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Jim DiEugenio reviews Jeff Morley's The Ghost
Finally got around to this review of Morley's book.
This assessment of Mr. Morley's book is accurate. I wish there could be a more comprehensive study based upon James Angleton published. We are only able, the public I mean, able to acquire any knowledge through the work of several authors piecemeal. I realize however that many of the principals are no longer alive when he was employed at the CIA and all we are left with are the breadcrumbs we can follow as documents are released. James Jesus Angleton and his entire career in the employ of the citizens of the United States, and everything that he did that was recorded and documented would in a perfect world be made available for study and teaching. Especially as a warning.

That this single man had such a major impact and influence upon so many facets of American history in the 20th Century is undeniable.
It is also kind of crazy.

I mean if you take what he and Hoover did to the left in this country, I mean please.

Op CHAOS started out because of Ramparts Magazine. And the CIA launched different types of ops to foul it up.
I found the Angleton book too sketchy and tentative. I realize how hard
it is to write about someone such as Angleton, but I thought
the book hedged on his connections with the assassination. The
same is true of Talbot on Dulles. The only new information I found
in that one was that he was at The Farm on the assassination weekend,
which is suggestive. But that book on Dulles also doesn't go far enough. Too many
books on the assassination recycle known material and don't do the
deep digging necessary to get beyond it -- hard as that is.
Morley is kind of non committal on the assassination itself.

Which he has been for a long time. Although there has been a slight change of late. Now he at least is willing to say that the WC story does not hang together.

I thought Talbot was more declarative about what he thought.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Morley is kind of non committal on the assassination itself.

Which he has been for a long time. Although there has been a slight change of late. Now he at least is willing to say that the WC story does not hang together.

I thought Talbot was more declarative about what he thought.


Yes, Talbot is declarative about it but still sketchy on
providing new evidence. Neither author is a John Armstrong
in terms of research.
I don't think that Morley's or Talbot's books were ever intended to be about the assassination of JFK per se. While I agree that Jefferson Morley would be better served in taking a less ambiguous stance towards JFK's assassination in light of the available evidence, I think his book shed some valuable light on it's topic. One major point being Angleton and his machinations regarding Lee Harvey Oswald.

Trying to get published on delicate topics of that period must be a frustrating endeavor for any author. There are probably very fine lines that must be approached with caution and only crossed with great care. Lest their work be denied publication. I thought David Talbot's book was a breakthrough regarding Dulles. Which only left me wanting more and deeper insight. Morley's work was very good as far as it went, but truly could have gone much further in providing context and exploring (and explaining) more angles than it did.

But I feel it was worthwhile as a contribution to our understanding. At least as far as it went.
Morley's first book on Winston Scott was frustrating. Hey, Angleton flew across the country to retrieve a dead man's manuscript from a safe, I wonder what secrets he wanted to keep buried? So, was there a conspiracy around the JFK assassination Jeff? "Hmmmmm... dunno, maybe, maybe not, who can say?".

I'm paraphrasing obviously but that was my biggest memory from reading that book.
His work about Win Scott was none too good. Which side of the fence is he really on?
That is what I mean. I saw him on a CBC special and he did now say that the WC story doe snot hang together.

That was several months ago.

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