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Full Version: USA under presidency of a know-nothing, neo-fascist, racist, sexist, mobbed-up narcissist!!
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Mister Trump -- the American people demand to know why you have a private server hooked up to a Russian financial institution, Alfa Bank.
Among other things [too many to cover here] Trump denied human-caused climate change. I don't see any progress with release of secret documents on anything under Trump. The Police, FBI and other intelligence agencies that helped him get in need to be 'repaid'. It will not only be dangerous driving while Black, but driving or walking or breathing while progressive, gay, non-white, non-Christian, non flag waver, etc. The nation, already far-right has just moved a seismic shift to the ultra-right.....he has already made it clear he thinks he can rule as a king. Chaney and Rumsfeld [or others who are their clones] will become advisors and rule from the White House, ignoring the Congress and the People - domestic and worldwide. Greed will become a family value even more than it has long been. The rape of the Republic will continue until his supporters realize he was never for the 'little guy'.

The people to blame for this are the DNC bosses who refused to let Bernie win as candidate, when he had clearly won! No one wanted another Clinton warmed over - so no one really came out to support her or vote for her. Trump tapped into discontent with the status quo. I think for all the wrong reasons, but never the less that is what happened.

I wouldn't even doubt that the White House will be turned into a reality TV show - or the entire country.....
Tired of red, let's go blue.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Among other things [too many to cover here] Trump denied human-caused climate change. I don't see any progress with release of secret documents on anything under Trump. The FBI and other intelligence agencies that helped him get in need to be 'repaid'. It will not only be dangerous driving while Black, but driving or walking or breathing while progressive, gay, non-white, non-Christian, non flag waver, etc. The nation, already far-right has just moved a seismic shift to the ultra-right.

The people to blame for this are the DNC bosses who refused to let Bernie win as candidate, when he had clearly won!

That is absolutely false.

There is nothing the DNC did that prevented Bernie from appealing to minority voters who turned out in droves for Clinton in the primaries.

You think because some DNC staffer called Bernie a "doofus" that cost him the nomination?


No one wanted another Clinton warmed over - so no one really came out to support her or vote for her.

She's gonna win the popular vote!

Whaddaya mean no one voted for her?

She lost because the Sinister Six (Assange, Putin, Comey. CNN. MSNBC, Fox) abused the American people relentlessly over her fairly innocuous e-mails.

Trump tapped into discontent with the status quo.

Here's another media-driven myth.

Obama's approval rating is 55%.

What Americans are tired of is gridlock.

They tilted Republican in 2016 because the Sinister Six poisoned the well for the Democrats.

I think for all the wrong reasons, but never the less that is what happened.

I wouldn't even doubt that the White House is turned into a reality TV show - or the entire country.....

Which is why the corporate media rigged it for Trump.

They have turned The News into a highly profitable reality TV show.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:To be brutally honest it's more fun to be in opposition than have to stick up for some bastard.

Mister Trump -- the American people demand to see your tax returns!

I'm sure his tax returns will be perfectly in order. Just like any other corporate entity and billionaire's tax returns.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:To be brutally honest it's more fun to be in opposition than have to stick up for some bastard.

Mister Trump -- the American people demand to see your tax returns!

I'm sure his tax returns will be perfectly in order. Just like any other corporate entity and billionaire's tax returns.

Why would you think that?

There's a reason he's not releasing them.

It has been a 40-year tradition for Prez candidates to release their tax forms.

If it were all hunky dorey why does he hide them?
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:To be brutally honest it's more fun to be in opposition than have to stick up for some bastard.

Mister Trump -- the American people demand to see your tax returns!

I'm sure his tax returns will be perfectly in order. Just like any other corporate entity and billionaire's tax returns.

Why would you think that?

There's a reason he's not releasing them.

It has been a 40-year tradition for Prez candidates to release their tax forms.

If it were all hunky dorey why does he hide them?

Cliff, people who don't live in this country and/or haven't been paying attention just aren't going to get it.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Tired of red, let's go blue.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Among other things [too many to cover here] Trump denied human-caused climate change. I don't see any progress with release of secret documents on anything under Trump. The FBI and other intelligence agencies that helped him get in need to be 'repaid'. It will not only be dangerous driving while Black, but driving or walking or breathing while progressive, gay, non-white, non-Christian, non flag waver, etc. The nation, already far-right has just moved a seismic shift to the ultra-right.

The people to blame for this are the DNC bosses who refused to let Bernie win as candidate, when he had clearly won!

That is absolutely false.

There is nothing the DNC did that prevented Bernie from appealing to minority voters who turned out in droves for Clinton in the primaries.

You think because some DNC staffer called Bernie a "doofus" that cost him the nomination?


No one wanted another Clinton warmed over - so no one really came out to support her or vote for her.

She's gonna win the popular vote!

Whaddaya mean no one voted for her?

She lost because the Sinister Six (Assange, Putin, Comey. CNN. MSNBC, Fox) abused the American people relentlessly over her fairly innocuous e-mails.

Trump tapped into discontent with the status quo.

Here's another media-driven myth.

Obama's approval rating is 55%.

What Americans are tired of is gridlock.

They tilted Republican in 2016 because the Sinister Six poisoned the well for the Democrats.

I think for all the wrong reasons, but never the less that is what happened.

I wouldn't even doubt that the White House is turned into a reality TV show - or the entire country.....

Which is why the corporate media rigged it for Trump.

They have turned The News into a highly profitable reality TV show.

Cliff, where have you been? The head of the DNC had to resign when leaked emails showed she and others were conspiring to deny Sanders the nomination and his delegates to have a fair vote at the DNC. Many dirty tricks were played before to see that Sanders was denigrated by a complicit press and more....I'm not going to enumerate them. They are already here on this forum. Why don't you vent your anger at some Trump supporters and not at those who dislike or despise him and what he stands for as much or more than you. However, I find your analysis of why and who's to blame to be nonsense - but each to his own. We all have to live with and try to overcome this increased fascist situation in an already fascist state. The corporate media also rigged it for Clinton against Sanders - and most all of them were against Trump, but loved the revenues his antics brought in...they too now have to live with what they did. Need I mention that the Corporate media along with the Election Commission Corporation [run jointly by the Dems and Repubs] always exclude third party candidates - where people would get to hear real alternatives that would make the puppets of the establishment look bad. Your analysis which is so full of holes I am not going to waste my time pointing out point by point are just plain wrong. Your upset and rightly so, but the buggy men are not those you point to for the most part. You have invented them - though I know others in the USA share your skewed view. It is not a Deep Politically informed viewpoint IMHO.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:To be brutally honest it's more fun to be in opposition than have to stick up for some bastard.

Mister Trump -- the American people demand to see your tax returns!

I'm sure his tax returns will be perfectly in order. Just like any other corporate entity and billionaire's tax returns.

Why would you think that?

There's a reason he's not releasing them.

It has been a 40-year tradition for Prez candidates to release their tax forms.

If it were all hunky dorey why does he hide them?

Maggie was being ironic, Cliff.
Shame about Bernie tho'.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8711&stc=1]
David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:To be brutally honest it's more fun to be in opposition than have to stick up for some bastard.

Mister Trump -- the American people demand to see your tax returns!

I'm sure his tax returns will be perfectly in order. Just like any other corporate entity and billionaire's tax returns.

Why would you think that?

There's a reason he's not releasing them.

It has been a 40-year tradition for Prez candidates to release their tax forms.

If it were all hunky dorey why does he hide them?

Maggie was being ironic, Cliff.

Ah. Bless her.

Bless you too, David, I know your heart is in the right place.

I do need sleep...just cancelled my cable TV service -- boycott CNN/MSNBC/Fox!!