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Declassified: The CIA "Oswald" and Mexico City
Scott Kaiser Wrote:As pointed out earlier, the Warren Commission consider planning on subpoenaing Osborne as a witness to the alleged trip to Mexico with Lee Oswald. However, the Commission believes Osborne is "probably" a con-man, and has lied to the Commission about sitting next to Oswald on the bus trip.

We'll never know if Osborne lied or what story he gave them or what testimony Osborne submitted to the Commission, nor will we ever know what would have been said sense Osborne was not called to testify.

CE2195 is 50 pages on Bowen/Osborne Scott... ??
Roland Trent did a pretty decent job gettin gus the details of Bowen/Osborne.

The people who claim to have been on the same bus as an Oswald contradict themselves as to which bus, what times and where...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7089&stc=1]

What I find interesting is that the WCR only uses the name OSBORNE when the only evidence available only states "Bowen"

As usual, since the evidence clears Oswald, the Commission cannot believe what he says. The two girls and the McFarland's were not even on the same bus the FBI claims in many documents he arrived in Mexico City on - Anahuac.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7090&stc=1]

We are to remember that in the evidence, the FBI also puts Oswald on the Flecha Rojas bus from Monterrey to Mexico City... where the Austrialians come aboard in Monterrey while the McF's have been on the bus since Louisiana.

Except they were on Del Norte leaving at 7:30pm since the Flecha Rojas bus actually leaves at 15:30 (3:30pm) and the passenger list for those boarding in Monterrey does not list the Autralian girls...


McFarland affidavit:
Q. Did you see Oswald speaking toany other persons?
A. Yes. We observed him conversing occasionally with two young Australian women who boarded the bus
on the evening of September 26th atMonterrey, Mexico. He also conversed occasionally with an elderly man who sat in the seat next tohim for a time.

Miss MUMFORD.Well, we traveled by bus on a scheme which allowed us to travel on Trailwaysbuses for a period of 3 months for a certain amount. We just got on and off atvarious places we wanted to see: For instance, Washington, D.C.; Miami, wherewe stayed a week; then we went across to New Orleans, down through Texas toLaredo, and from Laredo we crossed theborder also by bus and went to Monterrey.
We spent one day inMonterrey and left by bus at 7:30 p.m. at Monterrey, and it was on that busthat we met Lee Harvey Oswald. (NOTE: Let's remember what McFarland said… the Australian girls boarded the bus in the evening of Sept 26)
Miss MUMFORD.Well, the ticket we had on this deal enabled us only to travel in the States,not in Mexico. So, we bought the ticketon the bus at Laredo and that enabled us to stop off in Monterrey. But the ticket was from Laredo to Mexico City.
Mr. BALL. And from whatcompany did you buy the ticket?
Miss MUMFORD. As far as I canremember, it was a bus company called
Transporter del Norte.

Mr. BALL.Now, you got on the bus at Monterreyon the evening of September 26 at 7:30p.m., you just told me?
Miss MUMFORD. Yes.
Mr. BALL. And what was thecompany that operated that bus, do you know?
Miss MUMFORD. That was also
Transporter delNorte.

Miss MUMFORD.Oswald was the first one we spoke to.He left his seat and came down to the back of the bus to speak to us.
Mr. BALL. That was after the bus had left Monterrey?
Miss MUMFORD. Yes …. Then we arrived in the Mexico Citybus station and he didn't speak to us,attempt to speak to us at all. He was one of the first off the bus and thelast I remember seeing him he was standing across the end of the room.

WCD1245p274 is the beginning of the typed version passenger list #11889 for FlechaRojas bus #516 for passengers who ONLY got on in Monterrey (i.e. Mumford andWinston). Their names, as expected, donot appear on this list. .

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7091&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   64-03-11 CE 2195 - OSBORNE FINALLY ADMITS OSWALD not on the bus to Mexico with him - CIA ASSET.jpg (Size: 270.47 KB / Downloads: 25)
.jpg   64-09-24 WCR states man next to Oswald on bus to Mexico was OSBORNE - no Bowen.jpg (Size: 355.04 KB / Downloads: 26)
.jpg   64-05-06 WCD 1245 - p274 with Flecha Rojas baggage list for bus 516.jpg (Size: 227.11 KB / Downloads: 25)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
Declassified: The CIA "Oswald" and Mexico City - by David Josephs - 08-07-2015, 05:10 PM

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