20-09-2016, 03:45 PM
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Whenever I hear this conversion story, I always ask for details. I'm genuinely curious how the person came to change their mind. What books did they read? What new information did they learn? What turned on the light bulb in their head that made them go, "Oh, the single bullet theory is right after all!"
I NEVER get a good answer to this question. They are always vague and fumbling in their response, because they aren't being sincere, and don't know the subject very well anyway.
I don't believe some of these folks relied on any material to change their way of thinking. And, the ones who did quote "Case Closed" and other science fiction books.
They pretty much sprew out information not having any real sense of knowledge. There is no information these folks can quote in which helped to conclude their way of thinking, usually, it's a tactic, a way to create friction between both sides. What I get out of his conversation is a very young pissed off boy who's trying to make a statement. He certainly has no perception of reality.