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Destiny Betrayed is shipping
Well, I'm getting up there also.

Great way to pass time at the gym eh?
I have to think Phil Dragoo for that wonderful review of my book that he placed on Amazon.

Its great when people actually read your work and understand it and can quote it back to you.
I awoke knowing the review was written and needed me to let it get onto the Amazon page. It advised a 48-hour processing period which apparently collapsed in a collision of physics and what Tannenbaum lauded in Adams' marketplace of ideas.

The pattern of the security establishment and its pack of fierce fairies in dog-collars (one of whom continues to email me) denies these connections which prove the case the entire world knows to be so.


We think of Jim Garrison as Gulliver lashed down by antlike Lilliputians, paralyzed in his task and travels, unable to proceed.

Victor Marchetti former special assistant to Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms told us his boss the DCI would inquire at Langley morning briefings after, "our people down there," were they getting the help they needed.

Why would Johnny Carson, be used as an IED in the road against the so-called grandstanding District Attorney from New Orleans? Why did NBC lawyers question Garrison for hours, typing his responses and their rejoinders onto cards Carson used in his blitz attack?

And most curious of all, why would a wealthy businessman with cosmopolitan refinement such as Clay Shaw call attorney Dean Andrews requesting he defend former defector and Castro supporter Lee Harvey Oswald?

Shaw associated with the fascist network which attempted the assassination of DeGaulle. Shaw who had no reaction, no remorse, shock, surprise, sadness, nothing on the news of the president's murder.

Who associated with Guy Banister whose convenient death in 1964 closed the door on his work with the McCord-Phillips operation run against FPCC about which Ruby knew so much.

When Ferrie and Eladio Del Valle were persons of interest to be questioned by Garrison's team, they died within hours of one another. Their links to Sergio Arcacha Smith (one of the men identified by Rose Cheramie) were too dangerous to leave open to exposure.

Of course he was CIA and of course he was integral to the conspiracy.

As our friend Kierkegaard advised, these things must be lived, but can only be seen in the rear-view.

So it is with Jim DiEugenio's double-decade hands-on inquiry reloaded: what was only dimly glimpsed now snaps into focus.

Journalism's ranks and rows were disked and salted with the negative image of the Garrison inquiry into the peculiar associations of Clay Shaw aka Clay Bertrand.

The defense team was CIA-approved. The major commentators were mere mockingbirds. The prosecution staff was penetrated by ten moles.

Moreover, the well was poisoned for Garrison's own response; e.g., a UPI dispatch editor reports he was told to deep-six anything from Garrison.

CIA in New Orleans installed a teletype to update Helms in real time, while FBI hounded Garrison's witnesseswhom, thanks to spies like Gordon Novel, the defense often reached before the prosecution.

Subpoenas were ignored, extraditions denied, the judge's rulings absolutely Kafkaesque.

Carson the wiry wooden son of Geppetto taunts Garrison with cries of "fairy tale".

Four hundred pages of fine detail, much of it from the author's personal interviews, illuminated by two decades of document release since the initial work, capped by one hundred fifty pages of end notes has produced an indictment on the door of Justice.

After Kennedy's murder the war he declined was entered with the bravado of Apocalypse Now. By the last chopper leaving the Saigon Embassy Nixon had resigned, Ford (Hoover's Commission informant) had called in Rockefeller to investigate CIA and would name G.H.W. Bush to direct it.

Congress would revisit the unsolved mystery of the Twentieth Century per George H.W. Bush, Ross Perot, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton. As it had done in the Warren Commission with Dullesthe Dulles of George Michael Evica's A Certain Arrogance with decades of machinations for hidden clients in his curriculum vitaeand to Garrison in the Shaw trial, the Agency would remove the dangerous Sprague and replace him with the obsequious Blakey.

The president who pursued peace was murdered, and the prosecutor who pursued his killers was ambushed. Now comes the DiEugenio book to reset the table, the centerpieceAmerica's destinyremains the same existential dilemma:

"I'm trying to tell the people of America that the honor of this country is at stake, and if we don't do something about this fraud we will not survive, and there is no way to survive if we don't bring out the truth about how our president was killed four years ago."

Jim Garrison on the Carson Show January 31, 1968the year Johnson withdrew from re-election, King and Bobby were hit, and Nixon swept to victory on a secret plan to an honorable peace.
No disrespect for Jim DiEugenio. In fact the opposite is true. I respect the work of this gentleman since PROBE.

Being limited to so called secondary research mostly, I confirm things for myself. Particularly when a point or issue fits my own opinion of what done what. Caution learned in that case. I don't agree with any 'researcher' completely.

When I got to the issue of McCord and Co. being evidentially tied to Banister and the Narlins crews I had to check things out for myself and I now confirmed this important connection.

Kudos to Jim DiEugenio for pointing me to this thing.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Page 333:

Therefore Sprague resigned on the evening of March 29, 1977.

The day George DeMohrenschildt sucked a shotgun between Edward Epstein and Gaeton Fonzi.

The day Charles Nicoletti became a lead magnet.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Page 333:

Therefore Sprague resigned on the evening of March 29, 1977.

The day George DeMohrenschildt sucked a shotgun between Edward Epstein and Gaeton Fonzi.

The day Charles Nicoletti became a lead magnet.
I'd love to see an actuarial study done on the suspicious and convenient deaths in this case.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jim Hackett, the references are not in the Index, yet as you indicate, they are stunning.

McCord a "bungling old-timer" bringing down Nixon with Watergate duct tape ninety degrees from tradecraft, replaced after security removed it.

In Destiny Betrayed, second edition, page 179:

And what he could not have known under any circumstances is that both the CIA and FBI were running counter intelligence programs against the FPCC and that David Phillips and Jim McCord were supervising that particular Agency effort.

Ibid. page 322:

In 1973, the federal government made sure no one would ever inspect the site from which Oswald carried out his anti FPCC campaign for Phillips and McCord in the summer of 1963.

And as author Jim DiEugenio notes further in the paragraph (page 323):

And the ultimate irony is that the new building was named the Hale Boggs Building, in honor of the local congressional representative who had served on the Warren Commission.

Magda, the only book I've found to address the topic of witnesses murdered is JFK: The Dead Witnesses, by Craig Roberts (Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza) and John Armstrong (Harvey and Lee), Consolidated Press International/Typhoon Press, 1995.

Hale Boggs, October 16, 1972, is listed on page 93:

Of the seven commissioners on the Warren Commission, Hale Boggs was the only dissenting member who refused to sign the Warren Report until just before it was presented to Lyndon Johnson. Boggs felt that the FBI had withheld evidence and had lied to the Commission, that Oswald was probably not the only assailant, and that there was more to the assassination than what the Commission turned up.

And on page 94:

Congressman Hale Boggs disappeared during an airplane flight in Alaska one month after the Watergate break-in. It is interesting to note that the Los Angeles Star reported on November 22, 1973, that "Boggs had startling revelations on the Watergate and the Assassination of President Kennedy." If this were true it would be a definite motive for murder--especially if for some reason Boggs found himself in a position at that time to play a trump card from the past.

Cause of death: Disappeared during airplane flight.

Phil's note: Boggs was sent to find Amelia Earhart and honored with a building on the site of the Banister-McCord-Phillips op.

Speaking of McCord, Dead Witnesses' next entry: Dorothy Wetzel Hunt, December 8, 1972:

Dorothy Hunt, the wife of CIA figure E. Howard Hunt, died when United Airlines flight 553 crashed while attempting to land in Chicago. Dorothy, according to Watergate figure James McCord, was the "bag lady" for hush money that was delivered to the burglars and members of the White House staff involved in the Watergate coverup.

Phil's note: Dead Witnesses notes Nixon the next day put Krogh as undersecretary of transportation to supervise FAA/NTSB investigation of the crash; Butterfield to head FAA; Chapin to a Chicago posting with United.

In the year Helms arranged for McCord, Hunt, Sturgis et al to crash Nixon's plane.

as always your posts inform and help one think a little deeper at the same time. A very big deal akin to a teacher that can do.
Thank You also for your input and insight.
I was once burned on a piece of evidence I took at face value. I learned from that in the HSCA time frame. No money or "public rep" lost long before the age of the community and communications, just my own self perception changed.

The best obvious example of disinfo of the last decade I can think of was the faked memo detailing LHO's participation in a 'false-defector' program a few years ago. Having been educated I waited to decide anything about the memo. I have no doubt we all have been through a similar thing whenever it was.
Next I heard of someone going to NARA and find no such memo no matter the RIF. The RIF too was bogus. It was not this thing that got me to confirm information, but if a decade to two earlier it could have.

I belabor the point to tell others how I began to be skeptical about things that fit too well my own opinions.

So, I found many references to Phillips running "anti-FPCC" ops with the help of McCord and others of more public later fame. This fits with the ideas I hold so I had to dig deeper than just the two sources that I had. Newman's "Oswald and the CIA" and more backups I found. Last, Dick Russell's "On the Trail of the JFK Assassins" tipped the scales for me.
Enough sources for me to accept the data.

Skeptic though I maybe, "the whole bay of pigs thing" and "we've done a lot for Helms...." comments of RMNixon take on a more confirmed more sinister tone of dissonance. And that issue fits so well with my ideas of what really was done.

I too find my second reading of Destiny Betrayed 2nd Edition was required. Once for content and once for detail I think someone said and I agree.

Thanks again to Jim DiEugenio, Phil and Magda and all.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
A lot of people are saying they have had to read the book twice. Which is nice. Since many of the books I read and review on this case, I can barely get through once. ANd I then throw them in the trash.

I used John Newman's important book Oswald and the CIA as much as possible. Its a disgracefully ignored book I think.
Throwing books in the trash?


Don't you have a fireplace?

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