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A remarkable new book on 9/11
Below are a couple of excerpts from the book explaining his methodology. You may do with it what you will. From the Preface:

This project started with a curiosity about the questionable circumstances surrounding the
murder of Nick Berg, a US entrepreneur in Iraq who reportedly was in the wrong place at
the wrong time. That curiosity led to research, which led to this report. Herein is a story
a true story - that needs to be told. Even without the need' for it to be told, it represents
a mesmerizing story of intrigue, assassination, mystery, scandal, fraud, theft, cover-up,
and twisted patriotism. It is a true story about real individuals, the list of which includes
terrorists, spies (KGB, Mossad, CIA, FBI), murder victims, assassinated corporate heads,
politicians, billionaires, international bank board members, Russian Mafiya, American
mafia, Nazis, an Imperial family, and even a Grand Master of the Teutonic Order
(Templars) from the crusades! It is a story about money laundering, illegal gold,
securities fraud, conflict diamonds, weapons trading, drugs, espionage and international
stock market manipulation. It is a story about a several layers of façade and false leads.
It is a story in which the motive for the crime is measured in hundreds of billions of
dollars, and has relatively little to do with oil. It is a story which explains the execution
of seemingly innocent civilians in Iraq, the attack on the World Trade Center, and the
attack on the US economy. It is a story that provides coherent meaning to what has been
viewed as a collage of seemingly inconsistent, contradictory, inexplicable and just plain
inconvenient facts.
The search for an acceptable explanation for the death of Nick Berg in the summer of
2004 engendered more questions than answers at first. The answers to these questions
resulted in an interpretation of current events in the Middle East and the US that seemed
far removed from any currently available explanations or hypotheses. The conclusion of
this investigation is that Nick Berg was in all likelihood an agent of an Israeli secret
service, executed by elements of the Israeli secret service, for reasons that are explained
in the report. That hypothesis was so seemingly incredible that it begged "challenging."
The hypothesis has been challenged numerous times, and each time there are multiple
accounts in the media that provide answers that are consistent with the conclusions
presented in the research. Examples of such "if then" tests (such as if X happened, then
shouldn't Y happen?) are:
If the hypothesis used to explain the reasons for Nick Berg's execution is accurate,
shouldn't it also be valid for subsequent executions by the same group? (It is!)
· If the Deutsche Bank was attempting to cover-up illicit gold movements, should one
expect to find news which links the Deutsche Bank to illicit gold hoardings, measured
in hundreds of tonnes? (There are such reports!)
· If the German banking cartel had responsibility for initiating the September 11 attack,
should one be able to demonstrate their ability to activate Muslim and Mossad agents.
(It can be demonstrated, with multiple connections.)
In none of the testing of hypotheses did the available information contradict one of the
major conclusions of this paper: the official US government interpretation of terrorist
activity confronting America is deliberately misleading, and the list of "bad guys" is
totally different than what the public has been led to believe"

From the next piece, "Methodology":

Please note that this report generally follows several important rules of research:
 This report uses as many independent sources as possible, rather than relying on
government press releases and mainstream media. In this report, there is evidence
from U.S. agents themselves, that the US government has forced a CIA translator, a
CIA agent and three FBI agents to fabricate and distort information on the 9/11
investigation. These people are in court to bring out the truth, and protect themselves
from repercussions. These five are only the ones coming forward publicly. The
public needs to ask - how many more remain silent? (Internet reports suggest up to
200 government agents are ready to testify against the administration.) There is also
evidence from two college professors that the CIA deliberately falsified video-tape
evidence. There is evidence presented from Underwriter Laboratories that the
government has presented false information.
 Questions are best formulated by studying a situation and asking "What information
is missing?" With the hundreds of investigative reporters in the world attempting to
uncover the truth about 9/11, major points of evidence are totally ignored by the US
government and many conspiracy theorists, and treated as inconvenient' facts. This
report does not ignore them. Surprisingly, there is a strong coherency to what are
reported as coincidences and inconsistencies and all the "wild conspiracy theories"
actually hang together.
 This reports looks at these events as crimes rather than political terrorist activities
which are intended to create fear. The basic rules for identifying "who did it" still
apply: motive, opportunity, weapon, and follow the money.'
 If one uses the same standard of evidence as applied under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice to the alleged terrorists appearing before military tribunals, then
hearsay evidence is acceptable.
 Some readers may conclude this report attempts to establish guilt by association and
character, an invalid principle in the U.S. courtroom. Guilt is determined by due
process not a report. There are Constitutional processes for determining guilt, and
this report does not seek to supplant them. However, the American criminal justice
system has established and sanctioned two practices which are based on guilt by
association and characterization: profiling and prosecution under the RICO
conspiracy laws. This report assumes that if an organization (or partnership) has
several key members that are publicly associated (not necessarily convicted) with
similar criminal activity, activities of the entire organization warrant suspicion. If
publicly available information about that organization reinforces those suspicions,
those suspicions should be investigated and reported. That is what this report does it
summarizes that information and suggests that a different theory explaining the
attacks of September 11 is consistent with the facts ignored by the official 9/11
Commission. Current interpretations of events in the Middle East (either that of the
US Government or various conspiracy theorists) do not help us understand the facts
as they are known today. There are too many dangling leads.
This report attempts to address the loose ends' in this interpretation of the news.
Major crimes have been committed and not one person has been convicted.
"Terrorists" charged for supporting 9/11 in Germany and Spain have been found not guilty. Osama Bin Laden
is not charged with 9/11 on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list because the FBI has no
evidence connecting him to the crime. This report attempts to redefine leads that
might result in holding people accountable for their crimes.
This research represents a significant paradigm shift from most of the September 11
research available. That shift is brought about by two very significant challenges created
by the information presented.
· The first challenge: look at all the information before assigning guilt. Much of the
current criticism of American public officials involved in cover-up activities has a
tendency to focus on the American and Israeli participants.' Another large band of
criticism is saved for the Saudi royal family, because of their familial relations to
Osama Bin Laden and significant financial contributions to American politics.
However, if one looks at the record of how these American and Saudi officials
actually executed their operations (ranging from criminal to legal, but generally
considered unscrupulous) there is a consistent participation by the Russian/Israeli
Mafiya and the German banking cartel, which includes certain Swiss banks. As one
digs deeper, one finds the Russian/Israeli Mafiya are quite significantly involved in
these events, and the bank cartel may well be the greatest benefactor of the crime and
cover-up. The research paradigm must include foreign nationals from Germany and
· The second challenge: the timing of the attack on the WTC suggests a pace of events
where the planners were comfortable with a two-to-three year execution phase. A
decision to destroy the WTC was made in 1999 or 1998, with the key hijackers' in
that plot being assigned in early 1999. The research paradigm needs to be focused on
events in 1998 and 1999, not the events in January through July of 2001. Similarly,
in suggesting that the maturity date of 10 year gold backed bonds issued on
September 11, 1991 was a significant factor in the timing of the attack, that period
needs to be understood as well.
Addressing these two challenges will lead to the conclusion that a German/Swiss bank
cartel undertook a decision in 1998 to destroy a number of US investigations that
threatened their illegally gained wealth. Adnan Khashoggi was the common thread in
most of those investigations, so the Cartel would have needed to approach him as well as
Edgar Bronfman, Khashoggi's business partner. They in turn, would have most likely
approached their old colleagues: Bush Sr., Secord, Armitage, Kimche, and Azima. These
five, in turn, would have used the foot-soldiers at their disposal: Al Qaeda and the
Russian/Israeli Mafiya.
This investigation is not an attempt to support a particular political viewpoint. In the end,
there is no final proof and there is no confession. If there was a confession, it would
disappear as if it never existed, and every mention of it would be erased. People who
present information critical of the Iran-Contra Syndicate often commit suicide within 24
hours, and their reports disappear (e.g., Brad Doucette, John Millis and Gary Webb). A
list of nineteen such murdered individuals is compiled in this report.
The crimes described here-in are very complex, and executed by both professional and vicious
criminals. The cover-up of these crimes is done by people who cause their accusers and
whistleblowers to lose promotions, jobs, freedom and possibly even lives. While "proof"
is hard to come by, there is a very compelling case of circumstantial evidence. The
explanation provides better answers for more of the open issues than the official 9/11
Commission Report. It also provides a better explanation than suggested by a number of
conspiracy theorists who suggest the Bush administration and CIA or Israeli government
are at fault. All three of those explanations leave too many unanswered questions, and
none really explain the reason the World Trade Center was brought down with a series of
explosions, or how suspicious trading indicated there were those with foreknowledge of
the crime. Conspiracy theorists also like to conveniently forget that the attack on the
World Trade Center was planned and initiated before the Republican National
Convention, before George Bush Jr. was even an official candidate for President, much
less President. Moreover, there is nothing in the historical record to suggest he is capable
of architecting such a solution.
At the end of the day, it's always about the money, and the money trail points to none of
the official suspects Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaeda. However, even after identifying a
more realistic suspect, there is no good news in this story for anyone. It is still a story
about corrupt and greedy people however noble they thought their intentions they are
directly responsible for the unnecessary death and suffering of thousands and thousands
of innocent people like your parents, children and friends, for no reason other than selfgratification
and ego.

Res Ipsa Loquitur - the thing speaks for itself
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
All I know is this. I've been looking into the things that he mentions - Nick Berg, the stolen gold, and from what I've been able to determine, his sources for the most part seem to be on point. And if only one-quarter of what he says is true, we're not just talking about the crime of the century. We're talking about the crime of the centuries. And Heidner is not the only person who has said that 9/11 was over finances rather than terrorism. Catherine Fitts has said much the same thing, and she was certainly in a position to at least know something. Sherlock Holmes once said that detective work was about eliminating the impossible, because once you eliminated the impossible, whatever you have left, however improbable, has to be the truth. Because that's all that's left. And I realize that a lot of what he says seems improbable, but it certainly isn't impossible. And we have to look at it from that viewpoint.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Here's a link to a PDF of Heidner's book. I'm going through the Collateral Damage articles and find them very impressive.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Here's a link to a PDF of Heidner's book. I'm going through the Collateral Damage articles and find them very impressive.

Thanks Tracy. It does look interesting, but I am suspicious even at first glance.

The format layout presents itself as an official US government report, and that obviously sets immediate alarms bells ringing. Why would any writer do that other than to deceive readers about it's true nature?

On the title page are the words ISBN. But an ISBN is not actually stated.

Besides this what does anyone know about the author - the name of whom is mysteriously missing from the title page and, in fact, anywhere else in the publication. What author purposefully eclipses their name from a work like this? Has this guy ever been interviewed, are there pictures of him, a checkable background etc?

I will put this on my ever growing "to read" pile. There's been a heck of a lot of work gone into it --- 380 pages and really quite professional looking too. But it smacks to me - in this first analysis anyway - as probable disinformation or possibly worse.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Here's a link to a PDF of Heidner's book. I'm going through the Collateral Damage articles and find them very impressive.

Thanks Tracy. It does look interesting, but I am suspicious even at first glance.

The format layout presents itself as an official US government report, and that obviously sets immediate alarms bells ringing. Why would any writer do that other than to deceive readers about it's true nature?

On the title page are the words ISBN. But an ISBN is not actually stated.

Besides this what does anyone know about the author - the name of whom is mysteriously missing from the title page and, in fact, anywhere else in the publication. What author purposefully eclipses their name from a work like this? Has this guy ever been interviewed, are there pictures of him, a checkable background etc?

I will put this on my ever growing "to read" pile. There's been a heck of a lot of work gone into it --- 380 pages and really quite professional looking too. But it smacks to me - in this first analysis anyway - as probable disinformation or possibly worse.

As I recall, having read this book some time ago, I regarded the Official USG report as a literary device. Will have to look at it again.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
I'm going to answer my own question. No one really knows who the purported author really is, but I think I may know.

I just Googled E P Heidner and found a dormant blogspot in his name.

When people begin talking about Mrs. V K Durham and reporting her nonsense as the unadulterated truth, I cringe.

There are, in fact, two different and very persistent groups of grifters (to my knowledge anyway) who spend an inordinate amount of time and energy working on publishing stuff like this, as they believe it will help to validate phoney assets they wish to translate into ready cash. At one time or another both groups contacted me in the past.

One of them wanted me to write a book based on their research (as if), the other spent months and months trying to hook me into doing something, but we never reached the point where that something was ever openly stated. Just hints. I told both groups to fuck off after giving a sufficient length of rope to hang themselves. And both did themselves justice in the hanging department, I have to say.

So my best guess is that this guy is a member, probably of the American group, rather than the far eastern group. They were quite political in anti Bush family sense (can't blame them for that) and the bloodspot carries that same theme. They used to use telephone services so you could never locate where they were domiciled, and drop box addresses, for the same reason.

I might be entirely wrong about this writer, but the Durham name along with the Russell Hermann name suggests he's from the same sort of camp.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:I'm going to answer my own question. No one really knows who the purported author really is, but I think I may know.

I just Googled E P Heidner and found a dormant blogspot in his name.

When people begin talking about Mrs. V K Durham and reporting her nonsense as the unadulterated truth, I cringe.

There are, in fact, two different and very persistent groups of grifters (to my knowledge anyway) who spend an inordinate amount of time and energy working on publishing stuff like this, as they believe it will help to validate phoney assets they wish to translate into ready cash. At one time or another both groups contacted me in the past.

One of them wanted me to write a book based on their research (as if), the other spent months and months trying to hook me into doing something, but we never reached the point where that something was ever openly stated. Just hints. I told both groups to fuck off after giving a sufficient length of rope to hang themselves. And both did themselves justice in the hanging department, I have to say.

So my best guess is that this guy is a member, probably of the American group, rather than the far eastern group. They were quite political in anti Bush family sense (can't blame them for that) and the bloodspot carries that same theme. They used to use telephone services so you could never locate where they were domiciled, and drop box addresses, for the same reason.

I might be entirely wrong about this writer, but the Durham name along with the Russell Hermann name suggests he's from the same sort of camp.

Dave, you're one of three experts in the World [that I know of] on the Black Eagle Trust [and related matters] can you tell, if you know or suspect, what the ultimate purpose of the papers are? Are you questioning some of the information? [and if yes, as bad research, or with an agenda; and if with an agenda - what agenda?!] Thanks.

I haven't read them yet...just downloaded and quickly scanned through. Some stuff looks OK at first blush...some looks skewed a bit; perhaps what is missing is more important than what is there....I'll have a closer look, but am interested in your 'take'.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I haven't read the book yet. I'm just now reading the Collateral Damage articles by the same author.

Some researchers want to preserve their privacy. I can't blame them; I only use my real name here because I have to. Otherwise I'd prefer to remain more anonymous. It's the information that's important, not the researcher, especially if they provide footnotes (which the articles have - apparently the book doesn't).
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:I'm going to answer my own question. No one really knows who the purported author really is, but I think I may know.

I just Googled E P Heidner and found a dormant blogspot in his name.

When people begin talking about Mrs. V K Durham and reporting her nonsense as the unadulterated truth, I cringe.

There are, in fact, two different and very persistent groups of grifters (to my knowledge anyway) who spend an inordinate amount of time and energy working on publishing stuff like this, as they believe it will help to validate phoney assets they wish to translate into ready cash. At one time or another both groups contacted me in the past.

One of them wanted me to write a book based on their research (as if), the other spent months and months trying to hook me into doing something, but we never reached the point where that something was ever openly stated. Just hints. I told both groups to fuck off after giving a sufficient length of rope to hang themselves. And both did themselves justice in the hanging department, I have to say.

So my best guess is that this guy is a member, probably of the American group, rather than the far eastern group. They were quite political in anti Bush family sense (can't blame them for that) and the bloodspot carries that same theme. They used to use telephone services so you could never locate where they were domiciled, and drop box addresses, for the same reason.

I might be entirely wrong about this writer, but the Durham name along with the Russell Hermann name suggests he's from the same sort of camp.

Dave, you're one of three experts in the World [that I know of] on the Black Eagle Trust [and related matters] can you tell, if you know or suspect, what the ultimate purpose of the papers are? Are you questioning some of the information? [and if yes, as bad research, or with an agenda; and if with an agenda - what agenda?!] Thanks.

I haven't read them yet...just downloaded and quickly scanned through. Some stuff looks OK at first blush...some looks skewed a bit; perhaps what is missing is more important than what is there....I'll have a closer look, but am interested in your 'take'.

many years ago now, I was in contact with Durham, both by phone and email. I found her claims to be simply preposterous. I can't write in a public forum what I truly think of her, as it would litigable.

During the 12 ands more years I was digging into the gold story - and I merely scratched the surface (its like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle when most parts of the jigsaw are missing and you have no picture as a frame of reference), I learned a number of things. Firstly to trust no one involved. Absolutely no one. Secondly, there are a vast number of players who have personal agendas. The usual one is greed. Mention the word "gold" and all the grifters, conmen, and easy money dreamers of the world flood out of the woodwork.

As an example, I was contacted by a former Marcos henchman, a well known heartless and ruthless killer, who wanted me to intercede on his behalf with the Union Bank of Switzerland to gain access to his gold stash/payoff by Marcos for his "loyalty" (the times I've been offered a percentage of a vast haul, I couldn't possibly remember now). I didn't doubt for a moment that UBS had hijacked his bullion, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. I certainly wasn't going to get involved or allow greed to consume me. Very early on I had to make a firm decision that my one and only interest was the story itself.

Were I to have my time over again, but still have these old eyes of mine to aid me - I would be even more cynical and careful about anyone and anything related to the Black Eagle gold trust. Not only is the subject labyrinthine, but there are so many dark, dank and deep levels. Everything and everyone has to be treated as suspect. And every nugget of truth has to be drawn out of that great shadow kicking, biting and screaming.

Sterling Seagrave and I (and the one other whoever you're thinking of) are/were naive amateurs on this subject. In the last analysis, none of us are up to snuff on it. That's my honest take these days.

Can you be a little more specific about what "papers" you are referring to please, Pete? There are so many different ones out there.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I haven't read the book yet. I'm just now reading the Collateral Damage articles by the same author.

Some researchers want to preserve their privacy. I can't blame them; I only use my real name here because I have to. Otherwise I'd prefer to remain more anonymous. It's the information that's important, not the researcher, especially if they provide footnotes (which the articles have - apparently the book doesn't).

Yep, I do understand that Tracy, about anonymity.

On the other hand it is an excellent screen to hide behind too.

I'm always willing to stand corrected.

But I feel certain, in my own mind, that this cloaked author is not going to be the one to elicit that correction from me.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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