various wave lengths.

As a former professional medical transcriptionist who used to type -- at high speed -- a range of foreign doctors dictating in English a range of medical reports from simple and complex surgery to lengthy histories to consults, etc., while I also listened to jazz playing in my other ear (and who raised his income from $5 hour to $35K a year by mastering the use of memory and template and "banked" major strings of text used by the more frequent dictating physicians and the more frequent types of reports) , then using the same tools to create music worked out on a keyboard/synthesizer that can replicate drums, horns, organs, pianos, strings, nature sounds, laughter, church bells, cathedral organs, and capture it all for similar "placement" and then also record it for export by MP3 and YouTube, as well as assist in making podcasts and ppt-like presentations with imagery and sound, and I sense I am sitting on a potentially-Krakatoan form of creativity and output. [David Guyatt warned me of this.] [If you are in touch with him, give him my best, please.]

Keep in mind that I have a B.A. in Communications Studies with emphasis on film, video and sound production -- what was that loud crack you just heard? -- with experience in newscasting, news gathering, news editing, interviewing, and a major seniors project on broadcast news and public affairs in 1973 with written and oral reports plus syllabi whose grade was literally off the charts on my visit to ABC-TV News Evening News production from 8AM to just after 7 PM that included face-to-face meetings with the graphic producer, two associate producers, the executive producer, and a seat at the table of all production meetings (all teletype and transcript copy provided gratis). [On the trip down, I drove from Amherst to their Manhattan offices in that fire-engine red Mustang in two hours flat.]

I am going to have to back off my DPF activities for a while while I go through A LEARNING CURVE.

I have no idea how long that will last.
Given my penchant for reading, deep politics, mind/body topics, and other interesting things, I have no idea where it will lead. [Input and suggestions always welcome.]

I did seriously consider simply backing off of politics in general with an attitude that "you can't beat City Hall". But it won't let me go, and the idea that an antidote is to be found inside "Summon The Magic" (I think we have to help people learn to live and love fully as humans, and the politics will probably take care of themselves if they do.) is deeply embedded in me.

And I have a new tool.

So I can back off the intrigue of the thread and the site in general and get busy learning...

I am not leaving DPF.

It is entirely possible I will return in spades, with drums, videos, and original compositions of text and music.

The Muse has come by more frequently this week to visit; when it does, I have plenty of note paper tucked away in briefcase, car, and elsewhere, and I pull over to get the thoughts down. Krakatoa is rumbling.

So, hang in there...

I have very high regard for the mission of DPF, and I get a little hot under the collar when the battle gets a little nasty.

And I get concerned when I see that there is a way to make the site more functional and productive.

But if nastiness is what's required, so be it. So long as it doesn't involve me.

I think in the thread I used the term "safe camping" when clearly what I meant was something more akin to "low impact or no impact camping".

It's appropriate, given that video and the idea that I have some mountains left to climb....


Point to be made in parting, said in faith and humor:

One of the mysteries -- among people who work with its concepts daily -- i
s the breakdown in compartmentalization between back-room communications and that in the foreground.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
The above can be considered a virtual discussion board form of "clearing my baffles".

Here, with a hint from a scene in an old military-industrial-Hollywood-intel bit of entertain/predictive* sandwiched by two ads for the new Mercedes Benz roadster, topped with a slice of post-release explanation dialog from "A Grumpy Scot", is an explanation:

Quote:In the scene where Ramius and Borodin are discussing what their intentions are when they reach America, Jones yells out "Crazy Ivan", though Ramius does not give the order to perform a "Crazy Ivan" at any point in that scene, or the previous scenes. [Nope. Borodin says that he's ordered a 'routine clearing of the baffles'. Red October performs a Crazy Ivan to accomplish this.].

*Of special interest given the supposed role of PROmis software used inside nuclear subs amidst the crazy interplay of US & Israeli governments and intelligence systems, of which I have read deeply and understand at a level better than all but a few, but I have communicated with those few.


Or perhaps it was a ping.

One ping only.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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