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Hillary sick?
Paul Rigby Wrote:Published on Sep 29, 2016
A composite of short videos showing Clinton and her team cheating before, during and after the debate.


No Way Out for Hillary!

October 2, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Quote:The "Cleaner," or more accurately, "The Sweeper", Lawyer Brady Williamson (aka Podium Guy) is a CIA Operative funded by the Agency for International Development [AID=CIA]. Once again, the CIA tries to determine the outcome of our voting as well as the future of our country!

This time they will fail.

Thanks again to the astute, perceptive insights of our incredibly intelligent alt community [Mad Mad World [MMW], Drudge Report, Youtube, readers, writers etc.], we have identified a man who inadvertently exposed himself in the first televised debate between Hillary and Donald. After examining the videos and checking up on his credentials, I will try to delineate some aspects as to whom Brady Williamson is, and what he does:

"He is a long-time Democratic lawyer/strategist and three-decade member of the Democratic negotiating team." [Mad Mad World].

Again, we taxpayers are footing an incredible $14M ticket to support his previous chicanery in both Egypt and the Arab Spring.

Let's get more specific….

According to "The Gateway Pundit", here are some of the salient aspects of this mysterious "CIA Sweeper":

Brady was involved in projects in Iraq, Southern Sudan, Egypt and Bangladesh, often visiting Baghdad and East Africa.

Does that sound like your regular ambulance chaser'?

Next Brady received a "grant from the USG by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs [NDI], a non-profit organization working to strengthen democracy world-wide" [MDDW]. This is Catholics in Action [CIA] all over again: Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Libya, Honduras [effete VP Time Kaine], Panama, Africa, et. al.

"It is also reported NDI was given a grant of $14million …. And NDI was charged with managing an unlicensed NGO in Egypt…"

What does this all mean?

From a counter-intelligence perspective, I can only conclude that once again the CIA has inserted its ugly proboscis into a domestic issue over which it has no legitimacy or jurisdiction [see "Sicario", the film]. The CIA, under DCI John Brennan,who worked as an advisor' for four of our previously CIA co-opted POTUSstwo Bushes, one Clinton, and one Obamahas now decided that he cannot trust the American public to determine its own future.

The CIA has seconded this Brady Williamson [of little integrity and less intellect] to help its favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton, to win the office of the White House.I have written countless times that both Bill and Hillary were recruited into the CIA soon after each graduated from Yale [the hotbed of CIA activities].One must understand that the CIA and other intelligence services do not care about one's political affiliations or sexual proclivities as long as they can manipulate you into their service.Witness the mysterious rise of a mulatto homosexual seemingly born in Hawaii, or wherever [it's irrelevant], who suddenly appears on the political horizon bereft of past deeds, future plans, or impeccable judgement. They used him to defeat another CIA operative, Hillary Clinton. Americans are supposed to believe that there has been a fair, transparent election process?? The fact that Senator John McCain or Mitt Romney were Republican candidates is also irrelevant. For the most part, McCain was completely compromised during the Vietnam War; and Romney along with his Mormon crew were rife with CIA operatives, some of whom I had to dismiss in the jungles of Cambodia.

Now, has any debate moderator asked any of the aforementioned candidates whether they have ever been, or are in any part of a secret organization [Skull and Bones]; or, has any candidate ever worked/been paid by a covert agency of the USG or any other government [i.e Israel]?

That question is completely taboo!

In the case of Donald Trump, LtGen. Michael Thomas Flynn is an outstanding intelligence officer. He does not hide the fact that he was and is involved in our USG covert operations.However, Hillary and her compatriots, are extremely embarrassed to admit that they are in tied to our intelligence community.

It is both disingenuous and self-destructive for Hillary to continue to run for the presidency when she knows she is exceedingly sick [Parkinson's Disease] and highly compromised by all sides of the overt/covert political spectrum [uber corruption]. Once again, the Brady Williamsons appear as a blip on a video screen in order to reveal to the world that he, like many others who have helped Hillary to ascend the greasy pole of politics, are working against the best interests of our own USG.

As you all know by now, the Sweeper' is a technical term often associated with dirty tricks' in the world of black ops. I acted as a sweeper' on certain occasions. Yet, I did so in order to rid our world of "human trash" terrorists and repressive regimes/leaders. Who will be our country's sweeper' in order to rid our electoral process of corruption, lies, and malfeasance?

God help those who think that they can hoodwink the American public or eviscerate our due process of law. It's not going to happen in this new world of the internet, as long as we, conspirators' and truth-sayers' remain vigilant and continue the fight for our basic liberties.

The celebrated American writer/novelist, Mary McCarthy, wrote the following:

"Bureaucracy, the rule of no one, has become the modern form of despotism."
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Quote:Thanks again to the astute, perceptive insights of our incredibly intelligent alt community [Mad Mad World [MMW], Drudge Report, Youtube, readers, writers etc.],

This is the neo-Nazi "alt. right" community.

These are the people Trump-rooters back, whether they fully comprehend that, or not.

Or does opposing neo-Nazism automatically make me a "Zionist"?
Cliff Varnell Wrote:...or does opposing neo-Nazism automatically make me a "Zionist"?

Much worse, Cliff, it makes you a crashing, unconvincing bore unwilling to confront the manifest shiftiness of the Robot's team at the first debate.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Sounds like WikiLeaks are preparing another fusillade...
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:...or does opposing neo-Nazism automatically make me a "Zionist"?

Much worse, Cliff, it makes you a crashing, unconvincing bore unwilling to confront the manifest shiftiness of the Robot's team at the first debate.

No no, I'll take crashing unconvincing bore over a Zionist or a supporter of neo-Nazis any day!

Crashing Unconvincing Bore it is!

Maybe Clinton managed to spike all that coke Trump snorted ahead of time.
More crashing boredom!

[size=12]RNC goes alt-right: GOP's chief strategist promotes new "Willie Horton-style" attack against Tim Kaine

Forget the dog whistles, the GOP is now looking back fondly on the racist Willie Horton ad of 1988
Emphasis added:

Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:...or does opposing neo-Nazism automatically make me a "Zionist"?

Much worse, Cliff, it makes you a crashing, unconvincing bore unwilling to confront the manifest shiftiness of the Robot's team at the first debate.

On this point you've mis-judged me, Paul.

You can talk all the smack you want about RoboHillary and it's okay by me -- and it doesn't change a thing about Trump's neo-fascist campaign.

I'd rather critique genuine issues and not this alt.right bullshit.

How will PrezHill's coziness with Monsanto and the genetically-modified food plague/bio-war inform her policies?

How much will wrong-headed regime change ambition inform her policies?

How much will manipulation of the international oil markets inform her policies?

How much will manipulation of the global narcotics markets inform her policies?

Will she amend the "indefinite detention" clause of the National Defense Authorization Act which-- save for a Presidential signing statement exempting American citizens -- allows the military to hold anyone as long as they want without informing anyone else?

The US of A right now is one Obama signing statement away from being a formal military dictatorship.

You never hear any of the candidates talk about it.

For starters...
The Racist Foreign Polices of Obama and Hillary Clinton

WAYNE MADSEN | 01.10.2016

Quote:In surveying the past eight years of President Barack Obama's foreign policy, four of which involved then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a disturbing pattern emerges. When it came to applying sanctions on nations charged with violating human rights, Obama chose to single out only those nations where either Europeans or, otherwise, white Caucasians were in leadership positions. However, when it came to applying similar sanctions on African countries led by brutal dictators, there was nary a peep from either Obama or Mrs. Clinton.

Obama and Clinton began pressing for sanctions against Russia after the 2009 death of Russian auditor Sergei Magnitsky. Under Clinton, the State Department, along with the U.S. Treasury Department, began drawing up a list of Russian officials to be sanctioned for the 2009 death in prison of Magnitsky, a less-than-sympathetic figure who was involved with a sketchy firm called Hermitage Capital Management.

Hermitage was under investigation by the Russian government for failure to pay taxes. Magnitsky was an auditor for the Firestone Duncan law firm, which was founded in Moscow in 1993 by two Americans. Hermitage had retained Firestone Duncan as its tax advisory firm and Magnitsky was assigned to conduct audits for Hermitage.

How could a tax evading U.S. investment firm in Moscow, co-founded by Bill Browder, the grandson of Earl Browder, the former leader of the Communist Party USA, obtain the personal interest of Hillary Clinton? It turns out that Hermitage Capital Management was a donor to the Clinton Foundation, which is at the center of a huge pay-to-play influence-peddling scandal during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.

It is noteworthy that Earl Browder was treated kindly during the anti-Communist Red Scare days of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Browder was never prosecuted for espionage and he was expelled from the American Communist Party because he was not deemed trustworthy by his comrades. Current Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan, whose fingerprints are all over sanctions imposed on Russian leaders, admitted that in 1976 he voted for Browder's successor as general secretary of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall.

In fact, the American Communists were so riddled with CIA and Federal Bureau of Investigation agents that Brennan's admission should not come as news to anyone. Nor should it be a shock that the CIA might be willing to engage the services of Browder's grandson in Moscow. The Magnitsky Act, which appears to have more to do with attempting regime change in Russia, was directed against Russian law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and judges.

After the Obama-Clinton team enacted regime changes in North Africa and the Middle East, further sanctions were drawn up against the soon-to-be-ousted leaders of Tunisia and Libya. The U.S. Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) issued a warning for banks to be in the lookout for money transfers from ousted Tunisian President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali and former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and their families.

After the commencement of the U.S.-led rebellion against Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, the U.S. applied sanctions against Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, his family, and senior Libyan officials, as well as the Qaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation. Perhaps had the Qaddafi Foundation made a sizeable donation to the Clinton Foundation, as had Hermitage Capital, the Qaddafi family may have received a slight degree of consideration from Clinton at the State Department. However, after Qaddafi's brutal assassination by U.S.-supported jihadist rebels in Sirte, Mrs. Clinton cackled with laughter, saying, «We came, we saw, he died!» Billions of dollars of Libyan assets were frozen by the Obama administration.

After the start of the Syrian civil war, Washington applied sweeping sanctions on the Syrian leadership, including President Bashar al-Assad and his family and top Syrian officials. Recently, as Washington found its jihadist allies losing on the battlefield in Syria, calls for increased sanctions against Assad and his government ministers and other officials grew louder from the «human rights» chorus aligned with Obama and Mrs. Clinton.

The U.S.-instigated and Saudi-backed regime change in Yemen and the subsequent civil war in the nation saw the U.S. apply sanctions against Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni Zaidi sect of Islam, and former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh and his son Ahmed Ali Saleh.

Under Mrs. Clinton's term at the State Department, more «themed revolutions» were planned for Europe. The 2014 Euromaidan revolt in Kiev was partly the brainchild of Mrs. Clinton's press spokesperson Victoria Nuland, who, upon Mrs. Clinton's recommendation, became Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs under Secretary of State John Kerry in 2012.

After the retrocession of Crimea back to Russia and the declaration of sovereignty of eastern Ukraine's republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, further U.S. sanctions, including asset freezes and visa bans, were applied against both Russian officials and officials of Crimea, Lugansk, and Donetsk, as well as former officials of the ousted Ukrainian government of democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych. U.S. sanctions also targeted the Russian firms Transneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegas, Rostec and Sberbank. These were in addition to visa bans previously imposed against officials of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transnistria.

The Obama administration also drew up plans to enact sanctions, including asset freezes and visa bans, against the democratically-elected governments of Macedonia and the Bosnian Serb Republic for daring to resist U.S. calls for regime change.

Iranian leaders and businesses had already experienced their share of punitive U.S. sanctions, all of which were encouraged by the Israeli-controlled neo-conservative machine in Washington that continued to call the shots after George W. Bush left office. Additional sanctions were imposed by Washington against members of the family of the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.

At the same time the Obama-Clinton clique sanctioned leaders from Russia, the Caucasus, the Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa, Obama continued to maintain warm relations with some of Africa's most brutal dictators. Displaying naked racism for all the world to see, Obama never brought up «human rights» as Gambia's dictator announced the death penalty against gays, declared his country to be an Islamic state, and imposed Islamic sharia law. Nor was there any criticism as Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Rwandan President Paul Kagame continued to oppress the political opposition in their countries and support secessionist rebels in neighboring Congo. In fact, Obama sent U.S. military troops to Uganda to oppress Christians and support Muslim jihadists in the neighboring Central African Republic.

Obama also supported kleptocratic regimes in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo, and Burkina Faso. The issue of sanctioning black African leaders, with the exception of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and his government and parastatal institutions and Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, never arose under Obama's administration. It is also now known that a number of African nations that avoided U.S. sanctions for human rights violations were involved with the Clinton Foundation as donors or recipients. These included Nigeria, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Malawi, Gabon, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Liberia, Zambia, and Tanzania.

Obama and Mrs. Clinton will go down in history of singling out for «human rights» violations largely white European or Middle Eastern/North African Caucasian leaders and applying sanctions against them. However, when it came to some of black Africa's worst human rights violators, Obama and the aspiring next president of the United States gave them a free pass.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:Published on Sep 29, 2016
A composite of short videos showing Clinton and her team cheating before, during and after the debate.


No Way Out for Hillary!

October 2, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Quote:The "Cleaner," or more accurately, "The Sweeper", Lawyer Brady Williamson (aka Podium Guy) is a CIA Operative funded by the Agency for International Development [AID=CIA]. Once again, the CIA tries to determine the outcome of our voting as well as the future of our country!

This time they will fail.

Thanks again to the astute, perceptive insights of our incredibly intelligent alt community [Mad Mad World [MMW], Drudge Report, Youtube, readers, writers etc.], we have identified a man who inadvertently exposed himself in the first televised debate between Hillary and Donald. After examining the videos and checking up on his credentials, I will try to delineate some aspects as to whom Brady Williamson is, and what he does:

"He is a long-time Democratic lawyer/strategist and three-decade member of the Democratic negotiating team." [Mad Mad World].

Again, we taxpayers are footing an incredible $14M ticket to support his previous chicanery in both Egypt and the Arab Spring.

Let's get more specific….

According to "The Gateway Pundit", here are some of the salient aspects of this mysterious "CIA Sweeper":

Brady was involved in projects in Iraq, Southern Sudan, Egypt and Bangladesh, often visiting Baghdad and East Africa.

Does that sound like your regular ambulance chaser'?

Next Brady received a "grant from the USG by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs [NDI], a non-profit organization working to strengthen democracy world-wide" [MDDW]. This is Catholics in Action [CIA] all over again: Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Libya, Honduras [effete VP Time Kaine], Panama, Africa, et. al.

"It is also reported NDI was given a grant of $14million …. And NDI was charged with managing an unlicensed NGO in Egypt…"

What does this all mean?

From a counter-intelligence perspective, I can only conclude that once again the CIA has inserted its ugly proboscis into a domestic issue over which it has no legitimacy or jurisdiction [see "Sicario", the film]. The CIA, under DCI John Brennan,who worked as an advisor' for four of our previously CIA co-opted POTUSstwo Bushes, one Clinton, and one Obamahas now decided that he cannot trust the American public to determine its own future.

The CIA has seconded this Brady Williamson [of little integrity and less intellect] to help its favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton, to win the office of the White House.I have written countless times that both Bill and Hillary were recruited into the CIA soon after each graduated from Yale [the hotbed of CIA activities].One must understand that the CIA and other intelligence services do not care about one's political affiliations or sexual proclivities as long as they can manipulate you into their service.Witness the mysterious rise of a mulatto homosexual seemingly born in Hawaii, or wherever [it's irrelevant], who suddenly appears on the political horizon bereft of past deeds, future plans, or impeccable judgement. They used him to defeat another CIA operative, Hillary Clinton. Americans are supposed to believe that there has been a fair, transparent election process?? The fact that Senator John McCain or Mitt Romney were Republican candidates is also irrelevant. For the most part, McCain was completely compromised during the Vietnam War; and Romney along with his Mormon crew were rife with CIA operatives, some of whom I had to dismiss in the jungles of Cambodia.

Now, has any debate moderator asked any of the aforementioned candidates whether they have ever been, or are in any part of a secret organization [Skull and Bones]; or, has any candidate ever worked/been paid by a covert agency of the USG or any other government [i.e Israel]?

That question is completely taboo!

In the case of Donald Trump, LtGen. Michael Thomas Flynn is an outstanding intelligence officer. He does not hide the fact that he was and is involved in our USG covert operations.However, Hillary and her compatriots, are extremely embarrassed to admit that they are in tied to our intelligence community.

It is both disingenuous and self-destructive for Hillary to continue to run for the presidency when she knows she is exceedingly sick [Parkinson's Disease] and highly compromised by all sides of the overt/covert political spectrum [uber corruption]. Once again, the Brady Williamsons appear as a blip on a video screen in order to reveal to the world that he, like many others who have helped Hillary to ascend the greasy pole of politics, are working against the best interests of our own USG.

As you all know by now, the Sweeper' is a technical term often associated with dirty tricks' in the world of black ops. I acted as a sweeper' on certain occasions. Yet, I did so in order to rid our world of "human trash" terrorists and repressive regimes/leaders. Who will be our country's sweeper' in order to rid our electoral process of corruption, lies, and malfeasance?

God help those who think that they can hoodwink the American public or eviscerate our due process of law. It's not going to happen in this new world of the internet, as long as we, conspirators' and truth-sayers' remain vigilant and continue the fight for our basic liberties.

The celebrated American writer/novelist, Mary McCarthy, wrote the following:

"Bureaucracy, the rule of no one, has become the modern form of despotism."

"Podiumgate": How the Clintons Rigged the First Presidential Debate

By Larry Chin
Global Research, October 04, 2016

The Clintons will break all rules and laws to seize White House power. This is amply proven by the manner in which they rigged and stole the first presidential debate.

Quote:The operation appears to have been planned in advance of the September 26, 2016 event, involving the Clintons and their operatives, the debate organizers, the broadcast media (NBC and "moderator" Lester Holt), the managers of the venue, and the security detail at the facility.

The rig was carried out with near-military precision.

It began with the building of a special podium for Hillary Clinton: one that was smaller than the podium designated for Donald Trump. The smaller podium gave Hillary the illusion of being bigger in physical stature. More importantly, the podium seems to have been built or adapted with some sort of electronic console or teleprompter.

Who oversaw the building and modification of this podium? Why did the Trump people not notice this immediately?

Prior to the debate, tape footage shows how a device meant to be installed into Hillary's podium was smuggled in by the Clintons and their operatives. Also brought in was a stack of documents; perhaps the debate questions obtained in advance from someone inside. The behavior appears highly suspicious; they are clearly up to something.

Photos also lay waste to the lie that Lester Holt was not wired during the debate. He clearly was, and a technician even removed his jacket to install it. Hillary herself might also have been wired. To what, we do not know, but they were both wired.

During the debate, footage shows Hillary Clinton's podium lighting up with a computer screen, while Trump's podium stays dark. Hillary's hand appears to be pressing or toggling controls on the podium to scroll through her teleprompter screen. Her motions have been interpreted by some as involuntary tremors from Parkinson's disease, but they appear to be far more deliberate than involuntary.

Analysis shows Hillary apparently giving signals to Lester Holt several times at key moments during the debate. Each time she scratched her nose or touched her face, Holt promptly interrupted, attacked and derailed Trump.


The timing was too systematic to be coincidental. Holt also clearly let Clinton have a free pass to speak ad nauseum without "fact checking" and without interruptions throughout the debate. This in addition to the inane topicswhich did not include any questions about Clinton's track recordwere already a setup that did not favor Trump.

The most damning evidence of the rigging involves what happened after the debate ended. Footage shows the Clintons and their operatives "doing a sneaky dance" on the stage after the debate to retrieve the device from Hillary's podium while the crowds mill about.

Watch these breakdowns:

Hillary Clinton's teleprompter at the debate caught on camera:





The main Clinton operativethe white-haired mustached man wearing glasses has been identified as Brady Williamson, a Democratic Party strategist and lawyer, and a man who has worked for the Clintons for decades. Williamson, the "Cleaner Man" darts around, with two others lurking nearby acting as lookouts. Their movements suggest that they are clearly up to no good. Finally the entire Clinton team, including Bill and Hillary, surround the secret podium to hide the retrieval of the object(s) out of the podium. These items are passed from Williamson to another operative, and then secreted out.

(Were it not for sharp-eyed observers who analyzed this footage and posted it on YouTube, we would not have caught the Clintons pulling this off. This is why the powers that be want to control and shut down the Internet to prevent citizen investigative work such as this.)

A clear difference in criminal experience

Criminal behavior on the part of the Clintons is no surprise. It is how they have always done things, and gotten away with all of it. Criminality, secrecy, and deception are the foundations of their political dynasty. Any seasoned observer expects the dirtiest dirty tricks from them.

What is baffling is that this blatant fraud occurred without the Trump camp noticing, or doing anything about it. Trump agreed to the terms and mechanics of the debate well in advance. What happened to Trump's security detail? How did no one notice how Hillary's podium lit up? Why was the stage controlled only by Clinton operatives? Didn't anyone not aligned to Clinton check the podiums and the stage before the debate began? Why didn't someone confront Williamson or the other suspicious characters? Why didn't Trump cry foul during the fraud, or afterwards?

If the Trump forces are unable to counter or match the dirty tricks and psy-ops of the highly experienced Clinton machine, they will not survive.

Foolishness while the world burns

The world is facing unprecedented crisis. Yet substantive issues are not addressed in these campaign events. If and when any real issues are approached, deception, lies and falsehoods dominate the rhetoric.

As expected, the Clinton faction is trying to reduce matters to the lowest common denominator, focusing attention on gossipy tabloid material, such as "rude things that Trump said or tweeted", Trump's "fat shaming" of women and Miss Universe contestants, and Trump's tax returns. The Clintons have calculated, probably correctly, that the dumbed down American masses care much more about trivial matters than such real issues as world war, nuclear holocaust, collapsing economies and other realities. The low road, familiar to the dirty Clintons, is their key to victory. They view the populace with utter contempt. Their goal is to seize power, and to hell with the rest.

Tragically, instead of turning matters to his advantage, Trump has so far taken the bait, falling into the Clinton trap, by reacting to the Clinton gossip. He has even added more hot air to the mix, blabbering about his own business affairs and matters of irrelevance. He himself is the embodiment of tabloid gossip and a reality show circus, and he has done a poor job changing this impression. Both Clinton and Trump are head cases.

Even when he has been given opportunities to drive the discourse, Trump has failed to articulate how he would be less of a New World Order neocon/war monger/corporatist than Clinton. He and Clinton argue about who is the better "anti-terrorist" and the tougher adversary against Russia and China, the more aggressive "law and order cop".

Yes, Trump has criticized Clinton and Obama for some of their war policies, for "disasters" such as creating ISIS, etc. But would Trump have ended the wars if he had been at the controls?

Does he intend to end them now? Would he stop the regime change agenda in Syria? Would he make peace with Russia and stop military operations aimed at Russian forces? Would Trump end the criminal reign of the CIA? Would Trump do anything about the decades of crimes of the Clintons and Bushes, for which they deserve severe punishment? Would he prosecute the highest figures of the New World Order? Would Trump dare expose the fact that Bush-Clinton/neoliberal-neocon is a charade that masks the united criminal reality that is the New World Order? Unless the answer to all of these questions is yes, then Trump is no hero, either.

Trump will not pull the plug on the machine that put him on the map; the system that made him rich. It would be delusional to think he would.

"Not being Clinton" is not, by itself, a qualification. If Trump is backed by the Bush faction, and by neocons such as his vice presidential partner Mike Pence, and if Trump pushes ideas that appeal to right-wing extremists and the Religious Right, then he is simply a different path to the same holocaust, with slightly differences in style and timing.

Given her well documented penchant for war crimes and murder, Hillary Clinton is the larger threat to the planet. But a Trump/neocon/Republican administration would likely also result in continued chaos and suffering, and dangers of great magnitude.

The next circus moment

The second debate scheduled for October 9, 2016 promises nothing better for Trump. The last debate saw Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt ganging up on Trump. This next time, it will be three against one.

One of the "moderators" is CNN's Anderson Cooper, who was a CIA intern, who likely still functions as an intelligence asset.

CNN is so heavily skewed to the Clintons, and dominated by former Clintonites, that it is referred to derisively as the "Clinton News Network". Cooper has pushed the lie that Lester Holt was deferential to Trump, when in fact Holt constantly interrupted Trump and bashed him every time Hillary asked him to. Cooper's statements suggest that he will attack Trump even more aggressively than Holt.

The other "moderator" will be ABC's Martha Raddatz, who was White House correspondent in the George W. Bush administration. Raddatz is further proof that the corporate media is a revolving door through which Washington insiders slither and slime back and forth.

As long as the Clinton operatives continue to be allowed to get away with fraud and criminal shenanigans-be it rigged podiums, rigged stage props, hidden teleprompters, hidden transceivers, cheat notes, and collusion with "moderators"and as long as the corporate media continues to conspire with the Clintons without consequences, then Donald Trump will be toast again.

That is what the Clintons are counting on.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:The Racist Foreign Polices of Obama and Hillary Clinton

WAYNE MADSEN | 01.10.2016

Quote:In surveying the past eight years of President Barack Obama's foreign policy, four of which involved then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a disturbing pattern emerges. When it came to applying sanctions on nations charged with violating human rights, Obama chose to single out only those nations where either Europeans or, otherwise, white Caucasians were in leadership positions. However, when it came to applying similar sanctions on African countries led by brutal dictators, there was nary a peep from either Obama or Mrs. Clinton.

America's racist foreign policies started with Obama and Clinton?

When Dubya Bush killed 1 million+ Iraqis -- that wasn't racist?

Or when a half-million Iraqi children died due to sanctions enforced by Bill Clinton?

Or when GHW Bush invaded Panama and killed everyone in the neighborhoods surrounding Manuel Noriega's headquaters?

The Contra War, and the El Salvadorean death squads?


And on and on...Trump would take all of that and accelerate it.

"I'd be the last person to use nuclear" -- no, he'd be the next person use nuclear weapons.

With the blessings of his Dominionist dominated military, of course.

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