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"Mike Rago" the entity --
Seamus Coogan Wrote:Yeah I am familiar with this dude via Lancer. He had a run in with Joe Backes who then proceeded to stove his head in alongside Randy Owen (love that bloke). This was over some supposed bullet fragment the guy saw flying out of the limo after a bullet hit the windshield frame. Joe makes some good observations about the Forums and about Cinque and Boner, thus he appears to be very much on the same page as you guys.

and here as well

What's really odd though is I swear blind this Magoo has been around for a longer period than say 2011 when he joined up at Lancer. Do I think he's making a play on CD's name maybe? It's hard to say but I'll keep an eye out for earlier posts. What I think he's doing is making a move to mock people like Cyril Wecht, who set up his forensics specialist course at Duquesne University in about 2003. My reasoning is Rago's unfettered love for bollocks forensic type evidence he presents. Not only that the guy who was running it for Cyril on the Duquesne campus is a well liked guy called 'John Rago'. Hence this is why the name stuck, I'd probably heard it as a result of looking into Wechts stuff some years ago. This was incidentally about the same time Wecht was having major troubles with the bullshit fraud case being bought up against him. Indeed Rago himself would get in trouble with the University authorities I think because of his ties to Wecht, one imagines that the powers that be were out to screw em both. Here's some articles anyhow that might give some pause for thought. At least it gives an idea about the use of the name 'Rago'. Note Rago knew he would not be up for a resumption of his contract a year ago...ironically it's around the same time this Mike Rago schelp turned up at Lancer.

Rago was apparently a friend and supporter of Wecht. This new Rago sounds like he'd likely be the opposite. Has the new Rago opined on things Wecht has championed yet? The similarity to CD's name is interesting, but not conclusive. Keep 'yer antennas up. Lots of Sunsteinian agents out there. Due to what was done to me over at the EF, I find it painful to go there to look - and do only rarely. they had my IP blocked for a long time [though they denied it], but I found a way around that...but still don't have the 'stomach' to look there often. I find little value in going to a Forum on which I can't respond and post and it is a reminder of my lost 8000 posts and hard work there as a researcher, poster and moderator - only to be insulted and booted out without due process or even an accusation, let alone allowed to make a defense. They play dirty there, and have some real spooks as 'members'. They also have some decent persons - but why they stick around confounds me - after all that has transpired to many more than I.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Sorry to hear that shit Pete sounds bloody terrible the stuff I heard. As John Rago, sorry I didn't make it clear. He's a good guy I think there's every chance this Mike Rago schlep is some indirect attempt to discredit him. As I said Rago turned up at about the same time as Rago was struggling to get another tenure at Dusqene University. Of course it may be unrelated but the timing of it all has me pondering.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
What can one say about the "reasonable" mind that produced the following:

"The SBT(Single Bullet Theory) has to main components.

"The first component is that the bullet passed through the body of JFK by entering his back and exiting his throat.

"The second component is that the bullet , after leaving JFK's body then struck Gov. Connally.

"That the first part of this theory is true is beyond dispute for the reasonable mind and is overwhelmingly supported and implied by the evidence...two wounds were found in the presidents body but no bullets and no obvious exits. The reasonable mind does not postulate the existence of two disappearing projectiles in an attempt to obey the evidence."
"The SBT(Single Bullet Theory) has to main components."

I pissed myself laughing when I saw this quote. I mean my spelling and grammar is shite but 'to' main components when it should be 'two' is's almost as good as my 'colonels of truth' line lol. Also I'd love to know how a single bullet has two main components.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
In response to yet another brutal exposure of his insanity and evil intentions by Greg, whose impeccable credentials in the investigation of the JFK assassination have been established for decades, "Rago" the self-styled newbie offers:

"Greg, you can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution. What is it going to be?"

Remind you of any"one"?
Charles Drago Wrote:In response to yet another brutal exposure of his insanity and evil intentions by Greg, whose impeccable credentials in the investigation of the JFK assassination have been established for decades, "Rago" the self-styled newbie offers:

"Greg, you can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution. What is it going to be?"

Remind you of any"one"?

Indeed it does. Where oh where do they get these jokers? I posted before I saw what Greg posted. I will not be reponding further to this troll.

Charles Drago Wrote:In response to yet another brutal exposure of his insanity and evil intentions by Greg, whose impeccable credentials in the investigation of the JFK assassination have been established for decades, "Rago" the self-styled newbie offers:

"Greg, you can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution. What is it going to be?"

Remind you of any"one"?

I can't be assed to trawl thru several tons of Ralphie Spam, but it sounds to me like a direct quote from the SLA's favourite agent provocateur:

A Man Called Cinque.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:In response to yet another brutal exposure of his insanity and evil intentions by Greg, whose impeccable credentials in the investigation of the JFK assassination have been established for decades, "Rago" the self-styled newbie offers:

"Greg, you can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution. What is it going to be?"

Remind you of any"one"?

Indeed it does. Where oh where do they get these jokers? I posted before I saw what Greg posted. I will not be reponding further to this troll.


Ohhhh I am scared, he told me I need to "watch watch what (I) say" on THIS forum. :panic:
Elsewhere, the entity "Rago" did warn Dawn as follows:

"You need to watch watch you say over there [meaning here at DPF] because you really cannot say anything you want."

"Rago" does to the English language what Bomber Harris did to Dresden. But I digress.

Can you imagine the disrespect the enemy must have for the EF Swamp to send Langley short bus commuters to do it in?
It simply cannot get better than the following response from the "Rago" entity to criticism of "his" madness:

"Actually, your theory is more incomprehensible than mine."

In the immortal words of Jack Paar, I kid you not.

What's truly beyond understanding is the fact that, over at the EF Swamp, they're lining up to debate this "guy."

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