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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds
Helen Reyes Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:And the roles of Nazi Rocket Scientists at NASA on the Kennedy Space Mission and at Bell Helicopter have been well documented by several others
Paperclip, of course, but it doesn't go all the way to explain the Payne connection.

Quote:Here is another really strange irony which first attracted me to the OSJ about 10-15 years ago:

The official extended title of the organization is:

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of (The Island of) Rhodes and of (The Island of) Malta,

My name is John and I am now from Rhode Island and I was raised by a father who taught at several military academies. He was the personal Spanish tutor to "Wild Bill" Donovan of the "Georgetown Set" and he had to receive a "Secret" or maybe even "Top Secret" clearance in order to do this. My mother was involved in law enforcement and police intelligence work and she is a devout Roman Catholic and I once worked on a project for the Sovereign Bank of New England. Strange huh?

Thank you for your comments.

Really strange. I noticed something strange too: if you write OSJ in Latin, it would be OSI, wouldn't it? Naval intelligence or something...heheh

More on the Paines, their Unitarian right wing connections, Albert Schweitzer College with Oswald and the Arrogance of the Boston Brahmins... My latest theme expands on this holier than thou Boston Brahmin, pseudo Eugenics attitude.

Helen, just paste this stuff on the bathroom wall or in your shower stall or inside your car's windshield and read this while otherwise gainfully entertained. <grin> The final is next Friday.

The Arrogance of Blue Bloods, Unitarians and Eugenicists...

Here is a great book that focuses on many issues I first surfaced
before 2000 about The Pioneer Fund, Draper's Unitarian associates, Frederick Osborne, The Paines, and Allen Dulles. Albert Schweitzer College figures very intricately into his thesis.

Did you know that Robert Welch was a Unitarian and some of Draper's
Carolina cohorts as well like Harry Weyher and some of the members of
the Board of Directors of The Pioneer Fund?

The book could be called The Unitarian Connection... We are better
than everyone.

Our blood is so pure we stockpile red blood cells and our own plasma
so we do not have to get transfusions from strangers and those who
come from the shallow end of the gene pool.

Short Summary of A Certain Arrogance

By George Michael Evica Posted: September 15, 2006

A Certain Arrogance: U.S. Intelligence's manipulation of Religious
Groups and Individuals in Two World Wars and the Cold War-and the
Sacrificing of Lee Harvey Oswald by George Michael Evica. Now
available from XLIBRIS, Amazon, Last Hurrah Bookshop, and others.
A Certain Arrogance is based on six years of research and writing and
tens of thousands of never-before-examined documents archived at
Harvard Divinity School, Andover-Harvard Theological Library,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; at the Unitarian/Universalist Service
Committee offices in Cambridge; and in Boston at the
Unitarian/Universalist Association headquarters.

American intelligence, led by Allen Dulles, manipulated major
religious groups through two World Wars and the "Cold War." In
Switzerland, Liberal Protestantism created Albert Schweitzer College,
supported in the United States by the Unitarian Church, the Unitarian
Service Committee, and the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer
College, dominated by elite Unitarians with U.S. intelligence ties.
American intelligence apparently used Albert Schweitzer College in
cooperation with assets of the Office of Strategic Services and the
CIA, key policy?makers for Albert Schweitzer College. In 1959, Lee
Harvey Oswald, exhibiting extremely suspicious intelligence signals,
registered for Albert Schweitzer College; four years later, Oswald was
framed for JFK's murder, and the truth about the Swiss college was,
until now, suppressed.

Assisted by the support of a community of religious individuals and
groups, the author of A Certain Arrogance establishes that Lee Harvey
Oswald, a reputed defector to the Soviet Union, was apparently
supplied by U.S. intelligence with official but deliberately faulty
military and travel documents in order to apply to Albert Schweitzer
College. That application linked him directly to a powerful group of
American Unitarians, key assets of the Office of Strategic Services
and then the CIA, first in the fight against Nazi Germany and later in
the struggle against international Communism.

Among those elite Unitarians was Percival Flack Brundage, champion of
economic and covert actions of the U.S. war machine when he held
important leadership positions in the Bureau of the Budget, as
president of the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, and as
a key member of the U.S. intelligence fraternity that ran
psychological warfare and critical covert operations. Both Allen
Dulles and John Foster Dulles were important actors in that dark spy

Lee Harvey Oswald, obviously the product of a U.S. intelligence False
Identity/"Illegals" program, was ultimately patsied on November 11,
1963 in the JFK murder

George Michael Evica's
"A Certain Arrogance"

A Book Review
by Robert D. Morningstar
November 22, 2006

Oh, how terrible and barbarous are those Islamic Fundamentalists! How
devious and demonic appear those Mullahs and Ayatollahs shown to us on
CNN and Fox News each day and night, manipulating and perverting the
religious teachings of a "religion of peace" to indoctrinate young
minds towards self-destruction, suicide bombing and terrorism. How
perverse of them it is to use religion as an excuse to attain
political and military objectives. And, Oh, how much more moral are we
than they! We, the self-righteous, morally and ethically "superior"
Westerners who eschew such debased use of religious dogma as
propaganda and mass mind-control tactics in the indoctrination of our
own citizens.

"Not so!" might say Professor George Michael Evica, an outstanding and
well-respected expert of JFK Assassination and US Intelligence
History, through his riveting new book, entitled "A Certain
Arrogance." In "A Certain Arrogance" (Iron Sights Press, 2006),
Professor Evica reveals the history of the recruitment and
indoctrination of US intelligence assets (spies/assassins) for OSS and
CIA beginning during World War II when, through the work of OSS
members Wild Bill Donovan and Allan Dulles, religious institutions,
particularly, the Unitarian Church and the Quaker movement, were used
as "fronts" in the selection and culling of candidates for espionage
and special operations by America's intelligences services, OSS and
CIA, domestically and abroad.

From OSS World War II operations in Switzerland to the Congo of the
1950s and 1960s to Patrice Lamumba University in Moscow, Evica takes
the reader on a meticulously documented tour of international
intrigues involved in the training of intelligence operatives through
their education and indoctrination at various institutions run by
religious organizations. Foremost among these in American intelligence
gathering and special operations were the Unitarian Church and the
Quakers. However, Evica shows us that these are not the same Quakers
we think of when we remember the warmth and quiet courage of Gary
Cooper and "Friendly Persuasion."

Professor Evica begins his chronicle of covert operations with the
recruitment, education and indoctrination of Lee Harvey Oswald as
began his peregrinations in 1958-59 toward his defection to Russia by
passing through Switzerland's Albert Schweitzer College, where the CIA
and FBI maintained contacts and operatives.

Evica chronicles the historic role of the Rockefeller clan in funding
"missionary activities throughout the world" for intelligence
gathering and suppression of undesirable activist social movements
beginning in the early 188o's to gather intelligence information in
order to quash American Indian activities in the West. Evica states:

"As early as 1883, the Rockefellers had 'used [Christian] missionaries
to gather intelligence about [Native American] insurgencies in the
West or to discourage them.' In the United States and later throughout
Central and South America, Family Rockefeller power was linked to
Christian missionary work."

The Rockefeller method of using Christian military activities in
conjunction with financial power proved to be so successful in
consolidating the Rockefeller Empire in the Americas that it was then
employed in the Far East, in China, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan. By
1957, the Rockefellers had enlisted American Fundamentalist Revivalism
as a national power base and put their support behind the evangelist,
Billy Graham.

Evica's book takes the reader back and forth across continents and
oceans both to the Far East, Korea and Nationalist Taiwan, and to
Europe, but always after short side trips, Evica returns the travels
of Lee Harvey Oswald as he made his way inevitably to Dallas, Texas
and the site of the JFK Assassination.

Ruth and Michael Paine
A Quaker & A Unitarian
Lee Oswald's Dallas "Handlers"

Throughout his meandering journey, Oswald repeated encounters
operatives of Unitarian, Quaker and Southern Baptist Fundamentalist
missionary activities. For example, Oswald's "friends" and hosts in
Dallas, Michael and Ruth Paine, who took Marina Oswald under her wing,
were associated with both the Unitarian and the Quaker missionary
movements. Evica suggests (as this writer has often asserted) that
Michael Paine, "a physical Oswald double," may have acted in that
capacity to bring attention in a negative way to Oswald's activities
by setting up "political confrontations" at Southern Methodist
University on Sundays after attending as "a communicant at a 'nearby'
Unitarian Church."

The religious intrigues surrounding the life and death of Lee Harvey
Oswald, as detailed and documented by Evica in this masterful work,
shed a disturbing light on the events in Dallas on November 22, 1963
and suggest an almost direct link to current history-altering and
world-shaping national and international events in which our nation is
today engaged (although "embroiled" may be a more appropriate term).

The importance of this work is self-evident and shows that the JFK
Assassination is as important today as on the day it happened, exactly
43 years ago today (I chose to compose on this day intentionally for
this reason). George Michael Evica's close friend and research
associate for many years, Charles Drago, writes in his eloquent
introduction to "A Certain Arrogance":

"A Certain Arrogance stands as Professor Evica's response to the
unavoidable question: How do we define and effect justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas? Clearly he understands that, at this late date, being content merely to identify and, if possible, prosecute the conspiracy's facilitators and mechanics would amount to hollow acts of vengeance. Cleaning and closing the wound while leaving the disease to spread is simply not an option." Mr. Drago goes on to make analogy between the JFK Assassination and a cancer that continues to spread through our
government and contaminates and taints our history.

From this short and eloquent diagnosis, current events clearly demonstrate that "the cancer" which infected government policy and national politics that day in Dallas, November 22nd, 1963 still persists, continues to grow in virulence and has created an all too patient but sick nation. The question remains "What is the remedy that will rid us of the cancer but not kill the patient?" This reviewer's response is:

The remedy that will heal the nation and stop the cancer from spreading any farther is achieving "Justice for JFK."

I recommend "A Certain Arrogance" to all those good citizens who are
interested in recovering our national security from the Machiavellian
manipulation of misguided patriot actors and religious fanatics who at
the core are not dissimilar in credo, strategy and tactics from those
same terrorists from whom they pretend to defend us.

Written By
S.R. Shearer

The Pioneer Fund was established as a charitable trust on February 27,
1937 in New York City. Harry H. Laughlin, Frederick Osborn and textile
magnate Wickliffe Draper were the principle founders.[1] The Fund's
stated purpose was to "improve the character of the American people"
by encouraging the procreation of descendants of "white persons" and
to provide aid in conducting research on "race betterment with special
reference to the people of the United States."[2] The current
president of the Pioneer Fund is a shadowy figure named Harry F.
Weyher, a financier and corporate lawyer who eschews interviews and
runs the Fund without pay or staff from his offices in New York; he is
assisted in his work by four other "Trustees" - one of whom has been
Tom Ellis, a close associate of Pat Robertson and Tim LaHaye in the
Council on National Policy (CNP), the principle coordinating agency in
bringing together various members of the religious right with the
business right and the political right. All serve without pay and

The Pioneer Fund has assets of about $5-million and gives away most of
its $1-million in annual income to a dozen or more scholars from
Northern Ireland to California who study IQ and genetics. The Pioneer
Fund supported a significant portion of the research cited in the
recent best-selling book on race and intelligence, The Bell Curve, by
Richard J. Herrnstein, a Harvard University psychologist who died in
September 1994, and Charles Murray, a political scientist at the
American Enterprise Institute. In the billion dollar world of
philanthropy, the money doled out by the Pioneer Fund may seem paltry.
But the numbers don't tell the real story of the Fund's influence.
"The Pioneer Fund has been able to direct its resources like a
laser-beam," says one critic, Barry Mehler, a historian at Ferris
State University who has been gathering information on it since the
1970s. "I credit the Fund for being a major factor in the present
resurgence of the biological-determinism movement - a factor that is
far out of proportion to the amount of funds it has."[3]

Whether people revere or revile the Fund, most say it has stretched
relatively few dollars a long way. "It suggests to me that as long as
you focus on your mission, you can make an impact," says Dwight
Burlingame, director of academic programs and research at Indiana
University's Center on Philanthropy. "A lot of small foundations
search for this kind of niche, where they can try to create an
identity (and an impact)."[4] Mr. Weyher says his strategy has been to
do just that. He chooses from the 30 applications he receives each
year those projects that are "too much of a hot potato" to get money

All of the men connected to the establishment of the Fund were
admirers of Adolf Hitler. They believed unequivocally in white
superiority and held that it (i.e., white supremacy) derived from "the
evolutionary process." They were motivated to establish the Fund by
what they considered to be the overwhelming "success" of the Nazi
eugenics policy[6] - a startling defamation, but one which is easily
documented. Take Harry Laughlin, the Fund's most energetic early
personality, for example: in May 1936, Dr. Carl Schneider, a professor
of "racial hygiene" at the University of Heidelberg and dean of the
school's faculty of medicine (and who, incidentally, also served as a
"scientific adviser" for the extermination of handicapped people in
Germany) offered Laughlin an honorary degree of "Doctor of Medicine."
Laughlin was deeply moved; he enthusiastically replied, "I stand ready
to accept this very high honor. Its bestowal will give me particular
gratification ... To me this honor will be ... valued because it comes
from a nation which for many centuries nurtured the human seed stock
which later founded my own country and thus gave basic character to
our present lives and institutions."[7]

The lives of all the men connected to the founding of the Pioneer Fund
exhibit the same Nazi-like attachments and affinities - and this
despite the fact that most of them attempted to distance themselves
publicly from National Socialism as an outright political ideology.
Indeed, despite their inner ebullience towards Hitler, the men
connected to the Fund were conscious of the need NOT to appear too
slavishly devoted to fascism as a political philosophy. Madison Grant,
author of The Great Race and an admirer of the work of the Fund -
warned Laughlin to this effect in 1937; he wrote a letter to Laughlin
cautioning him against becoming too closely identified with the Nazis;
he advised Laughlin that, although "most people of our type" are in
sympathy with Germany's actions, eugenicists had to "proceed
cautiously in endorsing them"[8] - hence the need to occasionally
condemn anti-Semitism and overt racism as such, if only to keep the
Jews and other minorities at bay. The dissembling apparent here has
been all too much a part of the history of the Pioneer Fund, and
continues unabated, even today, as - for example - the manner in which
the Fund has attempted to hide its connection to the passage of
Proposition 187 in California (see below); but insofar as the Nazi
eugenics policy itself was concerned, all of the men connected early
on to the Fund would have had little difficulty in agreeing with their
colleague Frederick Osborn when he said that the Nazi eugenics program
was the "most important experiment which has ever been tried (in the
history of the world)."[9]

Since the end of World War II eugenicists connected to the Fund have
tried to separate themselves from the legacy of the Holocaust and the
ideology of Nordic superiority by eliminating references to "ethnic
racism" in their official pronouncements and from the agendas of their
various "learned" societies. For example, in 1954, The British Annals
of Eugenics was renamed The Annals of Human Genetics; in 1969, The
Eugenics Quarterly, the successor of The Eugenics News, was renamed
The Journal of Social Biology. Moreover, eugenicists dropped the term
"eugenicist" in describing themselves and began referring to
themselves as "population scientists," "human geneticists,"
"psychiatrists," "sociologists," "anthropologists," and "family
politicians" - all in an attempt to distance themselves and their work
from its hideous outcome in World War II and the Holocaust. To this
end, even the Fund dropped all references to "whites" and the "white
race" from its charter - and it's worked: these moves have helped the
Fund regain acceptance in the scientific community. Today the Pioneer
Fund has regained its foothold in academia, financing projects
connected to Harvard, Yale, the University of Delaware, the University
of California at Berkeley, etc.[10] - and the same subterfuge insofar
as what the Fund is really all about continues without any apparent
letup. Take, for example, the manner in which the Fund has sought to
hide its connection to Proposition 187 (California's 1994
anti-immigrant initiative). Opponents of Prop. 187 charged early on
that the initiative was being partially underwritten by the Pioneer
Fund. "Not so!" replied proponents of the measure - and, strictly
speaking, they were right. There has been no direct connection between
the Fund and Prop. 187. But the indirect connection has been extensive
and pervasive. The examples are almost too numerous to mention; take
just one: Alan Nelson. Nelson is one of the authors of Prop. 187 and
was a driving force behind the measure. During the almost two-year
"lead-up" to passage of the measure, Nelson was occupied almost
full-time on work connected to the initiative. The question is, who
paid him during this time? - an organization calling itself FAIR
(Federation for American Immigration Reform). And where did FAIR get
its income? - from the Pioneer Fund![11] To say under such
circumstances, then, that the Pioneer Fund did not help bankroll Prop.
187 is disingenuous at best, and somewhat deceitful at worst. It's
precisely this kind of dissembling and duplicity that contributes so
greatly to the murky and even sinister aura which surrounds the
activities of the Fund.

German historian and sociologist Stephen Kuhl, author of The Nazi
Connection, cautions people of good-will in the United States to stay
clear of those who are connected to the Fund. He warns that the
failure of the German people - especially German Christians - to
disassociate themselves early on from people and institutions
connected directly or even indirectly to "race-science," so-called,
helped pave the way to the crematoria of Hitler's Death Camps. He
cautions that the Pioneer Fund is "a Fund that was founded by
supporters of Hitler's policies against ethnic minorities and
handicapped people and that provided money for introducing Nazi
propaganda into the United States; it still sponsors research (and
projects) that have striking similarities to the work that provided
the scientific basis for Nazi measures."[12] Benno Muller-Hill, author
of Murderous Science: Crimes against Germany's Ethnic Minorities,
echoes Kuhl; Muller-Hill writes that the Death Camps of Hitler's
Germany were not the result of a crazed minority of empty-headed
bumpkins, but rather "the result of the work of leading scholars of
international repute ... Nazi racial policies were the work of trained
scholars, not ignorant fanatics" - it was a science gone mad.

Written By S. R. Shearer
Antipas Ministries

Other founders included Malcolm Donald, and Vincent R. Smalley.
Certificate of the Pioneer Fund, February 27, 1937, signed by Harry H.
Laughlin, Frederick Osborn, Wickliffe Draper, Malcolm Donald, and
Vincent R. Smalley. Laughlin Papers, Missouri State University,
Please see Joye Mercer, "A Fascination With Genes: Pioneer Fund is at
center of debate over research on race and intelligence" in The
Journal of Higher Education, December 7, 1994, pg. 28.
Ibid., pg. 28.
Ibid., pg. 28.
See Harriet A. Washington, "Vital Signs," in Emerge, Jan. 31, 1995, pg., 22.
Schneider to Laughlin, May 16, 1936 and Laughlin to Schneider, May 28,
1936, Laughlin Papers.
Stephen Kuhl, The Nazi Connection, Eugenics, American Racism, and
German National Socialism, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994),
pg. 74.
Frederick Osborn, "Summary of the Proceedings of the Conference on
Eugenics in Relation to Nursing," February 24, 1937, American Eugenics
Society Papers: Conference on Eugenics in Relation to Nursing.
Please see Mohinder Mann and Annie Dandavati, "The Anti-Immigrant
Initiative" in India Currents, October 31, 1994, pg. 7.
Samuel R. Cacas, "Hearing Draws Differing Perspectives on
Immigration's Impact on Jobs in California" in Asian Week, October 15,
1994, pg. 1
Op. Cit., Stephen Kuhl, pg. 106.

This guy S. R. Shearer was way late on the Draper Pioneer Fund links. I was the internet originator of this theme in maybe 1992-1993 and he just picked up on it and ran with it. But he has good intentions, just bad manners regarding attribution. And he needs the website clicks.

Messages In This Thread
At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - by John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009, 07:00 PM

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