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Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy
Jim Hargrove Wrote:Drew-- I don't question that some agents are above doing ANYTHING to promote their agendas, but I remember the Leary media appearance. I was pretty young, but I remember what a peacenik and anti-war message Leary promoted. That doesn't sound like the same mold of CIA agents who so wanted an invasion of Cuba they were willing to assassinate their own president in order to provoke it.
As Leary presented in the Bowart's interview he was playing for the Yankees. His part was as the jester to distract the younger generation and get them to turn on (to drugs) tune in (to themselves, not others) and drop out (of social and political engagement) and in this he was very successful. Right up the dead end this pied piper led the youth. So they wouldn't go to Vietnam (rightly so) but while they were off going on internal cosmic trips and discovering themselves and living in communes meditating they were not involved in changing the status quo. There would be no revolution with this insular inward looking self absorbed generation. Mission accomplished. War by other means.

Jim Hargrove Wrote:Albert-- Whatever Intel agents may have thought about LSD making soldiers not want to fight, the drug certainly didn't do much to pacify the Manson family, did it?
There is strong evidence to suggest that the LSD that the Manson Family were using was a military sourced/provided variety and probably not actually LSD.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Jim Hargrove Wrote:I don't believe the Clinton "body count" business for example. My opinion is that he was less of a serial killer than most U.S. presidents.

I think there might be some Yugoslavs, Haitians, Somalis, Afghanis and Iraqis who might beg to differ.

Oh, ABSOLUTELY! But the Clinton "body count" I was referring to from Don's book was about the Hard Right accusations of domestic murders: Vince Foster, Kevin Ives, Don Henry, etc. (though the Fed's behavior at Ruby Ridge was clearly horrid). Obviously, no U.S. president, at least in modern times, has a clean bill of health on foreign interventions.

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Jim Hargrove Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Jim Hargrove Wrote:I don't believe the Clinton "body count" business for example. My opinion is that he was less of a serial killer than most U.S. presidents.

I think there might be some Yugoslavs, Haitians, Somalis, Afghanis and Iraqis who might beg to differ.

Oh, ABSOLUTELY! But the Clinton "body count" I was referring to from Don's book was about the Hard Right accusations of domestic murders: Vince Foster, Kevin Ives, Don Henry, etc. (though the Fed's behavior at Ruby Ridge was clearly horrid). Obviously, no U.S. president, at least in modern times, has a clean bill of health on foreign interventions.
Yeah, I am sure there was some padding by the right wing anti Clintonites. Mind you some very strange things in Mena during Clinton's time there too.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Negative effects of LSD aside, it is fascinating to me that the spinning and fountaining vivid patterns of LSD hallucinations is an unleashing of some kind of electro-chemical reaction on the nervous system that then becomes visible to the mind. What fascinates me about this is we might be like prehistoric apes actually being able to view the software code of the universe and molecular communication in visible form in those hallucinations. Like apes who accidentally opened the inner workings of an amazing complex machine. Fractal patterns that are actually the inner workings of your mind and physical reality unbared that you don''t have the knowledge or sophistication to understand or interpret. A less advanced race that wandered into the control room of a UFO. A crystaline representation of universal order upwelling in far out fractal universal code.

Pretty far out.
No, it's just apes eating the fermented fruit. No cosmic secrets.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:No, it's just apes eating the fermented fruit. No cosmic secrets.

There was a time when I had swallowed, nay, choked, on the whole 'GnosticMedia' - 'LSD was a CIA Plot' thing, especially after watching Jan Irvin's early "Pharmacratic Revolution", back when he had half-a-brain, before the days that Jan would be doing enormous bong hits before his hundreds of radio interviews, telling how Aldous, The Grateful Dead et. al. were part of the Vast Conspiracy yadda yadda yadda.

Nowadays one must be very careful with their 'original sources', and how much one believes and acts on them.

But the 'monkeys ate mushrooms' theory of evolution is an ongoing study in the world of psychopharmacology & anthropology, Mr. Phipps.

Are we the 101st monkey ? Evolution doesn't lie, but people do. Sorry for the ramble, just trying to strike a balance here. Peace to you this day.
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:But the 'monkeys ate mushrooms' theory of evolution is an ongoing study in the world of psychopharmacology & anthropology, Mr. Phipps.

Are we the 101st monkey ? Evolution doesn't lie, but people do. Sorry for the ramble, just trying to strike a balance here. Peace to you this day.

Ala McKenna. The conservatives hate him and think he's a pseudo-scientist. I think what bugs them is they can't necessarily disprove McKenna's psychedelic catalyst theory.
I did not intend to hijack the discussion in this thread. I only wanted to ensure that people who read this forum don't come away with the impression that we're all "pro-drugs". I cannot imagine a more effective way of discrediting the serious contributions to this site.

I'd be delighted to further discuss this topic in a different thread.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Mary's Mosaic and the Dealey Plaza Cleanup Crew - A Review

Mary's Mosaic and the Dealey Plaza Cleanup Crew

[Image: Z]

Book Review by William Kelly

The third edition of Peter Janney's Mary's Mosaic The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision of World Peace (Skyhorse, 2016) contains new information that reinforces the belief that both JFK and his mistress Mary Meyer were killed by their enemies in Washington and not by patsies who were set up to take the heat.

Forget the mysterious deaths of witnesses and suspects that Penn Jones kept track of in his Forgive My Grief series, don't bother with the London Sunday Times' actuary that mathematically calculated the odds of so many subjects would die, as promoted at the end of the movie Executive Action, and ignore the suspicious deaths of Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Kilgallon and Lisa Howard, all of whom were victims of the same MO Modus Operandi.

Instead, just focus on the officially certified unsolved homicides directly associated with the assassination of President Kennedy beginning with Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit, Lee Harvey Oswald the accused assassin killed while in police custody, reporter Jim Kothe, mobsters Sam Giancana and John Rosselli and Mary Pinchot Meyer, the last of which is the focus of Peter Janney's investigation and fascinating book.

Peter, the son of former CIA officer Wistar Janney, grew up in the suburban McClean-Langley nexus that included the sons and daughters of RFK, Tom Braden and Cord Meyer. Peter was shocked when home from boarding school his mother told him that Mary Meyer, the mother of his best friend Mikey Meyer, who had also died under mysterious circumstances, had been killed, shot and murdered while walking along the Georgetown Canal, a popular park in an upscale neighborhood.

Mary was the daughter of Ruth Pinchot, a wealthy conservative Republican from upstate eastern Pennsylvania, whose politically inclined family included a state governor.

Mary's sister Toni was the wife of JFK's friend Ben Bradlee, editor and publisher of Newsweek and the Washington Post.

They were both single when JFK was introduced to Mary Pinchot by his Choate Academy schoolmate William Attwood, and the three would remain friends. Attwood became a trusted member of the Kennedy administration as an ambassador and the chief intermediary in the secret UN backchannel communications between JFK and Castro. When that backchannel became known to rabid anti-Castro Cubans, it provided the motive for them to kill the President.

Mary and JFK remained friends even after Mary married Cord Meyer, the former marine hero who became a deputy to Allen Dulles, working with Tom Braden in the International Organizations Division of the CIA. The death of their son Mikey, Peter's best friend, eventually led to their divorce, but Mary continued her association with JFK, with Attwood escorting her to White House social events.

On September 24, 1963, the day Ruth Paine picked up Marina Oswald and took her and Oswald's rifle to Texas while he went to Mexico City, the Joint Chiefs of Staff met at the Pentagon to receive a briefing by CIA officer Desmond FitzGerald about covert operations against Cuba, including the study of the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler to use against Castro.

That same day, JFK issued an executive order authorizing Four Leaves, a new military communications system, and then headed out aboard Air Force One on his Conservation Tour, beginning with a first stop in northeast Pennsylvania to visit Mary Pinchot Meyer's mother Ruth. She had donated land to the national parts service, and JFK wanted to meet her, so Mary accompanied him on this part of the trip and can be seen getting off a Marine helicopter on the lawn of Ruth Pinchot. JFK's days were numbered, and Mary knew the truth.

When the Warren Report was issued labeling Lee Harvey Oswald the lone, deranged assassin, Mary was reportedly incensed and prepared to promote the truth, as she knew it, but was then murdered, said to be a victim of the Dealey Plaza Cleanup Crew.

While Peter was shocked when his mother told him that Mary Meyer was murdered, he didn't begin his investigation until ten years later when he learned of her association with the President, an inquiry that led to this book.

The title Mary's Mosaic stems from a quote by Anais Nin: "There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic."

And it has been a laborious task for Peter Janney to put these pieces back together to make sense of a murder that, as with JFK, the authorities would rather have us forget.

At the heart of Mary's Mosaic, that was shattered into pieces by her murder, was a diary she kept, which presumably documented her relationship with the President, a relationship that Timothy Leary said included turning JFK on to LSD and other tidbits that would endanger the president's legacy, if publicly revealed. But the real motive for her murder was not the sexual innuendos, but the fact that JFK was murdered by his enemies in Washington, and Cord Meyer, James Jesus Angleton and the CIA were implicated.

As soon as she learned of her sister's death, Toni Bradlee told her husband about the diary, and Ben Bradlee went to Mary's apartment only to find CIA officer James Jesus Angleton trying to lockpick the door to get in. He too was after the diary.

The two men searched the apartment for the diary, fruitlessly, but later Toni found it in a box with personal letters between Mary and JFK, and she gave the diary to Angleton, the head of the CIA's counter-intelligence CI office. Angleton said he destroyed it.

By the time Peter Janney got on the story, others had been before him, including Leo Damore, who had investigated and wrote about the Ted Kennedy incident at Chappaquiddick, and Damore said he had the diary and obtained a phone call confession from William L. Mitchell, a jogger who was at the scene of the murder.

While official investigators arrested a black man Ray Crump, who was fishing nearby, his defense attorney Dovey J. Roundtree convinced the jury he was "not guilty," which led Damore to focus on Mitchell.

Damore, who claimed to have the diary and that he obtained a confession from Mitchell, talked to his attorney on the phone the day before he allegedly killed himself, yet another victim of the still busy Dealey Plaza Cleanup Crew.

Janney got the notes Damore's lawyer kept of their phone conversation, and got a notice from Mitchell, who Janney couldn't locate because he had legally changed his name to "Bill Mitchell" and had even obtained a second social security number. Mitchell threatened to sue Janney, but resorted to filing a legal deposition instead, and the notes of Damore's lawyer and Mitchell's deposition and military records are new additions that make this third edition worthwhile.

Mitchell was a Cornell-Harvard ROTC graduate and Army officer officially assigned to the Transportation Basic Course (TOBC) at Fort Eustis, Va., but his records indicate he was also affiliated in 1964 with The Adjutant General's Office (TAGO), in Washington.

Mitchell's commander, Lt. Colonel Ralph Heller Cruikshank was Chief of the Army War Room Data Support Command (DATCOM), having completed a year at "Monterey" - The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), where Oswald is reported to have learned Russian before defecting to the Soviet Union.

Besides Damore's files, Mitchell's deposition and military records, being the son of a respected CIA official was a big help to Peter Janney in obtaining interviews for this book, something beyond the reach of someone not connected to the closed military-intelligence society. Among these are his important interviews with Dino Brugioni of the CIA-National Photo Interpretation Center (NPIC), where he examined the Zapruder film on the weekend of the assassination and prepared briefing boards for the DCIA John McCone.

The question isn't who killed JFK or Mary Meyer, or why they did it, the most important question is why is it left to intrepid citizens like Peter Janney to investigate such unresolved homicides. Why isn't the police, law enforcement officials, detectives and prosecutors investigating these unsolved murders directly connected to the assassination of President Kennedy.

There is no statute of limitations on murder, and if the murders of J.D. Tippit, Oswald, Kothe, Giancana, Rosselli and Mary Meyer are still open cold cases, why are they not being investigated by the police and prosecutors who are officially responsible for such things?

We might not know who killed JFK or Mary Meyer, but we know the answer to that one.

They don't want to.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
[quote=Peter Lemkin]

Mary's Mosaic and the Dealey Plaza Cleanup Crew - A Review

Mary's Mosaic and the Dealey Plaza Cleanup Crew

Needs an edit . The last two sentences.

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