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From Bill Kelly..on .two oswalds
thanks John, much better now we see the man..''quote
It irritates the hell out of me, btw, to have to pay for prints I could easily do myself. But film is obsolete, and my darkroom stuff resides in dusty boxes. So it goes.'' Jeffer used to have one many years ago also, but it also went the way of the dusty boxes,another reason being after too many little fingers go into all, too many times.:nono:you couldn't keep them out of anything..once their minds were made he also went the way of paying for prints..thanks much...b
For Oswald to have a "double" is not at all unlikely. I have a close family member who, while in HS, became good friends with his "double", and the double became a family friend. The double was not related, and each of the "twins" had features that could easily be compared to each set of parents, although each "set of parents" were not very similiar to the other set. Now, if known well, each double could be identified correctly, but a casual aquaintence could mistake one for the other, and often did. Unfortunately, my relative's "double" was killed in an accident the month prior to the JFK assassination. Along with the loss of a good friend and person, when viewing the deceased, the similiarity of the "doubles" was quite apparent to friends and family members of both "doubles". So for me, the possibility of an Oswald "double" being arrested in the Texas Theater on 11/22/63 is absolutely possible. I am not discounting any area of research, but I do want to acknowledge a strong possibility.


Bernice Moore Wrote:

James Douglas & Wes Wise

Thanks Bill. Very curious piece. I have long believed that many things of importance, hidden away by our MIC would be found as people pass on. People keep copies of things, take stuff home they "should not" (ie the powers that be would be furious) Of course that still does not explain the gaps...and other missing info...Which makes this tape all the more curious.

My memory is that the media was getting the info on the patsy almost as quickly as were those on Air Force One. (That is why I became suspicious. )

Q. why are the names James Douglas and Wes Wise on your article? At first I thought it was there because they wrote it but it is clearly your (terrific) blog. (Or are there photos of them?)

"Stranger" - Major Patterson- was also a new name to me.

Reading the transcript and comments was chilling.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Bernice Moore Wrote:

James Douglas & Wes Wise

Thanks Bill. Very curious piece. I have long believed that many things of importance, hidden away by our MIC would be found as people pass on. People keep copies of things, take stuff home they "should not" (ie the powers that be would be furious) Of course that still does not explain the gaps...and other missing info...Which makes this tape all the more curious.

My memory is that the media was getting the info on the patsy almost as quickly as were those on Air Force One. (That is why I became suspicious. )

Q. why are the names James Douglas and Wes Wise on your article? At first I thought it was there because they wrote it but it is clearly your (terrific) blog. (Or are there photos of them?)

"Stranger" - Major Patterson- was also a new name to me.

Reading the transcript and comments was chilling.


Hi, While I have written extensively about Wes Wise and Carl Mather, the story posted is from James Douglas and his book, which he attributes in a footnote to Gary Shaw and another researcher who interviewed Mack Pate (See: Red Ford)

While James Douglas refers to the car Mr. White saw as a red 61 Ford Falcon, he actually said at first it was a 57 Plymouth, which in fact is what is registered under the tag number he wrote down. I think I explain the Ford Falcon in the post under that name.

It's a shame that Douglas had to refer to the interviews with Mack Pate via Shaw, rather than just sticking with what Wes Wise and White had to say, and I'm dissappointed that Douglas wasn't familiar with my more detailed research, but I can't force people to read my stuff.

And thanks to Tom Scully, who located "Stranger" (aka Patterson), I've talked to him and he has confirmed much of what Pierre Salinger says in his book, and what we know from the AF1 Radio tapes, with more to come on that count.

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