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Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy
The Leary stuff is definitely made up.

The whole "diary" issue is much more complex. And Albert is back up to his old assumption city stuff. If Bradlee was being used by the CIA, he would have said what Angleton wanted him to say. He did not.

You have to evaluate and analyze many different versions. From many different questionable sources.

Of which Bradlee is the best of the worst. And the most credible.

As per my essay, your wish is my command: JFK.html

To navigate, let the whole PDF register first. Once part one is fully downloaded, there is a blue slide bar on the inside, right next to the page. Pull it down to advance, when you cannot advance it further, pull down the outside blue slide bar. First comes Exner, then Meyer in Part 1. Part 2 in the whole Monroe morass. Which may be the worst and smelliest of the three.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:And Albert is back up to his old assumption city stuff. If Bradlee was being used by the CIA, he would have said what Angleton wanted him to say. He did not.

Well he covered-up the potential diary right?

The flaw here is that the house break-ins seem real and not invented. Backtrack from there and they had to be looking for something. This changes the odds on the canal path incident significantly. There's a Kilgallen-DeMohrenschildt analog happening here as far as imminent leaks. Angleton, the Scott safe-contents seeker, then shows up right on time.
When did he do that?

Did you read my essay?

Just answer yes or no.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:When did he do that?

Did you read my essay?

Just answer yes or no.

I've already read it. Excellent as usual. I read it again just now.
Thank you.
Something tells me the intruder stories were real and they were looking for something.
The long awaited part 2 to Janney's fantasy.

Debra Conway said she thought this was one of the best things I ever wrote.

As I conclude, this book is the perfect ALex Jones book. And it shows how the JFK community has gravitated to that pole of the spectrum.
Jim, I stumbled upon a video of the international Chopin competition featuring Yundi Li. Your review of Mosaic was a similar pleasant interlude.

You expose Janney as having the departure from reality of Collin Ferguson aka Long Island Railway Killer who conducted a pro se defense referring to himself in the third person and badgered witnesses who testified of his having pointed his weapon at them.

Janney attempts a Mary Potter who throws the clay of JFK on her wheel forming of him a vessel of peace, the 1951 trip to the French-Viet Minh war apparently a hallucination of Truitt as Don Juan the Yaqui CIA expatriate.

Shocking to learn Mary was not the foreign policy prodigy of a Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice, nor the encyclopedic chronicler of evidence of a Sylvia Meagher or Mary Ferrell.

Crumb the open-fly drenched rodless master baiter in character as the habitual misogynist psychopath vs. the team of men in black shapeshifting to frame this good son who would never do such a thing.

What Janney did with a telethon and pen pal relationship Damore had with a wetwork mechanic in a CIA safehouse and a diary which never was begs the question what this author could have done with the MJ-12 documents.

Viewing Janney as another handmaiden of Angleton is actually helpful on the occasion of the fiftieth.

Another purveyor of perjured history Everett Howard Hunt also used Mary Myer in deflecting suspicion from agency personae as mechanics or facilitators.

In Hunt's 43d novel LBJ tasked Cord Myers using jealousy over JFK's dalliance with ex-wife MaryHunt who admitted to Congress he'd forged cables to implicate JFK in the murder of Diem and Nhu.

Horne found Janney lovely, but then Horne found credible a purported KGB document indicating that agency of Soviet intelligence considered Johnson responsible for the murder of Kennedy.

I find more credible Castro's twelve-thousand-word speech of November 23, 1963 suspecting CIA and other reactionary government elements.

Saint John was on Coast to Coast December 2008, supported by Jim Marrs.

Sex, drugs and UFOs used by losers to add gloss to dingy resumes.

By the time Leary was having a flashback to regain the memory of the Mary in the Sky with Diamonds myth and later when Janney was stovepiping serial MIB-ex-machina plot devices, Johnson swam with the fish as the facilitator band played on.

Brennan sanitized Zero's passport file and won first draft in the DCI picks. Panetta went from DCI to SecDef as Petraeus went from Smackistan command to DCI.

Janney's job is chaff dispenser in the countermeasures suite.

Burned by Jim's airborne laser.
Shocking to learn Mary was not the foreign policy prodigy of a Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice, nor the encyclopedic chronicler of evidence of a Sylvia Meagher or Mary Ferrell.

When I talked to Lisa last week, this is what we were amazed at.

Its not enough to make Meyer into a foreign policy wonk to guide that poor dunce JFK into a new world order. Janney then has to make her into a precursor to Sylvia Meagher.

I mean deconstruct the WR in two weeks? Without the evidence?

Don't people like Horne notice things like that?

Peter Janney did something unprecedented in the history of this site after Lisa Pease's review of his book appeared. He went to and wrote a long screed against Lisa, myself, and CTKA. In it he compared CTKA to the Spanish Inquisition and Lisa to Torquemada. For good measure, because Lisa criticized his book, he added that we would have burned Galileo at the stake for his heliocentric ideas about the solar system. (Does this mean that he ranks himself with Galileo and Kepler?) But he then went ahead and topped that: He managed to link us to the Third Reich by saying that we would like to resort to book burnings. Whew Peter, get hold of yourself. Isn't that overdoing it a bit?

In his bombastic screed, Janney ignored all the positive reviews we have given out e.g. to (among others) Larry Hancock for Nexus, Jerry McKnight for Breach of Trust, John Newman for the reissue of Oswald and the CIA, to Clint Hill for Mrs. Kennedy and Me, and to Jim Douglass for JFK and the Unspeakable. This last is ironic because reprinted that review, without permission, on their site. In other words, before Janney, thought enough of our work to reprint it. After Janney vented his spleen, we are somehow neo-Nazi defilers of truth and justice.

But further, in pronouncing us fanatical persecutors, Janney also ignored all the back articles we have archived from the paper edition of Probe. These extend from 1995-2000. He also ignored the fact that this particular site began as a response to Peter Jennings' 2003 special on the JFK case, and many articles here were done especially in reply to that special. He ignored all the work we have done on the RFK and MLK and Malcolm X cases. He ignored the fact that, thanks to Debra Conway, we are also a news repository on these cases. He ignored all the research essays we publish here, like Seamus Coogan's work on the Majestic Papers, or Robert Harris' work on the Connally Bullet, or J.P. Mroz on Wikipedia. He ignored the fact that we have a special section critiquing the performance of the mainstream media on the JFK case. He also ignored the fact that virtually everyone thought that Probe was the finest journal ever on the assassinations of the sixties. But further, and this is a crucial point, CTKA is not Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease. If one looks at the current banner, three headlined articles are by other writers: Vince Palamara, Gary Aguilar, and Martin Hay. Another example: of the four critiques of John McAdams' book, JFK Assassination Logic, none of them were written by Lisa or myself. Without people like Seamus Coogan, Martin Hay, David Mantik, Joseph Green, Gary Aguilar, and Frank Cassano, this site would not exist in anything like its present form. Are these contributors then also henchmen of Torquemada?

Janney has to ignore all these pertinent facts. Because if he did not he would then have to admit that what he doesn't like about CTKA is that we gave him a bad review. Consequently, in all the work that Lisa Pease and I have done since 1993 on these cases, Janney could only come up with two specific things worth mentioning as positives: my review of Chris Matthews' book on JFK, and the anthology edited by Lisa and myself, The Assassinations. This accounts for less than one quarter of our output in that time period, and everything posted to this site that you see before you. In other words, a generation of fine work done for no monetary gain, a platoon of distinguished and informed contributors, this was now all zapped because Lisa gave Mary's Mosaic a negative review. There's a guy with his priorities in place.

Why did print what amounts to nothing but a self-serving personal peeve? Lew Rockwell is part of the Libertarian movement. As is Jacob Hornberger. Hornberger and Janney are acquaintances. This can be seen by the fact that Hornberger's "review" of Mary's Mosaic was posted right after Doug Horne's on Apparently, Hornberger, like Janney does not like anyone critiquing him. Therefore, Hornberger went along with Janney's trashing of an entire site, and all its contributors over that. As if it's our fault Hornberger decided to join the lemming patrol on Amazon. Shame on them both. I am sure Janney will wake up one morning feeling badly about it all.

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