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While I consider Tosh Plumlee a friend, and was the one of the first researchers to devote years [full-time] to his story re: Dallas [to my knowledge and memory Jay Harrison, Gary Shaw and Bud Fensterwald are the only others who had looked into Tosh's story before I, with the help of Jim Marrs and with Tosh's permission did; some governmental persons had been informed of various parts of Tosh's story and did some brief investigations of certain aspects - but all of those were/are closely held and have not been made public]. One newspaper story on Plumlees Iran-Contra episode predated my research efforts on Tosh.

While I consider Tosh a friend and have been able to prove many to most of the things he has told me about his life in covert operations as true, I would point out that some aspects of his Dallas 'adventure' have not lent themselves to verification and/or are contradicted in part by other testimony from other persons and sources. Sadly, Tosh Plumlee has refused to reconcile a few of these contradictions - or to explain why he won't.

Not a complete list, but of great important, and coming to mind this morning, is his rendition of the events that occurred at Red Bird Airport and involving Wayne January [the airport manager there]. Granted, Tosh told me January's name well before it was publicly known and asked me to contact him for verification of his account of what happened at Red Bird that day [11/22/63]. I tried to contact Mr. January, but he refused to be 'interviewed'. I didn't know why until the reason and Wayne January's account of that day came out in Matthew Smith's book Conspiracy [on pages 137+]. January's account has portions that overlap with those of Plumlee; but have other parts that diverge quite a bit. Tosh has refused to deal with the discrepancies or explain why he chooses not to. To complicate matters further, there are two other versions of flights out of Dallas on the afternoon of 11/22/63 extricating covert and/or military operatives after the assassination [for a total of three or four]. While it is possible that there were [likely were] more than one such flight, some aspects of these four stories overlap or conflict, and leads this researcher to believe they need to be better reconciled or some of them rejected in part or in their entirety. The other: The flight mentioned as landing [and shortly after leaving after taking on 1-2 persons] on the banks of the Trinity River in the book by Douglass, and the version of the [same] flight presented in a little known book called Flight From Dallas by Johnson and Roe. I'm aware of yet other flight stories related to the assassination, but leave them out here for now - as they seem quite separate, thought they may not ultimately be.

Whatever Harrison found about the events at Red Bird [or other aspects of Plumlee's story] are not yet known, and likely still reside in his voluminous papers, now in N.J. To my knowledge, no one has looked for these items. I once asked, but was refused access. This was before Joan Mellen was granted access to all of it, but I know from private communication she was not interested in looking for anything related to Plumlee or his story - and did not.

Tom Wilson did substantial work on photos and information I provided on both a South Knoll shooter, as described by Plumlee and the possible positions of and equipment on Sergio and Plumlee in the shadows of the Cancellere photo of the S. Knoll area. Wilson found a rifle barrel shaped metal object in the south knoll area and communication or other operational equipment on Sergio that matched others located at other positions in the Plaza.

There are benign explanations of the conflicting stories and there are less-benign explanations. There could have been more than one extraction flight that day; I'm inclined to believe there was. The most troubling [to me] discrepancies are between what Plumlee told me transpired at Red Bird that day and what Wayne January said transpired at Red Bird that day. Again, portions are similar or overlap, in part; other parts are in stark contrast and seem to be mutually exclusive. More research on this important aspect need to be done. Despite all this, Tosh remains a friend, but I don't take what he says as 'gospel' nor at face value, without verification or some corroboration. I keep it in mind as a possible scenario, worthy of further work and comparison with complimentary and contradictory information.

As mentioned before, many to most things Plumlee told me about his long life in covert operations checked out from other persons, documents, or other research efforts. The most unexplained or unconfirmed portions focus on 11/21-22/63.

in a somewhat related mystery, while working actively on researching Plumlee's story while living in San Diego, my life at a certain point began a precipitous collapse, and was clearly under attack from hidden forces for my work on Tosh's story and life. Who/what exactly those forces were, I do not know for sure. I have my suspicions and can list three likely categories. The destruction of my life was near total, and I have never been able to fully recover to a large extent. That is another story and not necessarily related - so the rest is omitted, other than this brief mention of it.

There is much more to all this I could write - and on the strange periods of investigation by others [such as Vernon, Dankbaar and others] after my life became too much of a hell to do research for MANY years], Much of what I wrote about my research into Plumlee's life were on the EF, but were deleted long before the recent demise of that forum. Other bits and pieces are on this site. Much of it is unpublished and in the form of notes in my computer, hand-written notes, audio and video interviews, etc.

Are some of these overlapping, and in portions, contradictory flight stories designed to camouflage/obscure others - or each other? Was there one such flight or many? How to reconcile those parts of the Red Bird episode as told by two persons which are mutually exclusive? Where lies the truth?

Wheels within wheels within wheels.......
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

I am calling negative template on the January-Plumlee contradictions and on the erasure of your Re-education Camp posts as well as the Night of the Living Dead attack upon your life.

(Better not read, than dead.)

We may consider also the fascinating chameleon tails of Frank Fiorini-Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemmingway.

As M. Fricken looked up at her new skylight, sun glinting off her rimless spectacles remarked, "The King of Nepal and his brother, they told you beautiful stories, beautiful stories, but it wasn't the truth."

Limited hangout, bodyguard of lies,
somewhere in the chaff
Kretchmer lies
fyi The photo of the southwest corner of the overpass was originally provided to us by, Milicent is a copy if needed by whomever...:wavey:.b

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FWIW, Tom Wilson saw a rifle barrel coming out of the back of a station wagon parked in the S. Knoll parking lot [just East of the location in the photo]. Many older station wagons had roll-down back windows. Whether that one fired or not is not known, but it was in the right area according to many to have fired the frontal shot[s]. The fact the research community has been kept 'away' from even exploring this general area is suspicious to me - as the distances are only a few yards greater than from the other suspect locations - and had many fewer public viewers of their actions. In a true military cross-fire, to the extent possible shooter teams are at all possible axes [minimum four].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
It is a very good location isn't it....?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:It is a very good location isn't it....?

Yes it is. And, I have to wonder, as I wander, if just maybe the Z Film itself somehow "convinced" many researchers that all the shots came from the north side of DP.


A golden apple placed for the researchers to find. To lead or mislead?

After Luce and CDJackson had the film for 5 years in secret
a prosecutor pried it out of the vaults.

By then it could have shown damn near anything given NPIC/CIA possession.

It was Ms. Dixie that first pointed me to this area (south knoll), then the science started to catch up.
Overcoming the Z film implied fence north knoll shooter and away from the product of the golden apples Judge Jim wrote about.
just my 25 cents (adjusted for inflation since the 1963 theft of the Republic)
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

Your station wagon has the roll down window many of us grew up with.

The DC Beltway snipers used a Chevy trunk with a hole in the lock plate/license plate bracket area.

You are right about distractions--the silenced South Knoll weapon drew no notice, but the smoke, sound, smell of gunpowder and furtive activity drew the pack to the North or Grassy Knoll.

111 yards from the terminus of the balustrade at the south as depicted in the Moore-Cranor photo.

A five-plus foot elevation superiority with the target car coming virtually straight on at a three degree down angle.

McHugh removed from the front seat that day, and the privacy window removed August 1961 by Hess & Eisenhardt at Secret Service request.

I posit the extreme position that after the Bay of Pigs moved the president to fire Dulles, Cabell, Bissell, that the preparations were made--for over two years the president was on probation.

The missile crisis was strike two (in a Douglass-type scenario, an homage to Seven Days in May), the American University speech strike three.

The South Knoll is the RFK second shooter.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:FWIW, Tom Wilson saw a rifle barrel coming out of the back of a station wagon parked in the S. Knoll parking lot [just East of the location in the photo]. Many older station wagons had roll-down back windows. Whether that one fired or not is not known, but it was in the right area according to many to have fired the frontal shot[s]. The fact the research community has been kept 'away' from even exploring this general area is suspicious to me - as the distances are only a few yards greater than from the other suspect locations - and had many fewer public viewers of their actions. In a true military cross-fire, to the extent possible shooter teams are at all possible axes [minimum four].
Peter, you are very correct on the possibility of a rifle being used on the South Knoll from a few possible positions. The re-alignment of a rifle angle is very easy for a professional assassin as we have all read here and other places on the net. The trajectories must fit somewhere from the South Knoll because the witness testimony for a front shot bullet hole is devastating. Always enjoy your posts. I look forward to our courteous dialogue here. Tony
Here are a few more shots re possibility of a shot from the south side...fwtaw...As witnesses reported the odor of gun smoke, on the north side ,from the motorcade as well as others standing within Dealey, Tosh also mentions the same odor as they ascended the slope to the rail tracks on the south side.....Years ago I read about a women, within Dealey down towards the overpass, reportedly smelling the same, but I of course have never found it again...duh....anyone know ?? thanks b

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