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Michael Piper and Final Judgment
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:Does "Albert Doyle" believe that LBJ was the mastermind of the JFK assassination and that LBJ was Zionism's best American friend and facilitator?

Wait, I thought the Lansky/CIA/Permindex group was the mastermind and the best friend of Zionism in the USA??

In the Deep Politics Model... I simply cannot see how the POTUS can be a sponsor of ANYTHING - in this case.... th approval and direction of the actual sponsors would PLACE a facilitator in the position...
Other than Bush #1 who IMO was part of both crowds... the POTUS is a tool of this cabal... when the TOOL doesn't work, you throw it away and get a new one...

Allowing LBJ to create/conclude Civil rights legislation GUARANTEED social unrest at home while the CFR was dividing up the rest of the globe while shifting the drug sources from French to SE Asia...

my .02


Well argued, David.

And a bargain at twice the price!

I can see the CFR roundtable... members shaking their heads over LBJ antics... fast forward and now we know why/how Bush #2 gets his job as TOOL....

Bush #2: "Three Brazilian soldiers died on the battlefield today. And as you know... a Brazilian is way more than a million....right?"
Stategery in action

David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:Does "Albert Doyle" believe that LBJ was the mastermind of the JFK assassination and that LBJ was Zionism's best American friend and facilitator?

Wait, I thought the Lansky/CIA/Permindex group was the mastermind and the best friend of Zionism in the USA??

In the Deep Politics Model... I simply cannot see how the POTUS can be a sponsor of ANYTHING - in this case.... th approval and direction of the actual sponsors would PLACE a facilitator in the position...
Other than Bush #1 who IMO was part of both crowds... the POTUS is a tool of this cabal... when the TOOL doesn't work, you throw it away and get a new one...

Allowing LBJ to create/conclude Civil rights legislation GUARANTEED social unrest at home while the CFR was dividing up the rest of the globe while shifting the drug sources from French to SE Asia...

my .02


Well argued, David.

And a bargain at twice the price!

I can see the CFR roundtable... members shaking their heads over LBJ antics... fast forward and now we know why/how Bush #2 gets his job as TOOL....

Bush #2: "Three Brazilian soldiers died on the battlefield today. And as you know... a Brazilian is way more than a million....right?"
Stategery in action


Goodness me.

Is this another bargain at twice the price, Charles?
Charles Drago Wrote:Mark, you seem to be parroting "Rago's" ignorance defense when you "admit" that you "know little about the [Evica-Drago] conspiracy model," that you "don't have a JFK conspiracy model," and that you "don't even know what it is."

I didn't even know I was in the dock. What's the charge again? Ignorance of the model in the first degree?

I can't afford a good lawyer--or even a bad one--so all I can say in my 'defence' is that the model is OK by me. It gives one a handle on how the assassination was structured.

However, when one starts discussing just exactly who might have been in the role of sponsor, the model's co-creator belts you over the head with it.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Wait, I thought the Lansky/CIA/Permindex group was the mastermind and the best friend of Zionism in the USA??

In the Deep Politics Model... I simply cannot see how the POTUS can be a sponsor of ANYTHING - in this case.... th approval and direction of the actual sponsors would PLACE a facilitator in the position...
Other than Bush #1 who IMO was part of both crowds... the POTUS is a tool of this cabal... when the TOOL doesn't work, you throw it away and get a new one...

Allowing LBJ to create/conclude Civil rights legislation GUARANTEED social unrest at home while the CFR was dividing up the rest of the globe while shifting the drug sources from French to SE Asia...

my .02


Well argued, David.

And a bargain at twice the price!

I can see the CFR roundtable... members shaking their heads over LBJ antics... fast forward and now we know why/how Bush #2 gets his job as TOOL....

Bush #2: "Three Brazilian soldiers died on the battlefield today. And as you know... a Brazilian is way more than a million....right?"
Stategery in action


Goodness me.

Is this another bargain at twice the price, Charles?

"Goodness me?" You asking permission or approval Mark?

Tell us now you're going to defend Bush 43 with the same expertise as the Piper fiasco?
or is this you being cute?

It's call a joke (although a bit too close to the truth for me)... you know, like...

Two blonds walk into a building...
Both broke their nose.

ba-dum, bump.

Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Jim Phelps and Mike Rago are impressive researchers, imo. Best JFK thread I've seen.


Just a brief entry to remind one and all of your initial, hearty endorsement of the work of two (or more) worthless minds that have added to the pollution at the EF swamp.

You'll recall that I quickly shared my informed opinions that Phelps and "Rago" are, at best, mentally deficient, emotionally disturbed trolls. At worst, I noted, they may be agents provocateur.

I informed you that "Rago" is the laughing stock of the legitimate JFK research community. To give credence to anything "he" might proffer is a self-indictment of immense proportions.

And Jim DiEugenio added that, "IMO, Rago's mission is to try and indoctrinate enough people with this nonsense to make us look like fools next year."

I cautioned you, as a friend, NOT to hitch your wagon to "Rago's" white dwarf. And now it appears that "Rago" -- an entity that posts under a number of names on many forums -- has been banned at EF.

Finally, I made a point of submitting the following (in bold) to you:

Here's "Rago" opening the kimono:

"Yes I do think that Oswald was a 'patsy' and an assassin. He probably thought that he was the only assassin. I think he was a willing participant. I do not think that he knew about the other assassins."

"Rago" is a self-admitted ignoramus ("he" celebrates the claim that "he" does not read literary analyses of the assassination). "His" techniques of flooding Internet forums with confrontational -- as opposed to informational -- material, hiding behind aliases, and attempting to establish credentials as a bona fide researcher and then putting forward outlandish theories so as to impugn the minds and motives of the larger research community are those of the agent provocateur.

Are you so desperate, Mark, to find support for your own hypotheses that you run to the arms of the likes of "Rago"?

If you buy "Rago," then how can we trust your judgment on anything?

I don't know who Mr. Rago is, nor am I surprised at his banishment, nor do I agree with all the material he posts about the assassination. That's all you'll get from me Charles. I stand by my earlier comments you alluded to, namely that some of his posts on that thread were impressive. If you and others gasp in horror, there's nothing I can do about that. If you don't trust my judgement, that's your undeniable right.

I think your indignation is a bit harsh on Jim Phelps. Being described as a worthless mind and a mentally deficient, emotionally disturbed troll is not something I would like said about me. Again, I don't know him personally so it's up to him to defend himself, presuming he is not banned from the EF too.
David Josephs Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Well argued, David.

And a bargain at twice the price!

I can see the CFR roundtable... members shaking their heads over LBJ antics... fast forward and now we know why/how Bush #2 gets his job as TOOL....

Bush #2: "Three Brazilian soldiers died on the battlefield today. And as you know... a Brazilian is way more than a million....right?"
Stategery in action


Goodness me.

Is this another bargain at twice the price, Charles?

"Goodness me?" You asking permission or approval Mark?

Tell us now you're going to defend Bush 43 with the same expertise as the Piper fiasco?
or is this you being cute?

It's call a joke (although a bit too close to the truth for me)... you know, like...

Two blonds walk into a building...
Both broke their nose.

ba-dum, bump.


I know whose posts about Piper have been a fiasco.

But I'm not going to tell you who that person is.

You'll have to speculate.
You're so coy and playful Mark... Let's see, are his initials A.D. (at least on this thread?) :rofl:

Thing is, I DO KNOW Mike Rago and his posts... saw him pollute a number of existing threads and then start a few dozen of his own when people stopped playing his game.

Charles is correct... if you are willing and able enough to praise his work.. without seeing the entire presentation for what it is...
no WONDER you buy Piper hook, line and sinker.

This being a DEEP POLITICS forum... aren't we expecting you'll bring some DEEP THINKING to the table and not accept any conclusion posted by some guy...

"I don't know who Mr. Rago is, nor am I surprised at his banishment"

So among the piles of manure you found a diamond? Israel was behind the JFK assassination....

Think you need a bit more polishing
David Josephs Wrote:So among the piles of manure you found a diamond? Israel was behind the JFK assassination....

Yes. Although I would prefer to say a Zionist cabal was involved in the assassination. I wouldn't want you to misrepresent my position. The only proven murderer on that tragic weekend in Dallas was proud Zionist Jack Ruby. That's my starting point.

Am I thinking deep enough?
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:So among the piles of manure you found a diamond? Israel was behind the JFK assassination....

Yes. Although I would prefer to say a Zionist cabal was involved in the assassination. I wouldn't want you to misrepresent my position. The only proven murderer on that tragic weekend in Dallas was proud Zionist Jack Ruby. That's my starting point.

Am I thinking deep enough?

That's "deeply enough."

And the answer to your question is a resounding NO!

For the sake of argument: Why should Ruby's "Zionism," and not his affiliation with/indebtedness to Organized Crime, be held up as his prime motive?

And while I'm at it, you should make a choice: Was it "Israel" or a "Zionist cabal" that was "behind" the assassination?

"Israel" as a nation? The assassination as the result of formal "national" policy?

"Behind" as in "Sponsor?"

Share with us, if you would, your appreciation of the distinctions (if any) between "Sponsor" and "Facilitator" within the context of a viable JFK assassination model.
Charles Drago Wrote:For the sake of argument: Why should Ruby's "Zionism," and not his affiliation with/indebtedness to Organized Crime, be held up as his prime motive?

If I were genuinely searching for the truth I'd be more interested in exactly how much Ruby's comment that he wanted to show jews had guts was influenced by his potential dual loyalties? Why did Ruby specifically say "jews"? Why was he emphasizing his jewishness in regard to his killing of Oswald? Hmm, what was on his mind? Ruby basically committed a suicide attack on Oswald. History objectively shows those willing to do that are mainly motivated by religious zealotry. In any case, I feel this possible (and more than likely) motive has not been disproven at this point. What difference does it make if those zionist facilitators sent their suicide mission orders via the mafia or via their American assets? Piper does a good job of showing that those two groups were basically inseparable in the cabal.

Honestly Charles, you're giving this rather ham-handed treatment. I'd be curious on how exactly you define your stated "agnosticism" on Piper?

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