A hoot to see Bill Richardson in the photo montage of CFR
Used by Clinton at Energy to destroy Notra Trulock threat to Wen Ho Lee and the transfer of U.S. warhead designs to China
Mention made of Kissinger, how he was the anti-Nixon
The book written 1971--January 1972 Nixon and Kissinger discuss with Mao and Chou how the cow will eat the cabbage
In 1973 Trilateral with Brzezinski fronting for wishes of David Rockefeller
CFR paper 2004 Iran: Time for a New Approach by Brzezinski and Gates (DCI under GHWBush and SecDef under GWBush and BHObama)
Today announced China purchases typically half U.S. soy export
As Ukraine meets 4 million metric ton cap on wheat exports will undercutting Russians or U.S. take up slack (and fossils remember U.S. sold Russia wheat and it was the scandal)
Resolved: the very rich are not only not like you and I; they are often not visible to you and me, but their wishes are felt via facilitators and mechanics
Their world and we just live in it?
The Jeep Wrangler to be made in China--
The buzz was you don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's rye bread
I submit you don't have to be any particular characteristic to see if wage, materials, tax structure, environental controls are favorable to profit in location X, but not Y, then we'll see a repeat of the seventies crating of industry to ship to Japan, this time China
What was the role of Armand Hammer; is it an accident that his protege Gore is the global warming apocalypsist
Does None Dare confirm or underlay Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, and is it a companion piece to Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett
Is it not therefore a solid fact that Kennedy's delinking loans from state policy was against the grain, that his withdrawing from the war an antiprofit heresy, his valiant search for detente an unforgiveable apostasy
As the extant scandal is blamed on an anti-Islamic video so the assassination of the 35th president was blamed on a Communist--again and again the Communist--with the Stalinesque mental twist, that he was insane
Even as deMohrenschildt and Robert Leon Yates and the inconvenient witness in the King assassination and so many more are subjected to drugs and shock and commitment
The All-Seeing Eye drones on
sending biometrics to the monolith
Soma these days gonna rise up smilin
just to queer its facial recognition