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Destiny Betrayed is shipping
Jim Hackett II Wrote:Charles, I have no intention of starting a brushfire, but I have to ask.
In what way do you mean to use Ozzie and the CIA as a negative template?

Newman is a spook, given. And Spooks never ever quit.
His first book "Vietnam and JFK" fits my view and opinon much more than the second book Ozzie and the CIA.
Not trying to provide a hotspot to start the BS again, just asking because I am not sure of what You meant.
It is alright Jim. You wont start a brushfire by asking questions about this. Charles will be able to give a better explanation but let me give you a start. Space is made up of positive and negative space. Both have shape. Positive space is where some thing is. Like a chair and table in a room. Negative space is where some thing is not like the space around the chair and table in the room.

Below is Sherlock Holmes:


Below is no Sherlock Holmes but the negative space is highlighted and you see where he is not:
Here is a drawing of a chair:


Here is a drawing of the space around a chair:

With the negative template concept that Charles is referring to one looks for what is not in the files. Especially what should be there but is not. This information can often be more illuminating than what is in the files. Hope that helps.

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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jim Hackett, I found Jim DiEugenio's review of John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, 2008 edition, illuminating:

I have the 1995 edition and the later work by the author and by Lisa Pease sheds more light on the manipulation of Oswald's files:

John Newman's work is very like a cryptographer or a researcher of the Dead Sea Scrolls

In the endnotes to Destiny Betrayed, 2012, we see the author interviewed many principals, and uses interviews by others of principals which open vistas closed to us beforehand

Angleton is very truthful in recalling he looked upon himself as in a room with the world's best liars

So, too, were Shaw (who made only an error or two), and Helms (who was caught), and Hunt (who was caught), and Phillips who only broke at the last on the phone with his brother

Perhaps gentlemen don't read other gentlemen's mail but NSA built a facility in Utah which puts preppers to shame and can process the data from the swarms of ARGUS-equipped drones to come

And consider the author of the extant work John M. Newman has produced Quest for the Kingdom: The Secret Teachings of Jesus in the Light of Yogic Mysticism:

A life of discipline seeking the truth hidden by the lie


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I see this as when a source reveals as much by what is not exposed as by what is exposed. A very fruitful concept. A variation of the limited hang-out?

"A life of discipline seeking the truth hidden by the lie"
quoting Mr. Dragoo, quite a lot is said in 11 words.

Yes I too find the work Ms. Pease and Mr. DiEugenio co-authored to be Very Good. "The Assassinations" is dense with information.

I await Charles input as I know it will be note worthy.

Moreover, I find both Magda's and Phil's points well taken as well as informative of things I didn't know. In particular I was not aware of any other works by Newman let alone anything mystic.

My inclination is to turn off immediately when I encounter any "ufo and/or mysticism" tied to the theft of our Republic in Nov. 1963.
UFO to me stands for Unacknowledged Fascist Observatory, i.e. secret projects of governments not 'aliens'. With the Rise of the Vulcan Drones the point is now moot I suppose.
I find it astounding that WeThePeople are not in the streets organized to raise hell about the Drones deployed over this land against WeThePeople. This land is my land, this land is your land, but this paragraph is off topic.
Excuse please.
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IF you read the reissue version of John's wonderful book, Oswald and the CIA, you will see that he names James Angleton as the guy running the mechanics of the plot.

He said he felt he owed his readers that much since he had been asked that question a lot. And previously had not answered it.

John Newman is not and was not a spook in the normal sense of that term. In other words, he was never an operative. He was always an analyst for the NSA. Which is what the NSA was and is as opposed to the CIA.

His is a professor also at Maryland. As was Peter Scott before he retired.

Peter also worked in the State Department for the Canadian government. We all know that State Departments are known for providing cover for intel operatives. Does this make Peter a "spook"?

Peter created the term "negative template" for branding certain works by the WC and HSCA and other gov't agencies as including less than they should. And what was left out told us much about them.

In this case, I would argue that Newman's two books go beyond what Peter ever contributed in those two areas. That is, in the field of Kennedy's intent to withdraw from Vietnam, and the manipulation of intel asset Oswald in advance of the assassination.

So one could argue, just as easily, that it is Newman's work that indicates a negative template in Scott's previous work. And after also, with that all so silly, "barium meal" stuff that Scott tried to use in regards to Oswald and Mexico City.

Newman's two books are excellent and valuable contributions in their own right. And, in my view, neither has been surpassed in their area since. And considering the fact that JFK and Vietnam came out in 1992, that is saying something.

John has since retired from the field. We are all the poorer for that absence. In my opinion, no writer ever burned as brightly or illuminated as much in such a short time. I could never have written what I did about Oswald in my current book without John's milestone work.
Oswald and the CIA: 1995 First Ed.
JFK and Vietnam: 1992.

Spooks deserve my suspicion.

I do not mistrust the nominal employee of any of the spook houses no matter the "job description". I know well that not all spooks are as vile as Helms and Angleton.
The guard at the gate and the janitor could for all I know be an American holding the same values I do.

We all must provide our own way in the world unless you are in the "GWBush" class and were born with a silver spoon up your ***.

The analyst can be honorable too as I know well.... I give Mr. Newman the benefit of doubt but retain my skepticism of spooks.
Mr. Scott also. "The Dallas Conspiracy" should be required reading too for any interested citizen though dated.

However, to whom did the MSM and pResident GWBush turn to in seeking "evidence" to support the bogus WMD war in Iraq? The Spook Houses. And they gave the master what he needed even though it was 100% BS.
WMD across the border to Syria so they can't be found?
I said to myself "OK, but now you have to show me because I know y'all lied again".

In the end the servant cannot surpass or improve the "masters".
No one has ever faced the music for that decade old deception and "lie-stifying" for the profits of war. None but the people deployed paid anything.

I know the economy was collapsed and so forth but it ain't like eating MREs n BK Jonny Rockets and trying to keep the sand out of your chow living the war while a**holes try to kill you and yours.
Profits over people is the mantra now.

By their fruit you will know them.
Not all employees of the NSA,DIA,CIA,CID,NIS,ONI etc. are serving another master than WeThePeople.
Not all are Lansdales or Coniens. I hope.

Today I don't worry so much about the "official" spooks working for the USG, I worry about the civilian spooks following the path laid out by APinkerton in 19th Century, they are not bound by law or ethics.
By the fruit of their labor I know them.
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I appreciate the reply.

But I disagree on two points.

IMO, Scott's manuscript The Dallas Conspiracy is so outdated its obsolete. Further, his analysis of the Power Elite has been supeseded by Don Gibson's superb Battling Wall Street.

In fact, when Gibson's book came out, it really made me wonder how some writers, including Peter, could still cling to a Mafia/Texas millionaire power structure.

Secondly, I did a lot of work on the run up to the Iraq War since I did a long two part article on it for Mike Ruppert's web site, when it was active.

Its not accurate to say that the analysts in the intel community gave Cheney and Bush what they wanted. In fact, they were so reluctant that the White House created a whole new intel division run by a stooge for Cheney named Doug Feith. WHat Feith did was to take the raw intel reports and essentially cherry pick them. He then took this cherry picked info, and "stove piped" it over to Rumsfeld, CHeney and Rice, bypassing normal channels.

THe apparatus set up out of the WH for this operation was really stupendous. And it has never been fully documented or revealed in one place. In fact, even though I had a lot of space to deal with it, I could not do it justice. A lot of this apparatus and how it operated has to do with just how extreme the nutty neo cons were. They were so bad that they were too much for a large part of the CIA and the Eastern Establishment.
I sincerely thank You Jim for the details of the run up to war. Those details I did not know....

Some of this surprised me.

Gibson's Battling Wall Street and The JFK Assassination Cover Up are both great books.

I have said before I don't agree with any researcher completely. I cannot throw PDScott's works out of consideration because I don't agree with his conclusions. Same true for any writer/reporter/researcher.

The context of PDScott's 1970s work in The Dallas Conspiracy sets the scale to judge by.

Today I do not limit the conspiracy to Texas/Mafia, nor did I in the 1970s, but I did think of the "gang" as tiny few out of control assets or ex-assets in 1970s.

PDScott's work is dated and likely only reveals the form of the conspiracy incompletely, but more completely than most other writers of the time. That gets kudos from me belated it may be.

I most appreciated his article I saw at COPA's site re: JFK to 911 Deep Politics.

It is sort of unfair to judge Sylvia Meagher's "Accessories After the Fact" by McKnight's "Breach of Trust". Both are kept in favored spots on my bookshelf but one is newer and more complete than the other. 1967 vs. 2005

As for the Spook deception of 2001-2002-2003 to war, it is my position that honor and duty would DEMAND a repeat of "the Saturday Night Massacre" of RMNixon.
DCI's and all the other head Spooks should have resigned rather than endorse by acquiescence the BS of manufactured fear and lies for war.
Some Spook should have resigned and some did.

By the time of the publication of "The Torture Papers" it is not hard to read between the lines and find the identity of the "closet" spooks running the scam from coercive interrogation to torture in RUMMY's and Wolfie's and Chainey's offices. Operative's?, nah just spooks. Spooks as lawyers, spooks as gatekeepers of information. Spooks as lots of things other than "operatives".

Who was busted for the torture? The young enlisted ranks, not the spooks of whatever alphabet agency or what civilian firm that had the "authority".
The spooks have a lot of free rides to explain.
And Gitmo is not closed 5 years after a pledge by POTUS!!!

It sucks because I know not all the employees of the USG support these events and they all get smeared with the tar.

But I will say this, I would refuse to work for that kind of enterprise. I would have quit in 2002 were I working for the liars.
I have to live with myself and the young folks have to live with the consequences of my choices long after I am gone.
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Aside from Bohannon, Valeriano, Cox, Conein, and those retired and TDY folks.
Lansdale and Karamessines too

I beg speculation pardon.

But dammit I've had enough of MSM traitors to truth lying to us. Dunkel's jackasses tell us how limited to LN/LHO all the evidence is as well. Just the Wurlitzer right?

No dammit, sometimes the Penn Jones feeling of indignation rises in me. Enough is known to render meaningful speculation based on what we can prove.

Because most of the names above are CIA don't think I assign the murder to Langley, but to the Masters of the CIA/NSA/DIA/ONI as well as the Secret Service and FBI.

The folks that could call JEHoover and the five families and tell them all what they had to do.

Fletcher Prouty wrote of a phone call made by AWDulles to a Russian national not in the soviet government in quickly sorting out a cold war hassle involving one of the US planes. (not the U2 "puppy 68")

As a template for how the world really runs I accept events like those Fletcher described.

A very high level of power. That is all the Dunkel jackasses serve. Not truth, not FULL RELEASE of materials. Just the same old vile masters eternally corrupting everything they touch.

I read and reread the 2nd edition of Jim's book and rewarded with a nugget. I confirmed most of the chain of ops from Banister to Phillips by ARRB and more. Thanks Jim D. for that nugget.

And then I heard Ms. Rachel choose her side to my surprise.

I got mad when I thought of how much we can PROVE to have to hear anyone ever broadcast "LHO dunnit."

I tire of it.
Penn said we were taken over by the military-industrial-complex on November 22, 1963 and he was on the bull's eye. So was Jim Garrison. So was Smedley Butler in his time.

We now know enough to guess the rest. It is not our first rodeo.
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Jim Hackett II Wrote:Aside from Bohannon, Valeriano, Cox, Conein, and those retired and TDY folks.
Lansdale and Karamessines too

I beg speculation pardon.

But dammit I've had enough of MSM traitors to truth lying to us. Dunkel's jackasses tell us how limited to LN/LHO all the evidence is as well. Just the Wurlitzer right?

No dammit, sometimes the Penn Jones feeling of indignation rises in me. Enough is known to render meaningful speculation based on what we can prove.

Because most of the names above are CIA don't think I assign the murder to Langley, but to the Masters of the CIA/NSA/DIA/ONI as well as the Secret Service and FBI.

The folks that could call JEHoover and the five families and tell them all what they had to do.

Fletcher Prouty wrote of a phone call made by AWDulles to a Russian national not in the soviet government in quickly sorting out a cold war hassle involving one of the US planes. (not the U2 "puppy 68")

As a template for how the world really runs I accept events like those Fletcher described.

A very high level of power. That is all the Dunkel jackasses serve. Not truth, not FULL RELEASE of materials. Just the same old vile masters eternally corrupting everything they touch.

I read and reread the 2nd edition of Jim's book and rewarded with a nugget. I confirmed most of the chain of ops from Banister to Phillips by ARRB and more. Thanks Jim D. for that nugget.

And then I heard Ms. Rachel choose her side to my surprise.

I got mad when I thought of how much we can PROVE to have to hear anyone ever broadcast "LHO dunnit."

I tire of it.
Penn said we were taken over by the military-industrial-complex on November 22, 1963 and he was on the bull's eye. So was Jim Garrison. So was Smedley Butler in his time.

We now know enough to guess the rest. It is not our first rodeo.

Jim: I love your posts. I agree with your insights. Not to say I disagree with Jim D 's points here.
We have had the truth from the start. As Salandria told was in our faces. On purpose.
MSM will never be truthful. Rachel sold her soul. I accept that she was just reading a script, but she could have refused to say THAT.
"Alas, have you no shame?"
Met with silence.
And as we approach the 50th it's only gonna get worse.
Jeez, I am embarrassed by the praise.

Dawn I should have made clearer this point. I don't so much disagree with Mr. DiEugenio as much as I am still absorbing his 2nd Edition. His points are well taken as bearing examination since edition number 1 and PROBE and The Assassinations.

I created the wrong impression above I am sure.
I am slower to absorb data when it agrees with my personal opinion, not because of anything any author has done, but because I found myself too fast to adopt material when it 'fit my world-views' to avoid one of the golden apples dropped in the path to mislead by the ST.

Mr. Jim DiEugenio many times has opened hidden doors in his writing and for that I am grateful and will remain so.

Moreover sometimes when the MSM tries to pour mud into my mind, I get a little angry.
When I had picked up the nugget about the operative Narlins group and confirmed it and absorbed it into my mind disclosed to me by Jim DiEugenio's latest, and I am still being bombarded by Disney's so called discovery channel 10 year old presentations from the 40th Anniversary. I was frustrated as I wrote above.

Then Ms Rachel turned-coat. Ah man, Woman! No! I had hope for that person to join the cause.

At that point I got mad. The ire came out. I had to hold it for a bit to not blow off just hot-air, but to express the anger in a meaningful way. I hope I did.
I know my anger will rise again as we get closer to the 50th. The MSM isn't gonna give up.
Thanks Dawn.
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