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"ScarfLady"---TSBD building "employee"?
The point was a serious one and deserves more respect on a board that pretends a serious academic standard. I don't know why O'Blazney would violate board decorum over the perfectly reasonable subject of Sarah Stanton.

For those who have the intellectual self-control to honor on-topic, Larry wanted to know the identity of Scarf Lady. It is possible Scarf Lady is the person in question. Right now, I think Scarf Lady has a different face than Davidson's face of a woman and is not the person in question. That's why all efforts should be made to find out more information on Stanton. O'Blazney represents the anti-intellectual mob that is preventing good research. They are directly responsible for this not being done because of mob-like bullying.

Mark, get back to us when you can respectfully answer Davidson's metadata...Frazier said he was talking to Sarah Stanton at the time of Darnell...It deserves serious follow-through...


Stanton was 41 at the time of the assassination. Scarf Lady looks older.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Larry:

Stanton was 41 at the time of the assassination. Scarf Lady looks older.

​I would guess 45 to 55, but would accept 41.


Stanton was born in 1922 so her being 41 at the time of the assassination is known.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Stanton was born in 1922 so her being 41 at the time of the assassination is known.

I can't seem to recall stating she wasn't. I had a deja vecu moment there, and thought I was back on that other forum and seeing posts implying I said something that I didn't.
In any event, fyi, I offered an age guesstimation regarding the image aka ScarfLady.



I'm pretty sure the face on Scarf Lady is different from the face on the woman in Davidson's enhancement. Plus I think the lady in Davidson has glasses.
I called Jimmy Darnell a few months ago and left a message on his voicemail explaining the need to get hold of his original film but he didn't respond. I have his phone number.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Larry:

I'm pretty sure the face on Scarf Lady is different from the face on the woman in Davidson's enhancement. Plus I think the lady in Davidson has glasses.

That's fine, another possibility is Ms Pauline Sanders, just not as likely. In any event, I have not been able to embrace CD's enhancement, but, the fact remains so far at least, that Ms SarahStanton and Ms PaulineSanders are not identified among known TSBD doorway landing occupants at the time of filming. Nor is ScarfLady as seen a few minutes later. However, I do see evidence of a scarf/bandana, similar clothing, similar size, and possibly similar facial features as SL, whose proper identity is needed. The same evidence, added to assisted understanding, is my route to certain conclusions, although admittedly absolute proof is dependent upon the proper identifications of SS, PS, and SL.


There's no excuse for not getting both Davidson's image and Scarf Lady in front of Frazier and asking him who they are?

The fact this isn't being done is a symptom of the poisonous corruption of JFK research by Murphy supporters.

What's next? A Lancer "Excellence In Website Moderation" award for James Gordon???

Larry: Davidson has proven his enhancement with his metadata. Murphy backers call for the metadata but then ignore it (or even censor it) when it shows up.
If needed, but it is not really necessary, we can elaborate on the CD enhancement on "another, but appropriate, thread".::vroom::



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