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Hillary sick?
My comments in blue

David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:David Guyatt: a simply appalling choice between the two and yet people still get partisan about it.

It's not a traditional choice between a corporate Democrat and a corporate Republican.

Trump is promising a new form of government blatantly racist.

Astonishing really. For me it all seems so tribal that I want to weep.

Do we want to live under a fascist strongman, or not. Trump makes no bones about the role he envisions.

Why would you wish a brutal white supremacist on anyone?

I'm baffled.

However, we all know exactly what Hilary will bring if she wins the vote.

You prefer a bunch of religious nuts who crave "the end of days?"

You think the globalists are the worst?

No, the Christian Right Trump depends on is infinitely worse.

Sorry, but you have no clue how much worse Trump would be.

America has been horribly racist all my life. It still is. But it's good that you wish to change this deeply ingrained inferiority complex from the American psyche. I'm with you on that.

Then why are you rooting for a guy who would accelerate racial discrimination and Global White Supremacy?

But in pursuing that laudable aim your blithely ignoring something far, far worse.

I don't ignore shit.

I've actually lived here for 61 years.

The simple fact is that projecting wars overseas against Muslims, Russians, Chinese - and whoever else may happen to take the fucked up fancy of the utterly fucked up military intelligence & industrial complex of the US - remains the most blatant form of racism known to mankind.

Yeah, I realized that when I was 10.

Ain't my first rodeo, David.

And as we know, it's practised solely for financial gain and to keep the money monopoly going in order to keep the greedy bastard 1% in the comfort they've grown accustomed to.

It's practiced solely for the industries involved in Guns, Oil, and Drugs. The G.O.D. of the Anglo-American Security State. A clash of civilizations looks pretty good to the Dominionist wing of the G.O.D. Party.

What I take from your argument then, is that it's okay to export war-racism overseas so long as it keeps racism at bay at home.

Excuse me?

I made no such argument.

Trump is eager to nuke something as well as stop and frisk every black kid in the inner cities.

Trump represents aggressive White Supremacist policies at home and abroad.

You know, Trump's a big fan of the Rolling Stones. Maybe someday he'll get cranky about those ever-so-slightly-flat Beatles harmonies and bomb Liverpool.

I can see how this form of myopia is acceptable. It's doubling down haard on the "I'm alright Jack" attitude.

You're conducting an argument with someone unknown to me. Let's snip the strawman right here.
Paul Rigby Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:America has been horribly racist all my life. It still is. But it's good that you wish to change this deeply ingrained inferiority complex from the American psyche. I'm with you on that.

But in pursuing that laudable aim your blithely ignoring something far, far worse.

The simple fact is that projecting wars overseas against Muslims, Russians, Chinese - and whoever else may happen to take the fucked up fancy of the utterly fucked up military intelligence & industrial complex of the US - remains the most blatant form of racism known to mankind.

And as we know, it's practised solely for financial gain and to keep the money monopoly going in order to keep the greedy bastard 1% in the comfort they've grown accustomed to.

What I take from your argument then, is that it's okay to export war-racism overseas so long as it keeps racism at bay at home. I can see how this form of myopia is acceptable. It's doubling down haard on the "I'm alright Jack" attitude.

All it requires to succeed is the ol' magic mind trick of wilfully ignoring the fact that thousands of miles away from US domestic concerns, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of non-people will pay the price in blood and suffering.

And all because America prefers to psychologically project its shadow and growing schizophrenia far away from itself, thus avoiding responsibility for the chaos it rains down.

It's those nassy ol' Muslims, Russians and Chinese to blame. Not you. Not Washington. Not America. Never America.

Have a nice day.


First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Muslim.

Then they came for the Russians, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Russian.

Then they came for the Chinese, and I did not speak out
Because I was not Chinese.

Then they came for meand there was no one left to speak for me.


It seems evident now that what people are saying: democrats have become the war party - really is true.

Who would've thunk...

Beautifully put, that man. It reminded me of this:



David, my thoughts and fears exactly. Paul, thanks for that reminder from Pinter. Brilliant talk.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
How anyone could wish this garbage on anyone is beyond me.

Trump has never flat out denounced David Duke. "I denounce, I denounce," he'll say vaguely when pressed, without enthusiasm.

Global race war, any one?

The Global Clash of Christianity and Islam. "The End Times."

Trump-rooters don't realize what they're rooting for.
It seems to me that those of us who live elsewhere in the world, especially Europe (I don't think we have any members from the middle east?), are far more fearful of Hilary because this (and other) continent/s has seen almost nothing but war for thousands of years, and therefore we fear and recognise it's coming deep down in our DNA.

Conversely, in the US, ever since the times they've killed off and suppressed the native Americans and indulged in the civil war --- war has been something they "do" a long way away from their home - it's something to be watched on the TV. Like a video game.

And that seems to be an acceptable policy that many/most Americans can go along with even if they don't particularly like it.

In support of this argument I give you what I believe is a fairly definitive list of US military operations since it became the United States. It's a very long list, but I recommend you cast your eyes over it, and if you begin from the years 1850 onwards (obviously ignoring the civil war), you'll see what I mean.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Cliff Varnell Wrote:How anyone could wish this garbage on anyone is beyond me.

Trump has never flat out denounced David Duke. "I denounce, I denounce," he'll say vaguely when pressed, without enthusiasm.

Global race war, any one?

The Global Clash of Christianity and Islam. "The End Times."

Trump-rooters don't realize what they're rooting for.

Trumper would have to go some to out-massacre the number of Muslims eliminated by Rodham & the rest of the neo-con butchers over the past three decades. Especially as he's renounced first use of the bomb, something the far-right Rodham has conspiculously failed to do.

Has anyone counted the victims of Rodham's tenure at State?

Still, why bother with such frippery when you can, like Cliff, take a leaf from the Zionists & play "Wag the Nazi" when convenient?
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
My comments in red

Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:How anyone could wish this garbage on anyone is beyond me.

Trump has never flat out denounced David Duke. "I denounce, I denounce," he'll say vaguely when pressed, without enthusiasm.

Global race war, any one?

The Global Clash of Christianity and Islam. "The End Times."

Trump-rooters don't realize what they're rooting for.

Trumper would have to go some to out-massacre the number of Muslims eliminated by Rodham & the rest of the neo-con butchers over the past three decades.

Drop a nuke on Tehran and he'll catch up quick.

Especially as he's renounced first use of the bomb,

No he has not! In the same sentence he said -- "I won't take anything off the table."

Including nuking Europe.

The man LIES constantly and is given to incredible whim.

something the far-right Rodham has conspiculously failed to do.

As opposed to the far-far-far-far right?

Has anyone counted the victims of Rodham's tenure at State?

Dubya Bush killed a million Iraqis.

Obama has a ways to go...

Still, why bother with such frippery when you can, like Cliff, take a leaf from the Zionists & play "Wag the Nazi" when convenient?

Here, wag this:

Virtually Every [B][B]Alt-Right Nazi I Know Is Volunteering For The Trump Campaign'[/B][/B]
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Thanks for posting that Cliff. He comes across as more in control of himself than Hilary and Biden. He talks of disbanding NATO. More thoughtful and less braggadocious than either of them. Not as scary as them by a long shot. Not sure that was your intention though.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Thanks for posting that Cliff. He comes across as more in control of himself than Hilary and Biden. He talks of disbanding NATO. More thoughtful and less braggadocious than either of them. Not as scary as them by a long shot. Not sure that was your intention though.

Keeping the option open to drop a nuke on Europe impresses you as someone in control?

You must have loved it when he said he'd attack any Iranian ship whose sailors made taunts.

Or when he said the US of A was entitled to seize Iraqi oil fields.

Or when he said the capitol of Israel should be Jerusalem.

Or that Islam hates the West.

Or that Japan, So Korea and Saudi Arabia should have nukes.

Or his current 4-day battle over a woman's ideal weight...

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