03-10-2016, 07:35 PM
Paul Rigby Wrote:Published on Sep 29, 2016
A composite of short videos showing Clinton and her team cheating before, during and after the debate.
No Way Out for Hillary!
October 2, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
Quote:The "Cleaner," or more accurately, "The Sweeper", Lawyer Brady Williamson (aka Podium Guy) is a CIA Operative funded by the Agency for International Development [AID=CIA]. Once again, the CIA tries to determine the outcome of our voting as well as the future of our country!
This time they will fail.
Thanks again to the astute, perceptive insights of our incredibly intelligent alt community [Mad Mad World [MMW], Drudge Report, Youtube, readers, writers etc.], we have identified a man who inadvertently exposed himself in the first televised debate between Hillary and Donald. After examining the videos and checking up on his credentials, I will try to delineate some aspects as to whom Brady Williamson is, and what he does:
"He is a long-time Democratic lawyer/strategist and three-decade member of the Democratic negotiating team." [Mad Mad World].
Again, we taxpayers are footing an incredible $14M ticket to support his previous chicanery in both Egypt and the Arab Spring.
Let's get more specific….
According to "The Gateway Pundit", here are some of the salient aspects of this mysterious "CIA Sweeper":
Brady was involved in projects in Iraq, Southern Sudan, Egypt and Bangladesh, often visiting Baghdad and East Africa.
Does that sound like your regular ambulance chaser'?
Next Brady received a "grant from the USG by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs [NDI], a non-profit organization working to strengthen democracy world-wide" [MDDW]. This is Catholics in Action [CIA] all over again: Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Libya, Honduras [effete VP Time Kaine], Panama, Africa, et. al.
"It is also reported NDI was given a grant of $14million …. And NDI was charged with managing an unlicensed NGO in Egypt…"
What does this all mean?
From a counter-intelligence perspective, I can only conclude that once again the CIA has inserted its ugly proboscis into a domestic issue over which it has no legitimacy or jurisdiction [see "Sicario", the film]. The CIA, under DCI John Brennan,who worked as an advisor' for four of our previously CIA co-opted POTUSstwo Bushes, one Clinton, and one Obamahas now decided that he cannot trust the American public to determine its own future.
The CIA has seconded this Brady Williamson [of little integrity and less intellect] to help its favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton, to win the office of the White House.I have written countless times that both Bill and Hillary were recruited into the CIA soon after each graduated from Yale [the hotbed of CIA activities].One must understand that the CIA and other intelligence services do not care about one's political affiliations or sexual proclivities as long as they can manipulate you into their service.Witness the mysterious rise of a mulatto homosexual seemingly born in Hawaii, or wherever [it's irrelevant], who suddenly appears on the political horizon bereft of past deeds, future plans, or impeccable judgement. They used him to defeat another CIA operative, Hillary Clinton. Americans are supposed to believe that there has been a fair, transparent election process?? The fact that Senator John McCain or Mitt Romney were Republican candidates is also irrelevant. For the most part, McCain was completely compromised during the Vietnam War; and Romney along with his Mormon crew were rife with CIA operatives, some of whom I had to dismiss in the jungles of Cambodia.
Now, has any debate moderator asked any of the aforementioned candidates whether they have ever been, or are in any part of a secret organization [Skull and Bones]; or, has any candidate ever worked/been paid by a covert agency of the USG or any other government [i.e Israel]?
That question is completely taboo!
In the case of Donald Trump, LtGen. Michael Thomas Flynn is an outstanding intelligence officer. He does not hide the fact that he was and is involved in our USG covert operations.However, Hillary and her compatriots, are extremely embarrassed to admit that they are in tied to our intelligence community.
It is both disingenuous and self-destructive for Hillary to continue to run for the presidency when she knows she is exceedingly sick [Parkinson's Disease] and highly compromised by all sides of the overt/covert political spectrum [uber corruption]. Once again, the Brady Williamsons appear as a blip on a video screen in order to reveal to the world that he, like many others who have helped Hillary to ascend the greasy pole of politics, are working against the best interests of our own USG.
As you all know by now, the Sweeper' is a technical term often associated with dirty tricks' in the world of black ops. I acted as a sweeper' on certain occasions. Yet, I did so in order to rid our world of "human trash" terrorists and repressive regimes/leaders. Who will be our country's sweeper' in order to rid our electoral process of corruption, lies, and malfeasance?
God help those who think that they can hoodwink the American public or eviscerate our due process of law. It's not going to happen in this new world of the internet, as long as we, conspirators' and truth-sayers' remain vigilant and continue the fight for our basic liberties.
The celebrated American writer/novelist, Mary McCarthy, wrote the following:
"Bureaucracy, the rule of no one, has become the modern form of despotism."
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
Joseph Fouche