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George H.W. Bush - long of the CIA and silver-spoon club
Let us tie the whole gang in....shall we?

Started by Guest Tom Scully, April 8, 2012
Amiraqa and the New American Century‎ - Page 88
by Chris Wogan - Social Science - 2004 - 380 pages
...Investors in Bush's early oil ventures included drug store magnate (Rite Aid) and PNAC-member Lewis Lehrman, George L. Ball (head of EF Hutton Inc), George L. Ohrstrom, venture caplitalist William H. Draper III, John D. Macomber (CEO of Celanese Corp), Russell E. Reynolds, Salem bin Laden, James Baker III (who held many positions for both Reagan and Bush Sr) Philip Uzielli, Stephen Kass, and Khalid bin Mahfouz of the BCCI (identified as a defendant in the 9/11 families' lawsuit against finaciers of 9/11), among others. Draper and Macomber both held the position of head of the Export Import Bank (Eximbank) during both the Reagan and Bush administrations, the Eximbank being essential in the arming of Iraq....
Pamela B. Ohrstrom
Middleburg equestrienne Pamela Braga Ohrstrom died last week in New York following a lengthy illness.
A prominent horse show rider and avid foxhunter, Ohrstrom was integral in the interior design of the National Sporting Library prior to its grand re-opening in 1999. Like former husband George L. Ohrstrom of The Plains, she was president of the local Orange County Hunt and sat on the board of the NSL.
She was also married to J. Carter Brown, for 23 years director of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
Ohrstrom also served as co-chair of the advisory committee of the Museum of Hounds and Hunting at Morven Park in Leesburg.
She is survived by two adult children and her mother, Mary Braga of Middleburg.

B. RIONDA BRAGA - Obituary -
Jul 25, 1986 B. Rionda Braga, a sugar merchant and former president of the ... He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Sayles Booker; two sons, David, ... N.Y.; a daughter, Pamela Brown of Washington, and four grandchildren

Survivors include his wife, Jacqueline Ohrstrom of The Plains; his sister, Magalen O. Bryant of Middleburg; a son from his first marriage, George F. Ohrstrom of New York; a son from his second marriage, Clarke Ohrstrom of The Plains; two children from his third marriage, Winifred O. Nichols of McLean and Wright Ohrstrom of New York; and five grandchildren.

Paid Notice: Deaths
Published: October 10, 2005
OHRSTROM--George L. Jr. 1927-2005. George Lewis Ohrstrom Jr., of The Plains, Virginia, died at his home on Thursday, October 6, 2005. Mr. Ohrstrom was born on June 9, 1927 in Bronxville, NY, the second of three children of George L. Ohrstrom, Sr. and Emma Riggs Ohrstrom. He grew up in Greenwich, CT. Mr. Ohrstrom was graduated from St. Paul's School, in New Hampshire, in 1945 and from Princeton University in 1950, following two years in the Marine Corps. In the early 1950s he worked at the State Department and in the intelligence services. ......
George Ohrstrom was an usher in Peter Matthiessen's (of the Paris Review and the CIA) wedding, as was the sister-in-law of Richard Ober of CIA. Usher Thomas Guinzburg would later hire Jackie Onassis. He was Matthiessen's Yale roommate and presented as not being witty to Matthiessen's CIA affiliation, but Guinzburg's father was OSS minister of propaganda (OWI) and immediately after WWII led a US intelligence program intended to influence what would and would not be suitable subject matter for publication.....

In equine-crazy Middleburg, a horse magazine sale stirs controversy
By Ian Shapira | photos by Matt McClain August 17, 2013
They've bemoaned it at the saddlery shop in downtown Middleburg. They've talked about it at the tack place across the street. Loyal readers of the Chronicle of the Horse have even grilled one of the magazine's reporters about her publication's future while she was on a morning trail ride.
His grandfather, George L. Ohrstrom Sr., purchased the Chronicle from two local horse enthusiasts in 1952. (The New York investor also founded what is now called the National Sporting Library and Museum in Middleburg in 1954.)
George L. Ohrstrom Jr. became chief executive of his father's investment house. A classmate of George H.W. Bush's while growing up in Connecticut, Ohrstrom Jr. later invested in George W. Bush's Texas oil business.
He nearly made his family a household Washington name in the 1960s when he tried and failed to buy the Washington Redskins......
Peter Winants, Racing Publisher, Dies

Winants attended Princeton University, where he befriended the late George L. Ohrstrom Jr., who later became the owner of The Chronicle of the Horse. He served in the Army during World War II and later during the Korean War when he trained as a paratrooper.
Winants freelanced for The Maryland Horse, covering events and photographing stallions at breeding farms for ads. He followed the remarkable steeplechase horse, Jay Trump, and his career with his camera as the rags-to-riches horse won the English Grand National and the Maryland Hunt Cup in 1965, a feat no other horse had accomplished. On the return from England, Winants wrote an article on Jay Trump that The Maryland Horse published, thus branching out into journalism. In 1966, he published his first book, Jay Trump: A Steeplechasing Saga.
In 1972, Winants was hired as editorial assistant at The Chronicle of the Horse, and in 1975, Ohrstrom named him publisher/editor. Winants updated the weekly equestrian publication, while still also writing, editing, and photographing. He published his second book through The Chronicle in 1988, Flatterer: A Story of a Steeplechase Champion. He traveled throughout the United States and Britain photographing and writing profiles of foxhunts for The Chronicle.....
Miss Lydia Spencer Married To Bissell Jenkins Middleton
Special to The New York TimesAUG. 2, 1964
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 1 Miss Lydia Spencer, daugh*ter of Mrs. Spencer Biddle of Biddies' Landing and the late Mr. Biddle was married at the home of her mother this after*noon to Bissell Jenkins Middle*ton. He is a son of Mrs. E. Willoughby Middleton of Roch*ester and the late Mr. Middle*ton.
The Rev. John R. Anschutz of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church in Georgetown, Wash*ington, D. C, performed the ceremony.
Erskine B. Wood gave his niece in marriage. She had her sister, Mrs. Richard s. Marshall,
as matron of honor. E. Wil*loughby Middleton Jr. served as best man for his brother.
Mrs. Middleton attended the Katherine Branson School in Ross, Calif., and graduated from the Catlin School in Port*land, Ore., and from Bryn Mawr College. She attended Oxford University and was with the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington.
Her husband graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and from Princeton University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and was a member of Cottage Club.
Lydia Middleton Nursery School Teacher
Lydia Biddle Middleton, 73, who taught nursery school at the Langley School in McLean from 1977 to 1989, died Nov. 16 at her home in Great Falls. She had cancer.
Mrs. Middleton was born in Portland, Ore., and raised in Vancouver, Wash. As a teenager, she worked for her father's lumber company, piloting a seaplane to remote logging areas.
She was a 1952 graduate of Bryn Mawr College and attended Oxford University to study philosophy, politics and economics.
At Oxford, she was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency to serve as a case officer in Helsinki. She settled in the Washington area in 1960 and left the CIA in 1963. She briefly worked at the White House during Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, helping to process clearances for political appointees.....
Edward Willoughby Middleton Jr. '46
E. Willoughby "Wib" Middleton died Oct. 11, 2003, after a long illness, in Rochester, N.Y., where he lived and worked most of his life.
The class sends sympathy to Nancy and their four children, Edward III, Elizabeth, Anne, and Thomas; to his brothers, Jenkins '48 and Jack '53; and his cousin, Tom '48.
Ottawa, Canada
Monday, September 28, 1959
Unitarian Church . Ceremony The marriage of Miss Ann Joy Wigglesworth and Mr, John Llewellyn Clemmit waa solemnised on Saturday afternoon in " the Unitarian Church of Ottawa. The bride is the daughter of the Ambassador of the United States to Canada and Mrs. Richard B. Wiggles-worth and granddaughter -of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Wlggleswortn of Milton, Mais., and Mr. Percy New-hall Booth and th lat Mrs. Booth of Louisville, Ky. Mr. Cleotmitt is the aon of Mrs, Tayloe Rogers and th late Mr. John Henry Clemmitt and stepson of Mr. Taylo Rogers, all of Roanoke, Va. H is th grandson of th lat Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Wynne-Roberts of Williamsburg, Vs., and the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clemroitt of Baltispor. Md. Rev. Vivian T. Pomeroy, Minister Emeritus of the First Unitarian Parish of Milton, Maaa., performed the reremony, assisted by Rev, Howard Box, minuter of the Unitarian Church of Ottawa. Bride's Attendant. The Ambassador gave his daughter in marriage and Miss Mary Dtxweil Wigflee-worth waa maid of honor for her sister. The bridesmaida were Miss Jan Booth Wig-gleewortb, youngest ' sister of the bride, and Misa Julia Mengel Booth of Louisville, Ky., cousin of the bride. Misa Henrietta Hall Wiggles-worth of Ipswich, Mats., also cousin of the bride, waa flower girl. Mr. Robert N. Crispe of Shurlork Row, Berks., England, was best man for hia cousin and the ushers were Mr. Robert L Hoke of Cran-hury. NJ. and Mr. William B. Macomber, Mr. B. Jenkins Middleton. Mr. Charles S. Warner and Mr. John -W. Warner, all of Washington. For her wedding the bride chose a iwft of ivory satin allkfashioned on clasaical ' hoes. Thi-f itted bodice, with long tapered sleeves, had a circlet neckline appliqued , with heirloom lace and th full skirt extended into a court train. She wore her great-grandmother's wedding veil and carried casrsd bouquet of whit Butterfly orchids and atephanotis. ' Her attendants' wor identically atyled dresaea of aand , colored faille with matching velveteen' headbands. They d :, i 1 A-.;i " W a asW MR. AND MRS. J, carried shower bouquets of bronre and yellow chrysanthemums, th flower girl wor a frock of yellow silk organza with a wreath of miniature ivy in' her hair and carried a basket of chrysanthemums, ivy and ahatta daisies. Reception At Embassy. After the ceremony reception was held at the United Statea Embassy residence. Following a wedding trip in Canada, he couple will resid. in Wsshingtnn.

Princeton Alumni Weekly - Volume 55 - Page 108 - Google Books Result
Johnny Stevens, Jim Worth Co-chairmen Reunions stirred us with plans for 15th .... Johnny Clemmitt has become associated with Alexander Brown and Sons,
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9133&stc=1]
Rochester, New YorkMonday, January 7, 1952..............
Rochester Man Takes In St. Louis Ceremony jVrtISS Rebecca Duanc Mastin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. Vernon Mastin of St. Louis, Mo., became the bride of Gil-man Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oilman Craig Perkins of East Ave., at 5:30 p. m. Saturday in the Church of St, Michael and St. George in St. Louis
Mrs. Gilman F'crkins M I Jr A m III attendant and carried pink and white carnations.....
Miss Mastm Married To Gilman Perkins Continued From Page One
.....Ushers were Seymour H. Knox, Buffalo, N.Y., Thomas J. Devine, Huston Hunting, Richard Harris Jr., Mr. Ward and , B. Jenkins Middleton, all of Rochester;
John Otis Baxter, Philadelphia; Cpl. Anthony M. O'Connor, New York, and Elzey G. Burkham Jr., St. Louis. The reception was given at the Mastin home, 40 Portland place. Guests were received in the living room before the fireplace where an arrangement of white flowers covered the mantel. Mrs. Mastin chose for her daughter's wedding a green changeable taffeta gown with a square neckline marked by a standing collar.....
... A reception followed at the Mas- tin home. : Mrs. Perkins is a giaduale of Ben- nett Junior College, Mr. Perkins of St. Paul's School and Princeton L'ni- versity.

(Allendale classmate of Tom Devine)
Rochester, New York Sunday, June 15, 1952
M. Harris Jr. nRICK Presbyterian Church white flowers for the all-white there at 5 p. m. yesterday when Mrs. Edwards Slocum of East Pasadena, became the wife of Rich-. ard Macy Harris Jr.,
son of Mr. i and Mr. Richard Macy Harris of Klmwood Ave. The candlelight ceremony was performed by the Rev. Harold E. Nicely. The bride wore white-ribbed taffeta with collar and cuffs of heirloom lace and the full skirt fell into a court train. A cap of lace held her veil of heirhiom lace and illusion and the carried lilies of the valley with a white orchid. Mist Peggy Hargiave and Miss Barbara Slocum, lister of the bride, were the maids of honor, and the matrons of honor were Mrs. Mars-den E. Fox, also a sister of the bride, and Mrs. Thomas F. Siebcrt. ! Miss Molly Slocum, daughter of Ave. and James H. Slocum Mrs. Harris is a graduate of Miss Porter'i School, Farmington, Conn., and Briarcliff Junior College. Mr. Harris was graduated from St. Mark's School and attended the University of Rochester
Lawrence Cory Harris was best man. The ushers were John Rae of Binghamton,- Jenkins Middleton, Harper Sibley Jr., Hawlev Ward, Ciilman Perkins, Donald Clark, Thomas Siebert, Huston Hunting, John Macomher and Thomas Devine.
Rochester, New York Sunday, August 3, 1952.......
Louise Wolcott Devine Becomes Bride of John Bucknell
Louise Wolcott Devine, daughter of Mrs. Adrian G. Devine and the late Mr. Devine of F.lmwood Ave., became
the bride of John Adaison Cobb Bucknell, son of Mr. and Mrs Howard Bucknell 2nd of Myrtle Hall, Bluemont, Va., in a cere mony which took place at 5 p. m. yesterday at the home of her mother.The Rev. Georee Norton.the ceremony. The bride was attired in ivory taffeta, the sleeves made of heirloom rose point lace and the high neckline edged with the lace. The skirt was full, with wide panels of rosepoint lace forming panniers over the hips and falling to a deep dip in the back, and it was completed by a short train. A cap of lace held her three-quarter length veil of nylon net and she carried white orchids with stephanotis. Mrs. E. Tyler Welch of New York City was matron of honor. She wore a dress of dusty pink shantung, with a band of copper beech leaves in her hair. She carried a bouquet of white majestic daisies and deep pink daisies, with copper beech leaves. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Richard Castle and Mrs. John King of Rochester, Mrs. Howard Bucknell 3rd of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. C. Fenno Hoffman of Burlington, Vt. They were dressed in dusty pink shantung and carried white majestic daisies with copper beech leaves. Howard Bucknell of Washington, D. C, was best man. The ushers were Francis Gowan, William Macomber and William Crane, also of Washington, Peter Winants of Baltimore and Gilman Perkins of Rochester. A reception in the home followed the ceremony.

Guest Tom Scully Posted October 11, 2009
Early in the new thread, started here;
a photo of a 1947 obituary is displayed, showing that the woman described in this wedding announcement is Devine's sister,
John Addison Cobb Bucknell, Princeton '49, wed Devine's sister in August, 1952. The thread linked above also contains info showing that
in the 1940's, Thomas Devine's home addresis Rochester, NY was not far from the homes of John and William Macomber and of Joseph F. Dryer:
John AC Bucknell's father, Howard had served as ranking US diplomat in Madrid in 1940, and in a lower capacity, by 1943 at the US Embassy in London.
Quote Special Assistant To IT&T. President
- New York Times - Dec 12, 1944
....President Howard Bucknell Jr. Howard Bucknell Jr., former Minister Counselor of the American Embassy in London and Minister since January, 1944, ...

Devine's brother-in-law, John Bucknell was lost in June, 1961, in an incident apparently not covered in the Washington Post or in the NY Times. It is probably impossible
to know if Bucknell was also serving as an intelligence officer in Bern, under official cover (the wedding announcement shows, in 1952, he was serving under the US military occupation command, "in a civilian capacity."), or whether Bucknell was a victim of cold war intrigue. Given what little we know, the sudden death of 33 years old John Bucknell is a curious event.
Quote service journal‎ - Page 8
by American Foreign Service Association - Political Science - 1961
L. John AC Bucknell, a Foreign Service Reserve Officer and son of Howard
Bucknell, FSO-retired, was drowned off the island of Corsica, on June 10.
Body of American Attache Found
Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Jun 12, 1961
IThe body of John Bucknell, 133. political attache at the IU.S. Embassy in Bern miss-. ing since he went undersea fishing Friday, was fo u n d Sunday washed ...

In the same year, 1973, William B. Macomber, Jr., served in Devine's wedding as his best man, and Macomber's brother, John, hired Devine as a VP at Celanese Corp.:...

Tom Devine's maternal grandmother was a first cousin of John D Rockefeller III's father-in-law, Elon Hooker.
Louise Wolcott Hooker Dodge
At M.I.T. in 1944, Tom Devine was a Sigma Chi fraternity house mate (16 total house mates) with later Priscilla Johnson CIA handler,
Garry Coit.

Devine's father Adrian was president of Allendale Columbia School in a Rochester, NY suburb. Joseph F Dryer Jr's brother Peter was a classmate
of Devine. Peter Dryer left to attend Choate Academy in 1942, along with nine others in the class of 20 boys. Devine was yearbook editor of his class of 1944, graduating in that year along with his nine remaining classmates.

According to author Joan Mellen, both Tom Devine and Joseph F Dryer, Jr. separately met with George DeMohrenschildt in NYC on 25 April, 1963,
less than two weeks after DeMohrenschildt later claimed Lee Harvey Oswald shot at Gen. Edwin Walker in Dallas. Devine was reporting to CIA,
Dryer, Jr. claimed a CIA contact of his informed him that the secretary accompanying Clemard Joseph Charles and DeMohrenschildt was reporting to CIA. Joan Mellen said that Dryer, Jr. admitted to her that Tom Devine had been his best friend in Rochester only after her book which heavily attributed Dryer, Jr., had gone to the printer.

Devine had also been a director of Robert G. Stone, Jr.'s (son-in-law of Godfrey S. Rockefeller) Stonetex Corp. for quite some time. Stone, Jr. was suspected of using the Harvard endowment investment fund to bail out Allen Quasha/George W. Bush Harken Energy.

Attached Files
.jpg   BushDevineMacomberJenkinsMiddleton1958.jpg (Size: 136.49 KB / Downloads: 27)
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

Messages In This Thread
George H.W. Bush - long of the CIA and silver-spoon club - by Tom Scully - 04-07-2017, 11:38 AM

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