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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds
David Guyatt Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Mukden it was then for Singlaub, from my manuscript done in 2000. I think Jimmy Carter fired Singlaub for insubordination for actions in South Korea in the late 1970's then Singlaub helped run the Iranian hostage crisis to get rid of Carter as a payback and to install Reagan to make sure that the Iron Curtain would come tumbling down by the late 1980's. And the rest is history.

Here is more about the U.S. Council for World Freedom yet another Nazi front.

The U.S.C.W.F. served in the early 1980's as the American chapter of The World Anti-Communist League and sent delegates to all of the WACL conferences. The U.S.C.W.F. was formed during a meeting held at The Mountain Shadow Resort inn in Phoenix, Arizona on, get this date now, November 22, 1981, which was convened by Major General John K. Singlaub, a former O.S.S. operative during WW-II and the Central Intelligence Agency deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War where he undoubtedly interacted with Major General Charles Willoughby. In 1946, he was chief of the U.S. military liaison mission to, get this now, Mukden, Manchuria, China, and later served as the China desk officer for the Central Intelligence Agency in 1949. How far away from Vonsiatsky's White Russian Nazi headquarters in Harbin would one find Mukden is presently unknown, but infinitely fascinating. (Approximately 200 kilometers apart in the Northeast quadrant of Manchuria which borders Russia.)

I meant to also add in my earlier post (but was interrupted by family responsibilities yesterday) that Cline was also involved in the Philippine gold recovery operation via the business vehicle Nippon Star. That Cline was in Mukden with Singlaub speak volumes, I think.

Volumes indeed. And Cline not only was referenced by Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon but he later served as head of The World Anti-Communist League during it's most blatantly pro-Fascist period. I can't find the Washington Post article: "The Fascist Specter behind the World Anti-Red League" on the Post website but it was also documented there and in "Inside the League" by Jon and Scott Anderson (Dodd, Meade c. 1986) Can anyone else find it anywhere?

OK, now it is time to suspend disbelief once more and see how Richard Condon referred to Ray S. Cline using an anagram and word plays in his "novel." Just trust me on this one, please.

1) The Cline clone character was Senator "John Yerkes Iselin" known as "Johnny" Iselin with the last name pronounced almost like Ease-Lynn as a proxy for Eastland, the Senator from Mississippi who was head of the Draper Genetics Committee in SISS and also the one who dispatched Oswald to the Clinton, LA Voter Registration drive and on the mission to purchase a mail-order Manlicher-Carcano from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago ostensibly to show how easy it was to obtain a mail-order rifle, but in essence in order to provide an incriminating trail to show that Oswald owned such a gun. He had been patsied already as soon as he ordered and received that gun.

2) Senator James O. Eastland (James E. and not John E.) was also the one who asked Wickliffe Draper to sponsor The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission as exposed by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Doug Blackmon in the Wall Street Journal in June of 1999. Article to be uploaded later.

3) Richard Yerkes was a famous Eugenicist associated with Wickliffe Draper.
Draper is also referenced at least twice in ManCand the novel.

4) James Eastland put Byron De La Beckwith up to the murder of Medgar Evers, Jr. within the State of Mississippi possibly using Mind Control Techniques. Draper made his first contribution to the MissSovComm a few weeks later as promised in return for the execution of Medgar Evers, Jr. in a sort of Murder to Order recipe. (See Murder to Order by Karl Anders Dodd, Mead)

5) Draper sent his next contribution to the MissSovComm a few days BEFORE the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church Choir Girls in Birmingham and the last payment went out a few weeks before the murders of Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman in Philadelphia, Mississippi. I know a professor who swears that someone from The Pioneer Fund was seen on a newsreel being arrested after they discovered the bodies, but he never was charged or prosecuted either. Documents and affidavits have been filed and secreted in order to protect the information and the informants.

That being said here is the tough part which requires that you suspend
your disbelief for just a moment more...

The individual letters in "John Yerkes Iselin" when rearranged become:

John E. is Rey S. Klein

Which was meant by Condon to mean: "Johnny" is Ray S. Cline.

Cline was stationed in Taiwan when Oswald was there. This was where he was seen being wined and dined and accommodated by Geisha Girls at expensive local bars, where he caught the clap and where he allegedly went into "the brig" for a few weeks for some undocumented and unrecorded charge. All the while he was being trained as an unwitting MK/ULTRA assassin. Robert Emmett Johnson who was stationed near Harbin after World War II was also trained by our friend The ManCand. Johnson has been conclusively identified as one of the JFK trigger men in Dealey Plaza by one of the best Australian researchers who ever came down the shunt pike.

This fact was also confirmed to Mary Ferrell and myself by "Roy" Hargraves, a close fiend of Gerry Hemming's who apparently told the same story to our Aussie from down under who trains SOFs in the martial arts. I will believe Mary, Roy and the Martial Arts dude until the end of my days.

Robert Emmett Johnson was one of the trigger men in Dealey Plaza and he was also involved with Raoul from Montreal according to Bill Turner in The Fish is Red. Since James Earl Ray was involved with a Raoul from Montreal, we can only assume that this was the same person and that James Earl Ray shot MLK as yet another Robt Emmett Johnson clone as a programmed assassin.

The logical inference is that Oswald was being trained in Taiwan by one of Cline's Manchurian Candidate MK/ULTRA programs. Oswald may have shot Corporal Schrand in the armpit while he was in Taiwan as a demonstration of his prowess as an assassin, I can not recall now. When did Oswald shoot Schrand anway? The only way you can shoot someone in the armpit and into his heart is if his hands are raised straight above his head or if they are clasped behind his neck in the classic prisoner's march pose. Mark Diaz in a presentation penned by someone else, offered gratuitous, duplicitous and inaccurate excuses as to how Schrand was supposedly shot in the armpit after he accidentally dropped his rifle, butt first onto the ground and from that point forward he was, and still is, persona non grata in the JFK investigation.

See, that Condon anagram was not all that hard to swallow was it now?

Add Raymond Steiner Cline to the list of Condon's Dirty Dozen. More later.

Quod Est Demonstratum.
[quote=Helen Reyes]


The Birth of Japanese anti-Semitism

The Japanese attitude toward Jews was a peculiar mix of admiration for supposed Jewish financial as well as political power, and a fear of "Jewish world conspiracy". The people who, in the 1930s, concerned themselves with the "Jewish problem" were, almost without exception, driven by virulent anti-semitist convictions toward actions that, at the time, invoked accusations of philo-Semitism.

The foundations for the image of Jews as enormously powerful financiers were laid just before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war in 1894, when the French banker Albert Kahn helped Japan float a loan to finance the war. Although this did not go unnoticed, and Kahn was hosted by Emperor Meiji and Okuma Shigenobu when he visited Japan in 1909, Kahn's fame was soon to be overshadowed by the actions of the New York banker Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb, and Company. 107 In April 1904, Takahashi Koreikiyo, then vice-governor of the Bank of Japan, and later to become Finance Minister and Prime Minister, was in London in order to try and raise loans to finance the war with Russia, which had started 2 months earlier. He was having great difficulties doing so, because Japan, at that time, was not doing well and it was looked upon as a risky investment. Schiff, however, declared that he was willing to help Japan, motivated by his resentment over the treatment of the Jews by the Russian government, and that he would convince others to do likewise. Schiff helped raise two hundred million dollars, and was later the first non-Japanese to be awarded the 'Order of the Rising Sun'. Schiff's actions were considered as having been crucial to Japan's victory over Russia, and his actions were widely known. 108

Schiff's name was mentioned again at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, as being one of the financiers behind it. During World War I Japan's relations with czarist Russia had improved, and at the time of the Revolution Japan sided with the White Russian counter-revolutionaries. In White Russian propaganda, the Bolshevik movement was depicted as a Jewish conspiracy, a case seemingly corroborated by the well-known Jewishness of people like Trotsky, and Schiff's name was mentioned as one of the powerful Jews that financed the overthrow of the Czar. This notion found a fertile breeding ground in Japan, all the more so because it fit in perfectly with the already existing image of Jews in general, and Schiff in particular. 109

Bolshevism was seen as a great danger in Japan, and in 1918 Japan, at the repeated request of France and the U.S., decided to intervene in the Russian civil war on the White Russians' side. 110 The commander of the anti-communist forces in Siberia was Admiral Alexander Kolchak, notorious for his assaults on Jewish communities. Extreme anti-Semitism existed amongst the White Russian troops, who saw communism as synonymous with Jewishness.

An important part in the White Russian anti-Semitic propaganda was played by a document called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", a forgery that claimed to reveal a Jewish scheme to take over the world. Originally invented to serve the French Right in implicating Alfred Dreyfuss, it had become immensely popular, in an updated 1905 version by Sergei Nilus, amongst the White Russian troops that fouhgt in Siberia, and in the following years it would come to serve as the Bible of anti-Semitism. 111 The "Protocols" did not fail to make an impression on the Japanese military men that made their acquaintance with it.

Four Japanese military men who were participants in the Siberian expedition and whose names were to resurface time after time during the 1920s and '30s in connection with Jewish affairs were: General Shioden Nobutaka, General Higuchi Kiichiro, Captain Inuzaka Koreshige and Colonel Yasue Norihiro. They were all stationed in Siberia as Russian-language experts, and in the years to come they would use this expertise to translate and disseminate anti-Semitca amongst the Japanese.

The first pamphlet in Japanese that quoted from the "Protocols" appeared in Vladivostok, in 1919, and really marked the beginning of anti-Semitism in Japan. 112

The Japanese Handling of the "Jewish Problem"

During the 1920s the Japanese military men that had acquainted themselves with the "Jewish problem" during the Siberian expeditions, further busied themselves with this theme. Being pioneers in this field, they were almost automatically called upon as "Jew-experts" when brushes with Judaism occurred. In the 1920s Japan, having been one of the Four Great Powers to allocate the mandate over Palestine to Britain in 1920, developed some interest in Jewish Settlement Policies in Palestine. Out of rivalry with the Foreign Ministry the Army, in 1926, sent Yasue Norihiro to the scene. He was the Army's expert on Jewish Affairs mainly on the strength of his Siberian experiences and a translation he had made of the "Protocols" in 1924. One of the remarks he made in his report, upon returning, was that "no one so much as whispered a hint about the international conspiracy". 113

After the Japanese seizure of Manchuria, Jewry became somewhat less of an abstraction for the Japanese, as there were now Jewish communities within the Japanese sphere of influence. The number of Jews that had to be dealt with increased again after the Japanese conquest of North China. Also, Hitler's assertion in "Mein Kampf" that there existed a Jewish conspiracy against Japan made an impression on some Japanese, and several "research institutes" on the "Jewish Problem" sprang up. The largest and most influential of these was the International Political and Economical Affairs Study Group which was founded by the Foreign Ministry in 1936, and was headed by Shioden Nobutaka. This "Study Group" published an annual publication called "Research on International Secret Power" 114, to which also the other veterans of the Siberian expedition, Inuzaka Koreshige and Yasue Norihiro, contributed. 115 By that time, Inuzaka and Yasue had become full-fledged experts on the "Jewish Problem", each with a number of publications on his record.

Yasue had published a book simply called "The Jews" in 1934, in which he stated that the League of Nations was under control of the Jews. 116 Believing himself unshakeably in Jewish world power, he deemed it wiser to adopt the pen-name of "Hokoshi", under which name he published works like "The Revelation of a Revolutionary Movement" and "Jewish Control of the World", in which he portrayed once more the Bolshevik Revolution as part of a Jewish plot, and in which he stated that the Jews' influence in France, Great Britain and the U.S. surpassed that of the native people of those countries. 117

Inuzaka had made a translation of the inevitable "Protocols", adding to it some thoughts of his own, explaining how the Jews ahd cunningly been 'masterminding international intrigue'. 118 Furthermore, he delivered lectures and wrote articles on the subject, all under the name of Utsunomiya Kiyo.

Yasue and Inuzaka were convinced of the existence of a Jewish conspiracy, but the lessont hey drew from it differed from their anti-Semitic counterparts in other countries: Instead of destroying this "conspiracy", they wanted to benefit from it.

the premise of the train of thought of men like Inuzaka and Yasue being that there was such a thing as a Jewish conspiracy, the question was how to manipulate this financially and politically powerful entity in a way beneficial to Japan. There was much to be gained.

First of all, a vast capital would be needed to develop Manchuria.

The development of Manchuria had been a recurring theme in a certain section of the military, often identified as the Kodo-ha 119, or Manchurian Faction. In the early 1930s two staff officers of the Kwantung Army, Colonels Ishiwara and Itagaki, together with a businessman called Ayukawa Gisuke, came up with a plan in which the development of Manchuria played a key-role. In the wake of this plan, a request was made to the Japanese government as early as 1934, to permit 50,000 Germans to settle in Manchuria. 120 The supporters of this plan later constituted what, to some, came to be known as the Manchurian Faction. 121

Secondly, Japan was still, to a large degree, dependent on Great Britain and the U.S., who, of late, and especially after the conclusion of the Anti-Comintern Pact, had not been favorably inclined towards Japan's policies. Securing the goodwill of the Jews, now, could change all this.

One of the steps to be taken was to treat the Jews that were under Japanese jurisdiction well, and making sure that it was being noticed by the rest of the world.

Recommendations to this effect were made throughout the 1930s by the military authorites in Manchuria. 122

On December 6th, 1938, this resulted in the formulation of the following policies by the secret "Five Ministers Conference" 123:

"Our diplomatic ties with Germany and Italy require that we avoid embracing the Jewish people, in light of their rejection by our allies. But we should not reject them as they do because of our declared policy of racial equality, and their rejection would therefore be contrary to our spirit. This is particularly true in light of our need for foreign capital and our desire not to alienate America."

The following provisions were made:
"1. At present we will not reject the Jews presently living in Japan, Manchuria and China and we will treat them equally with other foreigners.
2. Jews to enter Japan, etc. in the future will be treated under the same entry as other foreigners.
3. We will not extend a special invitation to Jews to come to our territories, but capitalists and engineers will be mentioned". 124

These policies were never made public, and the only official public statement referring to the existence of such policies was made by Foreign Minister Arita in the Upper House of the Diet on February 27th 1939. 125

It was the "Siberian-veterans" General Higuchi Kiichiro, the chief of the Kwantung Army Special Branch, and Colonel Yasue Norihiro, as Chief of the Dairen Military Mission, who were responsible for the implementation of these policies in Manchuria. 126 Higuchi and Yasue created and sponsored the Far Eastern Jewish Council, with Yasue as its liaison officer, and also sponsored the Far Eastern Jewish Conference that was held in Harbin in 1937, '38 and '39, in order to attract Jewish capital and know-how to Manchuria. The President of the Far Eastern Jewish Council, Dr. Kaufman, was invited to Tokyo, where he met with Home Minister Kido Koichi and Finance Minister Ikeda, who promised a favorable treatment for the Jews. 127

Thanks for posting this Helen, it's fascinating material.

On the Bircher front, it is a fact that the man (an American named Bob Curtis) who was hired by Ferdinand Marcos to modify the metallurgical fingerprint of all the gold he was recovering (for laundering purposes) from those numerous stashes made there by the Japanese Golden Lilly plunder teams during the war was initially funded in his efforts by the John Birch Society. I mention this only to demonstrate the depth of the continuing connections (as I certainly don't want to divert this thread from its central thrust).

Thanks again.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
John Bevilaqua Wrote:By the way SKOM is considered by many to be a "fake order or mimic order" without the proper credentials, with no documented lineage and with no one to "put under their Protectorate" except whomever they choose.

Yes, in these cases it is the Vatican itself who regulate these orders and who say who is fake and who is not. The accepted authority for all these Orders both Catholic and Protestant is a gentleman living and working (he owns an art gallery) in NYC - Guy Stair Sainty. He is a pompus man imo, who in private correspondence with me tried rather hard (I thought anyway) to defend the SMOM - as well as the British royal family - of it Nazi elements. See HERE for more.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Mohrenschildt according to Estonian wikipedia (!) was a family from Estonia who received their coat of arms from Sweden's Queen Christina in 1650.
googolly translate (emphases added):

Source: Wikipedia

Mohrenschildtide Coat of Arms

Mohrenschilt the Baltic German aadlisuguvõsa

Mohrenschiltide family had at the beginning of Tallinn Alderman Johann Koch's sons, Johann and Bernhard, who aadeldati Swedish Queen Christina's 20th September 1650.

Johanni eldest son of the last male descendant died in 1715. year, but by leaving the younger branch of the family. Estonia rüütelkonnamatriklisse was Mohrenschildtide family until 1746.

Throughout the ages were family Nurme, Seidla, Tammik, Jõgisoo, Hatu, Valingu, Cross, Kumna, Haiba, Laitse, Laulasmaa, Leebiku, Kurisoo, Käesalu and many more mõisu.
Members of the family
Berend Johann von Mohrenschildt, Cross, Hatu, Tammiku and Leebiku landlord
Mohrenschildt Berend Otto von (1718-1789), the Russian lieutenant, Estonia magistrate of the State Council, and the real
Reinhold von Mohrenschildt Gideon (1786-1827), landlord Kurisoo
Gustav von Mohrenschildt Reinhold (1787-1834), landlord Käesalu
Hugo Oskar von Mohrenschildt (1818-1899), landlord Kurisoo
Mohrenschildt Heinrich Alexander von (born 1831)
Sergei von Mohrenschildt (born 1870), the Minsk province and Russian military historian aadlimarssal
Dmitri von Mohrenschildt (Дмитрий Сергеевич фон Мореншильдт, 1902-2002), Stanford University professor, one of the CIA's Radio Free Europe, the founders of
George de Mohrenschildt (1911-1977), American naftageoloog, Lee Harvey Oswald a friend, (the English wiki: George de Mohrenschildt)
Genealogisches Handbuch der Baltisches Ritterschaften, Teil 2, 1-2: Estland, Görlitz, 1930, lk.129-141 Fix. and Upgrade. lk.23-25

[Image: MohrenschildtWappen.jpg]

Otto von seems to be of preeminent importance in Googolly genealogical image searches for some reason. Dmitri would be Jackie O's classmate and George's brother. George would have attended one of those White Russian officer training schools, according to him in Poland, which means anywhere in the general vicinity of Poland, Belarus or Ukraine in the current configurations. Perhaps he lied about that though, we know there was one of these schools in Serbia, right? And George had a special connexion with Serbia.

As for his handlung, spezial oder etwas, of Oswald, his role seems to have been more of contact/babysitter rather than military komandantur. Keeping tabs, if you like. Reporting back when appropriate, in the event of an event worth noting. Dallas police intel unit notes Mohrenschildt always seemed to pop up in countries where coups were taking place, or, as the poor yokel who wrote those memoranda put it, in countries were "rebellions against America" were taking place.

Dmitri and Jackie O went to the same prep school or something, from what I remember. Probably a little like John and Al Gore, although Dmitri and Jackie struck up a more enduring friendship?

PS There's a blackamoor on the family crest, as they used to say. That's another possibility: Mohre not as carrot but as Moor.

PPS The Buckley connexion is significant. The family had more than just William F., there was a high-ranking State Department official who was somehow involved in the Pearl Harbor intrigues, I believe he was there when they kept the Japanese ambassador waiting for hours so that the official declaration of war from Tokyo came after the military srike in Hawaii (rather than the story of a single embassy employee struggling to decode it and type it up, while FDR and co. had control of the telegram cables and had made sure that the message was held until it was too late to decode it on time, although that migth have also happened). Another Buckley I believe was a presidential or vice-presidential candidate once, although that might be the same man at State.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Here are some factoids about Georgie boy gathered from the web...


8. Employee of Humble Oil, run by Prescott Bush, who allegedly had dealings with I.G. Farben and Union Bank. Anything for a buck maybe?


In your earlier posting of a chapter about the Pennsylvania Dutch Waffen SS (Ethnicity Matters, chapter Hitler's Shadow over Innsmouth or Pittsburgh or something), there was much mention made of transports of aid to Nazi Germany and books and personnel from Nazi Germany via German-American shipping lines. To me, the post-war Rat Lines pale in significance before the intra-war Gold Lines. Is this Hamburg-Amerika?
Helen Reyes Wrote:Mohrenschildt according to Estonian wikipedia (!) was a family from Estonia who received their coat of arms from Sweden's Queen Christina in 1650.
googolly translate (emphases added):

Source: Wikipedia

Mohrenschildtide Coat of Arms

Mohrenschilt the Baltic German aadlisuguvõsa

Mohrenschiltide family had at the beginning of Tallinn Alderman Johann Koch's sons, Johann and Bernhard, who aadeldati Swedish Queen Christina's 20th September 1650.

Johanni eldest son of the last male descendant died in 1715. year, but by leaving the younger branch of the family. Estonia rüütelkonnamatriklisse was Mohrenschildtide family until 1746.

Throughout the ages were family Nurme, Seidla, Tammik, Jõgisoo, Hatu, Valingu, Cross, Kumna, Haiba, Laitse, Laulasmaa, Leebiku, Kurisoo, Käesalu and many more mõisu.
Members of the family
Berend Johann von Mohrenschildt, Cross, Hatu, Tammiku and Leebiku landlord
Mohrenschildt Berend Otto von (1718-1789), the Russian lieutenant, Estonia magistrate of the State Council, and the real
Reinhold von Mohrenschildt Gideon (1786-1827), landlord Kurisoo
Gustav von Mohrenschildt Reinhold (1787-1834), landlord Käesalu
Hugo Oskar von Mohrenschildt (1818-1899), landlord Kurisoo
Mohrenschildt Heinrich Alexander von (born 1831)
Sergei von Mohrenschildt (born 1870), the Minsk province and Russian military historian aadlimarssal
Dmitri von Mohrenschildt (Дмитрий Сергеевич фон Мореншильдт, 1902-2002), Stanford University professor, one of the CIA's Radio Free Europe, the founders of
George de Mohrenschildt (1911-1977), American naftageoloog, Lee Harvey Oswald a friend, (the English wiki: George de Mohrenschildt)
Genealogisches Handbuch der Baltisches Ritterschaften, Teil 2, 1-2: Estland, Görlitz, 1930, lk.129-141 Fix. and Upgrade. lk.23-25
[Image: MohrenschildtWappen.jpg]

Otto von seems to be of preeminent importance in Googolly genealogical image searches for some reason. Dmitri would be Jackie O's classmate and George's brother. George would have attended one of those White Russian officer training schools, according to him in Poland, which means anywhere in the general vicinity of Poland, Belarus or Ukraine in the current configurations. Perhaps he lied about that though, we know there was one of these schools in Serbia, right? And George had a special connexion with Serbia.

As for his handlung, spezial oder etwas, of Oswald, his role seems to have been more of contact/babysitter rather than military komandantur. Keeping tabs, if you like. Reporting back when appropriate, in the event of an event worth noting. Dallas police intel unit notes Mohrenschildt always seemed to pop up in countries where coups were taking place, or, as the poor yokel who wrote those memoranda put it, in countries were "rebellions against America" were taking place.

Dmitri and Jackie O went to the same prep school or something, from what I remember. Probably a little like John and Al Gore, although Dmitri and Jackie struck up a more enduring friendship?

PS There's a blackamoor on the family crest, as they used to say. That's another possibility: Mohre not as carrot but as Moor.

PPS The Buckley connexion is significant. The family had more than just William F., there was a high-ranking State Department official who was somehow involved in the Pearl Harbor intrigues, I believe he was there when they kept the Japanese ambassador waiting for hours so that the official declaration of war from Tokyo came after the military srike in Hawaii (rather than the story of a single embassy employee struggling to decode it and type it up, while FDR and co. had control of the telegram cables and had made sure that the message was held until it was too late to decode it on time, although that migth have also happened). Another Buckley I believe was a presidential or vice-presidential candidate once, although that might be the same man at State.

What is your take (and anyone else's take for that matter) on these fairly recently uncovered details about the nexus of characters directly involved with the Coudert Brothers Law Firm who also appeared in ManCand by Condon and in the JFK Assn conundrum years later?

1) Robert J. Morris on the Rapp-Coudert Committees cutting his eye teeth for his later efforts with Joe McCarthy's Investigative Committee. Whittaker Chambers gives almost all the credit to Morris in the NY Times obit for the success of McCarthyism in fact.

2) Boris Brasol, who arranged the translation and distribution of The Protocols and was once on the Czar's secret police intelligence staff?

3) William F. Buckley, Jr. whose (circa 1965) failed NYC Mayoralty campaign was run by Frederick Rene Coudert?

4) Anastase Vonsiatsky who rode the Coudert Brothers White Russian Nazi Rat Line gravy train from a Paris Knights Hospitaller hospital bed right into Manhattan? Georgie boy may have done the same thing as well and hundreds of others like minded White Russians too. Czar's Gold buys ticket to ride into US for Nazi SKOM-bags.

5) The role of the deM family with running the Baku oil fields in Russia whose corporate attorney was John McCloy at the time and George's interaction with the Nobel dynamite manufacturing and Nobel Prize awarding family. Nobleman ennobled by Nobel is just a fascinating concept.

One or more of the Couderts may also have been OSJ or the approx. equivalent.

By the way William F. Buckley, Sr., James "Hugh" Angleton and a young Charles Willoughby all rode in Pershing's Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa along with Robert McCormick and many other Skull and Bonesmen with Nazi and Brahmin or Eugenic nascent predilections. McCormick was with the America First Committee with GLK Smith and much later the owner of the Chicago Tribune syndicate. And Villa's plus Cochise's (was it) skull and bones were allegedly swiped by "Tomb Raiders" and placed at the New Haven Skull and Bones in Room 322. An insider testified that a young George Bush led the tomb raid against Cochise and documented it in writing at Skull and Bones or The Scroll and Key society.

Later the following persons ended up as chief strategists on the American Security Council and some of them started on The America First Committee: Col. Robert McCormick (AFC), Gen. Robert Wood (AFC), Robert J. Morris (Bircher), James Angleton (Birch attitudes), Ray S. Cline (WACL), Charles Willoughby (Bircher). And so far Angleton, Cline, Morris and Willoughby are found in ManCand by Condon. Damn Condon was good. Damn good.

Maybe John Roy Carlson (Armen Dernounian) was his source? Maybe Wilbur Baldinger or Wes McCuen from UAW's Group Research? Maybe someone from SMOM or SKOM helped him out? Anybody have any ideas here? How did he know? Who told him? Who was his intel source? Gotta find out.

How and when did Richard Condon know to include all of these clowns in the orbit of The Coudert Brothers, the White Russian Fascists, the Eugenicists, the Birchers and these Yalie Skull and Bones types in his novel anyway?

My hat is off to you Richard Condon. Your accomplishments in identifying the Dirty Dozen were so much more massive and complex, then my efforts to slowly and painstakingly extract their identities which were hidden deep in the inner recesses of your anagrams, word plays, associations, inferences and dropped hints. Thanks again Richard Condon. Certainly you did this to avoid repercussions and because lynchpin Bircher Dr. Revilo Oliver was some sort of civilian cryptographer for the O.S.S. during WW II.

David, I would assume you probably buy into my Birchers as lynchpins thesis more than most, correct? Can you buy into the Ray S. Cline as John Yerkes Iselin analogy to any extent? I think Helen is crossing over to our side on the Bircher theme, and maybe on the ManCand themes slowly but surely. What say you Helen Reyes? (an obviousLY deliberately contorted anagram for Rey Lenses, Eh? or The King's Glasses, huh?. <grin>)

What is your vocation Helen, just curious? Your grasp of this material is just amazing and the same goes for David and Jan. :alberteinstein: :adore: :congrats: Love those little smilies... Kudoes to all of you.
Helen Reyes Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Here are some factoids about Georgie boy gathered from the web...


8. Employee of Humble Oil, run by Prescott Bush, who allegedly had dealings with I.G. Farben and Union Bank. Anything for a buck maybe?


In your earlier posting of a chapter about the Pennsylvania Dutch Waffen SS (Ethnicity Matters, chapter Hitler's Shadow over Innsmouth or Pittsburgh or something), there was much mention made of transports of aid to Nazi Germany and books and personnel from Nazi Germany via German-American shipping lines. To me, the post-war Rat Lines pale in significance before the intra-war Gold Lines. Is this Hamburg-Amerika?

Yes I believe it was in fact, plus maybe one more shipping line as well. Grace Lines, perhaps from William Grace, OSJ
who also contributed some money to those SKOM-Bags.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Regardless of Bush's attitude about the JBS, he would have had to turn in that guy from Houston, IMHO. Bush was not morally conflicted, in a quandary or predisposed to turn in that guy at all. He just did it like any citizen would have.

At best Bush didn't let the JFK conspiracy get in his way of turning in a bircher, or didn't let his hatred of birchers cloud his operational judgment.

Quote:Even Jack Ruby in his W.C. testimony fingered Edwin A. Walker; Dick Russell's informant fingered Charles Willoughby; and both Mae Brussel, Bill Turner and others put Robert J. Morris and Willoughby at the top of the heap of the entire conspiracy. And Richard Condon fingered them all including Dr. Revilo P. Oliver whose brother Clarence (?) Oliver lived in Dallas as well. So I am going with the independently offered, mutually corroborating testimony of 5 of the people best positioned to know much more than I about the masterminds: Jack Ruby, Dick Russell, Bill Turner, Mae Brussel and Richard Condon, thank you very much.

As you like. Walker and Willoughby sound possible.

Quote:Oh, it existed alright, as did Unit 731 in the same general area but neither one was fully discovered or thoroughly documented until the 1970's or even the 1980's perhaps.

In the book Russian Fascists? Is there an online or pirate ebook available? I'm not buying it literally, but might buy it in the abstract sense, don't know enough yet.

Quote:Schiff became persona non grata very quickly for each and every one of his military operations financing deals in fact. More later on Schiff.

Non grata in Britain? Who made him so?

Quote:...And Vonsiatsky published typical visual caricatures of Jewish money lenders in "The Fashist" through the 1940's. Even though I did not translate the articles, the pictures were obvious. He and his friend Boris Brasol had the Protocols translated and distributed....

Pictures say a lot really. It might be interesting that the Japanese translation of Mein Kampf edited out a lot of Hitler's white supremacist statements; there was an edition for popular consumption and there was the real translation kept in a giftschrenk or whatever.

Quote:Coudert Brothers also ran the 1965 Mayoralty Campaign for Billy Buckley, Jr. which is just a major revelation, IMHO.

Birds of an anti-Communist feather, certainly...

Quote:Were these Jews nothing more than Red or White or Black Russians escaping persecution in Russia or something else? Remember White Russians begging and dealing and desperate for a friendly power base during their diaspora could not be choosers. You can almost always pick your friends, but sometimes you can not pick your neighbors, IMHO especially during a fire sale evacuation.

Quite right, and very good question. Most were in the same boat as the pro-Tsarists, fleeing the Bolsheviks from Russia. There was an ancient Jewish presence in China, but not in Manchuria as far as I know. I looked in the Encyclopedia Judaica which is usually very good about ancient Jewish communities in unexpected places, and all it said was this:

Quote:MANCHURIA N.E. region of China, adjacent to the Soviet Union. After the Russian Revolution of 1917 many refugees sought shelter in Manchuria, including some 5,000 Jews. Most of them gravitated to *Harbin, but small groups settled in Dai- Dairen, Mukden, and other cities. Those Jews who were not employed by the Chinese Eastern Railway worked as educators, were employed physicians, or merchants. The Japanese occupied Manchuria (1931–45); as Axis partners during World War II they accepted the antisemitic policy of their Nazi ally and their treatment of the Jews was oppressive. After the Japanese defeat in 1945, civil war broke out in Manchuria between the Chinese Nationalists and the Communists. Those Russian Jews who did not succeed in escaping before the Communist takeover eventually returned to the Soviet Union. Bibliography: H. Dicker, Wanderers and Settlers in the Far East (1962), 17–60. [Rudolf Loewenthal]

This isn't the whole story of course. The Jews in Manchuria were eventually all sent to Shanghai, the ones who didn't get to Kobe, Japan. There was a special "ghetto" set up in Shanghai, separate (but equal?) from the the one for European POWs made famous in J. G. Ballard's Empire of the Sun autobiography. Chiune Sugihara was Japanese military intelligence, veteran of the Siberian/Manchurian expeditions, and ended up in Kaunas/Kovno Lithuania after having his cover blown a few times, as Japanese ForMin consul. He issued thousands of Japanese transit visas to Jews, whose final destination was supposed to be Curacao in the West Indies. His reasons for doing so are simple, but to explain it would take a dissertation on Japanese military non-compliance and the Imeprial Japanese understanding of blitzkrieg. To make a long story more interesting, even after he left Kaunas the visa-making went on using official Japanese embassy stamps and forms, and as Philip K. Dick and/or Czeslaw Milosz heard it in Berkeley, the Japanese border guards at Vladivosotok were astounded by the sudden number of entrants named Rabbi Silverstein. "Maybe it's a common name, like Smith?" Dick of course appropriated the apocryphal tale for his Hugo-winning Man in the High Castle, with Tagomi cast as Sugihara, whose name Dick couldn't know then. The Japanese moved the Manchurian Jews who hadn't left already to Shanghai, but didn't heed their allies' calls to murder them.

Quote:My guess is that the Czar's Gold ended up mostly in Harbin and the rent charged by the Japanese (including all the Borscht and Caviar)...

I imagine the most gold was spent not on rent but bribing the right people to get the hell out of there as the Russian and Chinese Communist regimes closed in on a refugee community of real and self-proclaimed aristocrats bearing trunks and chests of diamonds, silver and gold and so on.

Quote:The Whites even had to listen to the victims of the ongoing vivisection operations, screaming long into the night and hear about the results of the nascent MK/ULTRA termination with prejudice experiments also ongoing there.

Source please. "Russian Fascists"?

Quote:The Japanese had to burn the human detritus in open air ovens to kill the anthrax, the botulism and the cholera. It was a mini-Dachau and Auschwitz all rolled into one. And there actually were mini-outbreaks of cholera, diphtheria, and anthrax epidemics too.

Did they release plague in Nanking too?

Quote:Besides the Czar's Gold as tribute and rent, Vonsiatsky and Company organized the training of the Kamikaze Pilots near the end of the war ...

Training? End of the war? What training? How to more effectively crash into a battleship?

Quote:Odd, fer shure. Convenient, fer shure. Again, you just can't always choose your neighbors. When the Whites moved in the Jews must have said: "Oi vey! There goes the neighborhood! Again!" <grin> Desperate, wandering White Russian beggars with Rooskies hot on their tails just can not be choosers. Shute, there goes The Teenage Fascist in me again.

Sounds like they travelled together, no pun.

Quote:Did you know that de Mohrenschildt worked as a petroleum geologist for the Nobel Prize family somewhere near the Black Sea as I recall? Well he did. Ennobled by the Nobels from Sweden? Has a nice ring to it.

Branobel, you wrote elsewhere, in Baku. Wrong time period. Mohrenschildt studied petroleum geology in America long after the Russian Revolution, but anything's possible.

Quote:And they probably have a much clearer conception of Jay-Lo's bubbles too. [LOL] No offense intended and none taken I would hope. I just have a sick sense of humor as if you haven't figured that out yet. Here are Jay-Lo's bubbles... :bootyshake:

No offense taken, smirks were had.

Quote:Nothing wrong with that when you are a patrol boy or a boy scout, or a gymnast or in a dance recital but grown men dressed up as Little Lord Fauntleroys wearing both funny hats with feathered boas, emblazoned sashes and extended length shiny sabers as symbols is just a bit much for me, thank you very much. Reminded me of The Village People to an extent. Singing together in a chorus line while spelling out: S-K-O-M with their arms to the tune of Y-M-C-A. Hmmmmm? Can you picture that? S-K-O-M S-K-O-M S-K-O-M S-K-O-M S-K-O-M S-K-O-M

In hoc agricola sim spittle honk ad nauseam cornucopia dum cluck itch, and the villagers are revolting!

Sincerely yours,

John Bevilaqua Wrote:What is your take (and anyone else's take for that matter) on these fairly recently uncovered details about the nexus of characters directly involved with the Coudert Brothers Law Firm who also appeared in ManCand by Condon and in the JFK Assn conundrum years later?

As Sgt Schulz would say, "I know nothink" but I'll give you an impressionistic gloss if you like, Jan and David might know about this and be able to really comment on it.

Quote:1) Robert J. Morris on the Rapp-Coudert Committees cutting his eye teeth for his later efforts with Joe McCarthy's Investigative Committee. Whittaker Chambers gives almost all the credit to Morris in the NY Times obit for the success of McCarthyism in fact.

Wild Bill Donovan and Dulles were intent on rooting out supposed Communists in the Truman admin left over from FDR. The anti-FDR faction ties in with the Smedley Butler coup stuff of course.

Quote:Boris Brasol, who arranged the translation and distribution of The Protocols and was once on the Czar's secret police intelligence staff?

I like the Dreyfuss Affair explanation for the origins of the Protocols because it a) makes sense b) ties in with other French stuff on the Priory of Sion and falsifications thereof.

Quote:4) Anastase Vonsiatsky who rode the Coudert Brothers White Russian Nazi Rat Line gravy train from a Paris Knights Hospitaller hospital bed right into Manhattan? Georgie boy may have done the same thing as well and hundreds of others like minded White Russians too. Czar's Gold buys ticket to ride into US for Nazi SKOM-bags.

Geo. von Mohrenschildt worked for some New Jersey Nazi news propaganda outfit for a while, was it Movietone News? Those little clips they used to play before movies at the cinema.

Quote:The role of the deM family with running the Baku oil fields in Russia whose corporate attorney was John McCloy at the time and George's interaction with the Nobel dynamite manufacturing and Nobel Prize awarding family. Nobleman ennobled by Nobel is just a fascinating concept.

Possible, in a sense. Christine knighted or baronized the family in 1650 though, and Baku oil fields were in Bolshevik hands by the time George studied petroleum geology, I'm almost positive.

Quote:By the way William F. Buckley, Sr., James "Hugh" Angleton and a young Charles Willoughby all rode in Pershing's Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa along with Robert McCormick and many other Skull and Bonesmen with Nazi and Brahmin or Eugenic nascent predilections.

The real Pancho Villa or is this an allusion to some Osborne shooting school stuff? George in his senate testimony says he started a "Bohemian Club" in Dallas along the lines of the one started by Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce, in his words. That's the Bohemian Grove in an earlier incarnation. Bierce of course was lost in Mexico after joining up with Pancho Villa.

Quote:The bullet that pierced Goebel's breast
Can not be found in all the West;
Good reason, it is speeding here
To stretch McKinley on his bier.

--Ambrose Bierce, 1900

Wm. Hearst made a big deal out of Bierce's forecasting the McKinley assassination of 1901. Prior knowledge or somesuch charge.

Quote:McCormick was with the America First Committee with GLK Smith and much later the owner of the Chicago Tribune syndicate. And Villa's plus Cochise's (was it)...

Geronimo I think.

Quote:David, I would assume you probably buy into my Birchers as lynchpins thesis more than most, correct? Can you buy into the Ray S. Cline as John Yerkes Iselin analogy to any extent? I think Helen is crossing over to our side on the Bircher theme, and maybe on the ManCand themes slowly but surely. What say you Helen Reyes? (an obviousLY deliberately contorted anagram for Rey Lenses, Eh? or The King's Glasses, huh?. <grin>)

Hmm my name as code... Greek Monarch I suppose. Not one of the Generals in the junta anyway. I don't see birchers as major sponsors, and still haven't read or seen Manchurian Candidate although Frank Sinatra's involvement in pulling the film is a little odd.

Quote:What is your vocation Helen, just curious?

House mom/homemaker. I've done some shoddy journalism in the past. I've been variously called a demon from hell, Anti-Christ, KGB agent, Mossad agent, neo-Nazi, sadist and fascist, but if I had to choose I'd just call myself seeker after truth. Thanks for asking.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:The logical inference is that Oswald was being trained in Taiwan by one of Cline's Manchurian Candidate MK/ULTRA programs. Oswald may have shot Corporal Schrand in the armpit while he was in Taiwan as a demonstration of his prowess as an assassin, I can not recall now. When did Oswald shoot Schrand anway? The only way you can shoot someone in the armpit and into his heart is if his hands are raised straight above his head or if they are clasped behind his neck in the classic prisoner's march pose. Mark Diaz in a presentation penned by someone else, offered gratuitous, duplicitous and inaccurate excuses as to how Schrand was supposedly shot in the armpit after he accidentally dropped his rifle, butt first onto the ground and from that point forward he was, and still is, persona non grata in the JFK investigation.

Wait, when was Oswald in Taiwan? I thought he had been stationed in Okinawa for some reason, but Atsugi is in central Japan, in Yamato in Kanagawa prefecture. Can't find any ref to him being in Okinawa, which is closer to Taiwan, but still a long way off.

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