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Guns of November - Part 1 - Background
AUDIO VIDEO - Background of the JFK presidency and the assassination
Dave Emory

Length - 2:19:38

Uploaded by ConspiracyScope on Feb 18, 2012
Originally broadcast November 1, 1983. part 1 of 5...

The first of the "Guns" programs sets forth the political and historical background of the focal point of the series, President Kennedy's assassination. As Kennedy was preparing to take office, elements of the national security establishment were circumventing presidential and constitutional authority. Beginning with discussion of the U-2 incident, this program presents abuses committed by elements of the intelligence community. Allegedly shot down by a Soviet missile, the CIA's U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers appears to have been deliberately sabotaged, in order to force the cancellation of a summit conerence between Soviet Premier Khruschev and President Eisenhower. (The plane's downing accomplished just that.) Powers attributed the plane's downing to information allegedly supplied to the Soviets by Lee Harvey Oswald. Another Cold War incident of the early 1960's was the CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion. Right-wing elements have faulted President Kennedy for failing to provide the invasion force with air cover. In this program, we find indications that the invasion's air support was deliberately saboaged by elements within the Agency command strucure for the invasion! One of the people involved with that sabotage was apparently General Charles P. Cabell, Deputy Director of CIA. Cabell also helped arrange the Mob assassination attempts on Castro, believed by many to be connected to the Kennedy assassination. The official version of Kennedy's murder contends that Jack Ruby was a "lone nut" murderer, moved to eliminate Oswald by grief over Kennedy's killing and sympathy for Jackie. In fact, Ruby was a major Dallas-area organized crime operative. In the days leading up to the assassination, Ruby was in close touch with organized crime elements bitterly opposed to Kennedy. Prior to Kennedy's killing, Mafia dons Santo Trafficante and Carlos Marcello foreshadowed the killing. Presented as a "lone nut" leftist motivated by his sympathy for Fidel Castro, Oswald was shepherded around the New Orleans area by fascist elements and figures directly connected to the CIA's anti-Castro forces. The broadcast analyzes the intelligence community elements around Oswald and presents evidence that he was being set up as a patsy. Particuar emphasis is placed on the information developed by the unfairly-maligned Jim Garrison, the heroic D.A. of New Orleans, who investigated the assassination and correctly identified many of the participants. Among the highlights of the program is an actual broadcast interview with Oswald in which he states that, while in the Soviet Union, he was ". . . at all times under the protection . . ." of the U.S. government.


News & Politics

JFK assassination
Dave Emory
Nip Tuck
Brussell sprouts
Mae Brussell
Lee Harvey Oswald
L Fletcher Prouty
The Secret Team
The Guns of November
Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5
I've listened to parts 1 & 2 so far. Good condensation of the evidence.
From The Guns of November:

Rudolph August Winaker (phonetic spelling)

Born: August 24, 1904 in Germany

Original Language: German

1931 - 1941: Lecturer in History, one of Hitler's 26 historians

1942 - 1945: OSS, U.S. War Department, Analyst

1945 - 1949: Historical Divison of U.S. War Departmet

1949 - 1965: Chief Historian, Historic Division of Pentagon

From: WHO'S WHO IN THE CIA by Mader

Is it any wonder that Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, a member of the Warren Commission, who dissented strongly from the reported conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald shot the
President, and who had been promised by Justice Earl Warren that his dissent would be published in the Commission's Report, did not get it published? Two other dissenting members of the Commission, Senator John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky and Representative Hale Boggs of Louisiana, also were not noted. Three of the seven members of the Commission disagreed with the Report's conclusions. The fix was in.

Ah yes, Dave Emory.....he's very good as summarizing things DEEP. Back in the days before the internet, I used to listen to his weekly radio show. I believe Mae Brussel was his inspiration. Yeah, they got rid of dissenting opinions one way or another. We know how they handled JFK, RFK and MLK...I believe that Boggs' mysterious plane crash in the mountains of Alaska was well planned payback and to let the others know to NOT say much more against the august Warren Commission and its knowing lies. My own count has more than a hundred murdered as a direct or indirect means of keeping the 'lid' on the truth of Dallas. We were overthrown in a coup, like the very large 'banana republic' we have long been. :gossip: The failure to release all the documents is just proof, if any proof is needed, that those who are heirs to the coup are still in firm control....'change' you can't believe in, and we can't live with. The 'guns of November crowd' are very much at the helm and taking the ship of state into more and more dangerous waters. Long overdue for a mutiny!! :mexican: Sadly, they [heirs to the guns of November] have most Americans spellbound in a non-contest between two clones of theirs in an upcoming phony election that will change nothing fundamental. Its a rigged game unless one steps outside of it and rejects it completely. They use propaganda and magician's tricks to misdirect most Sheeple. Those who see clearly and yell of the 'icebergs dead ahead' are either ignored or eliminated - one way or another. As Adele has pointed out, these dark forces were long at work in the USA well before 11/22/63, but that was a major consolidation of their power. In my own personal opinion, we still live with that configuration reconfigured and reconsolidated that day. It is why I feel exposing the truth of Dallas is so important - important enough to potentially pry open the minds' eye of many to other things that have happened before and since - and that are happening daily, at an increasing pace. :curtain: After all, if they can murder a President and change the course of the Nation's path [mostly secretly], what can't they do [and what have they not done!]?

NB - I had gone into detail on the EF [now deleted with all of my posts] how I had contacted Kokie Roberts of NPR, who is Boggs daughter. I tried to interest her in exploring the mystery of her father's death - but it was a topic she didn't even want to consider or talk about [that it might not have been an 'accident']. Sad, the power of myth.....and fear of looking in dark closets most are told not to look in. Spy
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Notice You-Tube puts a lesbian porno video at the top of the Emory assassination videos. What CIA wants researchers to do is hit the lesbian video out of curiosity so they can register lesbian porn in their viewing record.

This series of videos is rich in conspiracy information. It hits the heads of Americans with a dull thud and is watched by under a thousand viewers.

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