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Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy
Good points over at EF Jim. Why can't someone write a book without resorting to utilizing known hacks whose sole job re JFK seems to be only to find ways to smear him? That alone makes the book suspect.
Because it shows an agenda that is inconistent with a search for that elusive truth.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Who the heck was looking for him?

Everyone else considered him nothing but a witness. So you use his testimony from newspapers or the trasncript.

It was only Damore and Janney who got this idea about him being the actual hit man.

So they have him at a CIA safehouse which returns letters from journalists.

My good man Jim, this still doesn't identify Mr Mitchell. Sorry, but the way it works is as long as Mitchell remains unidentified Janney's contention remains viable. The point stands, no matter what the situation, as long as a major witness in such a trial remains unidentified the questions about him remain unresolved. Frankly I find it unusual that no one can identify him. And the more controversy builds up around him, as it is doing, the more the lack of identification becomes meaningful.

Sure you could accuse Janney of committing the logical fallacy of making up anything he feels and inserting it into that void, however there's too much of a covert footprint here to ignore that is too similar to other CIA hits.

As for the timeline, Janney says the cops started their walk at 12:40. If we are generous and allow Janney the maximum of ten minutes for the interview of the people on the railroad tracks we are at 12:50 at most. Somehow Janney stretches this to possibly 1 o'clock. How does he figure that? The most we can stretch that to is 12:50 - no more. If we are generous again and allow the full 20 minutes for the next mile we are at 1:10. If I'm reading Janney right he backdates the Crump arrest to his first encounter with officer Warner at around 1 or 1:05. So he's trying to say the black man officer Sylvis saw poke his head out of the bushes happened after Crump was under the control of Warner. Hmm, the times are close enough that I'm not sure.
Covert footprint?

Albert, this is as bad as you using a letter from the LA Times by Cicely Angleton.

Janney and Damore can't find him, so that makes him a CIA agent?

No it does no such thing sir. Not in the least. Not if we have any standards in this field. If research is to have any validity, it has to be deductive. That is, the conclusions derive from the evidence, not from a pre conceived agenda.

And when Damore says that he wrote this so called CIA safehouse, and the hit man ANSWERED HIS LETTER! I mean please, Albert, please. That is so ridiculous as to be comedic.

But that's not enough for Janney. Damore then called the hit man. They stayed up talking most of the night according to the author. THe guy spilled his guts out. Happens all the time right? From a safehouse.

I don't know if you understand how these work. I do, since I do, or used to do, a lot of field investigation and reading about them. These places are monitored and surveilled, everything and everyone that comes in or goes out is only allowed entrance or exit with permission. So what Janney is talking about here is completely foreign to my experience.

The other problem is, if this conversation did happen, where is the tape? Damore said it was taped in March of 1993. If you read the book, it does not exist. Even though Damore lived for two more years. And Janney had 17 years to find the tape. Now further, Janney implies that Damore said he actually met with Mitchell. (Some covert footprint. Damore had lunchwith a CIA assassin.) Where is the file on this? If he met with him and talked to him at length, where is all the information he should have then?

Let me tell you Albert: it is nowhere.

I will talk about this strange negative template at length in my review.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Good points over at EF Jim. Why can't someone write a book without resorting to utilizing known hacks whose sole job re JFK seems to be only to find ways to smear him? That alone makes the book suspect.
Because it shows an agenda that is inconistent with a search for that elusive truth.


Totally agree Dawn.

Janney needs that agenda because he needs JFK to be something he is not so that Meyer/Leary can guide him to the promised land.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Good points over at EF Jim. Why can't someone write a book without resorting to utilizing known hacks whose sole job re JFK seems to be only to find ways to smear him? That alone makes the book suspect.
Because it shows an agenda that is inconistent with a search for that elusive truth.


Totally agree Dawn.

Janney needs that agenda because he needs JFK to be something he is not so that Meyer/Leary can guide him to the promised land.

The JFK hits keep coming and seem to be picking up. And, I seem to have seen a lot of Dale Myers on TV lately. If I can recognize fake evidence, I would think everyone can.


Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Damore then called the hit man. They stayed up talking most of the night according to the author. THe guy spilled his guts out. Happens all the time right? From a safehouse.

Perhaps Sinjin Hunt can cast a little black light on this story.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Covert footprint?

Albert, this is as bad as you using a letter from the LA Times by Cicely Angleton.

Janney and Damore can't find him, so that makes him a CIA agent?

You have to admit not being able to find that guy doesn't deter the accusation. This guy disappeared. I have to be honest with you that doesn't work against his being a spook and if it was a CIA hit his testimony doesn't work against their alleged purposes. Not everything the Times writes has to necessarily be false. There could be elements of truth to some of the information. For instance even if what the Times wrote is complete bullshit Angleton could have been worried about the diary because of what it potentially contained. You are kind of suggesting Angleton was there for a dinner date, but remember we are talking about the same guy who went and got the contents of Scott's safe in Mexico. It fits his MO.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:And when Damore says that he wrote this so called CIA safehouse, and the hit man ANSWERED HIS LETTER! I mean please, Albert, please. That is so ridiculous as to be comedic.

But that's not enough for Janney. Damore then called the hit man. They stayed up talking most of the night according to the author. THe guy spilled his guts out. Happens all the time right? From a safehouse.

Perhaps Mitchell was so out in the open they decided giving the appearance of CIA openness worked in their interest. After all he did testify at a trial. Perhaps this phony image of CIA openness was used to their advantage, or used to avoid how they would appear if they didn't answer. Mitchell could have spilled a cover story used for disinformation purposes.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I don't know if you understand how these work. I do, since I do, or used to do, a lot of field investigation and reading about them. These places are monitored and surveilled, everything and everyone that comes in or goes out is only allowed entrance or exit with permission. So what Janney is talking about here is completely foreign to my experience.

I think Douglass did a good job showing how many loose lips CIA actually did possess. It could be CIA was unaware of exactly how much JFK did potentially tell Mary Meyer? Angleton's reaction shows that they may have been caught by surprise by Meyer's murder and rushed to cover their asses. It could be Mitchell was used to plant the seed for disinformation ops against Kennedy based on this diary. An admitted CIA hit could be used to plant a false history that worked to muddy both the waters and JFK's reputation. Leary, being compromised by threatened jail time, could have helped this history along. Then people like you come along, rightfully blow the whole thing out of the water on the basis of provable fact, and the doubt continues at full expected force. Don't underestimate the CIA or its room full of mirrors Mr Di.

And when Damore says that he wrote this so called CIA safehouse, and the hit man ANSWERED HIS LETTER! I mean please, Albert, please. That is so ridiculous as to be comedic.

But that's not enough for Janney. Damore then called the hit man. They stayed up talking most of the night according to the author. THe guy spilled his guts out. Happens all the time right? From a safehouse.

Damore channels Helen Markham, is able to communicate with spooks.

The Magical Mystery Smear proceeds apace.

If everyone who believes in fairies will clap their hands, Janney Tinkershill will come back to life as a mockingbird with gossamer wings.

The Majestik-12 documents require less logical gymnastics.

Yet Janney presents the confidence of Bugliosi who said if Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, then Kennedy didn't die.

So if The CIA Hit Man from Animal House using the telephone from Sleepless in Seattle didn't kill Mary, then Mary didn't die.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Damore then called the hit man. They stayed up talking most of the night according to the author. THe guy spilled his guts out. Happens all the time right? From a safehouse.

Perhaps Sinjin Hunt can cast a little black light on this story.


By the way, do you know he has a book coming out also!

I really fear for the 50th. Janney, Saint John Hunt, if Waldron's Leonardo DiCaprio movie gets filmed and distributed. It could be really bad.

ANd the worst is, what do we have for next year?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Damore then called the hit man. They stayed up talking most of the night according to the author. THe guy spilled his guts out. Happens all the time right? From a safehouse.

Perhaps Sinjin Hunt can cast a little black light on this story.


By the way, do you know he has a book coming out also!

I really fear for the 50th. Janney, Saint John Hunt, if Waldron's Leonardo DiCaprio movie gets filmed and distributed. It could be really bad.

ANd the worst is, what do we have for next year?

I think DPF ought to create some educational guides to the JFK assassination.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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