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Michael Piper and Final Judgment
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Are you seriously suggesting that Mob networks are more important and more powerful than Gladio?

That seems like an evasion of the point. Gladio is not the subject of this thread. If you have a sound understanding of 'Final Judgment' the answer is, yes, if those mob networks are related to Israel having a part in Kennedy's assassination then, yes, according to the topic they are more important.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Are you seriously suggesting that Mob networks are more important and more powerful than Gladio?

That seems like an evasion of the point. Gladio is not the subject of this thread. If you have a sound understanding of 'Final Judgment' the answer is, yes, if those mob networks are related to Israel having a part in Kennedy's assassination then, yes, according to the topic they are more important.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The "point" of this thread is presumably deep political investigation to get closer to the truth.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:What flagrant opportunism?

I feel David is trying to force the discussion into Gladio. Gladio was one arm of the funding through Permindex, but so was the unmentioned Israel interests also funded through the shadowy Permindex underground represented by Rosenbaum's Swiss bank network. It isn't like I haven't repeated this over and over in my posts. Remember, the Italian investigation could never peg exactly where Permindex got its funding.

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:What "undiscussed entities"?

Precisely the Rosenbaum bank network and Israel's interests connected to it. Like nuclear weapons for instance. Sure Gladio was one end of that Mediterranean nexus but you have to keep going. The funding for Permindex and Gladio were connected to a much greater funding network Piper points out that included Israel and projects that Ben-Gurion felt the "future existence of Israel" depended on.

Also, no one ever attempted to answer how those new backers found out about Echevarria's Cubans or how they funded them. Did those obscure backers go to the phonebook and look-up "Cuban Exiles"? My point is any access to those Cubans would have to seriously involve the main conspirators and their interests - which directly included the Lansky Swiss bank network. I think this is what Piper is saying.


1) Prove that Homer actually ever even said it... You conveniently side step MOSLEY by focusing on Gladio... Piper sidesteps Mosley bynot even bothering to investigate him or his bona fides.

Best Evidence was also written based on a single line in a report somewhere... but the source and conditions were completely investigated and led to a real revelation in the case, which in turn helped crack the door even wider open...

That you cannot see how those receiving the reports knew it was about the invasion of CUBA.. a place the mafia wanted to re-own badly... is yet another side step.
RUBY involved with guns to Cuba... IS the JEWISH BACKING... that you and Piper want to take that reference to BG's doorstep is YOUR folly... not ours.

2) Prove YOU KNOW, or PIPER KNEW or anyone knows WHO the "Jews" mentioned in this uncoroborrated statement, ACTUALLY ARE...

We KNOW there was surgery to the top of the head... WHO performed this surgery ALBERT?... THAT is real....

3) The book is about exploiting the imaginary war between BG/JFK with no support... in fact it goes out of its way NOT to introduce the documentation of the era as it all points in the opposite direction.

Your 3-legged stool barely has on peg left AD... and hoping MARK comes to save you each time..
or your alter ego shows up to pontificate vociferously about anything BUT the subject matter has gotten, well, BORING.

So again, thanks for inviting all your buddies to play along with you... posting and interrupting and all.... but they've ALL got it wrong and have very little MEAT from which to fashion a reply that SAYS something.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:The words of Vincent Salandria, as he recounts them in the recently shared story of his meeting with Arlen Specter:

" ... I also concluded that if Oswald was killed by a Jew, it would indicate a high level WASP plot.

Oh yeah. And what path does he follow to arrive at that counter-intuitive conclusion? A very convoluted one I'll bet.

You also omitted Harold Feldman's sentence which preceeded Salandria's reply: Look Oswald will probably be killed. And they'll get a Jew to do it because they always involve a Jew in these things.

That last sentence makes the remarkable and unsupportable assumption that Jews themselves are above suspicion in the assassination. The day after the assassination Feldman rewards one segment of the populace with a clean bill of health. Did Feldman explain to Salandria the reasons underlying this assumption?

If Salandria still believes this, he's a Zionist shill.

You have now driven the final nails in your own coffin.

ITEM -- You condemn a line of thought with which you are admittedly unfamiliar.

ITEM -- You embrace ethnic stereotyping and present it disingenuously as deep political analysis.

ITEM -- You figuratively burn the books of one of the most appropriately august founders of deep political analysis -- a man whose life's work stands as a repudiation of your racism.

Item 1: Which 'admittedly unfamiliar' line of thought am I condemning?

Item 2: The ethnic stereotyping comes from Harold Feldman and Vince Salandria not me. I am simply pointing it out.

Item 3: What kind of deep political analyst concludes that a Jewish assassin is indicative of a WASP conspiracy? What conclusion would he have drawn if Oswald's assassin had been WASP? The mind boggles.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:If you're peeved about this glaring ommission, why don't you email Piper and ask him yourself? I'm not an errand boy.

But I bet that "Albert Doyle" is -- and that, thanks to frequent use, "he" has Piper's e-mail address at the tip of "his" forked tongue.

Is that a crime? Do you email other researchers?

I e-mail, telephone, and meet with honorable researchers.

But I do not allow them to write material that I post over my signature.

Albert has stated repeatedly he is the only one posting under his signature.

Your meretricious campaign to discredit Albert has been an embarrassing failure.
Heil be seeing you, Mark.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:The words of Vincent Salandria, as he recounts them in the recently shared story of his meeting with Arlen Specter:

" ... I also concluded that if Oswald was killed by a Jew, it would indicate a high level WASP plot.

Oh yeah. And what path does he follow to arrive at that counter-intuitive conclusion? A very convoluted one I'll bet.

You also omitted Harold Feldman's sentence which preceeded Salandria's reply: Look Oswald will probably be killed. And they'll get a Jew to do it because they always involve a Jew in these things.

That last sentence makes the remarkable and unsupportable assumption that Jews themselves are above suspicion in the assassination. The day after the assassination Feldman rewards one segment of the populace with a clean bill of health. Did Feldman explain to Salandria the reasons underlying this assumption?

If Salandria still believes this, he's a Zionist shill.

You have now driven the final nails in your own coffin.

ITEM -- You condemn a line of thought with which you are admittedly unfamiliar.

ITEM -- You embrace ethnic stereotyping and present it disingenuously as deep political analysis.

ITEM -- You figuratively burn the books of one of the most appropriately august founders of deep political analysis -- a man whose life's work stands as a repudiation of your racism.

Item 1: Which 'admittedly unfamiliar' line of thought am I condemning?

You blathering idiot -- you now admit to having no idea what you're writing.

Mark Stapleton Wrote:Item 2: The ethnic stereotyping comes from Harold Feldman and Vince Salandria not me. I am simply pointing it out.

Ahh, the classic "I know you are, but what am I?" argument. You must ride the short tank to SS school.

Mark Stapleton Wrote:Item 3: What kind of deep political analyst concludes that a Jewish assassin is indicative of a WASP conspiracy? What conclusion would he have drawn if Oswald's assassin had been WASP? The mind boggles.

A very wise one.

In order to experience a boggled mind, one must first have a mind. Which leaves you out.

Mark, over and over again you reveal yourself to be nothing more or less than a dull-witted anti-Semite of the Horst Wessel class. Go crawl back under the National Socialist rock you crawled out from.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:But I bet that "Albert Doyle" is -- and that, thanks to frequent use, "he" has Piper's e-mail address at the tip of "his" forked tongue.

Is that a crime? Do you email other researchers?

I e-mail, telephone, and meet with honorable researchers.

But I do not allow them to write material that I post over my signature.

Albert has stated repeatedly he is the only one posting under his signature.

Mengele stated that he was just a physician and scientist.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Are you seriously suggesting that Mob networks are more important and more powerful than Gladio?

That seems like an evasion of the point. Gladio is not the subject of this thread. If you have a sound understanding of 'Final Judgment' the answer is, yes, if those mob networks are related to Israel having a part in Kennedy's assassination then, yes, according to the topic they are more important.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The "point" of this thread is presumably deep political investigation to get closer to the truth.
The Mob did it? :banghead:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Charles Drago Wrote:You blathering idiot -- you now admit to having no idea what you're writing.

Hurl all the insults you want.

I know you have issues.

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