09-11-2016, 09:16 AM
My comments in red.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Cliff Varnell Wrote:Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin and James Comey rigged the 2016 election and I will never accept this scumbag as my Prez.
That is one of the craziest conspiracies ever concocted. Assange is no Russian agent. Comey hates the Russians. Angry lower middle class whites who usually do not vote came out for Trump because he voiced the concern of their real pain.
Bollocks. In the primaries the average earnings of a Trump voter was 70 grand a year. His voters were regular Republican voters.
The American people elected Trump because they couldn't take the Hillary e-mail narrative any longer.
I just don't think, as I'm sure you also do not, that Trump will really address those pains. He will at best scapegoat all minority groups and sew hate in all directions. The Russians did not hack the emails that showed Clinton to be sleazy
You don't know that.
...and it doesn't matter who did...
"It doesn't matter who shot JFK."
An assassination of a political figure always matters.
the emails speak for themselves.
Yep, and all ya got is Hillary selling access to Dow Chemical absent a quid pro quo.
The whole e-mail thing was a witch-hunt, a political assassination.
Trump has as many skeletons of different types in his closet, but they were not covered by the Presstitutes,
They make too much money off him!
Who won this election?
Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin, James Comey, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox.
And now it's our job to organize and take our country back from these traitors.
as he was their cash cow over the last year. It is all more complex than you make it.
How so?
Trump is a neo-fascist and no-nothing. He is a racist, sexist, mobbed-up, a cheat, dishonest, a sociopath if not psychopath. He also knows nothing about running a country and it is NOT run like as shady corporation. Add to that he is a liar too [as is Clinton]
There you go, repeating Dominionist talking points.
She didn't lie about her e-mail, she didn't lie about Benghazi.
About her e-mails she told the American people exactly what she told the FBI, and Comey made clear she didn't lie to the FBI.
Under pressure Comey admitted any reasonable person would have made the same mistakes Clinton did.
It was a railroad job, a fascist witchhunt.
and made promises he can't even imagine how to fulfill. Having a President endorsed by the KKK and white Nationalist groups should worry everyone, worldwide, but non-whites and illegal immigrants, progressives and those who challenge the structures from the Left should really be living in fear
I forgive y'all for not standing up to Trump on election day but will all the Hillary haters now join as we stand up to Trump?
- and I would imagine millions of them will get out of the USA before the inauguration. I agree with you it is a travesty, but not caused by the names you mentioned - at all! It is all internal stuff - nothing external. Comey and the ultra-rightwing FBI is the only group you mention I think deserve some guilt for the result...but even they didn't make the final difference. People are hurting and saw Trump as the best, or only, way to say 'fuck you' to the powers that be. That said, i don't think they will soon be happy with Trump. As progressives who backed Obama were sold out, I soon think those that backed Trump will be too. The Nation has certainly reverted to much uglier times of overt racism, sexism, hate of the 'other', hate of progressives and those that question American policies, etc. Your analysis is flawed IMO...you are blaming the wrong entities
No, I'm blaming the provable perps.
This was treason aided and abetted by Julian Assange and Vladimir Putin. You trying to tell me they weren't openly pulling for Trump?
Spare me.
The 4th time in my life-time foreign actors have determined American elections -- always on behalf of Republicans.
- except for the FBI.
And a treasonous Republican Party.