12-12-2009, 01:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2009, 02:00 AM by John Bevilaqua.)
Helen Reyes Wrote:Jan Klimkowski Wrote:As an aside, one of the key works (script and film) of the French artist, symbolist and initiate, Jean Cocteau, was The Eagle with Two Heads (French title L'aigle à deux têtes).
I believe the symbol really comes from the twin heads of the Roman Empire, Rome and Byzantium. Alexander the Great also separated his empire into an east and a west, which goes back to the older Greek war with Persia I suppose.
Quote:When you are able, in this thread or perhaps a new dedicated one, I would like to learn more of your research into why manufactured assassins, or patsies, bear the description of Candidates from Manchuria.
Doesn't that have to do with a Manchu assuming the Throne of Heaven under Japanese protection and becoming the undertaker for imperial China? Plus it's close to Korea but isn't Korea, so it works for fictionalization while the Korean conflict was underway...
Also very plausible. But read my response about Vonsiatsky's and de Mohrenschildts White Russian HQ in Harbin, Manchuria (Manchuoko) where he and his close fiends engaged in mind control, programming of Japanese Kamikaze pilots and programmed assassins which he sent on suicide missions into Russia directly from Harbin according to Prof. John Stephan in "The Russian Fascists." Plus Condon came up with the term and the title since his novel was all about the OSJ, Anastase Vonsiatsky (Lou Amjac), Wickliffe Draper and Eugenics and the use of Mind Control and assassination to accomplish their objectives of Regime Change. Condon also references about 10 previously identified members of SKOM and SMOM in fact present in this article taken from the OSJ site in fact. (Multiple undisclosed authors is my guess for the OSJ website article, David.)
The OSJ and the Military Affairs Committee of SKOM were very real, very dedicated and devoted and very, very dangerous and violent, too. They were ruthless murderers, violent psychotics and they specialized in Regime Change when the current ruler of any country showed any favoritism towards Communism or anti-Catholic or anti-Mother Church behavior. Both Willoughby, Morris, del Valle, Draper, Cline, Thurmond, Angleton, Revilo Oliver, and Corso showed obvious signs of mental derangement as well later in their lives which they managed to conceal for decades.
I will attempt to reconstruct my research on Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen suspects in the JFK hit, from his ManCand novel into one small article. But you will have to suspend disbelief for a while as this thesis is developed because some of it will strain your credulity to the max. Just trust me on this. Spartacus Education Forum has dozens of postings on this topic, but the obfuscators, the debillitators, the deflectors and the disinformation specialists on Spartacus choose to ignore most if not all of the MK/ULTRA or ManCand evidence in the JFK hit. Condon knew who was behind the 1958 attempt on the life of Senator JFK in California and he knew who was going to kill him sometime in the future after that failed.
Helen, what is your major line of research into the JFK hit?