Historical Events
- December 7, 1941: US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy (3 Replies)
- December 8, 1980: John Lennon is assassinated in the US (7 Replies)
- Supergrass: Versace murdered 'because of debts to Mafia' (1 Reply)
- November 18, 1978: Jonestown and the murder of the CIA's arch enemy in Guyana (11 Replies)
- November 27, 1963: Mayor Moscone & City Supervisor Harvey Milk are murdered in US (6 Replies)
- November 22, 1963: The 1963 coup in which President Kennedy is murdered in the US (9 Replies)
- November 24, 1963: Murder of patsy Lee Harvey Oswald in the US (5 Replies)
- Chalmers Johnson Is Dead (2 Replies)
- JULIUS NYERERE: A Unique Victory (0 Replies)
- Archive of EF Appollo Moon thread (2 Replies)
- Retired general confesses to burning mosque to fire up public (2 Replies)
- October 25, 1917: The Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia (5 Replies)
- Remembering the October 1917 Revolution (0 Replies)
- Nestor Kirchner, former president of Argentina and husband of current president, has died (3 Replies)
- New Website Examines the Iran Contra Affair (0 Replies)
- How Stieg Larsson trained Marxist guerrillas in Eritrea (0 Replies)
- A Long History of America's Dark Side (1 Reply)
- What Henry Kissenger and the FBI knew about Cubana Flight 455 Bombing (1 Reply)
- British Nazi SS soldiers (1 Reply)
- Germany finishes paying for WW1 (1 Reply)