13-09-2016, 02:07 AM
The Kaucasian Khristian Kalifate is sucking wind.
They're sucking wind harder than Hillary at a 9/11 memorial.
Sucking harder than Monica wearing a strap-on cigar.
Benghazi was a strike-out for the Khristian Right -- ditto the email server, ditto the Clinton Foundation, ditto pneumonia-gate.
What does $2.16 buy in the US of A?
A gallon of gas.
And if you're President of the United State $2.16 a gallon gas buys a 58% approval rating.
Suck my gas Trump Chumps!
They're sucking wind harder than Hillary at a 9/11 memorial.
Sucking harder than Monica wearing a strap-on cigar.
Benghazi was a strike-out for the Khristian Right -- ditto the email server, ditto the Clinton Foundation, ditto pneumonia-gate.
What does $2.16 buy in the US of A?
A gallon of gas.
And if you're President of the United State $2.16 a gallon gas buys a 58% approval rating.
Suck my gas Trump Chumps!