07-11-2016, 08:09 PM
David Guyatt Wrote:Cliff Varnell Wrote:Comments in red.
David Guyatt Wrote:Cliff Varnell Wrote:The USA arms the Saudis. Check.
The Saudis arm Al Q and ISIS. Check.
Care to break out of your own hard-wired partisan perspective and tell me what I'm missing?
Let me take that little laughing jester you placed above and put it here:
You are aware that I'm English and can't vote in America aren't you, Cliff?
You are aware that I find both both parties equally bloody awful, both wholly, bought and paid for liars, cheats and crooks who only represent the interests of the 1% and big business?
I'm aware of all the hackneyed cliches about American politics, yes.
You are aware - because I've stated it a number of times - that I have refused to vote in political elections for the best part of 40 years over here in Blighty. The reason is that here in the UK we are likewise beset by crooked and wholly reprehensible politicians who only represent the values of the 1% and big business.
False equivalencies are to be rejected as readily as false dichotomies.
Here in America if the Democratic grass roots put enough pressure on the corporate Democrats we can get policies that benefit us.
When the grass roots relax the corporatists obey their masters.
We didn't relax on net neutrality, and now its the law.
When Republicans are in power they answer to a different base of folks who have a different agenda which the Dem base finds repugnant.
Why would I want to vote for people like that? Doing so would pollute and contaminate me.
My only choice is to not vote as a protest. I'm saying to them the only thing I can say: I won't play in your rigged game. I see through it for what it is.
So where's my partisan perspective, Cliff?
You've been openly rooting for Trump, sir.
You can't tell the difference between a corporate technocat and a wanna be fascist autocrat?
Other than detesting them all equally for befouling and soiling public office for private gain.
A moral compass is what you might be missing, I think.
I stand against fascism. You not so much.
It's laughable Cliff. Hackneyed cliches and all.
On Trump and fascism you really are mis-stating my position and I suspect you know you are too. But I also understand that your views have developed out of not knowing me in the least - plus that you must now defend your indefensible Hilary not through her qualities - none of which I've once seen you extol (there aren't any worth mentioning to be fair) but only as a means of defeating Trump who you regard as a far worse candidate.
As I've stated many times, but which you choose to ignore, obviously, US voters have been given an awful choice between two terrible candidates, neither of whom are worth a candle. I have said - and will continue to say - that of the two, I marginally prefer Trump ONLY because he has said he would not start a war in Syria, which would mean a war with Russia, which would be a major war between NATO and Russia ---- and very possibly with China joining in also. Any war America engages in would automatically involve the military forces of the UK. Which explains (again) why I fight that possibility as much as I can.
I note that I am far from alone in holding this position on Trump. John Pilger and Julian Assange reach precisely the same conclusion in their recent video. Numerous other observers and commentators around the world who are either on the left or diligently anti-war also agree. With all the reservations I have briefly stated above.
Can Trump's word be trusted? No one really knows, except maybe he himself and his inner circle. But the rest of us have to make choices based on what we know and believe. So, the short answer is that I'm very much against the US starting yet another war which may, this time, spin completely out of control. The stakes probably have not be higher since 1983.
Were it not for that single thing I would shout a curse on both their houses and not get involved at all, and simply sit back and let America reap it's own whirlwind. But it's the rest of the world that will pay the blood price of the American Shadow being unleashed. As usual.
On fascism: it's something I've spent fighting in principle my entire life. To be honest, to see you deride that is something I find objectionable. But again I recognise your view is born out of ignorance.
So, for the record:
My family have a history of fighting fascism. This includes my grandfather risking himself in Berlin and Vienna against the Gestapo in 1938/9. Ostensibly he visited Berlin and Vienna on a lecture tour on eye surgery. His true reason, however, was helping prepare the mechanism for Jews to escape the Nazis.
After the war, every year, a group of Jewish survivors/escapees would arrive at his house in our small Hampshire village to celebrate their escape. One of those was Margita Freudenbergova, who escaped from Czechoslovakia on the final Kindertransport. She later married Geoffrey Goodman, a family friend until his death 3 years ago (see HERE & HERE).
Thanks and have a nice day.
::Round of applause::
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.â€
― Leo Tolstoy,
― Leo Tolstoy,