12-05-2016, 02:16 PM
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Dawn Meredith Wrote:Drew Phipps Wrote:I couldn't navigate to the clip in question, but was Morrow a guest? Or did they just do a segment about him? And he's writing a book with Roger Stone about Hilary? My, these guys have been busy, what with planting the Rafi Cruz story and all...
I could not find him. I watched and ff'd this clip and the next two then gave up. Ya she has supported the official story before so I now officially hate her ignorant mind.
A few years ago she did a story about how Congress voted down some gun control bill in the late 1950s that would have banned the importation of cheap foreign-made rifles, and this OF COURSE led to Oswald buying a cheap Italian rifle, and "see how gun control laws might have saved JFK if only..." ::face.palm::
Tracy This is the story I saw that caused me to cease watching her. I expect that garbage from hacks like Chris Matthews, who never misses an opportunity to pawn the magic bullet idiocy, but I expected more from Maddow.