24-09-2015, 07:13 PM
Magda Hassan Wrote:And you and Piper are conflating Israel trying to get nuclear weapons with the JFK assassination and trying to make that the reason JFK was murdered. Two separate events. Mobster and underworld links to the assassination have been explored by others. But they do not organise every crime that occurs in the world.
If it is the wishes of the moderators that this topic be pre-emptively disallowed there's not much I can do about that but it wouldn't be fair to not let me defend myself against the above statement.
No matter how many times I disassociated myself from Piper's Israeli sponsorship claim those who disagree come back and accuse me of endorsing it. I went to pains to make it clear that Piper perhaps went too far in suggesting Israeli origin for the assassination. Even after repeatedly disclaiming this, in the last blow-up over this Drago came back and accused me of claiming Israel sponsored the assassination. I think this shows people are not only not paying attention to what I wrote but also Piper. I think the responses show that people are filtering Piper with their pre-emptive prejudice and not acknowledging the very legitimate things he covers. It is frustrating because some persons who are very good at covering infinite details on assassination matters suddenly resort to a very limited approach when it comes to Piper. Dare I say they do that for political reasons rather than informational. Deep Politics has always been a sanctuary of freedom for assassination information. It has always been, at minimum, a place where true information had precedence over false. David, despite Jim's one-line praise, entered provably false information and did not answer for it. Unless the purpose of this website has changed, I believe correct information, no matter what political interpretation has been placed on it, has the right of way before incorrect, politically-guided information. Please let me know if that isn't true.
So, no, if you read what I wrote I most clearly did not assert that JFK's showdown that led to Ben Gurion's nervous breakdown and subsequent departure from office (as accurately related in Piper) led to Israel's organizing Kennedy's assassination. I have to protest that your coverage of the issue above is vastly too general and undermines the credible depth and referenced information Piper provides. Piper provides a much more deeply detailed analysis that I feel some are avoiding and unfairly criticizing in an overly broad manner in order to satisfy a political position rather than factual. Again, I don't think anyone has covered the Mafia-CIA-French Connection link to the assassination as deeply as Piper. So I have to respectfully disagree that others have already covered it. They haven't to the coherent depth of Piper. Because information is tinted incorrectly doesn't mean the raw information isn't valid. While others have covered the mob CIA stuff they haven't created the solid framework that connects up to all the known European connections as Piper has.
As a parting note I would add that Mossad's Meir Amit admitted that CIA's John Hadden came to him and told him it would be to Israel's advantage to sink an American ship and blame it on the arabs. That way the US would have an excuse to overcome the domestic resistance against American intervention in the 1967 War. So I would ask was this a 'separate event'? Was the 9-11 false flag attack that is openly concentrated on and encouraged on this board with a dedicated branch a 'separate event'?
I would just beg that those who criticize Piper the way they do stop to consider how they otherwise feel about Israel's general deep political relationship to the forces that killed JFK on this site. Jim never gave an answer to how his own recent inroads into Kennedy's middle east policy directly clashed with Israel's interests or how Israel solved this by teaming with Johnson, or how that union resulted in our current alliance with Israel as the direct benefactor of the WMD, 9-11 government.
I'm just making a point so I don't want to receive any site punishment for doing what this site espouses to be its purpose. And there are some members who agreed with me that the topic should not be restrained. I believe that although Morrow did not acknowledge that the Mastermind theory was not correct, the actual pieces of evidence that showed some kind of knowledge on Johnson's behalf were not categorically restricted per say.