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The BYP: Jeff Carter pours it on
The Paines have conspiracy written large all over them, IMO. This Kelin article is quite circumspect and careful not to draw any conclusions, but I think it is easy to do so. They set LHO [in this they were not alone] up as the patsy, and allowed their garage and home to be used to 'salt' the belongings of Oswald; to allow and yet control the actions of the Oswalds; they got him his job at the TSBD; they lied about the purchase of the gun and Michael lied about who he was with at the time of the assassination....and it goes on and on. They were the intelligence babysitters for the Oswalds, taking over from DeMohrenschieldt, clearly. And don't forget who Paine's boss was - one SS General Walter Dornberger who, amazingly, SHORTLY after after coming out of a camp in Wales for high-level Nazi officers suddenly had a US passport and high-level security clearance and was flown by non-commercial flight to near Boston, where he soon joined Bell Helicopter. Some years before the events of Dallas, Dornberger was transferred to the Bell Helicopter Ft. Worth, TX branch and given a very high position there. Paine worked directly under Dornberger - two CIA connected individuals with security clearances. One an old Nazi, two neo-fascists, IMHO - all intelligence operatives with interesting family pedigrees and interesting friends and relationships.

As far as the genealogy of the Paines, see this thread

Quote:from: Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins (1988)
Lee and Marina Oswald had met Ruth Paine in February 1963 at a party in Dallas to which George de Mohrenschildt and his wife had brought them. I found that Ruth Paine was the wife of Michael Paine, an engineering designer who did highly classified work for Bell Helicopter, a major Defense Department contractor.
Ruth Paine was a rangy, intelligent woman with widespread interests, among them the Russian language, which she had learned to speak quite well. Her father had been employed by the Agency for International Development, regarded by many as a source of cover for the C.I.A. Her brother-in-law was employed by the same agency in the Washington, D.C. area.
It was on Ruth Paine's way back from a long vacation, during which she had visited her in-laws in Washington, D.C., that she made the stop in New Orleans to pick up Marina Oswald and her daughter for their return to Dallas. I wondered vaguely whether Mrs. Paine herself had been manipulated in the course of this move.
As a routine matter, I wanted to examine the income tax returns of Ruth and Michael Paine, but I was told that they had been classified as secret. In addition to the Paines' income tax reports, Commission documents 212, relating to Ruth Paine, and 218, relating to Michael Paine, also had been classified as secret on grounds of national security.
Classified for the same reason were Commission documents 258, relating to Michael, and 508, relating to Michael Paines sister, as well as Commission documents 600 through 629, regarding relatives of Michael Paine. What was so special about this particular family that made the federal government so protective of it?

In bashing the only (very bad) book I know of on the Paine's, Bill Kelly tells much of the true story/connections/lies/intrigue of the real Paines here.

There is SO much of the official Paine story that is a lie, I hardly know where to begin. But I'll mention one more. Ruth said she offered her place to Marina so that she could both be a good soul to a needy woman with young child and to LEARN RUSSIAN. However, at that time, Ruth was herself TEACHING RUSSIAN language, as Hosty testified to the WC, at a local school. So, she may have well kept Marina and Oswald unaware she knew Russian to better know [and report] on what they said to one another when they spoke in Russian. One of the million lies and distortions by and about the Paines........

A few more tidbits of which I could spend all day....
Quote:Michael Paine's father Lyman Paine and mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young alone are interesting and intelligence related; her friend and traveling companion Mary Bancroft was Dulles' paramour; Michael's main mentor, step-father and Bell Helicopter inventor Arthur Young comes into the complex picture; Marina's biographer Priscilla Johnson McMillan, and their joint association with the World Federalists, whose founder Cord Meyer, Jr., was head of the CIA's domestic contacts division and later International Organizations Division chief under Alan Dulles - and played a hand in the murder of JFK's paramour and confident [and his former wife] Mary Pinchot Meyer, along with J.J. Angleton and others. The cast of spooks and their associations are so thick and deep it is like a tar pit!
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Messages In This Thread
The BYP: Jeff Carter pours it on - by Drew Phipps - 07-09-2015, 11:23 PM
The BYP: Jeff Carter pours it on - by Peter Lemkin - 08-09-2015, 05:43 AM
The BYP: Jeff Carter pours it on - by Drew Phipps - 13-09-2015, 02:02 PM
The BYP: Jeff Carter pours it on - by Drew Phipps - 17-09-2015, 07:03 PM

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