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Lack of continuity between Dallas & Chicago plots

On the contrary: There was nothing but "continuity" -- or connective tissue -- between the Chicago and Dallas theatrics.

I contend that the Chicago plot (in the literary as well as literal sense), including Vallee with his mind-blowing LHO parallels, the alleged Cuban rifle team, etc. was initiated by the real Dallas assassins for two main reasons:

-- Once the plot was foiled, all previous chatter about just such an attempt on JFK's life would be thought to refer to the Chicago hit and thus sent to the "No Further Cause for Alarm" file (JFK himself, shortly before he was whacked and after Chicago, reassured someone close to him that the Secret Service had "taken care of" the threat).

-- The Chicago plot was designed to foster what I like to refer to as "cognitive dissonance" among Dallas hit investigators -- official and otherwise. Thus we must understand that plot as one of many doppelgangers planted within the overall, all too real, JFK murder conspiracy.

The doppelganger phenomenon runs throughout not only the JFK hit, but other major deep political operations down through the ages.

Two (or more) LHOs, sets of JFK autopsy films and caskets, Z-films, brains, brain exams, false sponsors, LHO arrests ... etc. etc. etc.

The mind boggles -- and such is the intent.

Creation of mirror images remains the most efficient and damaging form of cover for deep political operations.

There are even two conflicting "official" US Government conclusions regarding the assassination -- LN and conspiracy -- as put forward by the WC and the HSCA, respectively.

The Chicago plot was not real ... and all too real.

Then there's the Tampa feint.

Certainly Gerry Hemming used the Tampa plot to sow disinformation -- and thus cognitive dissonance among observers and researchers and investigators of JFK's murder -- over the course of decades. I sat on Lancer's Hemming Panel (along with John Newman, Jerry Rose, and moderator/Hemming buddy Gordon Winslow) and was pleasantly surprised when Winslow cornered GPH on the latter's claim that he was guarding JFK at the Florida airport.

"You say you were just feet away from the president on the runway, but you're not in any of the photos," Gordo charged.

"Yeah, and you know why," answered Hemming uneasily.

(GPH, of course, described himself as a JFK assassination patsy -- or, an LHO doppelganger. And he claimed to have "shadowed" Oswald in Japan.)

Like the Chicago drama, the Tampa plot had multiple functions, including being thwarted to provide reason for honorable presidential protectors to relax, enhancing the false sponsorship LCN in general and Trafficante in particular, and otherwise sowing cognitive dissonance.

So neither Chicago nor Tampa was "bogus" in terms of being components of the uber-plot run by the Dallas assassins. But they were not designed to result in actual assassination attempts.

By the way, I can't think of a more relevant example of cognitive dissonance a la JFK, Myra, than your own very reasonable question: "What secondary objective would there have been with a 'right-wing radical' patsy?"

The assassins objective was and is to prompt just such a query.

Messages In This Thread
Lack of continuity between Dallas & Chicago plots - by Myra Bronstein - 30-09-2008, 04:56 AM
Lack of continuity between Dallas & Chicago plots - by Charles Drago - 30-09-2008, 01:46 PM
Lack of continuity between Dallas & Chicago plots - by Myra Bronstein - 01-10-2008, 02:34 AM
Lack of continuity between Dallas & Chicago plots - by Myra Bronstein - 03-10-2008, 09:30 PM
Lack of continuity between Dallas & Chicago plots - by Myra Bronstein - 04-10-2008, 01:58 AM

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