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MARY'S MOSAIC: A litmus test of JFK research integrity

Is this iteration of "Albert Doyle," the barely functional semi-literate, the same "Albert Doyle" who writes all those long, relatively cogent posts?


I think there's some reverse-Fetzering going on where real events are being denied because of over-zealous vetting which is sort of tragic and diminshes the credibility of those doing it.
I'll drink to that.

Wines & Spirits Limited


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Peter Lemkin Wrote:I not only read MM, but have re-read the last chapters, which have NEW information, NEW connections, NEW witnesses and new potential leads on both the JFK and MM murders - as they were done by the exact same persons....

In his introduction to Mary's Mosaic, Janney places the murders of John Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer in a larger context:

The tapestry of President Kennedy's killing is enormous; the tapestry of Mary Meyer's, much smaller. And yet they are connected, one to another, in ways that became increasingly apparent to me as I dug ever more deeply into her relationship with Jack Kennedy and the circumstances surrounding her demise. To understand the complex weave of elements that led to her death is to understand, in a deeper way, one of the most abominable, despicable events of our country's history.

Therein lies the cancerous tumor upon the soul of America. The CIA's inception and entrance into the American landscape fundamentally altered not only the functioning of our government, but the entire character of American life. The CIA's reign during the Cold War era has contaminated the pursuit of historical truth. While the dismantling of America's republic didn't begin in Dallas in 1963, that day surely marked an unprecedented acceleration of the erosion of constitutional democracy. America has never recovered. Today in 2012, the ongoing disintegration of our country is ultimately about the corruption of our government, a government that has consistently and intentionally misrepresented and lied about what really took place in Dallas in 1963, as it did about the escalation of the Vietnam War that followed, and which it presently continues to do about so many things.

Once revered as a refuge from tyranny, America has become a sponsor and patron of tyrants. Like Rome before it, America is in its own way burning. Indeed, the Roman goddess Libertas, her embodiment the Statue of Liberty, still stands at the entrance of New York harbor to welcome all newcomers. Her iconic torch of freedom ablaze, her tabula ansata specifically memorializing the rule of law and the American Declaration of Independence, the chains of tyranny are broken at her feet. She wears peace' sandals not war boots. While her presence should be an inescapable reminder that we are all "immigrants," her torch reminds us that the core principles for which she stands require truth telling by each and every one of us. As long as any vestige of our democracy remains, each of us has a solemn duty to defend it, putting our personal and family loyalties aside. "Patriotism" real patriotism has a most important venue, and it's not always about putting on a uniform to fight some senseless, insane war in order to sustain the meaningless myths about "freedom" or "America's greatness." There is a higher loyalty that real patriotism demands and encompasses, and that loyalty is to the pursuit of truth, no matter how painful or uncomfortable the journey.

Thank you, Peter, for that statement, especially the beautifully worded last paragraph.

I bought Janney's book when it first was published, having been interested in Mary P. Meyer and her death from earlier publications. I have not yet had a chance to read it, due to other matters, but I will do so shortly. I was suspicious of the murder charge put on Crump, which made little sense to me. Men generally fall asleep after having sex, and being in an unfamiliar place, yes, he could have rolled into the water and lost some of his clothing. And what would have been his motive, anyway?

Regardless of who killed MPM (which is important to know), her death should be regarded as the loss of a very important witness in the case of the assassination of President John Kennedy.

Adele Edisen Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I not only read MM, but have re-read the last chapters, which have NEW information, NEW connections, NEW witnesses and new potential leads on both the JFK and MM murders - as they were done by the exact same persons....

In his introduction to Mary's Mosaic, Janney places the murders of John Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer in a larger context:

The tapestry of President Kennedy's killing is enormous; the tapestry of Mary Meyer's, much smaller. And yet they are connected, one to another, in ways that became increasingly apparent to me as I dug ever more deeply into her relationship with Jack Kennedy and the circumstances surrounding her demise. To understand the complex weave of elements that led to her death is to understand, in a deeper way, one of the most abominable, despicable events of our country's history.

Therein lies the cancerous tumor upon the soul of America. The CIA's inception and entrance into the American landscape fundamentally altered not only the functioning of our government, but the entire character of American life. The CIA's reign during the Cold War era has contaminated the pursuit of historical truth. While the dismantling of America's republic didn't begin in Dallas in 1963, that day surely marked an unprecedented acceleration of the erosion of constitutional democracy. America has never recovered. Today in 2012, the ongoing disintegration of our country is ultimately about the corruption of our government, a government that has consistently and intentionally misrepresented and lied about what really took place in Dallas in 1963, as it did about the escalation of the Vietnam War that followed, and which it presently continues to do about so many things.

Once revered as a refuge from tyranny, America has become a sponsor and patron of tyrants. Like Rome before it, America is in its own way burning. Indeed, the Roman goddess Libertas, her embodiment the Statue of Liberty, still stands at the entrance of New York harbor to welcome all newcomers. Her iconic torch of freedom ablaze, her tabula ansata specifically memorializing the rule of law and the American Declaration of Independence, the chains of tyranny are broken at her feet. She wears peace' sandals not war boots. While her presence should be an inescapable reminder that we are all "immigrants," her torch reminds us that the core principles for which she stands require truth telling by each and every one of us. As long as any vestige of our democracy remains, each of us has a solemn duty to defend it, putting our personal and family loyalties aside. "Patriotism" real patriotism has a most important venue, and it's not always about putting on a uniform to fight some senseless, insane war in order to sustain the meaningless myths about "freedom" or "America's greatness." There is a higher loyalty that real patriotism demands and encompasses, and that loyalty is to the pursuit of truth, no matter how painful or uncomfortable the journey.

Thank you, Peter, for that statement, especially the beautifully worded last paragraph.

I bought Janney's book when it first was published, having been interested in Mary P. Meyer and her death from earlier publications. I have not yet had a chance to read it, due to other matters, but I will do so shortly. I was suspicious of the murder charge put on Crump, which made little sense to me. Men generally fall asleep after having sex, and being in an unfamiliar place, yes, he could have rolled into the water and lost some of his clothing. And what would have been his motive, anyway?

Regardless of who killed MPM (which is important to know), her death should be regarded as the loss of a very important witness in the case of the assassination of President John Kennedy.


Janney has solved the murder and named the shooter and multiple spotters, IMO. As a HUGE EXTRA, he has named some old and some new names re: the JFK Assassination [for which MM was killed for knowing all too much about them - and about to speak out on it all publicly!]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
DiEugenio's criticisms of Janney may be highly credible. Right now I'm tending towards Crump being MK-ULTRA hypnotized to do it. CIA could give a damn if he was sprung by a black female progressive lawyer because they got what they wanted. Crump's strange behavior and lingering at the scene is very similar to Mark David Chapman after he murdered Lennon under CIA hypnosis. And therein is my problem with Jim, whom I respect and admire.

If you are going to call yourselves deep then be deep gentlemen...
Albert Doyle Wrote:DiEugenio's criticisms of Janney may be highly credible. Right now I'm tending towards Crump being MK-ULTRA hypnotized to do it. CIA could give a damn if he was sprung by a black female progressive lawyer because they got what they wanted. Crump's strange behavior and lingering at the scene is very similar to Mark David Chapman after he murdered Lennon under CIA hypnosis. And therein is my problem with Jim, whom I respect and admire.

If you are going to call yourselves deep then be deep gentlemen...

Who the FUCK does "Albert Doyle" think "he" is to criticize Jim DiEugenio -- who, regardless of my differences with him on many substantive issues, stands as an honorable, thoughtful spokesman for the truth.

Go to hell, "Doyle" -- and get the hell off this forum!
Thanks CHarles.

And BTW, you may be right about whoever "Albert Doyle" is.

Because he doesn't even understand Janney's pastiche.

Or he would not have written what he just did.

See, according to Janney, Crump did not have to be MK/Ultra'd at all. Since he was completely innocent.

I don't know how one can validate an hypothesis, even one as wild as Janney's, if you don't understand it.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Thanks CHarles.

And BTW, you may be right about whoever "Albert Doyle" is.

Because he doesn't even understand Janney's pastiche.

Or he would not have written what he just did.

See, according to Janney, Crump did not have to be MK/Ultra'd at all. Since he was completely innocent.

I don't know how one can validate an hypothesis, even one as wild as Janney's, if you don't understand it.

I totally find Janney's research and analysis credible and important; sorry Jim, I find your critique of his book all off base and baseless - the reason I didn't post my posts on your bash-Janney thread. You were IMO needlessly and heedlessly critical of Janney and the careful work he did and Damore before him. I tell everyone to read the book, without reservation. Joe Shimon is a NEW and important find. So is William L. Mitchell and many others that inform, along with some of the more 'usual suspects' and Bradlee, as well as Cord Meyer and even Janney's father the rather large conspiracy to murder MPM, as they had all either participated in or been witting of the JFK assassination.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Hunt forger of cables hyped Cord in the LBJ-did-it deathbed deflection Bond of Secrecy 2008 ebook by son Saint John

The use of Damore is a rubber crutch as well

The elevation of the woman as the pschedelic mentor who both guided the spirit of John F Kennedy from Cold War to peace

and her role in unravelling the Warren Report as motive for an elaborate hit involving improbable masquerade

made the Janney (not my father's CIA) thesis present as awkward disinformation

I do not dismiss the role of the dark side in her death, nor the importance of her association with JFK

However the scenario in Janney is not just a bridge too far but a bridge not his to sell and certainly not at such a price

Jim's work on that matter is of a piece with his untangling of Garrison by way of Bomb Damage Assessment and CSI

When the pieces recovered are reassembled they present a picture

With Janney, a picture of fantasy

Garrison, one of epic sabotage

If Damore did more to damage Edward Kennedy, then he contributed to Janney's lurid obscurantism of JFK through a MPM kaleidoscope

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